Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

PinkPebbles said:
I want to add that I used porosity control correcetive conditioner and it detangled like a charm and allowed my moisturizing conditioner to penetrate.

I'm 8 wks post and will add porosity control and Joicio-K-Pak Intense hydrate to my regimen as I continue to stretch.

I keep hearing about these two products. I may have to try them!:mad: Lord knows I have enough products.
nycutiepie said:
Try detangling some BEFORE you wash. Someone else suggested it and I tried it and it works better for me. Also, don't just rely on a shower comb like the Jilbere......I use a bone comb to detangle beforehand and then run the Jilbere in the shower after my DC and then after the leave-ins I use the bone comb again. Trust me, I have coarse 4b hair in the back and I haven't had 1 dread. You have to make sure you comb thru the hair to make sure it doesn't loc up. You can't comb "very little" if your hair is tightly wound because it will loc. I also wash in 4 braids. HTH.

Thanks for the suggestions NYcutiepie! It did help!
As I enter week 9, my ng in the front and crown is just going :lachen: at me, like "Are you SURE you want to stretch 12 wks?? :lol: " So I think I may just bow out @ wk 10, and try again next time...

Who knows, maybe when I get to wk 10, I may change my mind, but my friends are starting to ask me when is touch-up time, so perhaps 10 wks will be my limit for a bit.

This is so hard :ohwell:
ok so in the shower today i had alot of tangling. i tried to comb while under the shower head and it just didn't work. so i worked from the nape to the forehead. my hair was already parted down the middle so i made 1/2 inch parts in the back (while under running water) and combed through while working my way up. it was so untangled i decided not to braidout today. :)

this will be the last wash before my next relaxer
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Well, my stretch ended at 5 weeks. I observed some short hairs on the top of my head. Breakage had occurred at the demarcation line. So, I t-laxed yesterday. I had some great growth. Sorry, no pics until July 4th. I think I will relax on the 4th. Until then, I'm trying MN.

Good luck on your stretching goals!:wave:
Man i think i am at week 6... Not so much NG yet, but i am seeing some interesting textures coming in.. Some are 4b, others look like 3b...... my head is a crazy mess of textures
Today I am at 12 weeks! I am going to relax this weekend. I can't wait I'm a little nervouse though because this will be my first touchup. I can't believe I made it. I may just see if I can make it to week 14.
I'll be 15 weeks come Friday. So far so good for me. I tweaked my regimen a lil bit to see what works. I'm looking to relax May 25th. We'll see how it turns out:look: .
im on week nine
and in no rush to relax my hair because i go to the gym much
my new growth is soft and manageable so it's okie so far
my head sweats & it makes no sense to relax it and then have my sweat mess it up :lol:

i'm gon try hold out till sept
i have to look into products tho :confused: ..porosity control and Joicio-K-Pak <--need to look into those, i see people typing bout them much
and stay away from my hairdresser.. she is gon wan relax it
may go get wash/rollerset from elsewhere
unless i get the urget to rollerset and airdry my hair myself.. yikes! :perplexed
I'll be 8 weeks this Saturday. I usually go 11-12 weeks, but I already "feel" like I'm 12 weeks post with this new growth (thanks, BT!!). I'm going to hold out for as long as I can. I wasn't planning on relaxing until the first week of June, at the earliest.

My new growth is really loving BT and whole-head baggying:) . It stays very soft, and when it's soft, it's manageable. No issues with tangles or dryness, and very little breakage at the demarcation line. Yay!:D
I'm week 10 entering 11...I decided not to relax my hair for the rest of the year. My hairline is filling in so nicely that I don't want to mess it up...:lol:. I'm going to give this super long stretch a try...
artemis_e. said:
As I enter week 9, my ng in the front and crown is just going :lachen: at me, like "Are you SURE you want to stretch 12 wks?? :lol: " So I think I may just bow out @ wk 10, and try again next time...

Who knows, maybe when I get to wk 10, I may change my mind, but my friends are starting to ask me when is touch-up time, so perhaps 10 wks will be my limit for a bit.

This is so hard :ohwell:

Well, me and my hair decided 10 wks was the best we could do for now; I just relaxed...I'm proud that I waited this long, but I dunno if 12 is for me--maybe when my hair gets longer...
I usually relax at 12 weeks but I am 12 weeks post TODAY and I am stretching on!! I am aiming for 16 weeks but I won't be mad if I relax at 15.....wish me luck!!:)
I self relaxed after 14 weeks. NO burns..but underprocessing. I am starting my stretch over. I think now my min. stretch is officially 12 weeks. I will try to see how long past that I can go.
I'm new to this stretching process :\. I usually get relaxed every 6-7 weeks. My only concern is my hair grows fast and I just need some guidance on how to keep my hair soft and managable I guess. I'm just afraid it'll just break. I also have fine hair :(. I notice that whenever I get my hair relaxed it never breaks on those first 2 weeks, but after that it's hard to manage. How often should I shampoo and/or condition? What products do you girls use to keep the NG managable? And what protective styles do you use (if any)? or How do you wear your hair while letting it grow? *Noob* lol I'm just asking because I usually stretch with braids But I'm always on the go so I hardly have much time for styling my hair when it's relaxed.
Well, I relaxed after 14 weeks and I am okay about it. I may try for 15 weeks next go round but I couldn't take it any longer!! It is amazing the difference a week or two can make, because at 12 weeks I just knew I could go for 4 more weeks. oh well....:lol:
I'm at 30 weeks, but I'm wearing braids so it hasn't been an issue. To be honest I really miss my seeing and playing with my natural texture.
Friday I will be 12 weeks post. I am experiencing some problems now but I think its because I went overboard last week and washed my hair every day. My hair told me real quick to stop doing that....:mad: 12 more weeks can I do it....ahahahahah:eek:
Good Luck in your stretching! I am on week 7 right now trying to stretch to 10. Then after I get that perm I will try to up it every time. I am with you girls!!!!
Im currently 7wks post stretching to 12wks....I wash 2x a wk (Cowashing 1 onday/Dominican Wash & Set the other)..I plan to wash once every 2 weeks for the home stretch (4 wks away)...trying to keep the manipulation looowwww....Im hoping to be full APL by my next relaxer... :)
I'm on my first 6 month stretch. This is going to be a challenge for me but I am determined to do it for the health of my hair and my scalp, also to get a small taste of transitioning so maybe I can decided once and for all. :lol:
I'm glad this thread is here, I definitely look foward to us experiencing this together.
This coming Friday will be 7 wks post for me. I am still debating when to relax. It will either be wk 9 or 10 I think. Last week my scalp hurt so bad, like it'd been 12 wks post or something. I think I'm going to try washing less (every 4-5 days) to decrease manipulation and to sort of ignore my head till week 10. I dunno, I'm just a bit frustrated...:ohwell:

I'm changing my Fotki update schedule, so after this relaxer (hopefully), I'll be forcing myself to stretch longer (~12 wks).
I am 11wks post and in the HTH Challenge so i think i will relax around 13wks. I know i gonna join the HTH xmas 6 months challenge and am really contemplating if i would like to stretch the whole six months. :ohwell:
I love this thread its good to see where people are in their stretch. I am currently 14wks post relaxer. I am not using braids to stretch although I probably should. My hair is so fine and no matter what I use I get mad tangles. But I do have to say that since using Aveda my tangles are not as bad as they were at 3mos post last stretch. When I go to detangle its only two or three strands that come out. My hair is getting stronger so not all of it is breaking off when I detangle. I have two more months actually before next relaxer. Washing only two times still and rollersetting every other week. Good luck stretchers...
sareca said:
Oh, I forgot to say I'm 4 months post and headed for 6 months. When I get there I'll decided whether or not to go for 8. I'm doing back-to-back C&G w/ no breaks so it's been a breeze so far.

What is C&G? Maybe I'm slow, but I have no idea what that is! :ohwell:
gabulldawg said:
What is C&G? Maybe I'm slow, but I have no idea what that is! :ohwell:

Crown and Glory. It's a growout method where you keep your hair braided. Plenty of threads here on it.
I am going on 33 weeks post relaxers I was planning on getting more twists after I take my hair down but I am itching to relax....