Relaxed/Texlaxed Support!

Stalking Sylver2's fotki is the ONLY reason I've been able to stretch my relaxer this far. I learned how to do the scarf method, use a fine tooth comb for my NG, bantu knot outs, etc.

She is my hair idol! :grin:
Ladies, does anybody pin curl their hair at night? Bantu knots just don't work for me.

I do Lisa. I can't do bantu knots successfully but I can pin curl my butt off. I do thicker ones in the back sections and secure them with two overlapping pins. I can get away with one pin on the sides. I leave them in until I get finished showering and brushing my teeth. I also pin curl before I workout when I know I won't have time to wash or at least rinse my head out afterwards. I don't remove the pincurls until my head feels completely dry after the workout so I don't frizz up.

I'm trying to stretch more time between washes right now until I can go in for my haircut so pin curls have been helping me a lot.
I do Lisa. I can't do bantu knots successfully but I can pin curl my butt off. I do thicker ones in the back sections and secure them with two overlapping pins. I can get away with one pin on the sides. I leave them in until I get finished showering and brushing my teeth. I also pin curl before I workout when I know I won't have time to wash or at least rinse my head out afterwards. I don't remove the pincurls until my head feels completely dry after the workout so I don't frizz up.

I'm trying to stretch more time between washes right now until I can go in for my haircut so pin curls have been helping me a lot.

WOW!!!! Thank you...this is a great idea!!!! I've lost all my motivation :nono: I fell off the bandwagon and just have laid down in the middle of the road. LOL anywho....another thread!:lachen:

I'm with you :yep: I can do some pin curls but those darn bantus...ugh!!! :wallbash: Pin curls save me from using so much heat, my hair turns out with pretty waves/curls and a lot of body...but my hair has body all the time!!! I LUV PIN CURLS!!! I do big ones....about 8-10....nice everytime!
Lately I'm washing every 2 weeks. I'm 10 weeks post relaxer and planning to stretch until my hair tells me it's time to TEXlax.

I use Mizani No Lye for sensitive scalp and although I love it. I noticed that my hair looks dry. At first I was going to just rinse it black using Sebastians (after much research) and now...I'm thinking maybe it's the No-Lye Mizani...In the past when I was relaxed I used a Lye Relaxer and my hair was neved "dull" looking.

I know it's not product build up. I know I moisturize and deep condition with heat on the regular. So...I think it's the relaxer.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any one have any suggestions? I def need support. I do everything myself for my hair. So it's between me and this board. :) Thanks ladies.

lana no lye relaxers really killed my hair when I used it 2 years ago. I still have of the dull ends hanging onto my head and I am so glad I made this decision to transition to texlaxed hair because when I relax again, I will be starting it out with Mizani MBB lye mild relaxer.

I could actually see the difference between the lye and the no-lye relaxed hair. It's aweful and I can't wait to get my hair back the way I like it. It's taking some time, but I am asking God for to handle it with love and care moving forward.

Also, I have placed my hair into God's hands this time around so that it will flourish for HIS glory because I do NOT possess the power to make one hair on my head grow but I know HE does:yep:. Sorry about the preaching but I cannot leave God out.
Stalking Sylver2's fotki is the ONLY reason I've been able to stretch my relaxer this far. I learned how to do the scarf method, use a fine tooth comb for my NG, bantu knot outs, etc.

She is my hair idol! :grin:

I agree Khaiya. Sylver2 is my relaxer stretching inspiration too and I stalk her fotki periodically myself for continued inspiration:yep:.
I do Lisa. I can't do bantu knots successfully but I can pin curl my butt off. I do thicker ones in the back sections and secure them with two overlapping pins. I can get away with one pin on the sides. I leave them in until I get finished showering and brushing my teeth. I also pin curl before I workout when I know I won't have time to wash or at least rinse my head out afterwards. I don't remove the pincurls until my head feels completely dry after the workout so I don't frizz up.

I'm trying to stretch more time between washes right now until I can go in for my haircut so pin curls have been helping me a lot.

I don't know how to pincurl my hair yet, but I will start learning to do them so that when I am finished with this long stretch, I can turn to it.

I cannot for the life of me, sleep with those big rollers in my hair. By morning, half of them are out or out anyway and my hair end up looking all wild and crazy, so thank goodness I'm hiding my hair for now:grin:.
I don't know how to pincurl my hair yet, but I will start learning to do them so that when I am finished with this long stretch, I can turn to it.

I cannot for the life of me, sleep with those big rollers in my hair. By morning, half of them are out or out anyway and my hair end up looking all wild and crazy, so thank goodness I'm hiding my hair for now:grin:.

:lachen: Aggie, please stop!!! That was too funny! I can't be laughing all loud at work....they gone know I'm not working. :giggle:
Gymmie, you are my favorite person right now, thank you again.

Aggie, pin curling has really saved me. It's a skill worth learning, believe me. There are some youtube vids, I forget the one I watched but once I figured out how to wind my hair and place the clips/pins, I was good to go.

Gymmie I picked up some GVP Joico how do I use it as a protein treatment? :look: LOL
Relaxed last night with Phyto I and I think that my hair just laughed at that relaxer :ohwell:.

I am under the steamer now and will either blow dry or rollerset after. I think that I may need to stick with Phyto II.
I purchased my Taliah Waajhid protective mist from Whole foods I see they sell it at CVS now. She did my hair a few years back in braids. One of her stylist did my braids on Sunday with the no knot techique. She is very knowledgeable about growing hair naturally.

:crybaby: I've been to 4 BSS that Taliah Waajid listed as a location on the site and WholeFoods.....NO SUCH LUCK! :pullhair: I'm going to contact them about those bootleg me wasting gas...:tantrum:

Ugh!!!! I hate shipping fees!!!!!
:lachen: Aggie, please stop!!! That was too funny! I can't be laughing all loud at work....they gone know I'm not working. :giggle:

It's okay honey, laughing is really good for the soul so I try to do as much of it as I can when I can:yep:.

Gymmie, you are my favorite person right now, thank you again.

Aggie, pin curling has really saved me. It's a skill worth learning, believe me. There are some youtube vids, I forget the one I watched but once I figured out how to wind my hair and place the clips/pins, I was good to go.

Gymmie I picked up some GVP Joico how do I use it as a protein treatment? :look: LOL

Thanks LL, I will check some of those videos out.
If anyone knows of a good youtube pin curl tutorial, please post it. Now that I've mastered bantu knot outs, I want to learn to pin curl also.

ETA: ^^^I'm just now seeing the previous post. I'll go on yt and see if I can find this method you mentioned.
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Gymmie, you are my favorite person right now, thank you again.

Aggie, pin curling has really saved me. It's a skill worth learning, believe me. There are some youtube vids, I forget the one I watched but once I figured out how to wind my hair and place the clips/pins, I was good to go.

Gymmie I picked up some GVP Joico how do I use it as a protein treatment? :look: LOL

I would use the k-pak as directed especially at first. I think part of the problem with "protein" is using the product incorrectly. I mean, why leave it on your head for 30 minutes if it says 2 minutes...then get mad when your hair feels hard or then have to go sit for another hour with another conditioner when you just could have done it for 3-5 minutes in the beginning and be done with it? :look: Especially since you have thicker hair.
Ok, ladies! I think that I found it!

After I relax my hair I have a ton of shed hair. When I rinse out my relaxer and usually I lose, what appears to me to be, a ton of hair.

This time I lost maybe 1 hair!:yay:

Here is what I did. The day before my relaxer (I know, next time I will wait 3 days) I applied garlic oil to my scalp and protein on my hair and rinsed. The day of the relaxer I applied JBCO to my scalp and relaxed my hair.

I then applied Aloe Vera gel and garlic oil to my scalp again and applied protein to my hair and left them in over night.

No... shed... hair!!! Very little hair has come out since.

I hope that this helps someone.
Taz, phyto is kind of ... weird. If you choose to stick with Index 1 you will for sure have to use more of the product to get a straighter result.

I use index 2, use less of the product, so that I am wavelaxed without going totally bone straight though I process for the full amount of time (sometimes I go over, though thats not recommended).

I did do a test and see if more product would illicit a straighter result (and Oh man did it!) My hair was still strong just way straighter than I wanted.

If you base your scalp prior you may not need to as much using index 1 (I've never based my scalp on phyto but thats jus me) heavy oils and index 1 don't exactly mix, even if you process for the full amount of time.

When I was cleaning out the hair closet:look: I found 2 tubs of Elasta QP mango butter.

Now granted I haven't used the stuff in a long time, but those tubs were unused. so um....

I went ahead and used a little.

I think i'm in love again. :look:

I'm finding as my hair gets longer, its way way drier at the ends and I'm starting to need something daily.

Phyto 9? meh. My hair was like "is that all you got?":lachen: I can see using it for when I wear my hair down (good thing I didn't buy a lot of this stuff!)

Relaxed last night with Phyto I and I think that my hair just laughed at that relaxer :ohwell:.

I am under the steamer now and will either blow dry or rollerset after. I think that I may need to stick with Phyto II.

I am one of the few people who actually burned with Phyto II....

It may have had something to do with with fact that I used sulfur-based Boundless Tresses the day before I relaxed.:look:
Yeah, I am going to stick with Phyto II. I left Phyto I on for 30 minutes and smoothed the whole time with a fine toothed comb.

I get better results with II.
Does anyone else have any stray hairs (smaller pieces) stick up after flat ironing? Is this static or broken hairs? It's not a whole lot, but it bothers me to some degree. Is this fixable? I do have some layers that are growing out, but they aren't that short...
I'm wondering if my hair is dry because I'm using Mizani - No-lye.

Aggie, thank you for your response. So you were saying No-lye is bad for your hair and LYE worked fine. I appreciate your input. :)

I'm still undecided and I would appreciate it if others wouldn't mind helping me figure this out since I'm a do it yourselfer - my hair seems dry and I use Mizani - For Sensitive Scalp which I believe is "no-lye" (off to google that). I'm a 4a/b

My hair is APL and almost right above my bra-strap when straightened...and I Texlax, so I'm not applying the relaxer for more than 5-7 minutes (with smoothing of the edges only). Soo...should I be using Mizani mild LYE relaxer instead??? Thank you for any more replies. I'm at 12 weeks post relaxer, or maybe 13 weeks, because I think I counted wrong.
Does anyone else have any stray hairs (smaller pieces) stick up after flat ironing? Is this static or broken hairs? It's not a whole lot, but it bothers me to some degree. Is this fixable? I do have some layers that are growing out, but they aren't that short...


Your hair is so shiny! What is your regime?

This gave me some useful information and I've decided to stick with a no lye relaxer for now, but I need to use a chelating shampoo on relaxer day and a few days after I relax and see if that helps me pick up more moisture from my treatments. I'll try this and see...but I would still love to find new responses. Thanks ladies!

Yes, Sistaslick's articles are excellent. In fact, I printed two of them and read them prior to relaxing.

Your hair is so shiny! What is your regime?

Thank you! To be honest, I'm still working on a regimen...

I basically wash and DC every 7-10 days..either rollerset or flat iron. I don't really plan my protein or moisture DC's, but generally I do a protein DC on the week following a relaxer, the week before a relaxer, and on week 6...I moisturize at night with Elasta QP Recovery because it is light and doesn't weigh hair down...I need to seal the ends, but I don't. Trust me, I still have issues because every now and then I see some splits.:rolleyes:

Guess you can never fully get rid of those...

ETA: I relax every 10 weeks (right now).
My hair is the opposite of some as I use the no-lye Gentle Treatment. This is the only relaxer that has not given me any problems...I tried using the lye relaxers before and it dried my hair out horribly, along with some breakage and shedding :nono: I will never use them again, but I believe it also depends on the brand and hair type as well, but I will stick to my no-lye for now because it has never failed me yet.
Does anyone else have any stray hairs (smaller pieces) stick up after flat ironing? Is this static or broken hairs? It's not a whole lot, but it bothers me to some degree. Is this fixable? I do have some layers that are growing out, but they aren't that short...

Where are the hairs mostly? I could be broken hairs from previous breakage (that is if your hair is currently not breaking). In either case, you are going to have to work with it until it grows out. You can try flat ironing on a lower heat in these areas and use a thermal styling spray that will give you a little hold to smooth it down. My favorite for this purpose is the Nutrelle (sp?) spray in an orange bottle at sallys. Its one of those Sallys brands that knocks off another line. It is alcohol free and gives the hair a little hold after styling. You can also try rubbing a little pomade lightly over the hairs after styling.
Where are the hairs mostly? I could be broken hairs from previous breakage (that is if your hair is currently not breaking). In either case, you are going to have to work with it until it grows out. You can try flat ironing on a lower heat in these areas and use a thermal styling spray that will give you a little hold to smooth it down. My favorite for this purpose is the Nutrelle (sp?) spray in an orange bottle at sallys. Its one of those Sallys brands that knocks off another line. It is alcohol free and gives the hair a little hold after styling. You can also try rubbing a little pomade lightly over the hairs after styling.

Thank you,'s not breaking now. they are near the crown and a little sprinkling along the sides. I do have another question that perhaps you can answer for me as well. When hair is dry before flat ironing, is Chi Silk Infusion enough, you think? Or should a heat protectant spray be used in conjunction with the CSI? Sometimes I think this is what I am doing wrong because I seem to think that CSI alone is a heat protectant.
Thank you,'s not breaking now. they are near the crown and a little sprinkling along the sides. I do have another question that perhaps you can answer for me as well. When hair is dry before flat ironing, is Chi Silk Infusion enough, you think? Or should a heat protectant spray be used in conjunction with the CSI? Sometimes I think this is what I am doing wrong because I seem to think that CSI alone is a heat protectant.
I like to use Nioxin Bliss with the Chi for extra protection. I got the idea from here:
