Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I just wanted to let ERrr body know that i bought some Sta Sof Fro in the brown bottle and dis stuff right here is the bomb!!! it is great on my newgrowth!!! and it makes my hair soft:love:, i was at my wits end. the only downside is it seems like it will start to build up in your hair but as i stretch i have to wash more anyway, so it probably wont be a problem. :)
I'm 18 weeks and my hair is starting to matt at the ends. I was really looking forward to stretching to the end of the year but it looks like it ain't happenin!:nono: I will be relaxing sometime this week when time permits. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm giving in after a 4 month stretch. Kudos to those whose hair allows them to stretch forever and a day. I wish.....
I'm 18 weeks and my hair is starting to matt at the ends. I was really looking forward to stretching to the end of the year but it looks like it ain't happenin!:nono: I will be relaxing sometime this week when time permits. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm giving in after a 4 month stretch. Kudos to those whose hair allows them to stretch forever and a day. I wish.....

I have found that some Emergencee helps out a lot at this point. Also, I made a brand new discovery over the course of this week. I am over 6 months post and I decided to purchase a Denman D3 brush. Now, I ain't got that sweet, nice "Imma be good" kinda hair. Nooooo, I got that hair that tries to punk combs and brushes. It tries to steal their lunch money and urrr-thang.

But when I introduced this freshly washed NG to Mr Denman, Mr Denman went through my NG like:roadrunner:. My NG was like:worship2:. I remember hearing the naturals talk about them, but I tell ya'll, this brush is the truth. It detangled better than any comb will very, VERY little shedding. I didn't believe the hype, but my hair loved this brush.

I'm just saying ya'll, don't sleep on it.
I have found that some Emergencee helps out a lot at this point. Also, I made a brand new discovery over the course of this week. I am over 6 months post and I decided to purchase a Denman D3 brush. Now, I ain't got that sweet, nice "Imma be good" kinda hair. Nooooo, I got that hair that tries to punk combs and brushes. It tries to steal their lunch money and urrr-thang.

But when I introduced this freshly washed NG to Mr Denman, Mr Denman went through my NG like:roadrunner:. My NG was like:worship2:. I remember hearing the naturals talk about them, but I tell ya'll, this brush is the truth. It detangled better than any comb will very, VERY little shedding. I didn't believe the hype, but my hair loved this brush.

I'm just saying ya'll, don't sleep on it.

Girl you are too funny. I guess I need to order me some emergencee huh? Off to the site. Thanks girl. Appreciate cha!
Hi, I am new to the forum and would like to do a stretch. Will someone give me the basics on the products that I will need to do 4 months? I have only gone 2 months before and my hair always breaks bad.
I'm 18 weeks and my hair is starting to matt at the ends. I was really looking forward to stretching to the end of the year but it looks like it ain't happenin!:nono: I will be relaxing sometime this week when time permits. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm giving in after a 4 month stretch. Kudos to those whose hair allows them to stretch forever and a day. I wish.....

4 and a half months is great! Is this your first time stretching this far? Cause if it is, its better on the hair to gradually work up the weeks: 12, 14, and so on. Congrats on going that far!
Girl you are too funny. I guess I need to order me some emergencee huh? Off to the site. Thanks girl. Appreciate cha!

LOL....well, you know I try...:grin:

I'm just saying that Emergencee works for me. My hair likes this stuff, but I don't know if your hair will. Just try it and see. It has helped me to stretch for over 6 months now. Try it. Your hair might like it. If it doesn't, I can always take that off your hands for ya'!:grin::grin:
I have found that some Emergencee helps out a lot at this point. Also, I made a brand new discovery over the course of this week. I am over 6 months post and I decided to purchase a Denman D3 brush. Now, I ain't got that sweet, nice "Imma be good" kinda hair. Nooooo, I got that hair that tries to punk combs and brushes. It tries to steal their lunch money and urrr-thang.

But when I introduced this freshly washed NG to Mr Denman, Mr Denman went through my NG like:roadrunner:. My NG was like:worship2:
. I remember hearing the naturals talk about them, but I tell ya'll, this brush is the truth. It detangled better than any comb will very, VERY little shedding. I didn't believe the hype, but my hair loved this brush.

I'm just saying ya'll, don't sleep on it.

TOO CUTE and FUNNY!!:lachen:
Hi, I am new to the forum and would like to do a stretch. Will someone give me the basics on the products that I will need to do 4 months? I have only gone 2 months before and my hair always breaks bad.

First of all WELCOME!!!!!

So far for me...

Coconut Milk has been a blessing on the NG. (Praise His holy name)

Emergencee has anointed my demarcation line (hallelujah!!)

My Denman D3 brush is a gift from the Father (thank You Jesus!)

My phony bun allows me to not have to lay hands on my hair (Give Him Glory)

My CON Poo (Green Label) is like a FRESH anointing! (Magnify the Father)

....and this Stiff Head Wax has my edges slain in the Spirit (YES LORD!!!)

Ya'll hold my mule while I SHOUT!!!!!!


.....But seriously, if you read through the pages of this thread, you should find a number of suggestions that work for other people. Ultimately, it's about what YOUR hair likes. It's all trial and error. Just remember, you can always pray for guidance in the name of Jesus!!!!! Don't get me started again...:grin::lachen::grin::lachen:
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Hi, I am new to the forum and would like to do a stretch. Will someone give me the basics on the products that I will need to do 4 months? I have only gone 2 months before and my hair always breaks bad.

1) Hydrating/Moisturizing Shampoo (Nexxus Therrappe or Crème of Nature Detangling and Moisturizing Shampoo are 2 of my faves ) I use the Crown and Glory Method on of shampooing hair. I shampoo my hair in 3 or 4 braided sections and I only shampoo my scalp.

Also, you'll need clarifying/chelating shampoos as well, to clarify your hair every once in a while when you have product build-up.

2) Creme Conditioner or Deep Conditioner (i.e., Nexxus Humectress,) – Concentrate on hair and ends. (Sit under dryer or heating cap for about 15-45 minutes to have it penetrate hair shaft).

3) Leave-In Conditioners (after shampooing, apply a small amt of leave-in)

4) Oil (jojoba, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, etc.) - seal in the moisture from the leave-in with an oil) – concentrate on ends.

5) Daily Moisturizer – i.e. Giovanni Direct, S-Curl, etc...Remember to follow moisturizer with an oil to seal in moisture (also some people use their fave conditioner as their daily moisturizer)

6) Protein Treatment – give yourself periodic protein treatments. Some are intense such as Aphogee Intense for Damaged Hair or Nexxus Emergencee. And others are mild such as Aphogee 2-Minute Reconstructor, ORS Hair Mayo, ORS Replenishing Paks, or Motions CPR.

7) Moisturizing Treatment – search the board there are soooo many to list.

8) Pre-shampoos – apply oil or conditioner on dry hair to provide a protective sheild from the harsh detergents of shampoos. Some ladies warm it up. Leave it on for as long as 15 minutes or over night even. Be careful not to over condition your hair. I like to mix my pre-poos with honey, EVOO, coconut milk, coconut oil, and a condish. Warm it up and let it sit for a while. This softens new growth and is a great deep conditioning for your hair.

9) Deep-condition at least once a week.

10) Some people co-wash (wash with a conditioner only sometime mid-week, in between deep conditioning)

11) Use a wide tooth comb. Be gentle and comb from bottom up in small sections. Many people air-dry or rollerset. Stay away from frequent use of blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons.

12) Protect your ends, because this is how you retain length by taking care that your ends do not split or break off.

13) Stretch your relaxer at a minimum of 8 weeks to avoid overlapping chemicals on your previously relaxed hair which leads to over processing.

GOOD LUCK! :wave:
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thanks so much for the post, how much growth do you usually get? I want to do mine for 4 months. Also I am not at home right now (in the military,deployed) so I don't have access to a hooded dryer any suggestions on achieving a good deep condition without it?
1) Hydrating/Moisturizing Shampoo (Nexxus Therrappe or Crème of Nature Detangling and Moisturizing Shampoo are 2 of my faves ) I use the Crown and Glory Method on of shampooing hair. I shampoo my hair in 3 or 4 braided sections and I only shampoo my scalp.

Also, you'll need clarifying/chelating shampoos as well, to clarify your hair every once in a while when you have product build-up.

2) Creme Conditioner or Deep Conditioner (i.e., Nexxus Humectress,) – Concentrate on hair and ends. (Sit under dryer or heating cap for about 15-45 minutes to have it penetrate hair shaft).

3) Leave-In Conditioners (after shampooing, apply a small amt of leave-in)

4) Oil (jojoba, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, etc.) - seal in the moisture from the leave-in with an oil) – concentrate on ends.

5) Daily Moisturizer – i.e. Giovanni Direct, S-Curl, etc...Remember to follow moisturizer with an oil to seal in moisture (also some people use their fave conditioner as their daily moisturizer)

6) Protein Treatment – give yourself period protein treatments. Some are intense such as Aphogee Intense for Damaged Hair or Nexxus Emergencee. And others are mild such as Aphogee 2-Minute Reconstructor, ORS Hair Mayo, ORS Replenishing Paks, or Motions CPR.

7) Moisturizing Treatment – search the board there are soooo many to list.

8) Pre-shampoos – apply oil or conditioner on dry hair to provide a protective sheild from the harsh detergents of shampoos. Some ladies warm it up. Leave it on for as long as 15 minutes or over night even. Be careful not to over condition your hair. I like to mix my pre-poos with honey, EVOO, coconut milk, coconut oil, and a condish. Warm it up and let it sit for a while. This softens new growth and is a great deep conditioning for your hair.

9) Deep-condition at least once a week.

10) Some people co-wash (wash with a conditioner only sometime mid-week, in between deep conditioning)

11) Use a wide tooth comb. Be gentle and comb from bottom up in small sections. Many people air-dry or rollerset. Stay away from frequent use of blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons.

12) Protect your ends, because this is how you retain length by taking care that your ends do not split or break off.

13) Stretch your relaxer at a minimum of 8 weeks to avoid overlapping chemicals on your previously relaxed hair which leads to over processing.

GOOD LUCK! :wave:

Hey lady!!!! Great advice (I'm over here taking notes too), but the link that you gave is incorrect. It's Just wanted to make sure she has the right information. Still love ya like a play cousin!!!:grin:
4 and a half months is great! Is this your first time stretching this far? Cause if it is, its better on the hair to gradually work up the weeks: 12, 14, and so on. Congrats on going that far!

Thank you LadyEsquire!
No it isn't my first time. The last time I stretched to 20 weeks, I didn't experience any matting. I was thinking that the 2nd time around would be easier. Guess I thought wrong. Oh well!
thanks so much for the post, how much growth do you usually get? I want to do mine for 4 months. Also I am not at home right now (in the military,deployed) so I don't have access to a hooded dryer any suggestions on achieving a good deep condition without it?

Awww shoot!!! You are in the military??? I'm in the Army, stationed at Ft. Sam. I am about to be deployed in a few days (Friday). I am bringing a Gold 'N Hot soft bonnet heat cap with me. Bought it at Sally's for like $25-$30. Gets hot enough to do a DC. I tried it out already. Works pretty well. I learned my lesson from the last 2 times that I went. I'm not being caught in the cold this time!!!:grin: You should be able to find one online. I know that Ebay ships to APO's.
thanks so much for the post, how much growth do you usually get? I want to do mine for 4 months. Also I am not at home right now (in the military,deployed) so I don't have access to a hooded dryer any suggestions on achieving a good deep condition without it?

I get the average amount of growth, everyone's hair grows at a rate of half an inch per month. Some have more growth and others have less. I think I am right at average most of the time. So in 4 months, if you have avg hair growth, you should have 2 inches of new growth.

For the deep conditioning, Macherieamour uses a steam towel to do hers. Go to her blog: for info.
I'm in the Army, stationed at Ft. Sam. I am about to be deployed in a few days (Friday). I am bringing a Gold 'N Hot soft bonnet heat cap with me.

When you replied, that was the first thing I thought about, your deployment. Be strong and I will have you in my prayers. On a lighter note, I am so glad to see that not even deployment can keep a sister from getting her DC on... love ya ma! :lol:
When you replied, that was the first thing I thought about, your deployment. Be strong and I will have you in my prayers. On a lighter note, I am so glad to see that not even deployment can keep a sister from getting her DC on... love ya ma! :lol:

Thank you so much Lady!!! You are too sweet. I KNOW that God has this thang in control. There are some things that He spoke into my spirit about this deployment and I am actually EXCITED about going...not to say that I won't be ready to come home though:look:...but I thank you for the prayers. Lord knows I need 'em.

...but as for as the hair goes:

(Ol' skool Puffy and Masein the shiny suits)

Can't no deployment break my stride (Uh-uh, uh-uh)
Can't no deployment hold me down,
I got to keep on movin'....:drunk::drunk::drunk:
Air force girl, just touched down in kuwait. If I had been smart I would have brought my hoodie. Hot towels are gonna have to do. Didn't think I would have room for it I already had two bags of unnecessary gear with me. Trying to get it all back together before I come home to my hubby and I think stretching would be real good for my hair, since I now know the proper way to do it.

LadyEsquire~Can't access Macheries site, military thing, gotta get a laptop.

So how long have you been in? I should order a hooded and leave it for the next black girl :grin: .The water is super hard out here and it makes my hair break real easy I don't know what to do, I'm gonna start stealing bottled water to wash if I keep getting this breakage.​
Air force girl, just touched down in kuwait. If I had been smart I would have brought my hoodie. Hot towels are gonna have to do. Didn't think I would have room for it I already had two bags of unnecessary gear with me. Trying to get it all back together before I come home to my hubby and I think stretching would be real good for my hair, since I now know the proper way to do it.

LadyEsquire~Can't access Macheries site, military thing, gotta get a laptop.

So how long have you been in? I should order a hooded and leave it for the next black girl :grin: .The water is super hard out here and it makes my hair break real easy I don't know what to do, I'm gonna start stealing bottled water to wash if I keep getting this breakage.​

Yeah, I leave for Kuwait in the next few days. I thought about buying a hooded dryer and doing the same thing, then I ran across the soft bonnet, and I was like "YES!!!":grin:

I plan to wash with bottle water for the same reasons and do the Crown and Glory for most of the time I am there for the purposes of minimize manipulation and breakage.

I been in for over 6 years now. This will be my 3rd tour and Iraq was rough on the hair both times before. I have learned that braiding and wigs are the way to go for me out there.

This is a picture of the towel turban that she uses.
She applies some condish, warms the towel, wraps it, keeps it on for about 15 mins, and rinses.

I have this same thing. I just saw it one day in the store (the PX as a matter of fact, so you might be able to purchase one out there or at and thought it was cool. I love this thing.

LadyEsquire, you are so helpful!!:love4:
This PX is pretty crappy. I am hoping I can just order the stuff and get it here. If not I will get my hubby to send me some stuff. Maybe I will give him a picture I don't want him to send me the wrong items. Anything good that you guys can tell me off Macheries page would be helpful. Thanks for the picture. Now I know what to look for.

thegirltolove~ First tour for me. I ended up getting pregnant immediatly. I'm glad to here your hair survived Iraq. I am looking for a good braider while I'm here. Found a few but they are getting ready to rotate out.
Well ladies...I tried to make it for 6 months....but I only made it to 3. But I still think that I did good for my first time streching. I think next time I'll try to stretch with braids because I cant comb through my hair! lol. I'll be putting before and after pics on my fotki in a couple of days....I dont have a pw and my username is the same.
Well ladies...I tried to make it for 6 months....but I only made it to 3. But I still think that I did good for my first time streching. I think next time I'll try to stretch with braids because I cant comb through my hair! lol. I'll be putting before and after pics on my fotki in a couple of days....I dont have a pw and my username is the same.

Girl, don't feel bad. Anything over your normal stretching time is something to be proud of. GREAT job.
I just wanted to let ERrr body know that i bought some Sta Sof Fro in the brown bottle and dis stuff right here is the bomb!!! it is great on my newgrowth!!! and it makes my hair soft:love:, i was at my wits end. the only downside is it seems like it will start to build up in your hair but as i stretch i have to wash more anyway, so it probably wont be a problem. :)

Yep! I was hipped to the Sta Sof Fro bandwagon too!! It's great! It made my NG sooooo soft. I was always one of those people that had to have my hair relaxed at 4 weeks and I made it to 9 weeks with this stuff. I know that's not far but it is from where I was coming from. I will try to stretch to 12 weeks next time.
Well ladies...I tried to make it for 6 months....but I only made it to 3. But I still think that I did good for my first time streching. I think next time I'll try to stretch with braids because I cant comb through my hair! lol. I'll be putting before and after pics on my fotki in a couple of days....I dont have a pw and my username is the same.

First time stretching?! Yay !!!!! :clapping:
If you're new to stretching, it is better to go 12 weeks, then 14 weeks, then 16 weeks, and so on. You'll learn more about your hair, and the products you use along the way. Your technique will improve, and its basically a training period for your hair. I could only go as far as 3 months my first stretch. I have slowly been adding more weeks with each stretch, and after 2 plus years, I am on my first 6-month stretch. But I may go back to only 3 months or even stretching down to 2 months.

I'm gonna check out your fotki to show some love. Happy Growing!
After relaxing on July 28th which was a 3 month stretch it went pretty well. My progress pics are in my siggy. Now I am 8 weeks post this saturday and am thinking on relaxing December 1st or the last week in November so that I may have a fresh on ein the beginning of the year. This will be a 17 to 20 week stretch for me. I am so ready...and my hair is soo worth it.
Awwwwww, MoMo, We both live in the "A"....we should have a beauty day and take hold of that unruly hair. What products are you using?

Hey lady! Been absent for a bit. I get too mixed up in non hair topics when I come here. :drunk:

I went back to Keracare, and that held me for a few weeks but I finally, after 14 weeks, relaxed with a no lye relaxer. Lye is just too much for my hair these days. It was perfect, not limp like it was when I relaxed earlier this year.

I think I got some good progress! I have some areas I need to grow out tho' so I need to keep rocking my protective styles.