Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I am between 37-38 post and these twists are keeping my sanity

april shower said:
How many weeks post are you now? 40 weeks seems soooo long to me. What's your plan to get through the remaining weeks?
Hey Ladies I need a bit of advice. I am currently only 4 weeks post, but thanks to BT, my NG is more at like 6 weeks post:eek: . My last stretch ended at 10 weeks 2 weeks shy of my goal. This time around, I really want to stretch to 6 months, but anything after 4 would also be fine. My problem right now is that my NG is dry as the Sahara Desert:mad: . Do you all have any ideas on how I can get it softer?? I should also mention that I recently colored my hair using Bigen, and that my hair hates 'cones.
br0wney3z said:
Hey Ladies I need a bit of advice. I am currently only 4 weeks post, but thanks to BT, my NG is more at like 6 weeks post:eek: . My last stretch ended at 10 weeks 2 weeks shy of my goal. This time around, I really want to stretch to 6 months, but anything after 4 would also be fine. My problem right now is that my NG is dry as the Sahara Desert:mad: . Do you all have any ideas on how I can get it softer?? I should also mention that I recently colored my hair using Bigen, and that my hair hates 'cones.

What is your regimen? Do you DC? Co-wash? Moisturize?
:( I'm so ready to end the stretch! My NG is driving me crazy and I can't keep my hands out of it either :perplexed I've been baggying quite a bit so I hope that's helping, but it's getting difficult especially now that I've taken the heat away :ohwell: I'm trying to atleast make it into August even if it's the first week!

I just ordered some Indian Amla oil/Coconut Oil so I will see what this does for my hair. I just need to keep things interesting I suppose!
I am 14 weeks. Today was co-wash day. I just prepoo'd with coconut milk, honey, extra virgin olive oil, condish. I mostly concentrated on the demarcation line. Then, I went back and did the ends. Rinsed in 4 sections, used Giovanni Direct Leave-In, detangled, and layed down with a scarf (inspired by Sylver2).

I have 10 more weeks to go, to make this a 6-month stretch. The longest I have ever stretched was 16 wks. I rollerset on wash/deep-condition days and airdry on co-wash days. It is tricky keeping this ends moisturized when you airdry this far into a stretch. Baggying is helping with that.

Also, today when I was in the shower an old friend from grad school popped up in my head. She had curls similar to Terri Ross and I remember her telling me that she only relaxed 2x a year. The day she did relax, her her was WL. So this 6-month strech is to see if my hair will thrive. Not to mention my edges.

Good Luck on your 6 month stretch..I WISH I could stretch that long..I start going banannas after 8 & 9 Weeks. I would loved to try it fail free!
I'm going to have to hit up the grocery store for coconut milk. Glad to hear it works for some. I'm more than 20 weeks myself and aiming for 24, possibly 30 if I can swing it without much shedding/breakage. I've already beat my record of 14 weeks.

If I can find a way to cut down on my detangling time before and after washing, stretching would be a breeze.
Yeah, the coconut milk worked out great for me. I did another treatment the next day too and noticed ever better results. It loosened the curl pattern and made it A LOT softer.

My only hurdle now is finding something that is gonna hold down these edges!!! I get them all slick the night before and tie hair down with my scarf. In the morning, I remove my scarf and after a few minutes my edges are actin' like they just got outta prison!!! :perplexed

While I do find the curlies cute and everything, it is NOT cute trying to pull my hair back in a bun and having my edges trying to fight the power.:lol:

Does anyone have some suggestions for "hard to tame" NG????:confused:
I am relaxing next weekend I am going back and forth on the person who is doing my touch up, she relaxes her hair every 3 weeks she keeps it in short cut, maybe I should get get my mom to help me.
To 'slick' down new growth for my buns/ponytails, I use Ampro (or prostyle) curl wax. It is the only thing that really holds down my edges in the front when stretching or transitioning.

Just be sure to clarify frequently when using it on a regular basis.

Yeah, the coconut milk worked out great for me. I did another treatment the next day too and noticed ever better results. It loosened the curl pattern and made it A LOT softer.

My only hurdle now is finding something that is gonna hold down these edges!!! I get them all slick the night before and tie hair down with my scarf. In the morning, I remove my scarf and after a few minutes my edges are actin' like they just got outta prison!!! :perplexed

While I do find the curlies cute and everything, it is NOT cute trying to pull my hair back in a bun and having my edges trying to fight the power.:lol:

Does anyone have some suggestions for "hard to tame" NG????:confused:

I use Fantasia Gel. My new growth is soft and wavy but I think it would work.
To 'slick' down new growth for my buns/ponytails, I use Ampro (or prostyle) curl wax. It is the only thing that really holds down my edges in the front when stretching or transitioning.

Just be sure to clarify frequently when using it on a regular basis.


You know, I was REALLY thinking about getting the curling wax yesterday, but I thought it would make my hair have that white film on it or something, like when you put on too much grease????? I may have to try that and I will definitely remember to clarify. Thanks!!!:D

I use Fantasia Gel. My new growth is soft and wavy but I think it would work.

I tried the Fantasia Gel and my hair just laughed at it...:lol:. It defined my curls though (which is what I was NOT trying to do, but I WILL remember this if I decide to go natural).

Water, amla oil and Beyond the zone stiff head helps smooth down my edges.

So far, this has given me the best results. I will definitely be using this. Maybe I will incorporate the amla oil. The Beyond the Zone lays it down, but it doesn't "slick" it down. Does that make any sense? I don't mind it being wavy, I just don't want it to be fuzzy at the same time.
I 3rd the Beyond the Zone. That stuff works wonders on my edges and I'm 14 weeks post and I have the bedebee type of edges. I use a little water too but I'm gonna try the Amla suggestion to see if that does something extra.
You know what? I have to ask Beyond the Zone for forgiveness. I just used it again and my edges are once again looking slick (with a little wave of course). I am still gonna try the wax too, just because it's something I have been wondering about. Thank you so much ladies!!!!!:yawn:
Hey gals!
I am approaching week 15! I asked myself why the hell am I putting myself thru this?! My hairline needs a break from chemicals, my strands seem to like it overall, outside the occasional bouts with demarcation breakage and shedding. Everything was going smoothly overall at this point, but last wash after I airdried, it detangled something fierce. :mad: The new growth wrapped around certain strands, and it took a lot of patience and time to get thru it. So I made the decision to wash less often for the remainder of my stretch. It is the airdrying process that leads my matting and detangling...and this is such a great revelation for me!:grin:
Are you guys wearing your hair up during the duration of your stretch?

I texlax and after week 10 I kinda give up. I can make it to week twelve if I just don't wash my hair and don't try to detangle, but then I risk scratching my scalp, cause I'm used to washing every 3 days. So it's a struggle to make it past week 10.

Plus I've decided not to force my hair to do something it just doesn't want to do. But if there is a way to do it...please let me know.

I was natural for years, so I know how to straighten my new growth with heat. It's just that I try to AVOID heat (laughs).

Help me out pretty please.
Are you guys wearing your hair up during the duration of your stretch?

I texlax and after week 10 I kinda give up. I can make it to week twelve if I just don't wash my hair and don't try to detangle, but then I risk scratching my scalp, cause I'm used to washing every 3 days. So it's a struggle to make it past week 10.

Plus I've decided not to force my hair to do something it just doesn't want to do. But if there is a way to do it...please let me know.

I was natural for years, so I know how to straighten my new growth with heat. It's just that I try to AVOID heat (laughs).

Help me out pretty please.

Rollersetting helps straighten out roots and lengthens the time between your washes. Sylver's scarf method, for airdrying, helps get nice flat and neat buns and I have been rocking that a lot lately. Also, if you have tangles, do not neglect them, tackle them when you seen them, 'cause they have the potential to get worse if you wait.
Hey gals!
I am approaching week 15! I asked myself why the hell am I putting myself thru this?! My hairline needs a break from chemicals, my strands seem to like it overall, outside the occasional bouts with demarcation breakage and shedding. Everything was going smoothly overall at this point, but last wash after I airdried, it detangled something fierce. :mad: The new growth wrapped around certain strands, and it took a lot of patience and time to get thru it. So I made the decision to wash less often for the remainder of my stretch. It is the airdrying process that leads my matting and detangling...and this is such a great revelation for me!:grin:

This is the exact same problem I have. I'm approaching week 15 too but I've had in a sew in for 3 1/2 weeks. I'm getting ready to take it out and and get another one. I can't stretch in the summer without it because I sweat too much in my head. When I'm not in the sew-in and stretching long, I wash in loose braids but as your hair gets longer, it's much harder to deal with. I only wash once a week when I'm deep in the stretch.
Hello ladies i would like to join i am at 8 weeks right now and i would love to hold out until 26 weeks with the helps of braids .I am new to this looking forward to this for stronger hair .Can i do this no idea but i am hoping i will make it :lol:
Yeah, the coconut milk worked out great for me. I did another treatment the next day too and noticed ever better results. It loosened the curl pattern and made it A LOT softer.

My only hurdle now is finding something that is gonna hold down these edges!!! I get them all slick the night before and tie hair down with my scarf. In the morning, I remove my scarf and after a few minutes my edges are actin' like they just got outta prison!!! :perplexed

While I do find the curlies cute and everything, it is NOT cute trying to pull my hair back in a bun and having my edges trying to fight the power.:lol:

Does anyone have some suggestions for "hard to tame" NG????:confused:

Please tell me if you notice if the coconut milk also gave your permed hair any slip? You know, easier to comb thru? And regarding your edges, ever tried using Mango Butter? Just put it on in the morning and tie up your edges w/a scarf and by the time you are ready to leave, your edges should be flat. Works for me!
Please tell me if you notice if the coconut milk also gave your permed hair any slip? You know, easier to comb thru? And regarding your edges, ever tried using Mango Butter? Just put it on in the morning and tie up your edges w/a scarf and by the time you are ready to leave, your edges should be flat. Works for me!

Girl, as far as the coconut milk goes, it doesn't really give slip, but once it's rinsed out, it makes ALL of the hair feel softer.

I tried the mango butter, but my edges were like --->:grin:.

It works better at moisturizing my ends, so I will use it for that.
I'm 4 months post. Not sure how long I'm going for..maybe 6?

What works for me is low maintenance styles. I either do a bun or flexi rod set. I flat iron my roots only on my flexi set.

Avocado butter works really well for the new growth and length of hair. You really don't need a whole lot either.

Also ampro curl wax mixed with ampro clear gel lays my edges down flat:yep:
I'm 4 months post. Not sure how long I'm going for..maybe 6?

What works for me is low maintenance styles. I either do a bun or flexi rod set. I flat iron my roots only on my flexi set.

Avocado butter works really well for the new growth and length of hair. You really don't need a whole lot either.

Also ampro curl wax mixed with ampro clear gel lays my edges down flat:yep:

Hmmm, I ALMOST bought some gel today, but I have been trying to stay away from the gel. I guess imma just have to give in and get down on that gel. I didn't even think about mixing it. Hmmmmm....
You know, I realized something that helps my edges lay down better when I use the Stiff Head Wax. Instead of using it on my wet edges, I used it on damp edges. Actually, my hair was already in a bun and I had been wearing it all day. I sprayed some water from one of my water bottles so that they were damp and THEN I applied the Stiff Head Wax. It made a WORLD of difference:drunk:.

Also, I would just like to share something. I was in a BSS yesterday after work and I ran into another Army girl who had her natural hair in twists. She was talking to one of the employees about the Army grooming standards and turned to me, looked at my hair and said " I know you must be natural too and the army doesn't allow us to have many hairstyles." I was like :look:. Now I know that you can see the waves comin' in now, but do I look like a natural??? Then one of the other employees was like "Are you mixed?". I was thinking "Wow, I must really be kinda far post if I have folks thinking that. This is not the 1st time that has happened recently.

Have any of you other ladies experienced anything like that?????