relaxer stretchers support thread 2010

The only way to get through this stretch is not to look in the mirror too much...:cantlook: I have not had a relaxer since the end of October and I plan on stretching until maybe..August. I don't know. There will be a lot of protective styling going on and that's for sure.
currently at one month post perm.

goal: to stretch to at least 3 months post. (past in between relaxer time: approx 10 wks)

bumping for responses.....
Currently 26 weeks post :D
I want to relax..a sucks not being able to have my hair be as long as it really is (that sounds really confusing..)
I'm probably going to end the stretch at week 28-30.
umm think I"m going to end my stretch this week (will be 29 weeks this Thursday). I am just getting too much breakage (well at least I think it is too much). The long pieces of hair that are breaking from the demarcation. How does one know if they are losing to much hair during the detangling process?? (going to search for pics of how much hair people are losing during detangling process.)I think my hair is just too fine to stretch for too long..
Checking in at 48 weeks. Can't wait to see the length of my hair when I finally do texturize the NG, but that wont be for at least another four months.
I am currently 23 weeks post and will be relaxing this Friday after my first 6 month stretch. I've learned alot about my hair and what it likes and dislikes and it was cool to see my real texture. I'm excited to see my results!
Currently 5 weeks post.. Came off a 5 month stretch (22 weeks) in which I was pregnant & did not feel doing my hair. I usually relax at 12 weeks.. This time I am gonna relax at 16 weeks..
Well, I finally relaxed at 14 weeks post on Thursday, which is the longest I've ever stretched :grin:. I relaxed cause I started to see a little breakage :perplexed, but I still had some decent growth and I did not HAVE to trim, although I could use a light dusting :ohwell:. This go around, I will stretch between 14-16 weeks and tweek my regime a little to incorporate more moisture to combat some of that breakage. We'll see what happens :drunk:. I'm trying to be a MBL at the end of my next stretch and I'll say I have a good 2-2.5" to go :yep:. Good luck ladies.
Checking in at 8 weeks! :grin:

Question: At what point in your stretch does your regime change (if it changes)? What changes and why?

Last year at about 16-20 weeks I battled with my NG and rollersetting and subsequently lost quite a bit of hair. I won't be going through any battles this time, if I feel that I can't do a set sufficiently without causing trauma then I will opt for a low manipulation regi. At this point I will also up my DCs to three times per week instead of two.
For those ladies who stretch 30, 40, 50, 60 weeks, what is your regimen? That is so incredibly amazing to me that you can stretch that long. How have you dealt with breakage?

I'm going on 19 weeks and doing fine. The Federal Government is closed today, so I'm sitting at home relaxing with a EVCO hot oil treatment in my head. I'll have that in for a couple of hours, wash my hair, light protein treatment, then deep condition, air dry about 80%, do 4 braids for my braidout, and go to bed.
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Question: At what point in your stretch does your regime change (if it changes)? What changes and why?

Well, I never changed my reggie. However, this time, I am dc'ing my hair 2x a week, instead of once, when I hit 6 weeks post this Thursday. At 6 weeks, I notice more ng and, doggone it, dc'ing feels so good.
For those ladies who stretch 30, 40, 50, 60 weeks, what is your regimen? That is so incredibly amazing to me that you can stretch that long. How have you dealt with breakage?

From week 0-16 post, I strictly bun and I stay on top of my dc's, doing them weekly with a bit of moisture and protien each time. I usally use Silicon Mix mixed with Aphogee 2 min reconstructor.

After week 16, it gets hard to maintain the textures without breakage. This is when I employ a no manipulation reggie. I keep my hair braided and hydrated with cowashing and daily moisture with a braid spray. I try to cowash often, so that DC'ing wont be as necessary (I like to avoid DC's while in braids because of build up).

And wala, I am 48 weeks post an still going strong :yep:
I just ended a 6 month stretch. I have previously stretched this long before. The purpose of my stretch is to thicken my hair, but I'm getting adverse effects with breakage at the line of demarcation resulting in thin ends. Therefore, I will only stretch for a maximum of 3 months from now on.
My last relaxer was December 14th. I've been getting sew-ins since January 14th. I'm trying to hold out til June.
I am almost 2 months post going for at least 3 months. Will be relaxing mid-May for an event. I've been using JBCO on my roots at least 3x a week religiously for a couple of months now and my NG is in your face. Some stranger asked me if I was natural a few days ago (I'm sure the fact that I air-dry did not help!) :grin:. LOVE it!
I just relaxed after an unplanned 16 week run. I'm not going to plan for it. I going to just do it!!! Just were ever I end up but not before 12 weeks.
Question: At what point in your stretch does your regime change (if it changes)? What changes and why?

i'm around 16 and contemplating going 20.

if so, i think i'm gonna start applying jbco (with other oils, don't know which, now) and distilled water directly to my roots from the applicator bottle.

tried that today and like it!

and of course, co wash 3-7 days a week....

oh, and why? THE NG IS TURNING INTO A JUNGLE, lol!

good question Taz007!