RSVPed but now...


Well-Known Member
I may not be able to attend my cousin's wedding...this Friday :perplexed What is the proper etiquette in this situation? Im having car problems and her wedding in a different city. I hate to be so last minute but I also didn't expect my car to start acting up right now. :whyme: So going to her wedding would kind of set me back financially being that I need to get my car fixed to get to and from work (to actually pay my bills).
Can you ride with someone else? You check hotwire or enterprise rental for the 9.99 weekend rates..... If you check with your credit card company they may cover insurance or even you regular insurance for car coverage. I got a car Friday to Monday for 55.00 including the bells and whistles.

If you don't go, you can contact her asap because she maybe able to cancel your meals. And then send a nice gift and card.
Yeah I can't ride with anyone else because my family all live in that city and I really don't have the means to rent a car right now. I just moved 2 weeks ago, so Im really penny pinching already.
Can you take public transportation, stay with a relative in town and ride with them? I mean if you really really really wanna go that is. If not just call her to let her know what happened and maybe she can give your spot to someone that didn't RSVP in time. Good luck.
How far away are you? Mega Bus has great cheap fares and clean buses. Even Greyhound may be an option.

If however you can't make it, please call her NOW so she has some time to cover your plate.
I made it to the wedding by the grace of God but I should've stayed home LOL I do have to say getting there was disaster and costly on my end. This was not a cost per plate type of wedding, which is one of the reasons I was trying to attend other than being rude. Lesson learned thx for your advice ladies.