relaxed ladies who comb when wet

I always comb when wet. My hair is strong because I use a lot of protein. I comb with conditioner in the shower to detangle and when I'm done I rollerset with a fine tooth comb. It's very rare for me to lose any hair when I rollerset.
I comb when wet when rollersetting and ponytail rollersetting. I make sure that I add moisturizer, leave-in condish, and detangler when doing this.
What I do is:

  • Condition hair in sections
  • DC w/ heat for 30 mins, let it cool, add some more conditioner
  • Get into shower and gently detangle each section from ends to root with a shower comb
  • Allow water to flow onto hair as needed while detangling
I lose much less hair now. For some reason, the first time I detangled in shower, I did lose a lot of hair. Now I don't...??? :yep: