Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

I just tried this the other day. I mixed Thai brand coconut milk with loads and loads of Full fat plain yogurt and honey; left it on for about 30 minutes washed it out followed by a co wash. My NG is seriously A LOT looser and easier to comb through and I'm currently 14 weeks post
Great im glad it worked for u:yay:
I let mine sit in my hair for 1 hr by then my newgrowth looks like I had a retouch...
Great im glad it worked for u:yay:
I let mine sit in my hair for 1 hr by then my newgrowth looks like I had a retouch...

Really at the bolded? I tried to leave it on longer but it started running into my eyes and burning so I called it quits:perplexed. But yeah, I was just inspecting some shedded hair a few minutes ago and it really is stretched out!!!
Really at the bolded? I tried to leave it on longer but it started running into my eyes and burning so I called it quits:perplexed. But yeah, I was just inspecting some shedded hair a few minutes ago and it really is stretched out!!!

Hahaha, you too? That burning is no joke! :laugh:

I think I'm gonna add some yogurt to my coconut milk next time and see how it goes.
hey there's a c&g braid challenge for all the ladies who need help stretching their hair a little longer ( I know the challenges are the only way I can push myself to stretch )
I'm so sad now. My order for my Thermasmooth didn't go through, so it won't be here in time for my birthday. :nono: Now I don't know what I'm going to do. I might have to do the coconut milk relaxer if these incompetent people don't call me back soon. Hmph.
Really at the bolded? I tried to leave it on longer but it started running into my eyes and burning so I called it quits:perplexed. But yeah, I was just inspecting some shedded hair a few minutes ago and it really is stretched out!!!

lol..awwww Did u use a plastic cap?. What are ur measurments?

Also try mixing it with a thick conditioner. Mine is always conditioner like when I use it. If I dont use conditioner I use the mucilage from the powdered herbs which makes it think as well.
So tomorrow I'm going to mix coconut milk, EVOO, and HH and see how that works on helping me stretch. I'm going to kind of apply it like a relaxer and sit for an hour with no heat or 30-40 min with heat. It depends on how my NG feels. I'm stretching for as long as I can or until I decide whether or not to actually go natural.

ETA: Put the coconut milk on the NG, HH & EVOO on the ends. Chilling under a plastic cap as I type. Lord, this stuff runs! LOL.

ETA 2: Oh my stars! I believe I have just found my staple regimen. Coconut milk on NG is the bomb. I'll put pics in my fotki later. Man! Washed with Elucence MB Poo. Protein with Motions CPR. Some more HH, then a little of my old friend NTM DDC. Mane & Tail Detangler as needed. Lacio Lacio as a leave-in. Wooo wee. My 10 week post hair is bouncy and light. Oh my goodness. Okay I'm going to run, I'm late for my own b-day party. LOL.:lachen:
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hi everyone,
how is the stretch going for you. I am currently 25 weeks, was going to go for 30wks initially, not sure if I should stretch for 44wks instead.
Currently in kinky twist, it hould be out in 3wks/end of feb.
anyway happy growing.
So far so good with my stretching....i am currently 11 weeks post.....going for at least 32 weeks (GOD WILLING)...JUST trying to get over this breakage hump.....i going to pick up a bottle of scurl today after work to add to my hair on a daily basic.
Hi my fellow stretchers! I'm pushing 13 wks posts. Things are moving right along. I will probably relax in the next week or so. I was wondering if anyone is 12wks or more and is stretching without braids, weaves and wig. Share your regi. Are you flat ironing wkly or doing tight rollersets. I'm sporting a tight rollerset/rod look and sporting a headband to hid some of the ng. I would love to stretch 16wks, but I don't know. I'm really ready for straight hair.
I am going for 14 weeks. This will be the first time in my life that I went past 9 weeks. So far I am 8.5 weeks post. I co-wash very often and I deep condition every sunday.

Detangling in the shower under running water just after rinsing the conditioner makes my new growth soooo manageable. Then slicking my ponytail down with castro oil makes it nice and wavy:yep:

I have no intentions of doing a strecth past 14 weeks. I want too enjoy my hair a little.
I'm currently 13 weeks post and I can only tell when my hair gets sweaty from know...:grin: But I can feel 4A coils happening all over. Originally I was only getting 4B/4Z zig zags. But those crinkles are turning into curls, which is really amazing. I'm thinking about transitioning, but I'm not completely sure. We'll see how this goes. If I decide to relax, I'm self-relaxing because I'm sick of the stylist raising her rates as soon as she gets done underprocessing my hair. First it was $35, then $45, then $50, then $55. Hmph. I'd rather spend $8 on a box relaxer myself.
I am going for 14 weeks. This will be the first time in my life that I went past 9 weeks. So far I am 8.5 weeks post. I co-wash very often and I deep condition every sunday.

Detangling in the shower under running water just after rinsing the conditioner makes my new growth soooo manageable. Then slicking my ponytail down with castro oil makes it nice and wavy:yep:

I have no intentions of doing a strecth past 14 weeks. I want too enjoy my hair a little.

DITTO!!!:yep: I do the exact same thing....I add aloe vera gel to the castor oil...and my waves be making me does work wonders:yep:...but It still is a struggle...and I will not be going past 13 weeks.
I'm going for my 3rd stretch. 14 weeks is my goal this time and I am only 6 weeks post and its gettin' heavy.

I can't decide if i wanna go to the store to get some materials for the Carmel Treatment or Coconut-Lime Relaxer Treatment to help this NG out a little bit.

Which one would yall do first?
I have been stretching for 12 weeks and have tried the carmel and love it. It left my hair so soft. I would try this first.

I'm going for my 3rd stretch. 14 weeks is my goal this time and I am only 6 weeks post and its gettin' heavy.

I can't decide if i wanna go to the store to get some materials for the Carmel Treatment or Coconut-Lime Relaxer Treatment to help this NG out a little bit.

Which one would yall do first?
I'm 4a/b & I'm creeping upon 14 weeks right now. Im shooting for 20! and i can honestly say, that i think i'm gonna make it. My stretch is going very smoothly! and i'm really surprised. Salerm's Wheat germ mask & Aveda Elixir leave-on is helping me out big time.

I just started using Curls Milkshake on my ng only as a moisturizer. And its been keeping my ng soft & moisturized until i wash at the end of each week. It's has a very high water content so it will revert stratightened ng.:perplexed. So i've mixed it with shealoe butter (or any butter) to counteract that water contact and it's been working. If i do use the curls milkshake alone, its on wet hair (only on ng tho).
I am currently 12 weeks 4 days post. I detangle on dry moisturized hair with wide tooth comb to remove shed hair. I divide hair into 4 sectons then apply Keracare Humeco (I couldn't stretch without this stuff) section by section like I would a relaxer. I deep condition for at least an hour. I rinse in the shower detangling with a wide tooth comb and my hair has so much slip and is so soft it feel like I just got a relaxer. I am truly a 4bzzz so that says a lot. I then do an oil rinse with jojoba and castor oil mixed. I let this sit while I shower. I then rinse thoroughly with warm water. I apply conditioner again for a minute or two and rinse thoroughly and smooth hair into a pony with the weight of water and fingers. I then apply Design Essential Hydrating leave in and seal with jojoba oil. I take the hair that is hanging and flip it up flat against the back of my head and tie with a silk scarf to air dry. The next day I apply moisturizer and seal again. I am doing this every other day to every 3 days. My hair is so soft and moisturized and I have 2 inches of NG in most areas. At this point I am just wearing a bun with no elastic, just a cute clip or hair accessory. For variety I will pin curl the top and add a bang. I want to stretch 2 more weeks at least. I may go past Easter if my stretch continues to be this smooth.

I don't want to be greedy though and go too long and end up with breakage or bad tangles. I don't think I would go past 16 weeks. I went 14 weeks last stretch and I have a lot more growth this time, so I would like to add a week at a time.

Hi my fellow stretchers! I'm pushing 13 wks posts. Things are moving right along. I will probably relax in the next week or so. I was wondering if anyone is 12wks or more and is stretching without braids, weaves and wig. Share your regi. Are you flat ironing wkly or doing tight rollersets. I'm sporting a tight rollerset/rod look and sporting a headband to hid some of the ng. I would love to stretch 16wks, but I don't know. I'm really ready for straight hair.
I am now 11 weeks post and my hair has been doing so nicely "Praise the Lord":yep: I wash and Deep, Deep, Condtion my hair faithfully once a week. I pre-proo then shampoo and then deep condtion. On my ends I saturate and place my mixture of EVOO, Coconut oil, Jojoba Oil, as well as bagging my ends every night and I can honestly say no breakage also I use Minzani's Mositurizing at night before bed every 3 nights. I wear my hair up in a pony tail bun from Sun.-Sun. I just hide my hair. I have shedding however, it is not that bad at all. I think 14 -18 week posts are my limit.
it feels real good to have all this New Growth and to learn how to take care of your hair for the better.

My first Relaxer of 2008 is
March 25 I will be 14 weeks post:yep:
Current Length APL thick strong and healthy
Goal 12-31-08 BSL :lick:
Goal 12-31-12 WST :lick:
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I am currently 5 1/2 weeks post and my NGs are increasing. Usually I would relax at 5 to 6 weeks, but since I found LHCF, I am on a mission to stretch for 12 weeks. What has helped me so far, is the concoction of coconut milk, coconut oil, honey, olive oil and conditioner. I prepoo with these for an hour without heat. Then I follow with a DC after I shampoo. In addition, I started to CW 1x a week, followed by another DC. I am experiencing some shedding and breakage, but I'm working on controlling that by adding a mild protein treatment. So far, my hair seems a little stronger. I also stop manipulating it as much by keeping it in a protective style for most of the week. I am also thinking of doing the scarf method more often than roller sets, to cut down even more on the manipulation. I'm slowly started to figure out what works for me as I stretch. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm now only at 12 and a half weeks post relaxer and really endeavouring to get to 30 weeks. As I type right now, there is a henna treatment in my hair which I will keep in for about 2 and a half hours or so then rinse out. I hear the ayurveda ladies say that it loosens up the curl pattern in the hair and I can't wait to take this out to see if it's true also for me.

I am going to be using braids in the next week or two to complete my stretch. I am in several challenges to help me with my stretches including the all the ones in my siggy.
:hiya2: everybody!

Just checkin in. Im stretching for sixteen weeks. Im halfway in the stretch right now. Things are going so well. I've been moisturizing and sealing twice daily and it seems to be working. I love coconut milk with thick conditioner and even a lil oil for co-wash too. My last stretch was three months. I only plan to re/tex-lax three times this year (every 16 wks). I hope this puts me at BSL by DEC 2008. I guess my hair has been growing though because I had to switch from using four sections to detangle and manage my hair to using eight sections.

I have not had a relaxer since October 2007 and I'm not sure when or if I'm getting another one...

However the different textures are really starting to get out of control. I'm trying to stick in there...
I'm only at 5 weeks. I am not relaxing again until mid-May. Last time I went 14 weeks. I would've gone longer but my ends were getting tattered and I couldn't take it any more. My ng was surprisingly manageable. I wish I could've stretched longer. :ohwell: I'm really going to focus on keeping my ends soft during this stretch.
I stretched for 9 weeks. Considering I used to get my hair relaxed every 4-6 weeks, this is considerable progress.

I wasn't going to relax for another couple of weeks but after reading a thread about some people not being able to stretch as long as they want due to breakage, i decided to go ahead and get one.

my next relaxer will be the thursday before memorial day.
I'm 8 weeks post and going 12 weeks and so far its not bad. My hair get very dry during my stretch so I'm going to keep it really moisturized. The only problem that I have is when I touch-up, my hair often times is underprocessed and I hate that :nono:, but I'll try to do better this time.
Try doing this 4-step prep that sistaslick writes about

I did this and my relaxer came out perfectly, no areas of burning or tingling and my hair was really moisturized.

I'm 8 weeks post and going 12 weeks and so far its not bad. My hair get very dry during my stretch so I'm going to keep it really moisturized. The only problem that I have is when I touch-up, my hair often times is underprocessed and I hate that :nono:, but I'll try to do better this time.
My question is why does the hair get so dry and tangly during a stretch? I would think that since your hair is straight as it has already been relaxed, we should only be experiencing problems with our roots and not the length…what am I missing? Anyway, any new products people have had success with for moisture retention?
Im 13 weeks post. Im dying to relax. I almost took all the twists out a few minutes ago. That creamy crack is calling my name. Im dying to see my progress.
Im 13 weeks post. Im dying to relax. I almost took all the twists out a few minutes ago. That creamy crack is calling my name. Im dying to see my progress.

Noooo, don't do it Closer1:grin:, not yet anyway. Hold out a little longer honey especially if you are having some success with your stretch, okay?