Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

Ok cowash doesnt do nada and Dc doesnt do very much either.

Has anyone noticed that the longer they stretch the drier their hair is?

I remember Divine Inspiration said that she was able to stretch longer when she drank more water and took a Omega 3,6,9 supplement. I'm doing these things but it will take a couple of months to see results. Just thought I should say that. I think it's better to focus on internal care.

:lachen:I don't pree-poo or co-wash and I'm 16wks post, so don't feel like you have to do that. This is what I know helps me: Sabino Moisture block- I leave a little bit of my deep condish and some glycerin and seal with this stuff and I'm good for the week. I also drink at least 8 glasses of water, and I'm not a water drinker so I always take my 32 oz bottle of water and add a singles pack of crystal light (on a good day I can drink up to 3 of these), and lastly (not everyone like fake hair) I keep my hair in a pony tail protected under a phony pony. I'm going for 22 weeks.
But what do i do about these edges:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I need to get out of these braids to take care of my ends better,but i hate how my edges act...what can i do...other than gel it down?That breaks my edges after too long:nono:

I love this question b/c I get the craziest looks when I tell people to stop using gel and use honey to lay their hair down. Wet your edges with water and then slick them down with honey. Follow up by tying it down with a scarf for at least ten minutes. HTH
Lol I'm getting impatient, wanting time to go by faster because I'm looking forward to fighting with an inch or more of my new growth! :lachen: This will be my first time stretching and I can't wait to see the benefits.

I have a question though. For the ladies with thinning nape and temple areas, do you skip those areas at your relaxers even when you stretch and just do them every other relaxer? Or do you just relax those areas last? Those areas are thin for me, and the hair that is there is mostly very fine, so I don't know if I should leave it alone or what?
Lol I'm getting impatient, wanting time to go by faster because I'm looking forward to fighting with an inch or more of my new growth! :lachen: This will be my first time stretching and I can't wait to see the benefits.

I have a question though. For the ladies with thinning nape and temple areas, do you skip those areas at your relaxers even when you stretch and just do them every other relaxer? Or do you just relax those areas last? Those areas are thin for me, and the hair that is there is mostly very fine, so I don't know if I should leave it alone or what?

I'm stretching ( 8 weeks post) and my nape is kind of thin not too bad tho...i do them last when relaxing after most of my hair is smooth and leave it on for the last 5 minutes and smooth it out and then wash and neutralize....if you think you can manage you can do it every other relaxer depending on how frequently you relax.
My temple area is thin too (but healthy). I do the edges last and each touch up I start in a different section of the crown area. I part my hair into 4 quarters and start in a different quarter each time. When I get near the front and side edges and nape I leave it alone and do them last.

When it's time to rinse out, I rinse out the non-edge area, then go back and smooth down the edges one good time and rinse (still being sure not to leave in too long because it is more delicate). I picked this up from my stylist.
:lachen:I don't pree-poo or co-wash and I'm 16wks post, so don't feel like you have to do that. This is what I know helps me: Sabino Moisture block- I leave a little bit of my deep condish and some glycerin and seal with this stuff and I'm good for the week. I also drink at least 8 glasses of water, and I'm not a water drinker so I always take my 32 oz bottle of water and add a singles pack of crystal light (on a good day I can drink up to 3 of these), and lastly (not everyone like fake hair) I keep my hair in a pony tail protected under a phony pony. I'm going for 22 weeks.

From what I understand these are suggestions, correct? So no one has do anything. We're making suggestions about what works for us and if someone can learn for that, great.
Ladies I need help with washing my hair. Is there an alternative that will keep my hair moist? Washing my hair leave me with nightmare hair for 3 days! I had plan on washing every 3 days but the 3rd day is when I'm able to manage my hair. Any help will be appreciated.

ladybeesrch: Have you tried the scarf method? Instead of brown gel, you can use aloe vera gel from Walmart or ORS Loc & Twist Gel. It's not drying at all.

Hey Tiff*waves*

No,but i used some aloe gel that i got from know its mixed w/something,but i'm not sure what.
Anyhoo,it left a white residue:nono:
I have never seen the loc and twist that the one with the lady on the container w/ starter locs?
If so,then that makes sense if it has a wax-like consistency...:yep:

I'm gonna try the store bought stuff then:yep:
Thank you!!!!!

I love this question b/c I get the craziest looks when I tell people to stop using gel and use honey to lay their hair down. Wet your edges with water and then slick them down with honey. Follow up by tying it down with a scarf for at least ten minutes. HTH

Will try this too:yep:
I'm open to anything now,plus i know that honey is a humectant,so that's good in itself anyway!!
Thank you too lady!!
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Kera care humecto, Kenra, for co washing VO 5 strawberries and cream or Suave coconut. Like mentioned before drink water.

You may be adding too much protein. ORS is protien I believe. But you need mostly moisturizing.


I just wanted to say a quick thank you...I stole some of my mother's Kera Care:hide: lol..and deep conditioned with that for about an hour. After I washed it out and combed through I had only 3-5 hairs on the comb...and my hair finally feels moisturized...Im so happy :drunk:
:thankyou:Cuz I was ready to relax but now I can continue my stretch.
Love this thread!
I'm ending the fight on Friday at 14 weeks. :afro:

I actually could've gone longer but my HD is not available next weekend. :wallbash:

After this touch up, I plan on stretching 5 months through April 2008. Wish me luck! :drunk:

Oh, and cwing has really gotten me through. I do not DC, well very rarely, but my hair has some type of conditioner in it 24 - 7. I know cwing doesn't work for everyone but I am SO glad it does for me. :lick: For winter I cw at night every 2 days and wet bun, then tie down with a scarf for absolutely FLAT ng in the morning, no gel necessary. :yep: The constant moisture keeps my ng soft and manageable. My first stretch I didn't cw and I had to cornrow and do all kinds of stuff to keep my hair under control. None of that was necessary this time. ;)
Okay I need to be talked down off the ledge. I will be 10 wks post on Monday. I want to wait until Jan 1st. I don't know if I will make it. My new growth is driving me crazy. It is soft and manageable that's not the issue. It's seeing that line of demarcation--the two different textures when I look in the mirror. I guess it doesn't help that I was at a meeting today and two women had beautiful hair. One I think was a weave or wig. The other her hair was extremely healthy, long, and looks like she had done a rollerset. I'm sitting there looking like a hot mess with a bun.....

ETA--I think I need a better flat iron but I'm on a no buy til Jan challenge. Normally I airdry and flat iron and sometimes I don't flat iron at all. What do you think about airdrying then just blowing out my roots until I buy a better flatiron. I'm thinking of getting a Sedu.
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what do you ladies think about Vitapointe?? I read reniece the weave specialist used it so I brought it. I use it every other day just on my ends.
Any other moisturizing suggestions???
I am getting into the tough part of stretching for me week 8,9,10:sad:
I am 12 weeks post and things are going well. Butterfly08 thanks for the satin scarf suggestion. That has made the difference. I know I can make it now.
I am 12 weeks post and things are going well. Butterfly08 thanks for the satin scarf suggestion. That has made the difference. I know I can make it now.

No problem! The scarf tied down tightly works (along with regular cowashing) and it really helps me through! :yep: I love my little waves too. :lick:
Trying to make it to 25 weeks. Currently on week 15. Protein treatments are my best friend right now. Line of demarcation needs it. I went a year relaxer free, so I know I can do it!
I CANNOT STOP PLAYING IN MY NEW GROWTH:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

I have it pulled back into a bun during the daytime,but i'm constantly sticking my fingers in my hair and pulling out sections for my pony(its loose) so i can play with my twirls and whorls:perplexed

I thought i was going to make it to Feb,but now,just a couple days later,i dunno about that:sad:.

I need to at least make it to Jan 1 so that i will have a fresh doo for my birthday,and i will have completed exactly,or a little over 5 months.

I'm not even worried about being cute on our anniversary in December,plus dh has my back on this go-round anyways:yep:

EDIT:My hair is craving protein right now.
I bought up all of the Senscience CPR from my ULTA,and i need something NOW!!!
I dunno what to do...*sigh*
I guess i'll keep trying the emergencee,but it seems like nothing can live up to the CPR:nono:
Maybe roux porosity control?
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I CANNOT STOP PLAYING IN MY NEW GROWTH:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

I have it pulled back into a bun during the daytime,but i'm constantly sticking my fingers in my hair and pulling out sections for my pony(its loose) so i can play with my twirls and whorls:perplexed

I thought i was going to make it to Feb,but now,just a couple days later,i dunno about that:sad:.

I need to at least make it to Jan 1 so that i will have a fresh doo for my birthday,and i will have completed exactly,or a little over 5 months.

I'm not even worried about being cute on our anniversary in December,plus dh has my back on this go-round anyways:yep:

EDIT:My hair is craving protein right now.
I bought up all of the Senscience CPR from my ULTA,and i need something NOW!!!
I dunno what to do...*sigh*
I guess i'll keep trying the emergencee,but it seems like nothing can live up to the CPR:nono:
Maybe roux porosity control?

Have u tried eggs and conditoner? or henna? or an aphogee treatment?
Trying to make it to 25 weeks. Currently on week 15. Protein treatments are my best friend right now. Line of demarcation needs it. I went a year relaxer free, so I know I can do it!

Wow! Good luck!

I CANNOT STOP PLAYING IN MY NEW GROWTH:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

I have it pulled back into a bun during the daytime,but i'm constantly sticking my fingers in my hair and pulling out sections for my pony(its loose) so i can play with my twirls and whorls:perplexed

Wow, me too. I love things at about week 9 when the waves are in. I am touching them almost constantly. ;)
I decided that I'm going to try for only 3 relaxers next year. So I'm going to go with March, July and November. I'll also stick with 3 color touch ups a year. Ok, a little over 3 months until my next touch up! :grin: I'm at week 3 right now.
I decided that I'm going to try for only 3 relaxers next year. So I'm going to go with March, July and November. I'll also stick with 3 color touch ups a year. Ok, a little over 3 months until my next touch up! :grin: I'm at week 3 right now.

Good Luck, you're fully capable!
I decided that I'm going to try for only 3 relaxers next year. So I'm going to go with March, July and November. I'll also stick with 3 color touch ups a year. Ok, a little over 3 months until my next touch up! :grin: I'm at week 3 right now.

Me too for the relaxers. My months will be Jan, May, and Sept.
Have u tried eggs and conditoner? or henna? or an aphogee treatment?
Yes to eggs and aphogee:sad:

I am worried about tryong henna because it seems complicated,and i really don't want to mess up,so i will go ahead and try the bentonite clay,or just suck it up and order the Senscience from the net:sad:

Wow, me too. I love things at about week 9 when the waves are in. I am touching them almost constantly. ;)

Girl that is me too,and then some!you have no idea how bad it is with me!!!!!!I really gotta find a way to stop.I am sure its because this is my first stretch w/o my braids:spinning:
Another q, how many weeks/months post are you and how much relaxer are you using come touch-up time?
i.e.,what size container,how many individual sized tubs,etc.
I'm in!

Just got caught in the rain today after cowashing and mist setting my hair (boo)

Looking like a troll right now!

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