Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

Hey everybody!!! I'm new to LHCF so any help that anyone can give me when it comes to reaching any goals and learning all about LHCF would be greatly appreciated! Right now my hair lightly rests on my shouders and I'm 8 weeks post and I'm struggling to find things to do with my hair can anyone help???!!!!:feedback:
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I am currently on a 9 month stretch. I am approaching 5 months. I can't wait to relax and see my progress.

I am using sew-ins, kinky twist and whatever else I can think of. I can't bun because I don't look good with a bun.:nono:Maybe if my hair was longer.
3 more days!!!!!! Funny how all the sudden my scalp wants to start itching the closer I get to relax day. I have 2more days to deal w/ this puffy, jungle looking head and I will be free at last :grin:

I will update in my fotki and post a thread about the new Mizani system! Good luck to all the ladies who are stretching. Because I really want brastrap and beyond by summer of next year(Im in two weddings) I will more than likely be stretching again from Aug-Dec/Jan and from Dec/Jan to June: It wasnt that bad this time around still on the search for a good detangler....

Wish me luck!!!!
Welcome the LHCF!!! I know it gets hard the longer you go w/o a relaxer and when your hair is SL (been there) during that time I wore my hair up in a bun, braidouts, and attempted twist outs. The main thing is keeping your hair off of your clothes and less manipulation as possible.

Hey everybody!!! I'm new to LHCF so any help that anyone can give me when it comes to reaching any goals and learning all about LHCF would be greatly appreciated! Right now my hair lightly rests on my shouders and I'm 8 weeks post and I'm struggling to find things to do with my hair can anyone help???!!!!:feedback:
^^^Good luck Bablou00!

Anyhow, I'm planning to stretch until December :violin:. I'm currently 4 weeks post and will be 5 weeks post at the end of this week. I need to give my hair a break because if I don't I will back to shoulder. I'm soo tempted to cut:rolleyes: and get rid of the remainder of my splits. However, I want to achieve maximum growth before I relax and cut. I'm going to do the crown and glory regimen and put in some braids but I can't have blunt ends doing C&G. Oh well. As long as I keep my hair moisturized I'll be fine. I'm getting my braids put in next week so we'll see how it goes.
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3 more days!!!!!! Funny how all the sudden my scalp wants to start itching the closer I get to relax day. I have 2more days to deal w/ this puffy, jungle looking head and I will be free at last :grin:

I will update in my fotki and post a thread about the new Mizani system! Good luck to all the ladies who are stretching. Because I really want brastrap and beyond by summer of next year(Im in two weddings) I will more than likely be stretching again from Aug-Dec/Jan and from Dec/Jan to June: It wasnt that bad this time around still on the search for a good detangler....

Wish me luck!!!!

Congrats on your 5 month stretch! Did you do it with just rollrsets? I can't wait to see the results.
I'm 9 wks post with 4wks to go. I will relax at 13wks this time because I'm going on a cruise. I want straight hair so that I can just pull it back and be done. I must say, so far this stretch has been fine. My last stretch I was aiming for 16wks but made it to 14wks. That was rough.
I'm 4 months post. Not sure how long I'm going for..maybe 6?

What works for me is low maintenance styles. I either do a bun or flexi rod set. I flat iron my roots only on my flexi set.

Avocado butter works really well for the new growth and length of hair. You really don't need a whole lot either.

Also ampro curl wax mixed with ampro clear gel lays my edges down flat:yep:

I've never tried the curl wax. I'm gonna give that a shot. :yep: Thanks for the tip.
3 more days!!!!!! Funny how all the sudden my scalp wants to start itching the closer I get to relax day.
I thought it was only me that this happened to!! My hair rarely itches but when it's time for a relaxer it starts feeling itchy. Can't wait for the progress pics.

I'm at 10 weeks post--going for 13. I would go longer but I'm getting a relaxer before I go to school. At this point, my NG is still pretty tame and easy to manage even without S-Curl. I've been setting my hair on rods on wash day and leaving the hair alone until next wash day which has been going pretty well.
Hello! Can I join you all? I am currently aiming to stretch until December, for about a 24 week stretch. I am 11 weeks post relaxer, and thanks to BT, have a bunch of new growth. I have always gone at least 3 months between relaxers (mostly due to laziness), but after all I have learned on the forum, the stretch is now much easier.

The hardest part for me is resisting the urge to relax, although I am not missing my straight hair as much this time around. I pretty much live in protective styles, although I do like to do flexirod sets and braidouts/twistouts for variety. I am also in the HYH til Christmas challenge, so I can't wear it out straight anyhow.

I saw that someone mentioned coconut milk for the new growth - where can I find this? Does it just go straight on the ng, or does it need to be mixed with something?

Anyhow, best wishes to you all as we plod through these stretches, and happy hair growing!
Hello! Can I join you all? I am currently aiming to stretch until December, for about a 24 week stretch. I am 11 weeks post relaxer, and thanks to BT, have a bunch of new growth. I have always gone at least 3 months between relaxers (mostly due to laziness), but after all I have learned on the forum, the stretch is now much easier.

The hardest part for me is resisting the urge to relax, although I am not missing my straight hair as much this time around. I pretty much live in protective styles, although I do like to do flexirod sets and braidouts/twistouts for variety. I am also in the HYH til Christmas challenge, so I can't wear it out straight anyhow.

I saw that someone mentioned coconut milk for the new growth - where can I find this? Does it just go straight on the ng, or does it need to be mixed with something?

Anyhow, best wishes to you all as we plod through these stretches, and happy hair growing!

Well, the coconut milk can be found at just about any grocery store. I am partial to the "Thai Kitchen" brand. Some people mix it. There are actually lime and coconut milk recipes floating around this board. I have tried them, but I think my results were just as good as using the milk alone.

They come in very useful when you get to the point when you feel you can't stretch anymore!:lachen:
Welcome the LHCF!!! I know it gets hard the longer you go w/o a relaxer and when your hair is SL (been there) during that time I wore my hair up in a bun, braidouts, and attempted twist outs. The main thing is keeping your hair off of your clothes and less manipulation as possible.

Thanks for the welcome! And congrats with your 5 1/2 month strecth hopefully I can get there also! And thanks for the feedback, I think that "I might get kinky twists for about two months.
Well, the coconut milk can be found at just about any grocery store. I am partial to the "Thai Kitchen" brand. Some people mix it. There are actually lime and coconut milk recipes floating around this board. I have tried them, but I think my results were just as good as using the milk alone.

They come in very useful when you get to the point when you feel you can't stretch anymore!:lachen:

Thanks for the info. I'm gonna have to take a trip to the store. It isn't so bad right now, but it's pretty thick up in there, and I know it will only get worse.
I am eight weeks into my stretching phase. I am going to get kinky twists within the next two weeks. I am so tempted to relax this new growth.
Thanks it seems like it was for ever ago when I last relaxed. I stretched mostly w/ rollersets but since i work out I was washing a lot more so I would put my hair in a bun and were a scarf to cover up the NG. I was looking rough at times but oh well its my head. I flat ironed a totally of two times (my whole head) and flat ironed my roots (just in the front) maybe once each month. It was hard but I would do it again. I cant wait to update tomorrow after I relax.....:spinning:

Congrats on your 5 month stretch! Did you do it with just rollrsets? I can't wait to see the results.
:wavey: Hey everyone. I am trying to stretch until maybe September/October. I can usually go at least 7 months before I give in. Right now I am stretching by wrapping my hair at night, or wearing it washed and in a bun for 3 week stretches. If I make it to October it will be 10 months. Oh yeah and my Sedu iron has been great too!
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I would love to join. I am currently on 4 weeks post, but I usually go for 12 wks at a time before I get a relaxer. I am thinking of trying 6 months to acheive maximum growth and length.
i did i seven month strecth from mid dec 2006-june 2007, which has put me just above bra-strap at my last relaxer in june. i plan on an 6-8 month strecth, to reach waistlength, wish me luck. eight weeks after my relaxer, i wear braids on and off for six months, i follow my own modified version of c and g method. I use my own products to stimulate groweth and retain length so far so good.
Friday I will be 10wks post and trying to go 14 or 15wks :blush:.. I'll see how this play out b/c my longest stretch is 12wks and then I begin to see extra shedding and a little breakage.. We'll see how things go.....

APL here I come :grin:
I'm in two but i don't know if you would consider my stretch a lot. I will not go any longer than 12 weeks. Too much breakage and it defeats the purpose for me. Last time I went from 6 weeks to 9. now I'm shooting between 10-12.
I know that the coconut milk has helped me a lot with my stretching, but do you ladies have any other tips to help you stretch? Another great product for me is Nexxus Emergencee. It does wonders for my hair, especially when I am stretching. My hair likes it a lot better than Aphogee.
I know that the coconut milk has helped me a lot with my stretching, but do you ladies have any other tips to help you stretch? Another great product for me is Nexxus Emergencee. It does wonders for my hair, especially when I am stretching. My hair likes it a lot better than Aphogee.

I also use honey, evoo, and a condish along with the coconut milk.
Recently I purchased Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner, which is great on the new growth. It is officially my new co-wash condish.
Hello everybody I relaxed three weeks ago and I plan to stretch until right before Christmas(about 6 months). My last stretch was 10 months. I was actually transitioning. I dont think six months will be hard and if my hair is behaving I will try to go longer.
I also use honey, evoo, and a condish along with the coconut milk.
Recently I purchased Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner, which is great on the new growth. It is officially my new co-wash condish.

Hmmmm, this sounds interesting. Do you have a specific recipe for each of the ingredients? Does the coconut milk still have the same loosening effect with these other ingredients added?
Well my 5mos stretch is up. I will not be doing that again unless its next year sometime and I will be in braids. My thin strands just dont need to go that long. I will probably do 3-4mos I remember that during those stretches it wasnt as bad. Plus I am on a mission to find a good detangler. So Im thinkin Nov will be the next time I relax. Hopefully two inches by then. Good luck stretchers. Ill let yall know if I find any good products to tame my NG
I have reached my 12 weeks stretch completion period. I am only doing 12 weeks because I will have my baby soon and I don't want to deal with NG or briads after she is born.

I think I will self-relax tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Congrats Sha76!

I'm almost finished with my stretch as well. This is my first and I went from relaxing every 6-8 weeks to 12 weeks so I'm happy about that. I have already noticed that my hair has gotten thicker. I probably lost a 1/2 an inch of hair cause I felt compelled to clip my ends off since couldn't take looking at my stringy ends while the rest of my hair was so thick! I think it was for the best anyway cause my hair looks alot healthier now that I gave myself a trim.

I really don't know how much new growth I have, but I know the strect was great for my hair! I will post pics when I self relax this weekend :-)
I'm still hanging on. There have been so many days when I've been tempted to just crack open the box and go ahead and relax. Those occur on wash day (detangling can be quite challenging, long and tedious) or days when I can't get rid of that big hump on the crown of my hair due to puffy roots.

Both my mom and my DH keep looking at my edges and telling me it is time to take action. :lachen:

I don't care though. It's not for them to understand my mission.

My youngest is scheduled for his senior pictures in less than two weeks. I have to figure out what to do for the "parents w/graduate" shot. I'm thinking I'll blow dry and use my waver iron, which will disguise all this NG, but still look good.

Still on the hunt for the coconut milk though. I can't seem to find it anywhere and I don't want to buy on line. I think I need to visit a specialty grocery store.
18 weeks...I just washed my hair last night and it was really tangled. I still lost the normal amount of hair so no worries. I'm thinking about purchasing the con poo(green bottle) but I dunno. I disliked it years ago, but things maybe different now. I may get red and the green one to test out :yep: