Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

Ladies, I am at 6 weeks post today. I am still a newbie, but this is hard. I am going to take it one week at a time. Today it's time for a prepoo and dc. I will be rollersetting for my protective styling. It's hard I say again. I think my hair is doing great. No breakage, but that could be a result of all the cowashing and prepoos. I am officially going for the gusto. Relaxer to hair is like crack to a crackhead. I am fighting the urge to get my fix right now. Wish me luck.
^^^I sure will. How often do you normally relax? If you can figure out a way to stretch w/o breakage, it's worth it. Over several months you will notice a difference in the health and thickness of your hair. :yep::yep:
It was a good experience but I didn't let her trim. I'll do it myself today. I will post pictures sometime soon. I'm glad I didn't lose any hair, that was my biggest fear. :yep::yep:
Hey ladies, I was supposed to relax yesterday but my studying kept from doing it and now I don't know what I will anymore. I will be 11 weeks post this coming Sunday and that is pretty close to my usual 12 weeks so I might just go for it. I'll see. Wish me luck for the next 1.5 weeks.
at 20 weeks....

shout out to Sylver my stretching supporter and sensei ... :lol:

Woo Hoo, Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I am so happy you are stretching so lonnnnng. I did that once and lost a lotta hair, so I'll just be cheering you on from the side lines...........Go Mona Go:grin:!
Ladies I have to tell ya: I brought a relaxer yesterday :blush: and I was gonna relax my hair today but didn't only b/c I'm lazy and really wanted to relax mind and body today.

Here's my rant: I loave my hair for at least 2 day after wash day. My hair will not lay down right no matter what I do. I know I need to wash it in order to keep it moist but is there a better way. Please help! I'm really trying!!!!!
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Ladies I have to tell ya: I brought a relaxer yesterday :blush: and I was gonna relax my hair today but didn't only b/c I'm lazy and really wanted to relax mind and body today.

Here's my rant: I loave my hair for at least 2 day after wash day. My hair will not lay down right no matter what I do. I know I need to wash it in order to keep it moist but is there a better way. Please help! I'm really trying!!!!!

I would like to know this too.
^^Maybe you should take it week by week. Like you know you can do 7 then try for 8 then when 8 rolls around decide if you can do 9 etc.

I'm 9 weeks post and things are going well. Bunning helps.
How are you all keeping the new growth soft and managable?? Do you part the scalp daily & apply your oils?? :blush: Suppose the NG is entirely too thick to comb thru, what then???:wallbash:
How are you all keeping the new growth soft and managable?? Do you part the scalp daily & apply your oils?? :blush: Suppose the NG is entirely too thick to comb thru, what then???:wallbash:

Thanks for asking this, and to whoever answers could you tell me if S-curl users (or anything of the glycerine line of products) part and apply daily or as needed? Which is easier on dry new growth, spray bottle or tube?

Thank you!
I am 7 weeks post and it's getting harder ever day! I have never stretch past 10 weeks. I wanna relax for my birthday (Nov. 11) I'll finally be 18 but I have a modeling event to attend on Dec 14 and I want a fresh relaxer for that! I'm really torn on what to do????
How are you all keeping the new growth soft and managable?? Do you part the scalp daily & apply your oils?? :blush: Suppose the NG is entirely too thick to comb thru, what then???:wallbash:

I cowash 1x/per week. I think others would report the same thing--that cowashing helps with new growth. I also DC 2x/wk for an hour with heat and that helps too.

I seal my ends with oil on a daily basis. 2x/wk I apply Vatika Frosting to my hair and scalp as a prepoo.
I'm 10 weeks post...this is my first stretch. I've been having breakage for the past 2 weeks and nothing seems to be helping. Maybe its time to relax? :perplexed
I'm almost 6 weeks post and my NG isn't driving me crazy as it usually does. That may be because I went to a stylist who did a no-lie so it's not as unprocessed compared to when I do it myself with no-lye. I dont know. Week 8 will really be testing....
I'm 10 weeks post...this is my first stretch. I've been having breakage for the past 2 weeks and nothing seems to be helping. Maybe its time to relax? :perplexed

You need to do a DC with a good moisturizing conditioner. Co wash as often as you can. Apply moisturizer on your ends and at the line of demarcation. Low manipulation is best. Do not comb out your hair dry. Only in shower with conditioner.

Im 17 weeks today.
I posted this in the "Has tried Parachute Coconut Oil Thread" but I thought it may be useful for my fellow stretchers and 4b and beyond hair types.

So I'm 12 weeks post relaxer, and I have 4b hair, it's beyond 4b but for reference sake just think of the kinkiest, most tightly coiled hair type, that's me. I'm 100% african here!

If you are 4b and beyond and have additional suggestions on how to manage new growth and make it "manageable" please let me know. I would like to have options.

So I've been having trouble getting my new growth "manageable". No matter how much I deep condition and moisturize while it's under running water, it's fine, but as soon as it starts drying it just becomes impossible to deal with. Then there is the issue of moisture. NOTHING seems to penetrate it. You know how your hair feels when the outer layer is lathered but you can tell it just hasn't penetrated? That's how my hair would always feel.Even when I would add oils to my conditioner it would always feel dehydrated afterward. anyways this weekend I was determined to become the "mad scientist" and come up with a solution. The only "new" product for me here is the parachute brand coconut oil. I bought it at an Indian Store on Saturday. I have always used the spectrum brand coconut oil, and I love that one but I didn't use it on this experiment.So I can't speak on whether it would work or not. So I washed my hair with the Dabur Vatika Henna Cream Conditioning Shampoo (I LOVE this shampoo by the way) then I warmed the parachute coconut oil in hot water until it turned back in to a liquid and mixed it with KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner (love this product too). I sectioned my hair in fours and applied the mix to each section, scalp to ends. I could feel the difference as soon as I started washing it out. My hair started feeling silky. I towel dried it and the new growth still felt soft. Usually by that point it starts curling right up. Anyways I planned to blow dry that night because I'm doing the OCT/MegaTek personal challenge and I wanted to take progress pics (i ended up not finding my camera and I was HOT because My hair looked great, come to find out DH had it in his car the whole time) anyways as I was blow drying the brush just slid through my hair, no pulling at all. I was so excited, by the time I finished drying it it didn't even look like I was 12 weeks post relaxer. it looked like I was maybe 6, but even that's a stretch, my roots were so soft! Anyways I wanted to share this experience with people that would understand my joy and excitement. I usually HATE wash days because of the process it would take to get my hair to work with me. This is the first time I have stretched this long and I just didn't think I could make it any longer if I didn't find a solution. well i think I found it and to those that may be having a similar issue, i hope this helps. This worked for ME. My hair is very unusual. I have had numerous hairdressers tell me that. So it may not work for all. But I think it's worth a try. The coconut oil was like 2.99! I included a picture below.

Ok cowash doesnt do nada and Dc doesnt do very much either.

Has anyone noticed that the longer they stretch the drier their hair is?

I remember Divine Inspiration said that she was able to stretch longer when she drank more water and took a Omega 3,6,9 supplement. I'm doing these things but it will take a couple of months to see results. Just thought I should say that. I think it's better to focus on internal care.
Ok cowash doesnt do nada and Dc doesnt do very much either.

Has anyone noticed that the longer they stretch the drier their hair is?

I remember Divine Inspiration said that she was able to stretch longer when she drank more water and took a Omega 3,6,9 supplement. I'm doing these things but it will take a couple of months to see results. Just thought I should say that. I think it's better to focus on internal care.

cowashes and prepoos actually don't do anything for my hair either. I definitely agree with the idea of drinking more water. I have been on a weightloss journey for a few months now and I drink about 140 oz of water. My new growth at 12 wks now is a different than my new growth four years ago when I did my first stretch. At 9 weeks four years ago, my hair would not budge, it wouldn't let anything in, not a comb, not a brush, not oil, not conditioner. nothing. and it was breaking badly. at one time I had to go to my hair dresser because it had gotten so tangled and I got a comb stuck in it. It's hilarious now, but at the time I was crying my eyes out thinking I would have to lose all my hair and my hard work. My hair dresser opened her shop after hours (it was 11pm) and sat me under the dryer for an hour an a half with tons of conditioner in my hair. I lost a lot of hair, but not as much as I could have if I tried to do it on my own.This time around although it's still very difficult I notice the texture is not as tight, and it responds to moisture differently.
You need to do a DC with a good moisturizing conditioner. Co wash as often as you can. Apply moisturizer on your ends and at the line of demarcation. Low manipulation is best. Do not comb out your hair dry. Only in shower with conditioner.

Im 17 weeks today.

Can you suggest a good moisturizing conditioner?
I've been cowashing with VO5 3-4 times a week. I moisturize with CFCG, and Elasta QP Mango Butter. I was also using Mane & Tail for my cowashes/deep conditioner but it seemed to be drying out my hair. Surprisingly an ORS pack did nothing for my hair either. Which is why I am close to giving up my strectch :perplexed

I'm guilty of combing on my dry hair...because my roots are so thick. I'm definately going to try and stick with the low maipulation though. Thanks for the advice
Can you suggest a good moisturizing conditioner?
I've been cowashing with VO5 3-4 times a week. I moisturize with CFCG, and Elasta QP Mango Butter. I was also using Mane & Tail for my cowashes/deep conditioner but it seemed to be drying out my hair. Surprisingly an ORS pack did nothing for my hair either. Which is why I am close to giving up my strectch :perplexed

I'm guilty of combing on my dry hair...because my roots are so thick. I'm definately going to try and stick with the low maipulation though. Thanks for the advice

Kera care humecto, Kenra, for co washing VO 5 strawberries and cream or Suave coconut. Like mentioned before drink water.

You may be adding too much protein. ORS is protien I believe. But you need mostly moisturizing.
But what do i do about these edges:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I need to get out of these braids to take care of my ends better,but i hate how my edges act...what can i do...other than gel it down?That breaks my edges after too long:nono:
When I was 16 weeks post and about to lose my mind, I dc'd with Hair One Olive Oil and it was good. But then I used some as a leave in and my newgrowth almost melted! I lost minimal hair and my hair was just so easy to detangle. I could have went another 4 weeks with Hair One, but I'm impatient and wanted to relax! :lol:

I've also found that putting serum on my hair after I apply leave in after I wash makes a HUGE difference. It adds lots of slippage to make the newgrowth easier to manage. Oils and crap do nothing for me. Serum is where it's at :up:
ladybeesrch: Have you tried the scarf method? Instead of brown gel, you can use aloe vera gel from Walmart or ORS Loc & Twist Gel. It's not drying at all.