Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I do not comb every day, maybe twice a week. Prior to washing and I've gone beyond 10 weeks, I lightly comb to make sure I don't have any tangles prior to washing.

I cold rinse which helps me with tangles when I washed. Also, I keep my hair going all in one direction and aways wash in the shower. I also do not manipulate my hair a lot when I wash.

After wash and con I use a little therappe on sopping wet hair so that I can get the comb through at least the upper layers:lachen: if I have enough patience, I get get to my scalp but takes time and patience. After that, I moisterize put some oil on, bun it, and call it a day. Thats on a non dc day.

DC days I do my dc, wrap a hot towel around my head, wrap a couple of bags from stop n shop around that, wrap a a big dry towel around that and sit for 30 mins. That makes my hair so soft and managable and combing is a breeze. (though all that **** on my head makes me feel like I'm about to fall over:lachen:)


Thank you. I think combing out any tangles prior to washing will definitely help. Normally, I just take my hair down from whatever protective styling I have that day, and go straight to washing.
First try clarifying in sections, part your hair in 4 or more sections, lightly braided, use a clip. Take your time with each one. And braid it back up when done, then move on to the next section. Do not use too much shampoo. And be sure to use a moisturizing shampoo afterwards.

I know a lot of people think that prepooing is futile before clarifying, but not if you are doing it for a softening effect. If you have bushy or dry NG, then you may want to treat it to soften it before clarifying:
  • use oil, condish, or both to prepoo. (with or without heat),
  • OR apply a light coating concentrating on NG overnight,
  • OR do a steam prepoo treatment, (basically anything to soften the NG)
  • and then try clarifying.
Also, when clarifying and shampooing, there is no need to scrunch up and scrub. You just need to use the tips of your fingers, and lightly massage the scalp. Stroke the hair down. The smaller the sections, the easier it will be. Detangle directly under the shower head.

I've thought about using oil. Great info! Thanks.
Subscribing! I'm at 9 weeks and it's been smooth sailing so far. :yep: Cowashing is helping wonderfully, as well as leaving in a moisturizing conditioner and bunning up 3x/week. Once a week I wet set. I roll the hair in the front with small rollers and it pulls the ng straight.
I'd love to do this, but how can short hair like mine stretch that long?:lachen::rolleyes:

for shorter hair I think you have to experiment. Just to see what types of styles you can do on shorter hair that work well for you and that you consider protective, relaxer-stretching styles, etc.
My last stretch lasted for 20 wks. I am currently at 14wks post. I am not sure how long I will last this time. :ohwell: Co-washing daily is really making my new growth easier to manage. :yep:

Yes, cwing is the truth! :yep: I cannot believe how soft and moisturized my ng is this stretch!

How are you Shampooing or conditioning? It sounds like you are ruffling the hair when you do. I shampoo/ co- wash going back so the hair itself is not tangled to begin with. As Shampoo u may want to try CON the green bottle. When you apply the conditioner stroke from your forehead back to your ends. Do not ruffle the hair. So that even with the conditioner in, you should be able to run your fingers thru your hair. Twist into a bun put on cap and DC. When you rinse release the bun and allow the hair to fall back with the water running trhu at that time run the shower comb thru Jilbere is the best. You will see it will be easy to detangle without having to do it in too many sections. Im almost 20 weeks and I get no tangles and I do it all in one no sections.

What is this CON conditioner in the green bottle everyone's talking about? Where do you buy it, and how much is it normally? :look:
Ok, I'm trying the coconut milk right now to straighten out my ng. I've had it on for over 2 hours and about to rinse it out now. I'll report back with my results! :grin:
I'm stretchin' and I'm 10 weeks post also trying to make it 'til Aug 2nd. SCurl and co-washing have been my best friends.:luv2:
I'm stretchin' and I'm 10 weeks post also trying to make it 'til Aug 2nd. SCurl and co-washing have been my best friends.:luv2:

We'll be ending on the same day! :drunk: I'm gonna TRYYYYYYY to stretch until early December. That will be 4 relaxers this year. Next year I'm going for 3.:drunk: :yep:
Where are all the stretchers? :sad: 10 weeks 2 days and counting...

Just relaxed yesterday. (I couldn't wait no mo!) Considering the comb wasn't hitting anywhere near my scalp and I had such a crazy bushel going on, it was time. I couldn't see my scalp anymore.

I was hoping to wait it out until October but my hair had other ideas. I went 17 weeks. (whew!) I had to use an entire box of phyto. (that 1/2 box stuff just wasn't going to cut it):nono:

I am about 10 wks post, not to sure I need to check, I've been avoiding checking all the time to minimize me wanting to get a relaxer sooner.

I stretched 17 wks last time and was one day shy of 4 months. That was my longest stretch so I don't know if it did much cause that was the only time i stretched that long.

I am gonna try sand go as long as my hair can take it which is hopefully more than 17wks. I know I def wanna try and make it through the summer before I relax cause wat's the point of having your hair swangin when as soon as you step outside it's gonna be stuck to your face from all the sweat.

Also it just irks me that people get so frustrated with their NG so early in the game. You have to learn to embrace it and have the mindset that you can and will stretch if not just for the health of your poor scalp. WHo cares what other people say about it and what your hair is looking like. I am about tired of my ponytail myself but I know when I relax finally I will be happy.

The only thing that will cut this relaxer short will be that my hair has many textures in it from being underprossed and I notice it's breaking to much.

Good luck everyone and HHG!!
I read about it on LHCF
Carmelization Treatment
A great way to stretch a relaxer. It's a mixture of honey, olive oil, molasses, bananas, cornstarch, water, vinegar, and wheat germ oil. You apply it like you would a relaxer, let it sit for 30 minutes with a plastic cap on, rinse, shampoo with a sulfate-free shampoo, condition, and rollerset and/or blowdry your hair and roots. Go to: ( for more info. I will update.. I havent heard of anyone on LHCF using it. I just got my email confirmation.......we will see...Im seven weeks post now​
19 weeks here on the July 28th.I wash once a week and only comb on wash days. I usually stop at 18 weeks but have decided to stretch to 20 or 21 weeks. I'm still able to detangle my hair in about 20 minutes or so thanks to Garnier Melting Masque. Thought I am an experienced stretcher that masque has made all the difference in the world for me. I kissed 1 hour detangling sessions goodbye!:grin:
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Summer, let us know how this works. It looks great. Sounds very moisturizing. :yep:

I read about it on LHCF
Carmelization Treatment

A great way to stretch a relaxer. It's a mixture of honey, olive oil, molasses, bananas, cornstarch, water, vinegar, and wheat germ oil. You apply it like you would a relaxer, let it sit for 30 minutes with a plastic cap on, rinse, shampoo with a sulfate-free shampoo, condition, and rollerset and/or blowdry your hair and roots. Go to: ( for more info. I will update.. I havent heard of anyone on LHCF using it. I just got my email confirmation.......we will see...Im seven weeks post now​
Both of you ladies are doin' it!!! :notworthy How's it coming? How are you managing the ng?

Stretching was an interesting experience (I ended it yesterday at 15 weeks), for the most part I just left the ng alone. The last detangle before the touch up was a bit rough, though.

Good luck to everyone still stretching!!
Just relaxed yesterday. (I couldn't wait no mo!) Considering the comb wasn't hitting anywhere near my scalp and I had such a crazy bushel going on, it was time. I couldn't see my scalp anymore.

I was hoping to wait it out until October but my hair had other ideas. I went 17 weeks. (whew!) I had to use an entire box of phyto. (that 1/2 box stuff just wasn't going to cut it):nono:


Great stretch! :yep:
I read about it on LHCF
Carmelization Treatment

A great way to stretch a relaxer. It's a mixture of honey, olive oil, molasses, bananas, cornstarch, water, vinegar, and wheat germ oil. You apply it like you would a relaxer, let it sit for 30 minutes with a plastic cap on, rinse, shampoo with a sulfate-free shampoo, condition, and rollerset and/or blowdry your hair and roots. Go to: ( for more info. I will update.. I havent heard of anyone on LHCF using it. I just got my email confirmation.......we will see...Im seven weeks post now​

Sounds intriguing! :scratchch Post back with your results please!
Checkin' in at 11 weeks 2 days. I'm ending this week at 12 weeks, and it has been almost pain free thanks to co-washing and scarfing the ng. Then I will stretch t'il December - 4 months! My longest ever! :perplexed
I am 11 wks one day post today and still stretching. I don't think stretching is that difficult. I don't wanna relax to early and not be happy with the that's why I am gonna try and hold out until the end of this summer. I love braidouts now. I have finally accomplished them but will be doing twistouts now so that I can be easier on my hair.
I am 11 wks one day post today and still stretching. I don't think stretching is that difficult. I don't wanna relax to early and not be happy with the that's why I am gonna try and hold out until the end of this summer. I love braidouts now. I have finally accomplished them but will be doing twistouts now so that I can be easier on my hair.
Girl stretching for me is still kinda difficult but I refuse to relax too early. I will wait for enough NG to keep my stylist from having to over process.