Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

7 months is taking forever to detangle in the shower..but makes everything else so much each easier.
15 weeks is still a long relaxer stretch. I typically stretch no longer than 12 weeks but I want to wait longer this time before I relax just to see what my hair will look like for the Christmas holidays.

I've been trying to get on a 13 week, 4 relaxers a year schedule. I relaxed at 11 weeks last time because we evacuated for Gustav and I spent a week in a hotel without my products so I couldn't co-wash every other day. At 11 weeks, not co-washing every other day = out-of-control hair by the end of the week. So, I got a relaxer because I was afraid it was going to start breaking. Waiting 15 weeks will more or less get me back on my every 13 weeks schedule.
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Hi Ladies,
Ok, so first, thank you so much for all of the support!!! I did succumb to the relaxer 2 days shy of Week 10, I just couldn't make it...:wallbash: However, I am still doing good on my journey from 6 weeks (5 years ago) and now stretching to 10 WKS as a routine. My hair is so much better and healthier for it. I was pretty happy with the growth I saw over 3 months, and people keep saying wow, your hair is getting long!!! YAY!!!! :grin:

I am definitely striving for at least make it 10 Wks for my next relaxer (right before Christmas) with 12 weeks as my goal.

As you all suggested, I went out and bought some new "phony ponies" to help with the stretch and also, because I have started dancing again (for love and for exercise!!) I am going to be starting my MT/OCT/Oil mix this week (as soon as the supplies arrive!!).

I'm finally just over 9 weeks post now and is in real need of some protein treatments. So my next wash, I will be giving myself a well needed protein and moisture treatment.
Hello ladies I have a question for u all, I am a newbie to the site and I am stretching for the first time I am currently 6 weeks post (this is my normal relaxing but thanks to yall I am going strong!!!!) but I was wondering if it is safe to stretch to 13 weeks my first time?
Hello ladies I have a question for u all, I am a newbie to the site and I am stretching for the first time I am currently 6 weeks post (this is my normal relaxing but thanks to yall I am going strong!!!!) but I was wondering if it is safe to stretch to 13 weeks my first time?

I suggest you add a week each time, go slow. If at 7 weeks your hair isn't breaking, then stretch another week. Many of us advocate cowashing because it keeps the ng moist and less prone to tangle. So try doing that a couple times a week and pulling back into a bun. If that's not possible, moisturize your ends and your line of demarcation (between the ng and relaxed hair) daily. The minute your hair starts breaking, relax and try again. Breakage would be counterproductive. HTH
11 weeks, 4 days post and going strong.
19 weeks. I'm done. I will relax next week. I'm beginning to see some breakage. But I will do a protein treatment before I relax. BTW this is the longest I've ever gone.
Hey ladies! :wave:
Relaxed at 19 weeks. This was the worst relaxer I had ever applied. I was rushing, did not base thoroughly enough, burned my scalp (for the very first time), and underprocessed. I did a piss poor job. I was so preoccupied.

So I plan to do a CORRECTIVE in approx 6-8 weeks. I will go back to the half and half relaxing method (because I acheived the best results when I did that).

For 2009, I will spend the entire year on an aggressive trimming regimen, inspired by MsKibibi and JenniferMD who did that to gain nice healthy thick ends.

In the meantime, I will nurse my hair and prepare it for the upcoming corrective.
Hey ladies! :wave:
Relaxed at 19 weeks. This was the worst relaxer I had ever applied. I was rushing, did not base thoroughly enough, burned my scalp (for the very first time), and underprocessed. I did a piss poor job. I was so preoccupied.

So I plan to do a CORRECTIVE in approx 6-8 weeks. I will go back to the half and half relaxing method (because I acheived the best results when I did that).

For 2009, I will spend the entire year on an aggressive trimming regimen, inspired by MsKibibi and JenniferMD who did that to gain nice healthy thick ends.

In the meantime, I will nurse my hair and prepare it for the upcoming corrective.

I hear ya! I hate that you relaxing experience didn't go well. I am going to search the forum for the half and half method b/c the stylist that did my texturizer two weeks ago did a piss poor job....I HATE it.
I hear ya! I hate that you relaxing experience didn't go well. I am going to search the forum for the half and half method b/c the stylist that did my texturizer two weeks ago did a piss poor job....I HATE it.

Just go the Self-Relax Support Thread I made. It has everything you need to know.
Hi ladies! Well, I am in the stretchers club now. I'm currently 8 wks post and I'm pushing for 12, but it is soooo hard! I want to relax and get my hair to bouncin' and swinging, but instead I'm going to go co-wash, moisturize, and bun :wallbash:

I also need to go back and read over the past few threads for some tips.
Hmmm, i'm 10 weeks now and I will be relaxing on Wednesday. I can't go any longer, this is tough! My new growth is really out of control, I can't stretch to my usual 12-14 weeks and I think it's because of Mega Tek, not that I'm complaining, lol. It's growing faster so I have to relax faster as well. I will remain a part of this thread as a means to encourage me to stretch at least 10 weeks at a time, except my next relaxer which is due again in just under 8 weeks after Wednesday.
Jumping on the wagon! I am currently 22 weeks post and with great prayer I plan on going a whole year with a relaxer. I may need a few intervention so be ready. My next relaxer should be May 29, 2009!
^ A whole year wow! Good for you!

I was 8 wks post as of yesterday. This is the longest I've ever gone except when I was in braids (every 8 wks) for like a year. Although my hair is short I plan to start bunning as of today and will continue to do so until I'm tired of buns. Finally decided I will relax on January 1 rather than December 1. I will have stretched 4 months. We'll see.
Jumping on the wagon! I am currently 22 weeks post and with great prayer I plan on going a whole year with a relaxer. I may need a few intervention so be ready. My next relaxer should be May 29, 2009!

WOWZA! :kneel::lol:

You have inspired me to stretch my next relaxer out. I am 12.5 weeks post and I'm relaxing at 15 weeks (Nov 15) but I will stretch my 2nd relaxer until 3rd Saturday in April 09 (22 weeks). The longest I've done is 17 (I believe!)
I'm currently 9 weeks post. Had some trauma past two weeks, hair was really knotted and I lost a lot trying to detangle. Not pretty.

This was an older post, but I am having this same exact problem! IDK if it's due to the MT or what, but I only detangle like once or twice a week and the past two times I detangled I lost way too much hair, IMO :( I was kind of sad about it. My hair is breaking out of nowhere as well! IDK if it's the weather changing, me being stressed about things, the stretch or what but whatever it is it is messing with my hair! Luckily I have really thick hair so it's not noticeable.

I'm 8 weeks post right now, and I've waited 9 1/2 weeks before and didn't have this much trouble at all! IDK what to do :( I am trying to wait to relax until around Dec. 14th, but I don't know if it's best to just call it a day and do it early or what. Then again, I am scared to relax with this stupid breakage going on and I haven't had a trim in awhile either *sigh*

Anyone have any suggestions about the breakage and detangling? I already CW often and detangle in sections. I'm kind of lost right now. . .I've never had this happen before!
My hair is breaking out of nowhere as well! IDK if it's the weather changing, me being stressed about things, the stretch or what but whatever it is it is messing with my hair!! Anyone have any suggestions about the breakage and detangling? I already CW often and detangle in sections. I'm kind of lost right now. . .I've never had this happen before!

Hi Miss Nina, to help address the breakage, I would definitely try a good leave in conditioner...and then move your wide toothed comb from the tips to the roots, only trying to detangle maybe llike an inch at a time and see if that helps?

Also, I just started bunning this week because it is getting cold in NYC and I figured that it was time to tuck away the ends. I know that the winter cold hair completely dries out my hair and causes breakage, so I would try to start bunning/pin-ups to keep the hair hidden.

I am not sure what moisturizing you are doing, but I would definitely apply a moisturizer and oil sealant to help keep your ends from breaking. I started doing that and it has made a pretty big difference for me.

And, last thing, with the MT, how are you applying it? If you are doing it raw, quite a few ladies have been talking about breaking/shedding because of it. I am adding an oil (grapeseed or any growth oil) to my MT Mix to make it a little but easier to on my scalp and hair and I think I have cut shedding/breakage off at the pass"

Hope this helps! :yep:
Hi Miss Nina, to help address the breakage, I would definitely try a good leave in conditioner...and then move your wide toothed comb from the tips to the roots, only trying to detangle maybe llike an inch at a time and see if that helps?

Also, I just started bunning this week because it is getting cold in NYC and I figured that it was time to tuck away the ends. I know that the winter cold hair completely dries out my hair and causes breakage, so I would try to start bunning/pin-ups to keep the hair hidden.

I am not sure what moisturizing you are doing, but I would definitely apply a moisturizer and oil sealant to help keep your ends from breaking. I started doing that and it has made a pretty big difference for me.

And, last thing, with the MT, how are you applying it? If you are doing it raw, quite a few ladies have been talking about breaking/shedding because of it. I am adding an oil (grapeseed or any growth oil) to my MT Mix to make it a little but easier to on my scalp and hair and I think I have cut shedding/breakage off at the pass"

Hope this helps! :yep:

Thanks for responding and trying to help :hug2: ! Yeah, I'm already bunning towards BSL. I've been doing that since around July or August so that hasn't changed. I've been moisturizing my ends specifically and that hasnt changed either. I don't apply MT raw, I mix it with castor oil.

IDK what's going on but whatever it is that is causing it is something that has occurred within the past 2 or 3 weeks. I cant figure out what it is :(
Thanks for responding and trying to help :hug2: ! Yeah, I'm already bunning towards BSL. I've been doing that since around July or August so that hasn't changed. I've been moisturizing my ends specifically and that hasnt changed either. I don't apply MT raw, I mix it with castor oil. IDK what's going on but whatever it is that is causing it is something that has occurred within the past 2 or 3 weeks. I cant figure out what it is :(

Wow, you and I are doing the same things...:hug2: AAAANNNDDDD, that is all my suggestions :nono: The only thing I am thinking is it must be the weather. I am not sure where you live but the weather has gottten considerably colder so maybe that is it. Maybe you could do a deep conditioning treatment? :whyme:
Wow, you and I are doing the same things...:hug2: AAAANNNDDDD, that is all my suggestions :nono: The only thing I am thinking is it must be the weather. I am not sure where you live but the weather has gottten considerably colder so maybe that is it. Maybe you could do a deep conditioning treatment? :whyme:

Yeah girl, at first I used Motions CPR treatment. Didn't work. So then I was having a little protein overload situation and I overnight DC'd with Silk Elements Megasilk and rinsed with Aussie Moist. . .that fixed the overload but my hair was still off :(

I'm just keeping it bunned up and trying to touch it as less as possible.