Relaxed/Texlaxed Support!

I relaxed last week after a 3 month stretch and it was due time! I also switched back to No-Lye because my Lye relaxer had me looking overprocessed and peopel thought I was natural. My NG in the middle started knotting up and I was about to lose my mind dealing with my hair. Going to do another 3 month stretch. Anything past that is pushing it for my thick hair.
Aggie I thought HH was a conditioner? I'm happy with my Design Essentials shampoos - I have Moisture Retention and Deep Cleansing and I use MR once a month and DC in the wash I do right before touch up time.
How are you ladies maintaining your newgrowth? Seriously, After about 6 weeks my newgrowth causes my scalp to be sore!! ?? I try to stretch about 8 weeks but my newgrowth is just a monster! Do you think Silicon Mix will work? I've read about S Curl Spray but that would make my relaxed hair wet/damp, right? Or am I missing something? Please help! :perplexed

Also, bumping for relaxed/texlaxed support!

I am over 42 weeks into my stretch and I have found the best detangler ever and it is called Taliah Waajid protective mist bodifier. You should give it a try. I also use henna which loosens my curl pattern a bit and so my detangling time has been cut in half due to these 2 products.
Check out Sylver2's fine tooth comb and scarf method, it works miracles! Also if S Curl is making your hair wet, you're probably using too much.

I've looked and looked but I can't find the Scarf Method anywhere. It is no longer in Sylver2's Fotki. I did PM her so hopefully she'll respond. I'm just trying to imagine the process...if I used a fine tooth comb I would pull most of my hair out or I will have to section is centimeter sections

Thanks for enlightening me about the Scarf Method….much appreciation!
I've looked and looked but I can't find the Scarf Method anywhere. It is no longer in Sylver2's Fotki. I did PM her so hopefully she'll respond. I'm just trying to imagine the process...if I used a fine tooth comb I would pull most of my hair out or I will have to section is centimeter sections :lachen:

Thanks for enlightening me about the Scarf Method! :rosebud:
RAVE! Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment. Ya'll..I have 5a/5b hair, my hair wraps around itself and mats constantly when I reach 10 weeks post. My NG is the kinkiest texture in the back, so I'm 12 weeks post., my hair has started misbehaving again. I sprayed my NG with some Mane & Tail Detangler and combed it out a bit, I got in the shower, rinsed my hair and applied this DC. Sat under the dryer for 1 hour. YA'LL!!! My hair was sooooo soft and luscious! NO tangles! Staple for 10 weeks + in my regimen now.
I am over 42 weeks into my stretch and I have found the best detangler ever and it is called Taliah Waajid protective mist bodifier. You should give it a try. I also use henna which loosens my curl pattern a bit and so my detangling time has been cut in half due to these 2 products.

The one and only "Aggie"!!! I feel so honored!!! I read your name all the time on here!!! You are so KNOWLEDGABLE and doesn't mind sharing with anyone....THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!

Where can I purchase Taliah Waajid Protective Mist? Is there a place online or can it be found at local vendors (ie. Sally's, BSS, etc.)? I'm in St. Louis if that helps. I also use henna and indingo (2 step process) for gray coverage :ohwell: and it seems to make my hair fight back even harder! :lachen: Afterwards my hair is extremely dry, seem thicker, and less manageable. What comb/brush do you use for detangling? Where can it be purchased?

Thanks so much for the friendly response and help! :rosebud:
RAVE! Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment. Ya'll..I have 5a/5b hair, my hair wraps around itself and mats constantly when I reach 10 weeks post. My NG is the kinkiest texture in the back, so I'm 12 weeks post., my hair has started misbehaving again. I sprayed my NG with some Mane & Tail Detangler and combed it out a bit, I got in the shower, rinsed my hair and applied this DC. Sat under the dryer for 1 hour. YA'LL!!! My hair was sooooo soft and luscious! NO tangles! Staple for 10 weeks + in my regimen now.

:shocked: GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!!!!! I know you are too happy cause I haven't found the magic trick yet so I dread wash day. :sad:

Congrats!!! I'm happy for ya!
I purchased my Taliah Waajhid protective mist from Whole foods I see they sell it at CVS now. She did my hair a few years back in braids. One of her stylist did my braids on Sunday with the no knot techique. She is very knowledgeable about growing hair naturally.
I've looked and looked but I can't find the Scarf Method anywhere. It is no longer in Sylver2's Fotki. I did PM her so hopefully she'll respond. I'm just trying to imagine the process...if I used a fine tooth comb I would pull most of my hair out or I will have to section is centimeter sections

Thanks for enlightening me about the Scarf Method….much appreciation!
I've looked and looked but I can't find the Scarf Method anywhere. It is no longer in Sylver2's Fotki. I did PM her so hopefully she'll respond. I'm just trying to imagine the process...if I used a fine tooth comb I would pull most of my hair out or I will have to section is centimeter sections :lachen:

Thanks for enlightening me about the Scarf Method! :rosebud:

She has a youtube channel:
The fine tooth comb and scarf are awesome! You dont comb through with the comb, you just kinda use the comb to smooth the NG.....its hard to explain, you'll have to see in the video:look:

I tried it and this was the result:
Before (measuring my NG)


I dont know if you can tell, but its A LOT smoother after!
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I purchased my Taliah Waajhid protective mist from Whole foods I see they sell it at CVS now. She did my hair a few years back in braids. One of her stylist did my braids on Sunday with the no knot techique. She is very knowledgeable about growing hair naturally.

Sorry for sounding a lil slow but.....who? Are you referring to the brand name "Taliah Waajhid"? I'm sorry. :sad:

Thanks so much all your help!!!! :yep:
She has a youtube channel:
The fine tooth comb and scarf are awesome! You dont comb through with the comb, you just kinda use the comb to smooth the NG.....its hard to explain, you'll have to see in the video:look:

I tried it and this was the result:
Before (measuring my NG)


I dont know if you can tell, but its A LOT smoother after!

HECK YEAH I CAN TELL!!!!! Your hair look amazing!!!! Thanks so much for the channel. I looked at her youtube link before but did not see the scarf method. I will look again...I NEED YOUR RESULTS IN A BAD WAY!!!!:grin: Thanks again!!!

I must say there are some members on her that really know how to make a newbie feel welcomed!!!!! :yep:
Sorry for sounding a lil slow but.....who? Are you referring to the brand name "Taliah Waajhid"? I'm sorry. :sad:

Thanks so much all your help!!!! :yep:

Yes the brand name. She also has a natural hair care salon in atlanta. She doesn't do hair anymore since she travels with the hair care shows etc..however I still use her stylist for braids since they use the no knot technique
She has a youtube channel:
The fine tooth comb and scarf are awesome! You dont comb through with the comb, you just kinda use the comb to smooth the NG.....its hard to explain, you'll have to see in the video:look:

I tried it and this was the result:
Before (measuring my NG)


I dont know if you can tell, but its A LOT smoother after!

awwwwww got it!!!!!! :yay:

Ladies thanks so much! I'm a newbie and all the input and support is awesome.

I just had a touch up this past Saturday, so I'm going to try the stretch. Also how often should I co-wash between an actual wash? And moisture, is coconut oil good for relaxed hair?
Ladies thanks so much! I'm a newbie and all the input and support is awesome.

I just had a touch up this past Saturday, so I'm going to try the stretch. Also how often should I co-wash between an actual wash? And moisture, is coconut oil good for relaxed hair?

I co-wash one to two days between washes. Coconut Oil is nice, makes my hair shiny and soft but in warmer months only.
Lately I'm washing every 2 weeks. I'm 10 weeks post relaxer and planning to stretch until my hair tells me it's time to TEXlax.

I use Mizani No Lye for sensitive scalp and although I love it. I noticed that my hair looks dry. At first I was going to just rinse it black using Sebastians (after much research) and now...I'm thinking maybe it's the No-Lye Mizani...In the past when I was relaxed I used a Lye Relaxer and my hair was neved "dull" looking.

I know it's not product build up. I know I moisturize and deep condition with heat on the regular. So...I think it's the relaxer.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any one have any suggestions? I def need support. I do everything myself for my hair. So it's between me and this board. :) Thanks ladies.
^yes! I was using ORS No-Lye and my hair was dull, dry and lifeless, as soon as i switched to the lye version the difference was like night and day! I would NEVER go back to no-lye.

There are people on here that use no-lye and have beautiful hair though, i think it can work if you use a chelating shampoo each time to remove the calcium deposits no-lye leaves behind and if you stay on top of your moisture regimen. Personally i'll just stick to lye.
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Thanks for the info! :wink2:

Any recommendations on DC's, and if I should mix any EO in it.

DC's I use and love:

-Hairveda Strinillah
-Shecentit Supersoft Honey Rinse
-Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment
-Lustrasilk Cholesterol

I use Aphogee 2 min weekly before using to maintain a protein/moisture balance. HTH.
I so wish I could help you with this one. I am just in my transitioning stage to texlaxed and have been wearing a lot of wigs, braids and cornrows. Why don't you consider drying your hair in rollers as opposed to blow drying it after your washes and keep it rollerset every night. I feel the texlaxed hair will respond better if trained in rollers from the wash day. Just a suggestion...

This weekend I rollerset and it turned out very wwell. It seems to hold up better due 2 the thickness. I'm mad I waited this long.

Thanks Aggie!
I relaxed/ texlaxed.

My hair ends does really well with Afrodetangler.

Since using AO line and Afrodetangler hair does not need serum for shine.