Relaxed Hair Thread

Playing catch up ---

Random Question!!!

What do you do when DH/SO wants to be all up in that hair? My gosh!

halfindian, let that man have fun. :giggle:

I relaxed my hair yesterday and I burned badly and now have scabs. Not happy.
I air died and did a braidout and I hate my hair. I hate the different lengths, I hate the thiness, I hate that my edges have a v shape to them like a widow's peak without the peak bit.

I don't feel good about my hair at the moment. :sad:

Lurkee how's your scalp feeling now? Sorry you had these issues. I hide my hair when my hemline is not like how I want it.

My hair is getting wavy....
Can a relaxer pro explain this for me?

I washed and put on some pantene bb cream, and left it to its own devices to dry....and it was all wavy instead of flat bone straight like it used to be.

Whimsy, I don't consider it reversion or new growth. Air dried texture is the actual texture of your hair. It's indication how well the relaxer did / didn't take. Most of us desire texture to ensure the hair is strong and not too fragile. The sleekness on touch up day is a bit misleading. It takes a few washes before the true texture shows up. Kind of hard to explain but that's my best stab at it though.

divachyk - Aphogee Curlific Moisture leave in. It's great when I do heat styles but not so much for air drying.

tapioca_pudding, that moisturizer has protein and -cones. You might need to find something with pure moisture.


:thud: gorgeous hair pre_medicalrulz and twolala

tapioca_pudding emada, sorry you are experiencing crown breakage. Careful with protein. Don't over do it. Make sure you use deep conditioner and moisturizer really well.

naija24, can you band your hair while air drying?

greenandchic, inversion gave me headaches. My migraines wasn't having it.
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Does anyone do the inversion method here? If so, how much length do you get per month? Does that affect how often you stretch your relaxers?

I used to do yoga regularly and I would notice faster growth for a while, but it'd still slow down. For me the growth wasn't consistent. I never noticed increased growth like 1" a month. As far as stretching, it just made it a bit difficult when I started stretching longer, but it wasn't too bad. I just found it to be "ok".
Geez Louise! This Saturday I will be five weeks post already! Time really flies!! Although today is the first time I can actually feel the new growth. I will be touching up at 12 weeks (as I am transitioning out of 6 month stretches to shorter ones)!

How was the six ,month stretches? I was thinking of trying that. Up till now, I've done three months regularly. Maybe with the six month stretch, I could wash my hair every other week. I doubt that I would flat iron until I got close to six months. Right now, I'm just over three months and don't flat iron. I do blow dry ,my hair weekly - low heat, and not fully dry.

I don't know if I could survive a year stretch.:nono:
: NGraceO How was the six ,month stretches? I was thinking of trying that. Up till now, I've done three months regularly. Maybe with the six month stretch, I could wash my hair every other week. I doubt that I would flat iron until I got close to six months. Right now, I'm just over three months and don't flat iron. I do blow dry ,my hair weekly - low heat, and not fully dry. I don't know if I could survive a year stretch.:nono:

Six months was a breeze when I was in long term protective styles (braids w/ extensions), which I would do at about three months, when manipulation became more difficult. What was a deal breaker this last stretch was the unbearable, time-consuming detangling sessions. :nono:

Though I love touching up three inches of new growth, it wasn't worth my sanity and resulting breakage from the decreased manageability. I had enough of that when I was natural lol.

I would say if you planned to flat iron, that may be a good plan. That would help tremendously with manageability, but the cons (of using more heat) may not be worth the extra stretch time honestly.
Does anyone do the inversion method here? If so, how much length do you get per month? Does that affect how often you stretch your relaxers?

I've tried it and I do feel that it has had an effect on my hair. I def didn't get a whole inch. I did it the first week after my relaxer and I can feel some semblance of newgrowth which is something I usually don't notice until about 6 weeks post.
If you want it straighter, you'll need to smooth the hair and/or let the relaxer stay on longer. @Whimsy

She did smooth the hair. A lot. It was my first perm (vs being texlaxed all my life til I went natural)

Nooo! Just tell Whimsy to leave that hair alone. I expect to see curls in the next few months :look:. And long curls in the next year :look:.
@Whimsy your long curly hair is everything! Straightened too.

LOL I am enjoying the loose waves for now. And the short length. I'm keepin' it short and permed for a year or so....don't be mad. But thank you!!! :)
divachyk - Thanks for the feedback re: my leave in! I will look for something that has just moisture. It's so hard knowing if my hair needs protein or moisture. When I touch it, little pieces fall off and break off. So Im like, does that mean I need more moisture or do I need to do a protein treatment? Im worried about protein overload, especially because I was going to do henna this weekend (which acts like protein). It's just so confusing.
i like ic fantasia (heat protectant) . its the pink one. it leaves my hair soft. i also used it when i was natural. every time i didnt, lay hair turns out dry and hard. maybe leave coconut oil for the hot weather. i tried coconut oil and it leaves my hair crunchy (i will try again in summer when its nice and warm/hot).

Thank you!! IC Fantasia is wonderful. I used its a 10 as my leave in and the sealed with IC and my ends feel amazing!! No longer dry and crunchy and my comb slips through without catching. Love it. New staple
Thank you!! IC Fantasia is wonderful. I used its a 10 as my leave in and the sealed with IC and my ends feel amazing!! No longer dry and crunchy and my comb slips through without catching. Love it. New staple

i told you! so happy it worked for you as well. it has also become my staple! i need to buy more by the way.

its the only thing that leaves my hair soft just like i want it. when i seal with it my hair stays moisturized longer :-)
divachyk I cannot band my hair as it's too short and uneven:(

greenandchic I do use heat on my hair but for the last two weeks I have tried to avoid it. My hair is now crazy thick but it also looks shorter O_o than it did before. I've been doing inversion so idk if that's the reason.
i told you! so happy it worked for you as well. it has also become my staple! i need to buy more by the way. its the only thing that leaves my hair soft just like i want it. when i seal with it my hair stays moisturized longer :-)

I used to love the aloe one back in the day. Sometimes I want to go back to it #lesigh
I recently discovered YouTube's longNhealthy and in one of her products video, she mentioned doing hot oil treatments about once a week. I admit I haven't done such a thing in probably over a decade because it never did anything for my natural hair.

I decided to bite and try it again and my hair was like butter after shampooing it out. I only heated up sweet almond oil and coconut oil and drenched my dry hair (forgot to wet it!) and left it on under a cap for about an hour. It did more than many conditioner prepoos I've done in the past.

I will try to squeeze this in about once a week - hopefully!
I recently discovered YouTube's longNhealthy and in one of her products video, she mentioned doing hot oil treatments about once a week. I admit I haven't done such a thing in probably over a decade because it never did anything for my natural hair.

I decided to bite and try it again and my hair was like butter after shampooing it out. I only heated up sweet almond oil and coconut oil and drenched my dry hair (forgot to wet it!) and left it on under a cap for about an hour. It did more than many conditioner prepoos I've done in the past.

I will try to squeeze this in about once a week - hopefully!

Yep i do the same with shea butter its amazing.
divachyk - Thanks for the feedback re: my leave in! I will look for something that has just moisture. It's so hard knowing if my hair needs protein or moisture. When I touch it, little pieces fall off and break off. So Im like, does that mean I need more moisture or do I need to do a protein treatment? Im worried about protein overload, especially because I was going to do henna this weekend (which acts like protein). It's just so confusing.

tapioca_pudding, you're welcome. I think it's indication you need more moisture. Your hair is getting a lot of protein with your leave in, protein treatments and henna (protein acting). When in doubt, go for moisture. It's better to have moisture overload than protein overload because it's easier to combat moisture overload.

divachyk I cannot band my hair as it's too short and uneven:(

greenandchic I do use heat on my hair but for the last two weeks I have tried to avoid it. My hair is now crazy thick but it also looks shorter O_o than it did before. I've been doing inversion so idk if that's the reason.

naija24, what about putting a scarf over your hair while it dries to help lock in the moisture and keep it from evaporating? Or, what about blow drying it on the cool setting to help smooth the hair? Another suggestion would be heavy sealing to help lock in the moisture.
I am going to do my relaxer touch up tonight at 11 weeks post instead of twelve and try the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment next week. I am straddling the fence about using color again since my hair is doing so well.
I'm in love with Bee Mine balanced moisturizer. My hair is so soft! I'm going to have to buy the 16oz jar next month.
I am going to do my relaxer touch up tonight at 11 weeks post instead of twelve and try the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment next week. I am straddling the fence about using color again since my hair is doing so well.
mschristine - BM is awesome.
Lissa0821, I never had great luck with color back in the day.