Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

Im currently 11 weeks post and i tried the yogart/coconut milk/buttermilk powder treatment I alo added some powder herbs and I tell ya....
My roots look and feel like I got a retouch:blush:. I did a roller set and after I took the rollers out my roots were straight I didnt even have to flat iron my roots and I have about 1.5 to 2 inches new growth:grin:. I am supposed to relax on the 25th which will give me 12 weeks but im going to continue to use this concoction and see how much longer I can stretch:yep:
currently 5 months (3in of ng) with 5 more months to go, was going for 7 months initially but i think i will stick it out till june.
Had kinky twist put in almost a week ago so taking a break from my hair.
Im currently 11 weeks post and i tried the yogart/coconut milk/buttermilk powder treatment I alo added some powder herbs and I tell ya....
My roots look and feel like I got a retouch:blush:. I did a roller set and after I took the rollers out my roots were straight I didnt even have to flat iron my roots and I have about 1.5 to 2 inches new growth:grin:. I am supposed to relax on the 25th which will give me 12 weeks but im going to continue to use this concoction and see how much longer I can stretch:yep:

Can you tell me what recipe you used and how you used it? I'm 10 weeks post, and I'm about to go nuts!
Can you tell me what recipe you used and how you used it? I'm 10 weeks post, and I'm about to go nuts!
Hey Tiffers this is what I whipped up to get my results
2TB full fat yogart (must be full fat to work)
2TB powdered buttermilk
3TB coconut milk
I then added my herbal mixture that Ive been using to pre-poo with for the past month which is
1 tsp each of irish moss,hibiscus,burdock,and nettles brew in 1 cup of hot water for 15-20 min then 1 tsp lecithin.
Then I added all ingredients together and mixed with a hand blender, applied it to dry hair like a pre-po and let sit in hair for 1 hr w/ plastic cap no heat.

**** U can use a moisture conditioner instead of the herbal mixture if u like. and instead of lecithin u can use honey or molasses
Hey Tiffers this is what I whipped up to get my results
2TB full fat yogart (must be full fat to work)
2TB powdered buttermilk
3TB coconut milk
I then added my herbal mixture that Ive been using to pre-poo with for the past month which is
1 tsp each of irish moss,hibiscus,burdock,and nettles brew in 1 cup of hot water for 15-20 min then 1 tsp lecithin.
Then I added all ingredients together and mixed with a hand blender, applied it to dry hair like a pre-po and let sit in hair for 1 hr w/ plastic cap no heat.

**** U can use a moisture conditioner instead of the herbal mixture if u like. and instead of lecithin u can use honey or molasses

Thank you so much! I'm gonna use this in a few days. Do you think it would have better results with heat? I'm really excited to try this, my new growth is driving me insane and I still have 3 weeks to go
Are you suppose to try and comb through the ng when you are stretching or do you just comb through the relaxed part to detangle and leave the ng alone?
Are you suppose to try and comb through the ng when you are stretching or do you just comb through the relaxed part to detangle and leave the ng alone?
the only time i comb through newgrowth , is after a wash. usually i wash then rollerset. then i flatiron the roots out. if you are airdrying, try adding a leave in (spray bottle), then a moisturizer on the newgrowth to make it manageable, and then detangle
the only time i comb through newgrowth , is after a wash. usually i wash then rollerset. then i flatiron the roots out. if you are airdrying, try adding a leave in (spray bottle), then a moisturizer on the newgrowth to make it manageable, and then detangle

Oh ok so when you are getting ready to rollerset you basically detangle the ng for each section you are about to roll? that makes sense to me. I guess when I was detangling my hair I haven't been using much protein or didn't comb through it as carefully as I thought I was. I'm going to try the rollersetting method and see how that works for me. Thanks a lot! :grin:
I am currently 8 post and trying to stretch for 12 weeks, but i am exp. some breakage. I am really trying to stretch, but my breakage get out of hand, i am heading to my hairdresser.:wallbash:

BTW, any tips on how to min my breakage as i stretch for 12 weeks?:grin:
Are you suppose to try and comb through the ng when you are stretching or do you just comb through the relaxed part to detangle and leave the ng alone?

On wash days, I finger comb my new growth. After finger combing, I may or may not comb through my entire head.
I am currently 8 post and trying to stretch for 12 weeks, but i am exp. some breakage. I am really trying to stretch, but my breakage get out of hand, i am heading to my hairdresser.:wallbash:

BTW, any tips on how to min my breakage as i stretch for 12 weeks?:grin:

You should join the Deep Conditioning Challenge. Ever since I joined, I've been dc'ing like a mad woman and my breakage has decreased dramatically. I'm 11 weeks post and usually around this time, I lose probably 50-60 hairs a day. Now that I've been dc'ing a lot, I lose anywhere from 5-20 hairs :yep:
Are you suppose to try and comb through the ng when you are stretching or do you just comb through the relaxed part to detangle and leave the ng alone?

I comb in very small sections...very gently...with a wide tooth comb of course. I only comb ng if it is coated with something, i.e. water, condish, oil, or anything that softens it first. I never ignore knots...take care of them early on, cause they only get worse and bigger and more difficult to handle.

Leaving it alone is best. HOWEVER, I have learned, with my hair, that I cannot go too long without combing ng, because it will lead to matted hair and tangles. Unless, the roots are straightened, i.e. flat iron, rollerset, silk wrap, etc.
This second stretch is starting to kick my a$$. Before LHCF i would relax at 6-8 weeks. The last time i went 10 weeks. Right now I am at 9 weeks and i got my hair in a ponytail. I was trying to get to 12 weeks. Which i think will be January 23rd.

Yall tell me how can i fit the bob cut you see in my siggy in a pony-tail??:rolleyes: It's a low pony tail and looks somewhat decent but I can barely leave my hair out cause it looks like a i got a wig on or my hair is a helmet.

New growth is soft but its just so poofy and won't lay down much after the scarf method.

I think i might just go the next 3 weeks in this tight little ponytail because there is no manipulation. Just comb it back and secure.

I don't see how yall ladies with 4a/b hair do it. Yall need medals.:clapping:

When I was your length and trying my first few stretches, girl, I was so frustrated! It gets easier as the hair gets longer. Try to stretch as long as you can without breakage, and w/o looking busted. And with each stretch, your hair will be trained.
Thank you so much! I'm gonna use this in a few days. Do you think it would have better results with heat? I'm really excited to try this, my new growth is driving me insane and I still have 3 weeks to go
Im not sure i never tried it with heat but a few ladies that have tried yogart in there mixes say they have tried it with heat and had the same effect.
I'm currently 4 weeks post relaxer and somehow I have very little new growth (I'm worried):ohwell:. I'm a consistent 6 week relaxer but since LHCF I've been trying to wait a little longer. Last time I went 8 weeks. I'm going for at least 12 weeks this time but how do my ladies with really fine hair (like myself) deal with the two textures? Please help!!!!
I'm currently 4 weeks post relaxer and somehow I have very little new growth (I'm worried):ohwell:. I'm a consistent 6 week relaxer but since LHCF I've been trying to wait a little longer. Last time I went 8 weeks. I'm going for at least 12 weeks this time but how do my ladies with really fine hair (like myself) deal with the two textures? Please help!!!!

I have fine hair but it's very thick. Basically I brush my roots, spritz then to death twice a day with a conditioning spray (such as S-curl) and Dove spray, NEVER GEL, and then tie it down with a thin silky scarf or headband. I am 13 weeks post and have to keep the scarf on it in order to look presentable. I am amazed that I have gone this long with NO breakage. My mantra is to focus all my moisturizing products on my line of demarcation, and on my ends.
the only time i comb through newgrowth , is after a wash. usually i wash then rollerset. then i flatiron the roots out. if you are airdrying, try adding a leave in (spray bottle), then a moisturizer on the newgrowth to make it manageable, and then detangle

This is exactly what I do :yep:, except for the flat ironing (I don't use direct heat except at the salon). To prevent breakage you must moisturize the NG daily. It sucks up moisture like nobody's business! :lachen:
I am 12 weeks post. Since using Indian oils and shikakai to wash, my hair looks freshly touched up. I cowash twice per week and wash with shikakai once per week. I DC after every wash, and moisturize+seal ends with oil daily. I baggy my ends with WBC between washes and I do a 'hard' Aphogee protein every 4-6 weeks. I would normally start to get bad breakage at the 10th week post. So far, zero breakage. I hope to keep this up for as long as possible, it would be nice to not relax again.
I'm only 8 weeks post and it feels like I am 12 weeks! LOL. But I have been using MN this week so perhaps that has something to do with it. I think I'm going to try the coconut milk "relaxer" although I really want to get my hands on a sample size of Mizani Thermasmooth. It's so hard to keep my ends up because I have less than SL hair. So my ends rub directly on my wool winter coat. :wallbash: Damn this Chicago weather. I did rock a satin scarf the other day at work & school and people were like, "You look so cute with your hair wrapped up like that!" I even put some Elasta QP Intense on my ends & sprayed some Lacio Lacio (mixed with water) on my ends to keep them moist throughout the day. I'm trying to go for over 12 weeks. But my birthday is coming up in two weeks! I need something to tame this NG at least for that weekend.
Im currently 11 weeks post and i tried the yogart/coconut milk/buttermilk powder treatment I alo added some powder herbs and I tell ya....
My roots look and feel like I got a retouch:blush:. I did a roller set and after I took the rollers out my roots were straight I didnt even have to flat iron my roots and I have about 1.5 to 2 inches new growth:grin:. I am supposed to relax on the 25th which will give me 12 weeks but im going to continue to use this concoction and see how much longer I can stretch:yep:

Newbie with a question, I'm trying to put your mix together by I want to get he right items. By fat yogart you mean, plain yogart at the grocer not the low fat version? where might I find coconut milk, with can milks?
Thanks a bunch Tanzee
Hello ladies!!! I have not had a lot of success with getting replies on this board, but I figured I would give it another try because I need some hair help. I am now 12 weeks post and do not plan on getting a touch up until mid February. This will be a lot shorter than my last stretch of 6 months (purely accidental). Anyway the problem I suffer from is not knowing how to properly detangle my new growth. There has been a lot of discussion about whether to comb or not. Right now I do not comb, but I get these "twist" like formations in my new growth, and I am not sure what I am doing to make that stop. I have thick hair that I guess is 4A or 4b ( i am not sure because my hair is really tight corkscrew curls.. but they are REALLLYY tight curls:drunk:) Anyway what can I do to make these twist things stop?
Last stretch was for 4 months... trying to go that route again. Which will take me getting a relaxer on April 15th. So, we shall see... if I do relax early it will probably be on my birthday on the 5th of april.
Hello ladies!!! I have not had a lot of success with getting replies on this board, but I figured I would give it another try because I need some hair help. I am now 12 weeks post and do not plan on getting a touch up until mid February. This will be a lot shorter than my last stretch of 6 months (purely accidental). Anyway the problem I suffer from is not knowing how to properly detangle my new growth. There has been a lot of discussion about whether to comb or not. Right now I do not comb, but I get these "twist" like formations in my new growth, and I am not sure what I am doing to make that stop. I have thick hair that I guess is 4A or 4b ( i am not sure because my hair is really tight corkscrew curls.. but they are REALLLYY tight curls:drunk:) Anyway what can I do to make these twist things stop?

I think pre-pooing is a must and deep conditioning with every was is also key. I also mostly use a moisturizing poo and a clarifying poo once a month. I detangle under the water with a shower comb. Also, try using carrot oil (pree-poo) and a denman brush (for me this is key to detangling when dry).

As far as what I do: I wash as perscribed above and I detangle while wet, apply leave in and sealant, then after it dries 70% I put on a satin scarf, that tends to lay the hair down. The next day after hair is completely dry (I only wear the scarf to bed, not on the next day), I moisturize at night and detangle with the denman(only necessary once after washing), I don't use a comb or brush again until the next wash day. I wash every 5 days. HTH!
that does help!!! thanks. I think that that is where I went wrong on this wash as I did not have a chance to do a really long deep condition..only left it on for 5 minutes. I also may need to start using heat for the DC. I will look into the denman brush. Thanks!
Newbie with a question, I'm trying to put your mix together by I want to get he right items. By fat yogart you mean, plain yogart at the grocer not the low fat version? where might I find coconut milk, with can milks?
Thanks a bunch Tanzee
Hey there and welcome:grin:
Yes full fat not the low fat or fat free stuff Ive read in the yogart for straightneing thread that it must be good ol' reg ful fat yogart to get the effectiveness.
I got my coconut milk from the grocery store in the ethnic foods isle I got Goya
Hey there and welcome:grin:
Yes full fat not the low fat or fat free stuff Ive read in the yogart for straightneing thread that it must be good ol' reg ful fat yogart to get the effectiveness.
I got my coconut milk from the grocery store in the ethnic foods isle I got Goya

I just tried this the other day. I mixed Thai brand coconut milk with loads and loads of Full fat plain yogurt and honey; left it on for about 30 minutes washed it out followed by a co wash. My NG is seriously A LOT looser and easier to comb through and I'm currently 14 weeks post