Relaxed Hair Thread

I've re-discovered how much I like the Mizani Thermasmooth system. I used it on Saturday and my hair looks very straight but with body, I don't know how to explain it, I avoid blow dry+flat iron because my hair gets very straight but limp and thin( I call it my "professor Snape" look, close to the scalp which doesn't flatter as I'm overweight and have a big head)

but I'm loving my hair this week, it is straight but with body and movement, even in this cold and snow we are having. The newgrowth is not super straight so maybe that also contributes to my hair looking like this. I'm also using a light spray of Mizani anti humidity mist to hold the style.
So I clarified my hair today. Skipped my usual pre-poo and jumped right into shampooing. Did that twice before doing a hard protein with the Aphogee 2 step. I feel like some sort of anomaly sometimes y'all when it comes to my hair's love affair with protein. When I rinsed out the treatment, my hair was like BUTTA. I mean, soooo soft yet strong at the same time. It was almost like I had given myself a moisturizing deep condition session instead, that's how good it felt! I'm currently deep conditioning now, but I gotta ask, is anyone else's hair like this?? Or am I the odd one out :look:

NOPE, not at all. We are protein sisters.
msrayne19 Nope not just you. In fact my hair feels its best after an Aphogee 2 step treatment. If I wasn't scared of a setback I would try not using a moisturizing DC afterwards.

Girlll me too!! I have this thought every single time I do the 2 step. 'Course I do one anyway 'cause I ain't riskin' no setback afterwards but still :lol: it's definitely tempting
So I flat ironed my hair a couple days ago and it came out soooo soft and bouncy. Not only that but I did a pseudo length check and I am grazing BSL :yay::yay::yay::yay:

I may or may not have done a little happy dance and squealed like a 5 year old :look:
My edges. I told yall they said dueces. Postpartum shedding but they should grow back.


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I've been cowashing and doing a braided ponytail. My hair loves it! And I love it because my bun is tiny.

I straightened for Thanksgiving. I plan to relax in a couple weeks. I think I'm gonna relax a little straighter. These ends are still knotting and I feel like I'm stuck in mbl land. :(
I will relax in about a week or two as well. I plan on relaxing hair is so resistant!

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^^^me too! I'm going to go a little straighter next time. I can't tell between the new growth and texlaxed! I don't want to get a relaxer, then three weeks later, it feels like nothing happened and all of the fun is gone! Lol I just want to have my stylist relax it and not style. I'm still hiding my hair and don't want to use heat. And that patch I'm working on needs more hair for roller setting to look decent and not cause tension.
^^^me too! I'm going to go a little straighter next time. I can't tell between the new growth and texlaxed! I don't want to get a relaxer, then three weeks later, it feels like nothing happened and all of the fun is gone! Lol I just want to have my stylist relax it and not style. I'm still hiding my hair and don't want to use heat. And that patch I'm working on needs more hair for roller setting to look decent and not cause tension.
I think I am going to relax at 8 weeks, so that's three weeks left!
It'll be 4 months for me. I barely have any new growth because I'm a slow grower but I don't wanna stretch any longer than that.

I plan to be more physically active next year do I'm hoping to reach more milestones. I want to be unquestionably WL. I have hairnorexia which isn't helping.
The length of my hair relaxed too straight while the roots are straight curls :rofl: Theoretically, that goes against all the information the relaxer instructions is based on. Nothing a 6+month stretch wont fix.
It'll be 4 months for me. I barely have any new growth because I'm a slow grower but I don't wanna stretch any longer than that. I plan to be more physically active next year do I'm hoping to reach more milestones. I want to be unquestionably WL. I have hairnorexia which isn't helping.
I would have been at WL a couple of times if I didn't do stupid stuff or just wanted to cut my hair out of boredom.
I will relax in about a week or two as well. I plan on relaxing hair is so resistant! Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Same here. Not looking for bone straight but just a little straighter. I still have a lot of shrinkage due to the under processed/textlaxed hair.
I'm doing my last DC and cowash before my relaxer either Monday or Tuesday. I too plan to go a little straighter. I may not base my scalp this time since I never burn and I think that affects my results. I also need to make my pre-parts smaller. I can't wait.