Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I am loving my newly relaxed hair, I really just like to see my baby hair lay flat in the front. :lachen:but my wolverine hair in the back is puffy, it never stays straight for more than a day.

LOL at wolverine hair. :lachen:

Man, I'm just gonna have to try it again, the first 2 times I did it, my hair was not soft and silky at all. I think the key is to find a conditioner that agrees with my hair. So I'll try it again using another type of conditioner, last time I used Tressemme. Any suggestions?

Yes, the conditioner is key. Honestly, the V05 and other $1 conditioners didn't work for me. :ohwell: HE LTR has worked great as the rinse out conditioner and that is only a few bucks. I use higher end conditioners to leave in. These are not meant to be left in but I do anyway for the extra moisture and protection. I am using HSH pumpkin puree until it is all gone (that sucker is lasting forever! :lachen:) but I plan on mixing it up with a couple Aveda (DR) and Redken (All Soft) conditioners as well. Also try moisturizing conditioners to leave in, then seal with oil. It seems like the first time my hair dries it can get crunchy, but when I get home from work I re-moisturize and it softens up a lot. HTH
LOL at wolverine hair. :lachen:

Yes, the conditioner is key. Honestly, the V05 and other $1 conditioners didn't work for me. :ohwell: HE LTR has worked great as the rinse out conditioner and that is only a few bucks. I use higher end conditioners to leave in. These are not meant to be left in but I do anyway for the extra moisture and protection. I am using HSH pumpkin puree until it is all gone (that sucker is lasting forever! :lachen:) but I plan on mixing it up with a couple Aveda (DR) and Redken (All Soft) conditioners as well. Also try moisturizing conditioners to leave in, then seal with oil. It seems like the first time my hair dries it can get crunchy, but when I get home from work I re-moisturize and it softens up a lot. HTH

Thanks for your recommendations J. I actually used a regular conditioner as a leave-in over the weekend, and it worked great. Hopefully I'll find one that works for me.
Tonight I am going to start using my MT and I am SOOOO excited! Hopefully with this stretch I get a million inches of growth. heh!
Hey ladies! :wave:

I just realized that I am 14 weeks post. It flew by!!
I had originally intended to stretch for 3 months.
The first 10 weeks or so, I did the nicest rollersets on a weekly basis, sometimes 2x a week.

But then one day, I was running late, and I co-washed, wore a low braid, and have been doing that daily since. I love it!! :love: So now, I plan to stretch to about 5 or 6 months, while co-washing daily.

I'll keep you posted!
10 weeks post and plan on going 12/13 :grin::grin: 12 is my norm..:drunk::drunk:

BUTTTTTT..... Why is it that when I get down to 2/3 weeks left in my stretch I be itching to do my touch-up? :ohwell: It always happens, I don't know if it is b/c I'm on LHCF too much or what but I always get to about 10 weeks post and start thinking about a touch-up :perplexed..
10 weeks post and plan on going 12/13 :grin::grin: 12 is my norm..:drunk::drunk:

BUTTTTTT..... Why is it that when I get down to 2/3 weeks left in my stretch I be itching to do my touch-up? :ohwell: It always happens, I don't know if it is b/c I'm on LHCF too much or what but I always get to about 10 weeks post and start thinking about a touch-up :perplexed..

i'm the same way. a lot has to do with wanting to see how much progress you've made, and while being tired of maintaining two textures. at least, that's the case with me.

but i'm back on track again. right now i am in nursing mode... and babying it again, in order to get thru the next hump.
I'm about 8 weeks post and coping fine, but then I normally re touch at 8 weeks anyway. So I'll see how I feel about trying to get to 12 weeks, I can't see why this would be too challenging as I used to re touch my hair every quarter when I was younger, so can't see why I couldn't get back into that mode of thought now. Ideally I would love to be able to stretch up until Christmas. I don't think I could hold out any longer than that realistically.

My new growth is feeling so much more softer than normal though, I put it down to all the deep conditioning.
24 weeks post; 9 or 10 weeks left...maybe more, idk.

i am a serial stretcher, but product adjustment has made it easier this go round. and as always, i cannot stop playing in my new growth. very curly in the front and wavy in the back.
24 weeks post; 9 or 10 weeks left...maybe more, idk.

i am a serial stretcher, but product adjustment has made it easier this go round. and as always, i cannot stop playing in my new growth. very curly in the front and wavy in the back.

^^^^ Wow. How do you style your hair after 16 weeks?
I'll be 16 weeks come Friday and this go round has been a hassle. I'm thinking about relaxing this weekend since my newgrowth is outta control. My hair is starting to stick together after being washed too and I'm losing too much hair. I can't take it anymore!:nono:
Yeah! 18 1/2 weeks checking in. I plan to go to 22 weeks or so when its time to take down my braids. I might just spend the money and get more braids so i can stretch even longer.

If i can make it 6 months then i might as well transition at that point...hmmm.
I'm 14 weeks post with the help of extensions. I want to relax for my birthday (October) but then again I want to stretch till December. We'll see
It would be really good to hold out until Christmas, imagine the new lengths we could amass by that point! It's going to be hard though, my NG seems to have sprouted a mass of new curls overnight! :eek:
How are you ladies doing? I'm 10 weeks post but I'm coping okay at the moment. I think I could easily keep going for the forseeable future as my roots are really manageable. Let's hope I haven't spoken too soon! :D
I decided that I wont perm my hair just yet. I am going to take out my install tonight. Treating it, and doing a DC moisturizing and putting the install back again... This Saturday will make it 13 weeks!!
Yeah! 18 1/2 weeks checking in. I plan to go to 22 weeks or so when its time to take down my braids. I might just spend the money and get more braids so i can stretch even longer.

If i can make it 6 months then i might as well transition at that point...hmmm.

What do you do to your hair in between getting braids done..?
Hey, ladies! I am currently about three months post now and am really having a time!! I would have BEEN gotten a touch-up already, but my finances aren't looking right so I really don't know when I will be able to get my hair done! :o( Anyone have any suggestions for styles I could do that would still make my hair look good? I have currently been doing twist-outs A LOT but I would like some versatility. I was doing the wigs, but my nape had started breaking off so I'm trying to avoid them for the moment. I would really like to straighten my hair, so if anyone has any tips for how to straighten hair 3 months post I'd appreciate it. TIA!
17 or 18 weeks post and im going to relax tomorrow ... only decided to do it because these underprocessed roots were killing the hell out of my hair . It takes me an entire day to flat iron, other than that .. this stretch was going wonderfully ... the tangles not so much. After I sort this out, im not relaxing again until July '09 - 44 weeks post