Relaxed Hair Thread

Is it bad that I have no desire to ever wear my real hair again (ok maybe that's an exaggeration get my point)? I swear, my life has taken a turn for the better since wearing wigs -- My evenings and weekends are now my own I'm no longer a slave to hair My hair is well protected and feels awesomely moisturized Wash days are so simple since I wash, condition & return to braids The amount of attention & compliments since wearing wigs is insane! Wigs are giving me life. I'm enjoying hair again since I'm changing up styles & looking like fiyah! Beamodel Babygrowth EnExitStageLeft NGraceO and any others...I'm sure ya'll would agree...yes?


Yes! I love my hair but I've become so lazy with it. Wigs to the rescue :)
mshoneyfly, I was out with girlfriends last night and it was very chilly! It felt great not having to hide under a beanie because I'm trying to protect my hair. Instead, I let my wig blow & swang in the wind with pride. I was able to keep it cute the entire time! Now that's dope.


I went to a party this weekend and was able to dance for hours without worrying about how I was going to re-stretch my hair later.

Badadadadaaaaaaaaaa #I'mLovinIt :happydance:
Yasssss! I am definitely leaning on my "girlfriends" this winter. Ain't nobody got time for Chicago's winter and frozen, crunchy hair.
I knew you'd get here eventually :look::yep: Continue to drink the juice :giggle: :cheers:

Is it bad that I have no desire to ever wear my real hair again (ok maybe that's an exaggeration get my point)?

I swear, my life has taken a turn for the better since wearing wigs --

My evenings and weekends are now my own
I'm no longer a slave to hair
My hair is well protected and feels awesomely moisturized
Wash days are so simple since I wash, condition & return to braids
The amount of attention & compliments since wearing wigs is insane!
Wigs are giving me life.
I'm enjoying hair again since I'm changing up styles & looking like fiyah!

Beamodel Babygrowth EnExitStageLeft NGraceO and any others...I'm sure ya'll would agree...yes?
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Truth be told I would hide my hair way more often if it didnt call for blending my hair with my weave :ohwell:

I was worried about that too. I have henna in my hair so I just bought me a full wig that way I don't have to worry about blending my hair with it.
Ive never seen a full wig I would be okay with wearing. The straight across bangs are cute but I have a two head so that wouldnt work :lol:

I was worried about that too. I have henna in my hair so I just bought me a full wig that way I don't have to worry about blending my hair with it.
i still have HIH disease! And I haven't figured out how to braid and my ends don't dry out.

I'm not sure if you're going to like this method but I twist the last inch (I'm a 4 year natural turned texlaxer) and spray it with aloe vera juice/filtered water, oil, butter and a tiny bit of the blue colored Blue Magic grease (omit the grease if you'd like). Sistawithrealhair on YouTube uses the Saran Wrap method to keep her ends from drying out.
I'm in a hair rut. I trimmed my hair again today, I also trimmed it last week and a few weeks before that:nono: I've noticed that I have mid- shaft splits among other types of splits and it's driving me insane. I don't know what the culprit is which is the worse part. I've cut about 2 inches off so far and had to stop my scissor happy self from cutting my hair to SL out of aggravation. :rolleyes:
I'm not sure if you're going to like this method but I twist the last inch (I'm a 4 year natural turned texlaxer) and spray it with aloe vera juice/filtered water, oil, butter and a tiny bit of the blue colored Blue Magic grease (omit the grease if you'd like). Sistawithrealhair on YouTube uses the Saran Wrap method to keep her ends from drying out.
I will try using qhemet's heavy cream. I can't do butter. Or the only butter I can do is qhemet's twisting butter.