Relaxed Hair Thread

flyygirlll2, we are harder on ourselves than others. Are you able to visit mom a few times to let her get your hair back on track? I don't mind you thinking out loud. I've had a run in with split ends before but it was definitely mechanical damage -- denman and tangle teezer. It took a good year to resolve that damage. I trimmed and chopped and trimmed and chopped until all splits were gone.

I wanted to go visit her for Christmas but doesn't look like that's going to happen. She will be coming up to visit around March or April of next year cause my SIL is due to have her baby around that time. All I've done this year is trim but the mandatory positive here is that my hair grows well and sometimes quickly so growth is not an issue. My husband thinks I should go back to the salon... I had to side eye him cause that could only make things worse and I'm not about to let just anyone touch my hair.
flyygirlll2 I'm sad that it was a rough year for you and your hair suffered. I'm here with you and for you. All we can do is take it one day at a time. At least you recognized your hair is suffering. And this is one of the best places to think out loud. These ladies have some knowledge AND encouraging words. This isn't Allstate, but you're in good hands :thumbsup::clap:

That's very sweet of you, thank you. Yeah this year I've had enough setbacks. I'm over it.
I just used dry shampoo for the first time ever, and I LOVE IT! As the can promised, it really did refresh and revive my hair. Who knew? (Apparently, everyone but me.)


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@iLurk Just about anywhere lol. I heard Walgreen's sells some, beauty supply stores, online. I haven't used dry shampoo, but some ladies like it.

i've never seen it before or i just havent been looking hard enough

I hope my hair reverts some more from my recent relaxer. Think Im gonna do an 8 month stretch. Ill relax for the 4th of July :lol:

I'm working on an 8 month stretch too, well 7 now since i relaxed last month. Im gonna just wig it out but the wig im getting has been shipped smartpost so im not going to get it til the end of next week and its only 1 state away :censored:
ookay finally got my wig I am on the fence about the color. Its not as subtle as i like and its on chaka khan's level of thickness. i like big hair but i gotta thin this out :ohwell:
I need to wash my hair but don't wan to :nono: It's snowing here and all I wanna do is curl up with a hot cup of cocoa, a blanket, and a good movie.
So I clarified my hair today. Skipped my usual pre-poo and jumped right into shampooing. Did that twice before doing a hard protein with the Aphogee 2 step. I feel like some sort of anomaly sometimes y'all when it comes to my hair's love affair with protein. When I rinsed out the treatment, my hair was like BUTTA. I mean, soooo soft yet strong at the same time. It was almost like I had given myself a moisturizing deep condition session instead, that's how good it felt!

I'm currently deep conditioning now, but I gotta ask, is anyone else's hair like this?? Or am I the odd one out :look:
Today is my birthday and I was supposed to do my hair yesterday but I had a migraine so I will just do my hair today. Debating whether I should do a color rinse. I have blue black and ruby red from Adore.

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Today is my birthday and I was supposed to do my hair yesterday but I had a migraine so I will just do my hair today. Debating whether I should do a color rinse. I have blue black and ruby red from Adore.

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Happy birthday! ! Hope you have an awesome bday!

Can u use both colors. Like blue black on the bottom and the red on top
Today is my birthday and I was supposed to do my hair yesterday but I had a migraine so I will just do my hair today. Debating whether I should do a color rinse. I have blue black and ruby red from Adore. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF please excuse typos/ can't see mentions
happy birthday!
Happy birthday! ! Hope you have an awesome bday! Can u use both colors. Like blue black on the bottom and the red on top

Thank you. You know I didn't think of that lol. I typically use red but haven't used that color in such a long time.

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So I clarified my hair today. Skipped my usual pre-poo and jumped right into shampooing. Did that twice before doing a hard protein with the Aphogee 2 step. I feel like some sort of anomaly sometimes y'all when it comes to my hair's love affair with protein. When I rinsed out the treatment, my hair was like BUTTA. I mean, soooo soft yet strong at the same time. It was almost like I had given myself a moisturizing deep condition session instead, that's how good it felt!

I'm currently deep conditioning now, but I gotta ask, is anyone else's hair like this?? Or am I the odd one out :look:

msrayne19 Nope not just you. In fact my hair feels its best after an Aphogee 2 step treatment. If I wasn't scared of a setback I would try not using a moisturizing DC afterwards.
Today is my birthday and I was supposed to do my hair yesterday but I had a migraine so I will just do my hair today. Debating whether I should do a color rinse. I have blue black and ruby red from Adore. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF please excuse typos/ can't see mentions

Happy Birthday