do you ladies detangle on wet, damp or dry hair?

I detangle on..

  • wet hair

    Votes: 81 54.7%
  • damp hair

    Votes: 53 35.8%
  • dry hair

    Votes: 14 9.5%

  • Total voters
The best way to detangle my hair is with my fingers, wet with conditioner on it.

I don't play around and detangle under the shower head. I am not about to be pulling shed hair out the drain.
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Soaking wet under the shower head with Pantene beautiful lengths conditioner rinsing thru. Tangles melt out with this conditioner. It is hands down the best detangler I have ever used. 1-15 wks post. I use aphogee 2min afterwards I'm about WL relaxed.

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I detangle dry. Can't do anything with it when it's wet so I apply my leave in and wait until it's dried before using a pick to comb.
At this stage. I usually Lightly finger detangle dry in 4 sections with oil as a pre poo/HotOil Treatment, shampoo, then fully detangle after deep con.
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blueberryd said:
I know this may be weird but i JUST recently figured out hw to detangle my natural hair w minimal shedding and breakage....

in the shower I...
1. detangle with a wide tooth comb while rinsing out my shampoo
2. Detangle w a paddle brush while rinsing out deep conditioner
3. Detangle w a bristle brush while rinsing out detangling conditioner

I wash my hair 1x a week. This method has significantly decreased my ssk, tangling, matting, and shedding on wash days...

Its probably a combination of products and technique

Wow! I would have no hair. You have strong hair. My hair would pack her bags and leave. :)

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Finger detangle on dry oiled hair to remove shed hair and tangles
Add lots of conditioner (damp) and detangle with large comb
Allow conditioner to sit and then with denman/paddle under running water .
I detangle on damp hair with a wide tooth seamless comb.

After washing hair I let it sit for 30 mins then apply my leave-ins and let it sit another 30 mins before detangling.
I detangle after prepooing with a thick conditioner and tea while its rinsing out under the shower. Minimal shed and my hair stays detangled.
Dry with oil. No more detangling under or even near water for me; the knots become stronger as my hair is wet in its weakest state lolol. I can only do this dry or damp with a slippery product so my hair doesn't feel like it's drying out too much.
I voted dry hair but it's more like "almost" dry hair. I detangle mainly on wash/cowash days, and I always wait until my hair's at least 80-90% dry to start detangling. It's not as dry as my hair is on a regular basis, but it's dry enough so that my hair doesn't snap from being wet. I have relaxed porous hair though.
I always detangle on damp hair with a thick conditioner such as Aussie Moist. I make sure I get all the shed hair out
Mannn if I detangled under running water I would be bald :lol: I detangle on damp hair

See I didn't know that. I'm transitioning too, I feel like de tangling under water makes a lot of hair come out hmmph it was good for my relaxed hair

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I think we should have included in our posts whether we were natural, relaxed or stretching.

I am going to edit my post.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
sharifeh girl even when I was relaxed my hair didn't play that :nono: I tried it a few different ways: hair drenched with conditioner, standing under shower head, using different combs. Nope. So now I just wait for my hair to be almost dry, with product. Of course, if your hair is already matted to begin with, don't get it wet...
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I find that if I detangle my hair wet with conditioner it will just get tangled again when I rinse out the conditioner.:ohwell: So I always detangle my hair when it's damp after I towel dry it.
Oh my. I've had a breakthrough.

I just detangled my natural hair dry with vatika oil and a medium toothed comb. I haven't de tangled for 3 weeks and only lost a small amount of hair in the process. :grin:

Now I know the amount of hair I've lost doing it other ways was way too much :perplexed

I have very fine, tangly hair and it's looking like this is the best way for me.
Oh my. I've had a breakthrough.

I just detangled my natural hair dry with vatika oil and a medium toothed comb. I haven't de tangled for 3 weeks and only lost a small amount of hair in the process. :grin:

Now I know the amount of hair I've lost doing it other ways was way too much :perplexed

I have very fine, tangly hair and it's looking like this is the best way for me.

Woop Woop!!

I am about to ditch finger detangling. That does NOT detangle my hair. I'm done with it. Thank you Sumra and thanks to the OP for this thread. I am keeping a very close eye on it.:yep:
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Have you tried finger detangling hair that's oil with EVCO, then following up with a seamless comb to remove shedded hair & remaining tangles?

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Have you tried finger detangling hair that's oil with EVCO, then following up with a seamless comb to remove shedded hair & remaining tangles?

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I finger detangled for the last 2 years I have been on this journey. I do think it did serve a purpose in the past because it minimized breakage and I am reaping the benefits as well as the extra 3 hours on my wash session now.

What I have noted lately is that no matter how thoroughly I finger detangle my hair is not detangled anymore. Only a comb seems to make a dent in all of the shed hair I have.

I will still finger detangle lightly to remove major knots before combing however I will not try to thoroughly finger detangle anymore because the last time I tried it it took me all day. Then the following day my hair was still chock full of shed hair when I broke down and took to it with a comb. Combing carefully in small sections on hair damp with conditioner probably only took me a couple hours total. Yes I just said two hours detangling on my hair is an improvement because I am comparing it to the to 4 to 7 hours I would spend finger detangling only to still have tangles and difficulty parting my hair.

I won't comb my hair every day, but with this much hair and how dense it is it has become very difficult to rely on finger detangling.

Oh and I oil my hair with coconut oil about three times a week so when I finger detangle my hair is always oiled with coconut oil.
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I'm jelly! High density, long hair know what'll give you best ROI, regarding your sheds, tangles, and time, :yep:

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Woop Woop!!

I am about to ditch finger detangling. That does NOT detangle my hair. I'm done with it. Thank you Sumra and thanks to the OP for this thread. I am keeping a very close eye on it.:yep:

Just finger de tangling doesn't work for me either lol. All it does is make me think I have de tangled my hair, then a few months later my hair kicks me in the *** like "don't do that to me again":lol:. I end up with more tangles, knots down the line from shed hair I missed. My coil pattern is very small though which might affect it.

I use a mixed method now. Saturate with oil, separate obvious clumps with fingers then go in with the comb. When I hit a rough spot with the comb I seperate the knots with fingers, add more oil then comb again. Sounds long written like that, but I got through my fro quite quickly this way:yep:.