who's TERRIBLE at rollersetting??

I am so bad at rollersetting. I haven't gotten the DVD yet but I've practiced and I'm horrible at it.

But I can dry flexi rod set like a ****.

I am going to get the DVD as a reward for myself when I reach full SL and give it another try.
I will try my best on rollerset I do tomorrow. Does anyone want to join me???

I didn't mean to hijack this thread.
Hey everyone! I did a decent rollerset, but I got so much breakage. I don't think I can continue to do it. My nape turned out really straight. Straight than with flat iron. I'll post pics in another thread later on. I just wanted to tell y'all. :grin:
I'm going to try rollersetting in a few days.

First thing I'm going to do is watch Macherieamour's DVD again and take written notes this time:lol:

I also found another rollersetting chart by someone else (just a different way to put the rollers on your head).
I'm going to use that along with MCA's tips and see how it goes and how long it takes me.

See, I can get a decent-feeling rollerset, just that it takes me a billion years to put the rollers in!
I'll take and post pix once I do it.
I'm a 4b and I believe anyone can learn to do a rollerset. It just takes practice. :)

Do you have the link to Sylver2's tutorial ? I hate how long it takes and then I still have to flat iron the roots so I don't do it much. Only if I have a whole day to myself.
It's takes time and patience. I've been doing my sets for years now and it gets better with time. I too have Macherie's DVD and have learned a few neat tricks and methods but b 4 her DVD I always used the snap on magnetic rollers and they work perfectly. I've tried for the last month perfecting the magnetic rollers with the clips - it's hard to place them in the right spot and taking them out - can be trickly with fear of break hair off in the process. I think I might go back to the snap on ones because my sets come out really good - in fact that's what you see in my fotki. I know people don't like to see the indentations with the snap ons but you could use both. Use the clips up front and snap ons in the back. Also I know some prefer the mohawk method - but in all actualality (sp?) it really doesn't matter which way your roll the hair - it will still come out the same at least for me anyway. If you like for your hair to be curly then snap ons all the way - you just pull the curls out with your fingers and be on your way - but if you prefer straight hair then the clips might be the answer for you.
I am teaching my 13yr. old to rollerset and we are using snap on rollers. I have been setting my own hair for years and they are all I use....I have them in different sizes. I can do clips, mesh w/pins but I prefer snap covers. It is so much faster to me and it's easier to learn how to rollerset your own hair using them. I also do not worry about parting straight. Just make sure you do not have too much hair on the roller. I always section my hair from ear to ear, roll the front( one section in the middle, then the two sides) then roll the back. I have found in teaching my daughter that it is also easier learning how to rollerset if you use setting lotion or foam. She is coming along OK....hopefully she can take over my rollersetting duties real soon :laugh:
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I am quite sure I am the worst at rollersetting. NO LIE! :wallbash: I have tried and tried and tried. I have tried pretty much all types of rollers. I have tried wet setting and I also bought Caruso's to try dry setting. No luck at all. My ends always look crazy and I have even tried using end papers. My hair looks crazy all over...puffy, poofy, and crazy. :nono:
I am not giving up yet, just taking a break.

My hair is shoulder length and is in layers so it makes it difficult for me to rollerset since the hair is at all different lengths. I am going to try and wait for some of the layers to grow out and try again.

So, I can't give any advice to anyone, however I would like to offer words of encouragement. Just remember there is always someone out there (me!) that is worse than you!
lol, i am so horrible at roller setting. my parts are all off. I usually just wait until i'm heading to the salon to get one done.
I suck at rollersetting ... but that's only because I don't do it that often. My mission is to practice more so that I may improve.
*raises hand* I can't rollerset to save my life. Honestly, I don't think that I have the patience to rollerset. I'd rather just do a wrap set and flat iron.