Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

The stretches are getting longer and easier: started out 8, 10, 12 week.
Will go until 14 or 16 week stretch. I wash/co-wash almost everyday, mostly plait it after washing at nights, take it out and finger comb it back (with ease) into a ponytail the next day. Rollerset for special occasions.
Detangle with ease...using fingers mostly.
Just relaxed yesterday and i'm going to attempt a first time 6 month stretch. Hoping by christmas to be BSL or atleast shy of a couple of inches.
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I'm 16 weeks right now and I was shooting for 20 weeks. Well I think I still am. I scheduled to relax today but I felt my new growth and got scared of overlapping. I don't think I have enough new growth yet to safely relax. I wanna lessen my chances of overlapping as much as possible and I think that if I get at least 5 to 6 inches of new growth then I should be fine.
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This is my 1st stretch and I am almost 8 weeks. I want to go longer but can't lie I really want to relax my hair. Reading this support thread really helps with keeping me focused and not giving up:)
I am coming up on 18 weeks. I find that the longer my hair grows, the easier it is to stretch. Maybe it is because there is more weight pulling the NG straight. I dunno. Either way, I am glad that it is easier. I think that as long as I get over that 8-1o week hump I am pretty much good.

Also, I still use direct heat. I find that it works for me as far as stretching goes. I have figured out how to get my NG just as silky as my relaxed hair, so that makes it a WHOLE lot easier (CHI is my homie). I am over 4 months post and still don't see myself relaxing any time soon. My goal is 6 months. We'll see how I feel about my hair next month:lol:....

ETA- One downfall of this stretching thing is that sometimes it feels like my hair isn't getting longer....just bigger.
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I have decided that when I take out my twists I will get a relaxer after stretching for 40 weeks. It is no joke.
artemis_e. said:
As I enter week 9, my ng in the front and crown is just going :lachen: at me, like "Are you SURE you want to stretch 12 wks?? :lol: " So I think I may just bow out @ wk 10, and try again next time...

Who knows, maybe when I get to wk 10, I may change my mind, but my friends are starting to ask me when is touch-up time, so perhaps 10 wks will be my limit for a bit.

This is so hard :ohwell:

aww don't worry about the comments from your friends. If they're not on LHCF, they just won't get it. My friends will give me funny looks for stretching my relaxers. I guess they think I "fell off" or something.
KathyMay said:
I have decided that when I take out my twists I will get a relaxer after stretching for 40 weeks. It is no joke.

How many weeks post are you now? 40 weeks seems soooo long to me. What's your plan to get through the remaining weeks?
How hard is it to twist relaxed hair? Do I have to put wax in it or something? I just wanna put it up for about 4 weeks so I don't have my hands in it except to wash and condition.

I'm thinking it's gonna be too 'slippy' to stay in a twist.
Just made it to 18wks today....whew I had a moment w/ my hair today. But its all good. I will rollerset tomorrow morning and it will be fine!! I am itching to get a relaxer. I can not wait. This has been a great stretch. Couple of hard times but only natural and expected. Only doing 22 instead of 24wks this time around.
Well when i roller set, i usually wear my hair curly so i dont need to blow out roots at all. i am currently trying to cut out the heat all together. I like to just use a little water and setting lotiong mix, and put some oil on the ends. that usually ends with silky hair for me. My NG softens up when i do that so i am usually good
Has anyone tried Macherieamor's method to blow out the roots after a rollerset? I am about 20 weeks post right now and I need SOMETHING to work for me right about now!!!!!:perplexed
Hey ladies,

I couldn't wait to get back on here to share this with all of you stretchers. Today, I put some Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk on my hair because I heard that it was supposed to stretch your natural curl pattern (act as a natural relaxer if you will). It worked!!!!!

My NG feels so much softer and lays down SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier. I am 20+ weeks post right now, and I didn't think that I could hold on any longer, but Hallelujah.....I got some Coconut Milk!!!!!

I chose the Thai Kitchen brand because it is really thick and creamy. It has the consistancy of a thick cream conditioner. I just applied it to dry hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes (you can leave it longer if you like). I washed it out with Aveda DR. My hair layed down so much easier. Try it out ladies. It worked for me!!!:D
where did you get this from. I am about to go crazy w/ my hair. I am also 20weeks and there is nothing I can do w/ this NG. I just spend 2hrs detangling dry hair w/ a lot of oil and moisturizer getting prepared for when I do it next week....ahhhh. Did you just pick that up a the grocery store or the health food store. Ima have to try it.

thegirltolove said:
Hey ladies,

I couldn't wait to get back on here to share this with all of you stretchers. Today, I put some Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk on my hair because I heard that it was supposed to stretch your natural curl pattern (act as a natural relaxer if you will). It worked!!!!!

My NG feels so much softer and lays down SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier. I am 20+ weeks post right now, and I didn't think that I could hold on any longer, but Hallelujah.....I got some Coconut Milk!!!!!

I chose the Thai Kitchen brand because it is really thick and creamy. It has the consistancy of a thick cream conditioner. I just applied it to dry hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes (you can leave it longer if you like). I washed it out with Aveda DR. My hair layed down so much easier. Try it out ladies. It worked for me!!!:D
I need some help. I'm about 18 weeks post relaxer. My hair broke off really bad at the top of my head and never really grew back. So now I'm nervous about my hair breaking since I'm stretching but I can't tell. My beautician told me that I would be able to tell because it would break all the down to my new growth. But I can't tell. I haven't seen any hair laying around like I used to. When i comb there is little to no hair on my comb even when i wash it. I just started taking care of it when i found this board about a week ago. What should I do?
bablou00 said:
where did you get this from. I am about to go crazy w/ my hair. I am also 20weeks and there is nothing I can do w/ this NG. I just spend 2hrs detangling dry hair w/ a lot of oil and moisturizer getting prepared for when I do it next week....ahhhh. Did you just pick that up a the grocery store or the health food store. Ima have to try it.

I just bought in a regular grocery store. The idea came from one of the natural relaxers threads. It was talking about how milk is a natural straightener and it temporarily relaxes the natural curl in your hair. I know that there are recipes for actual natural relaxers on the board that are a mixture of coconut milk and lime.

I just used the coconut milk by itself this time though. Maybe I will try the actual recipes in the future. I could actually comb through the NG with my detangling comb. It was nice. I think that the other thread that I read said that you have to repeat the process a few times to notice a really big difference, but I notice a difference the first time. The good thing about this is that you can do it as much as you like. :)

I think that it will work with just about whatever brand you choose, but I like the Thai Kitchen brand because of the consistancy. HTH.
Bablou, the other day I went and bought a couple of thin scarves(sp) so I could do this same style with my hair. It's really cute. I wil be rocking the scarves with my hair down also. What kind of hair syles are you guys rockin during your stretch. I kinda tired of ponytails and buns.
Bantu knot sets, twist-outs, braid-outs, donut buns, curly mohawks. can't think of any other styles for now... that coconut milk thing sounds like something i should try later though. i'm only about 3 weeks post right now so the new growth ain't unbearable yet, but i know it will be.

I am 12 weeks post and I went the air dry route this weekend. Well after I washed, conditioned and all of that good stuff I braided and left it in overnight. It was gorgeous in the morning and I could hardly believe the type of waves and curls I had going on there.

Anyways onto day 3, my ends are dry as HELL! Nothing is coming out or breaking off, but I can't take my ends like this. My newgrowth feels fine, but my ends feel like straw right about now. So I've just applied a hot oil and it's setting and I'll be washing it again later on today and going back to my rollersetting.

The rollersetting seems like the only thing that works for my ends. I thought air drying would be great since I'm stretching and to start wearing a nice natural looking braid out style, but oh no never again while I'm stretching :mad: Now I'm aggravated that I am washing my hair again after 2 days, when I like to wash atleast every 5 days :(
Do you wet and oil your ends after you braid them? I have to do that or my ends would probably be dry. I got that tip from someone off of this board. Basically wetting it and sealing with oil should help with the moisture (but I probably don't need to tell you that :lol: ). I recommend trying that next time and if that doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you. :look:
gabulldawg said:
Do you wet and oil your ends after you braid them? I have to do that or my ends would probably be dry. I got that tip from someone off of this board. Basically wetting it and sealing with oil should help with the moisture (but I probably don't need to tell you that :lol: ). I recommend trying that next time and if that doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you. :look:

Well, I didn't concentrate any oil on the ends (which thinking back I should have) because I used infusium and lacio lacio leave in, but I did take some Chi silk infusion and run it through my hair. No you're right for reminding me. I think that I had my rollersetting technique in mind before air drying and with rollersetting I just use my leave in products and sit under the dryer and that is enough... For this air drying business I see that I need to hone in on my ends with some serious oil treatment :lol: I will try again and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion :)
No problem! Hope that will be helpful for you! Your hair is gorgeous by the way! I should be takin tips from you!!
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I am 14 weeks. Today was co-wash day. I just prepoo'd with coconut milk, honey, extra virgin olive oil, condish. I mostly concentrated on the demarcation line. Then, I went back and did the ends. Rinsed in 4 sections, used Giovanni Direct Leave-In, detangled, and layed down with a scarf (inspired by Sylver2).

I have 10 more weeks to go, to make this a 6-month stretch. The longest I have ever stretched was 16 wks. I rollerset on wash/deep-condition days and airdry on co-wash days. It is tricky keeping this ends moisturized when you airdry this far into a stretch. Baggying is helping with that.

Also, today when I was in the shower an old friend from grad school popped up in my head. She had curls similar to Terri Ross and I remember her telling me that she only relaxed 2x a year. The day she did relax, her her was WL. So this 6-month strech is to see if my hair will thrive. Not to mention my edges.
man seeing my fellow stretchers with thier hair out makes me want to take out this weave and do it aux natural. I am contemplating a transition but i think i like texlaxing more
Energist said:

I am 12 weeks post and I went the air dry route this weekend. Well after I washed, conditioned and all of that good stuff I braided and left it in overnight. It was gorgeous in the morning and I could hardly believe the type of waves and curls I had going on there.

Anyways onto day 3, my ends are dry as HELL! Nothing is coming out or breaking off, but I can't take my ends like this. My newgrowth feels fine, but my ends feel like straw right about now. So I've just applied a hot oil and it's setting and I'll be washing it again later on today and going back to my rollersetting.

The rollersetting seems like the only thing that works for my ends. I thought air drying would be great since I'm stretching and to start wearing a nice natural looking braid out style, but oh no never again while I'm stretching :mad: Now I'm aggravated that I am washing my hair again after 2 days, when I like to wash atleast every 5 days :(

Have you tried applying some good ol' Vaseline or some other petroleum heavy product to your damp ends when doing your braid out??? I know that it seems simple, but Vaseline (Petroleum/Petrolatum) does WONDERS for excessively dry ends. Don't give up on the braid out just yet while stretching. Give it one more try!!! (Like I am a motivational speaker or something...:lachen:)
LadyEsquire said:
I am 14 weeks. Today was co-wash day. I just prepoo'd with coconut milk, honey, extra virgin olive oil, condish. I mostly concentrated on the demarcation line. Then, I went back and did the ends. Rinsed in 4 sections, used Giovanni Direct Leave-In, detangled, and layed down with a scarf (inspired by Sylver2).

I have 10 more weeks to go, to make this a 6-month stretch. The longest I have ever stretched was 16 wks. I rollerset on wash/deep-condition days and airdry on co-wash days. It is tricky keeping this ends moisturized when you airdry this far into a stretch. Baggying is helping with that.

Also, today when I was in the shower an old friend from grad school popped up in my head. She had curls similar to Terri Ross and I remember her telling me that she only relaxed 2x a year. The day she did relax, her her was WL. So this 6-month strech is to see if my hair will thrive. Not to mention my edges.

I tell you that Vaseline on damp ends it like magic.....
thegirltolove said:
I tell you that Vaseline on damp ends it like magic.....

Hey, ya know i have used Vaseline on my ends when I use my Carusos. I should incorporate it into other aspects of my my baggies. Thank you so much for reminding me. ;)
The scarfs are my saving grace for real. I have so many that I wear to work each week or out on the town when I am tired w/ my hair. I usually bun it but since I did a twist out that day I wore my hair out in a pony. Ohter styles I do are braids, rollersets once a week. Ive only worn it down once recently and thats because it came out better and straighter than it ever has. I am limited on styles because I dont use heat so thats all I do for my hair.

I am running to the grocery store to pick up some of that milk. I will have to walk back w/ all that but atleast I will get my exercise and shopping in all at once. Ill will wash either Thursday or Friday so I will let you ladies know the results...

tyboogie said:
Bablou, the other day I went and bought a couple of thin scarves(sp) so I could do this same style with my hair. It's really cute. I wil be rocking the scarves with my hair down also. What kind of hair syles are you guys rockin during your stretch. I kinda tired of ponytails and buns.
After seeing the ladies with all their lovely heads of hair at Sunday Brunch I am more anixous to take my hair out but I have two more weeks to stretch it out. I am apporaching 37 or 38 weeks post.