Relaxed Hair Thread

RELAXER DAYYYYYY!! …was Saturday. I'm grateful I abandoned my laziness long enough to touch up my hair. This was my first time relaxing at 12 weeks post, as my plan was to shorten my stretches from 24 weeks to 12 weeks, which I did for the first time with this touch up. I learned that I like relaxing 12 week post hair. Less drama. Below are several pictures of my results, annnnnd, back into plaits and wigs I go. :)

This is how I want my corrective to leave my hair.
NGraceO looks great! I love how uniform your texture is, what's your technique, do you avoid smoothing or is it the relaxer you use? Mine is all over the place.

Awaiting her answer as well but for me I know it's the amount of time I leave it on and the fact that I don't smooth.
NGraceO looks great! I love how uniform your texture is, what's your technique, do you avoid smoothing or is it the relaxer you use? Mine is all over the place.

Awaiting her answer as well but for me I know it's the amount of time I leave it on and the fact that I don't smooth.

Guys, I'm a bit triflin… lol. I currently set my timer for 12 minutes, buuuuut, usually don't rinse out until about 14.

I smooth the HELL out of my hair, (usually for about 3-5 minutes) as time and experience has taught me to aim for more straight than kinky, bc my hair ALWAYS will revert a bit post relaxer. I've always used ORS Olive Oil relaxer, and I dilute liberally with an oil (either coconut or olive), to give myself more time.

Oh and if it helps, I relax in halves (parted straight down the middle) .
RELAXER DAYYYYYY!! …was Saturday. I'm grateful I abandoned my laziness long enough to touch up my hair. This was my first time relaxing at 12 weeks post, as my plan was to shorten my stretches from 24 weeks to 12 weeks, which I did for the first time with this touch up. I learned that I like relaxing 12 week post hair. Less drama. Below are several pictures of my results, annnnnd, back into plaits and wigs I go. :)
wow this looks good! Is your hair easy to straighten? You make me want to keep stretching and just keep rocking my wigs.
I have plenty of options to not self relax but it comes at the expense of driving 1hr 15mins (one-way) every time my relaxer is due. My family and my dh's family all live at that location. My cousin owns a salon and my sister in law can do hair and braids as well. I may consider traveling to let family do my hair.
make that drive! I would do it in a heartbeat!
My hair feels nice today, even though it's in my ugly twists that are pinned down. Color purple ain't got nothing on me! Lol I used crece pello leave-in to moisturize and some coconut oil to seal. I plan on washing my hair again tomorrow. I bought some relaxer, but I'm going to exchange it for a protein conditioner. I need to see about a good Dominican protein conditioner.
I stood in the shower without a cap and let the steam sink in... today my hair feels soft and moisturized. Its in a bko and I didnt have much shedding at all undoing the knots. Good day for me :-)
wow this looks good! Is your hair easy to straighten? You make me want to keep stretching and just keep rocking my wigs.

Thank you! Meh, my hair can be temperamental, and I only straighten once a year, so I'm still perfecting my technique.

It is definitely easier than it was straightening my 4b natural hair, however.
Guys, I'm a bit triflin… lol. I currently set my timer for 12 minutes, buuuuut, usually don't rinse out until about 14.

I smooth the HELL out of my hair, (usually for about 3-5 minutes) as time and experience has taught me to aim for more straight than kinky, bc my hair ALWAYS will revert a bit post relaxer. I've always used ORS Olive Oil relaxer, and I dilute liberally with an oil (either coconut or olive), to give myself more time.

Oh and if it helps, I relax in halves (parted straight down the middle) .

Thanks! That's interesting, I also use ORS and do the half and half method, but I leave it on longer (closer to 20 mins), smooth longer, and don't mix any oil in. My hair also reverts a bit after washing it out and adding my aphogee 2 min. I suppose I should stick with one method and see how it goes, just worried about leaving too much texture. I'll have to experiment a bit the next few touch ups, I'm trying to do mine on Saturday.
I want to try the half and half method, but I'm not sure how to prevent the other side from getting wet.

I tried twice a while ago and I ended up having to blow dry the other half and relax. I didn't even have a blow dryer so SO Had to run to the store and get one smh
Now my ends feel really nice, except two areas of my hair. I moisturized and sealed earlier. When I unraveled the twists. My end were really dry. So I decided to trim those areas and use qhemet's heavy cream. I hope that helps. I think I am going to purchase some jojoba oil or go to an Indian grocer and see if they carry alma oil. I am considering cowashing tomorrow and shampooing next Sunday.
@Saludable84 I did have plastic caps and it still got wet. I did half the head and the other half I had covered with a clip to hold it down more and it still ended up wet. I tried this method twice and both the same thing

This is why I decided to pre-part and twist my hair prior to relaxing. I could never figure the half/half method out! :perplexed
I want to try the half and half method, but I'm not sure how to prevent the other side from getting wet.

I do it justgrowalready's style with the double prong clips and shower cap. I will say that when rinsing, if I get a bit of water on the untouched side, I just blowdry it then proceed.

Also, I make sure to lather up the middle part with extra Vaseline during the process.
Saludable84 I did have plastic caps and it still got wet. I did half the head and the other half I had covered with a clip to hold it down more and it still ended up wet. I tried this method twice and both the same thing

This is why I decided to pre-part and twist my hair prior to relaxing. I could never figure the half/half method out! :perplexed

I tried the 1/2 and 1/2 method twice and even with washing the front half (first) over the sink, with caps and clips, I still wasn't able to keep the back half completely dry.
I will return to oil rinsing. I miss it and think my hair does too. I also recall reading it helps splits. I always used wheat germ, which is a ceramide. Perhaps stopping oil rinsing, among other things, was a turning point in me properly managing my split ends.
I do it justgrowalready's style with the double prong clips and shower cap. I will say that when rinsing, if I get a bit of water on the untouched side, I just blowdry it then proceed.

Also, I make sure to lather up the middle part with extra Vaseline during the process.

Yup I do this too. It helps that my sink has the hose attachment so the middle doesn't get as wet as it can. Getting the part wet hasn't effected my results.