Rollersetting diaster


New Member
So I broke down and bought Macherie's rollersetting DVD and was excited to finally learn how to start styling my hair (one of my resolutions for 08). Like a good student, I watched the DVD a few times, went out and got some the of materials I needed and decided to get down to it yesterday.

I clarified with Nexxus, which I have decided I HATE, it left my hair so stripped and a hot tangled mess, even after I spent a good 10 minutes detangling my dry hair. I followed with some Keracare for dry and itchy scalp which I LOVE, that tingle is no joke. DC'ed with some Aphogee 2 min for about 15 minutes which I also now LOVE (especially the smell)!! Got back in the shower rinsed it out and finished with my new fav VS So Sexy:lick::lick: which finally worked out all the rest of my tangles, or so I thought. So I was all set to start.....

I popped the DVD back in the player and followed along. My first problem came when I started to part the hair. Ubber, ubber tangles in my NG (6 weeks post), but still I fought through and thought I had the parts together. My first roller and I realized I had bought the wrong clips, mine didn't slide all the way in and so they were sticking out; the part was too big so there was hair at the roots sticking out on the sides of the roller:nono:. Tried to do the second part and the real problems began, I had clipped the clips on that hair, while trying to roll it, I kept bumping into the front roller, my hair began to dry and the more it dried, the more it tangled. After starting over, losing more hair and still ending up where I started, I finally gave up:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I guess it was a bad idea to try and rollerset for the first time 6 weeks into my stretch with about 1+ inches of growth. So ladies, up to how many weeks post do you continue to rollerset. Is there something I am missing, or is rollersetting just not for me?

BTW: This is NOT a reflection of Macherie's DVD b/c she does more than an excellent job of explaining/demonstrating. This is a br0wney3z problem
Sorry to hear that you had such a hard time. :perplexed I also bought her video which is awesome. :grin: I actually already new how to rollerset but the dvd just gave me some additional help. I am 4 months post relaxer and have almost 4 inches on NG and I still rollerset. One thing that i find helped a lot is the spray bottle. You MUST saturate each section before rolling. That helped me dramatically. Also getting the right slide in clips will make a difference. Make sure you pull your NG taut. I still haven't mastered this yet but i am still trying lol. Well ladies any other suggestions? Don't give up, practice makes perfect. HTH
Hmmm...I'm thinking you didn't use enough moisture in your reggie after clarifying the hair. I would have used nothing but moisturizing products, and maybe a leave in? Where was that? You could also try using two clips per roller if they're too short. One on each side of the roller to hold them down. Good luck next time! You can do a successful rollerset as far post as you want...its about using slippy products to help get through the jungle :look:
One thing that i find helped a lot is the spray bottle. You MUST saturate each section before rolling. That helped me dramatically.

Co-signing with having a spray bottle--it is a must. I am 8 weeks post and really loving the Keracare hydrating and DC with Humecto in the tub gave my hair the most slip. I also like Kenra's grapefruit clarifying shampoo--it is really gentle and not stripping.

Don't give up, girl!
I'm 16-weeks post and I LOVED the video and my results. I got the best , longest lasting, rollerset ever! But like you myhair HATES being clarified so I just don't do it. In fact, my hair hates any kind of shampoo. :ohwell:

Oil rinses (esp with castor oil in the oil mix) help me a lot to get that smooth tangle-free stage back.
This is great. My wonderful, loving (and crazy about long hair) SO brought me this DVD and I am going to try to rollerset with her technique tonight. :look: I am afraid I didnt buy enough slide in clips (I got 40). Is that enough?
Thanks ladies, I did use a moisturizing leave-in and had a spray bottle, but it got really messy b/c the spray wasn't really a mist, but more of like a single shot if you know what I mean. And the more I tried to 'pick' out the tangles with the rattail, the more hair (shedding hair) seemed to fall out. I think what messed me up was the parting that I got all wrong, and b/c the hair seemed like it started to mat, I got scared and frustrated. I think I'll do a co-wash tomorrow and try again when I have more time (thanks the upcoming snow storm) and energy. I'm excited b/c I really want this to work.

Any ideas as to where I can get the kind of clips that slide all the way into the hair? I bought the ones I have now from Sally's but they didn't seem to have any other type.
You probably can get those clips from your local bss. But like someone said, don't give up. Practice makes perfect, i can rollerset my hair anywhere from 1-12weeks post. Have practice! HTH.