Relaxed Hair Thread

shortdub78, start now to get the process moving. That's what I'm doing anyway and it has been rewarding. If I had enough backbone, I'd whack off all relaxed hair and be fully texlaxed, real talk, but that would leave me with a pixie cut. I've been there, done that and really not interested. My texlaxed hair doesn't tangle or clump and is just super manageable. I assume this is why I'm not having line of demarcation issues. My relaxed hair snags, tangles and clumps and it's annoying. I assume this is why I have breakage toward the ends of my hair.
yep, sounds like the relaxed hair is hanging in there. I will texlax when I hit 16 weeks and take it from there! You are such a big help! All of u!
I have been taking pics of my hair, trying to access and see what actions I need to take. Plus, this is a good way to really see and track what is going on. I know having these bonelaxed ends with this new growth is going to be a challenging journey. Still debating should I start texlaxing now, or should I stretch for two years until my natural texture reaches arm pit length, then texlax? I don't see how I could wear my real hair out with these two textures... I will have to hide for two years!?!

I need to start doing this too. My pics are only for length checks but I need to do ng pics and texture pics.
I ended up trimming my hair. I was about to cut more but I stopped myself. I'm just going to maintain my ends from here on out and baby my crown from the breakage I had. First pic is from two weeks ago from when I self relaxed. I didn't even bother to flat iron my hair before trimming because I just don't have the patience, I still have about 2.5 inches of under processed hair. Thanks Saludable84 because I used your trimming method :-) Sent from my iPad using LHCF

I'm glad it worked for you. It looks really nice! Nice and healthy :yep:
Ok, I feel more confident to be a DIYer with trimming after looking at Saludable84 againstallodds among other vids. Now to decide on relaxer -- DIYer or salon.

When I self-relaxed in the past, I used Walmart grade relaxers and overlapped so my past experience really doesn't account for anything.

What scares me most about returning to self relaxing if I may be honest and not to shade anyone...some DIYers have just as many issues as those being salon relaxed. Then there's the issue of finding the right relaxer. I see some of the discussions back and forth amongst self-relaxers and it just seems like a lot to consider. I just wonder if all the trial and error is more harm than good in the short run. Of course it pays off over time in the long run but with anything, perfection takes time. There's a lot of damage that can be done while awaiting perfection to kick in.
sunnieb...I will return. I use to lurk but stopping swinging by. I know you, Saludable84 and Nix08 (and I'm sure many others that I haven't named) have it down to a science. I would like to hear from some newbies 'cause I'm not on the level of you pros. Yall are bawses.
I think i needs sharp cut to shape my hair. I have been on a hhj for a year now and my hair looks a bit thicker but it's not all long like other ppl hair journey ... I know I had at least one set back .. Still working on fixing it nasty shedding and breaking due to black rinse. I use apogee 2 min for 30 mins.. Just yesterday .. If that don't work I'm thinking about trying the black tea treatment .
divachyk Girl stop! I ain't a bawse like alladat! :lol:

I was just tired of getting over processed, under deep conditioned, etc. at the salon. I'd actually love it if there was a salon that would do my hair like I do, but alas, it doesn't exist.

Keep studying. I put together a self-relaxing folder for about a year before taking the plunge. The old Sistaslick article really kicked it off for me.

No bawse here. After my mother moved, about 8 years ago, I had to learn in order to survive :lol: once I started my journey I just picked up on new practices. To make it easier, not really faster. My relaxer process takes roughly 40-60 minutes because I'm careful. Right now, I apply and rinse in 11 minutes, but I'm gonna go back to 20 minutes because I prefer those results. But I do encourage you to take notes and ask questions. Better safe than sorry.
divachyk No bawse here. After my mother moved, about 8 years ago, I had to learn in order to survive :lol: once I started my journey I just picked up on new practices. To make it easier, not really faster. My relaxer process takes roughly 40-60 minutes because I'm careful. Right now, I apply and rinse in 11 minutes, but I'm gonna go back to 20 minutes because I prefer those results. But I do encourage you to take notes and ask questions. Better safe than sorry.

After I moved away from home I dealt with stylist but nothing was ever to my liking and they caused me setbacks. I was used to my mom doing my hair. I've only self relaxed twice so it's still a work in progress. I still have to work on my timing and smoothing a little bit more. The first time was 18 minutes and the second time was 15 and both left my hair very under processed. Next time I plan to smooth a little more and leave it on for 20 minutes. I'm not trying to go bone straight, but I want to leave some texture.
If I ever gave myself a relaxer I would be either overprocessed or underprocessed and I don't have time for that. Lol Thank God for my mommy or I would have to result to a salon.
If I ever gave myself a relaxer I would be either overprocessed or underprocessed and I don't have time for that. Lol Thank God for my mommy or I would have to result to a salon.

My nana did mine good but I hated bugging her. She has arthritis. My mother moved and that was my last option as she used to do mine. The salon over processed lol. I under process (purposely) but I wish I had your option.
I have plenty of options to not self relax but it comes at the expense of driving 1hr 15mins (one-way) every time my relaxer is due. My family and my dh's family all live at that location. My cousin owns a salon and my sister in law can do hair and braids as well. I may consider traveling to let family do my hair.
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RELAXER DAYYYYYY!! …was Saturday. I'm grateful I abandoned my laziness long enough to touch up my hair. This was my first time relaxing at 12 weeks post, as my plan was to shorten my stretches from 24 weeks to 12 weeks, which I did for the first time with this touch up.

I learned that I like relaxing 12 week post hair. Less drama.

Below are several pictures of my results, annnnnd, back into plaits and wigs I go. :)


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RELAXER DAYYYYYY!! …was Saturday. I'm grateful I abandoned my laziness long enough to touch up my hair. This was my first time relaxing at 12 weeks post, as my plan was to shorten my stretches from 24 weeks to 12 weeks, which I did for the first time with this touch up. I learned that I like relaxing 12 week post hair. Less drama. Below are several pictures of my results, annnnnd, back into plaits and wigs I go. :)

Pretty! Someone needs to come relax my hair. My stylist isn't going to :sad: :lol:
I have plenty of options to not self relax but it comes at the expense of driving 1hr 15mins (one-way) every time my relaxer is due. My family and my dh's family all live at that location. My cousin owns a salon and my sister in law can do hair and braids as well. I may consider traveling to let family do my hair.

It's worth it; I'd definitely make the drive. I have a cousin that does hair but she's only 15 (yes 15) I'm counting down the days until she gets that license :look:
Does anybody else's scalp decide it wants to itch the worst it ever has in the few days before you relax?

Nope, it's not just you. My scalp will be fine until I decide it's time too relax then it's on fire with the itchies. I've come top the conclusion it's psychological.
NGraceO looks great! I love how uniform your texture is, what's your technique, do you avoid smoothing or is it the relaxer you use? Mine is all over the place.