Relaxed Forever? Is it Possible?

Is it possible to be relaxed forever and still have hair on your head?

  • Yes!!

    Votes: 112 71.3%
  • No!!

    Votes: 45 28.7%

  • Total voters
I absolutely think relaxing all your life is possible if you maintain healthy hair practices. However, I don't think I will be able to because extreme thinning and straightening with age runs on my father's side and my hair is very similar to his. Also bluing/graying of the eyes runs in our family as well. The middle of my daddy's eyes are brown, but there is a thick blue-gray ring around the brown that gets wider with age, although his eyesight remains virtually the same (he's in his 70's). I used to think this was strange, but have since found out that this happens in many AA's. :)
i just5 wanted to bump this up...

i loved all the responses in this thread...

i was just analysing my relaxed hair, i absoloutely love it so much

i'm just so so torn

i dont know if theres any point me going 100% natural if i'm going to be dying it really light anyway?

i've read permanent relaxer is near enough as bad as permanent dye...near enough not AS bad.

I think it really depends on what I'm doing w/ my life. I wore my hair in braids for 2 years and when I took them out I had a huge take-charge afro. If I was just in school I would've rocked it with some hoops and shades. But since I''m in a corporate position - they only way to wear my hair (natural) is short, braided or tied in some way or relaxed. If later in life I follow one of my passions and become a full time artist or something then it would be part of me expressing my personality.
the woman who does my hair at times relaxes and then transitions for a couple of years and then relaxes. So every few years she gives her hair a break from chemicals.

Candy_C said:
Do you think, if you have relaxed hair, its healthy, strong and growing have no problems at u think you could be relaxed till the day you die??

i've been relaxed for nearly 8 years, and i'm thinking about how long i could go being relaxed...

isit best to take a break from relaxers for a few years in between then relax again?
I'm in corporate America and rocked my BIG NATURAL HAIR with no problem. I am in a leadership position there as well. I hope people do not believe the lie and hype that our hair must be "tame" to be considered presentable in corporate America. Talent, intelligence and skills are presentable in corporate America.

Soliel185 said:
I think it really depends on what I'm doing w/ my life. I wore my hair in braids for 2 years and when I took them out I had a huge take-charge afro. If I was just in school I would've rocked it with some hoops and shades. But since I''m in a corporate position - they only way to wear my hair (natural) is short, braided or tied in some way or relaxed. If later in life I follow one of my passions and become a full time artist or something then it would be part of me expressing my personality.
CurleeDST said:
I hope people do not believe the lie and hype that our hair must be "tame" to be considered presentable in corporate America. Talent, intelligence and skills are presentable in corporate America.

Thanks for stating this. My sentiment exactly!
I'm happy that you've found that acceptance in your workplace. I just don't want my hair to be the first thing that people notice about me at work. There's always alot of questions, touching, oohing and aahing. Also - I'm in a building with 1000 or so people in it, and maybe 20 are black. If I were older - I'd consider it. But being young and with relatively little experience I feel like there's already alot of things I have to overcome for my peers to take me seriously and for what I can offer professionally. I'm not saying that no natural styles would be acceptable. Alot of it probably also has to do with family members making it seem unacceptable to go anywhere without your hair "done" - a notion they cling to even today and that I myself struggle to overcome.
yes, I hope so. I really like my hair relaxed and since I only relax 4 itmes a year, I don't think it will be a problem.
Originally posted by CurleeDST
I'm in corporate America and rocked my BIG NATURAL HAIR with no problem. I am in a leadership position there as well. I hope people do not believe the lie and hype that our hair must be "tame" to be considered presentable in corporate America. Talent, intelligence and skills are presentable in corporate America.

AMEN TO THAT. I'm the BIG BOSS and I wish someone would make a negative comment about my natural hair at work. Can you say unemployment line:lachen:
Soliel185 said:
I'm happy that you've found that acceptance in your workplace. I just don't want my hair to be the first thing that people notice about me at work. There's always alot of questions, touching, oohing and aahing. Also - I'm in a building with 1000 or so people in it, and maybe 20 are black. If I were older - I'd consider it. But being young and with relatively little experience I feel like there's already alot of things I have to overcome for my peers to take me seriously and for what I can offer professionally. I'm not saying that no natural styles would be acceptable. Alot of it probably also has to do with family members making it seem unacceptable to go anywhere without your hair "done" - a notion they cling to even today and that I myself struggle to overcome.

So if you choose to go Natural, Why would your peers not take you seriously?
i definitely here you and understand. i just wanted to put it out there that natural hair can be and is acceptable in a professional environment. i attend cio conferences and bootcamps along with leadership conferences with other executives with no problem or funny looks due to my hair. i am so outspoken the first thing many notice is my voice not my hair, especially being the only female at the leadership table. lol

sorry to hijack and family support of the decision is very important.

Soliel185 said:
I'm happy that you've found that acceptance in your workplace. I just don't want my hair to be the first thing that people notice about me at work. There's always alot of questions, touching, oohing and aahing. Also - I'm in a building with 1000 or so people in it, and maybe 20 are black. If I were older - I'd consider it. But being young and with relatively little experience I feel like there's already alot of things I have to overcome for my peers to take me seriously and for what I can offer professionally. I'm not saying that no natural styles would be acceptable. Alot of it probably also has to do with family members making it seem unacceptable to go anywhere without your hair "done" - a notion they cling to even today and that I myself struggle to overcome.
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it's very pretty.

Candy_C said:
i just5 wanted to bump this up...

i loved all the responses in this thread...

i was just analysing my relaxed hair, i absoloutely love it so much

i'm just so so torn

i dont know if theres any point me going 100% natural if i'm going to be dying it really light anyway?

i've read permanent relaxer is near enough as bad as permanent dye...near enough not AS bad.


pinkskates said:
AMEN TO THAT. I'm the BIG BOSS and I wish someone would make a negative comment about my natural hair at work. Can you say unemployment line:lachen:
Sistaslick said:
It's possible to relax to the grave, but I won't be doing it. :nono: Shoot, I'm 21, and I'm conflicted about doing it now! I already know my relaxed days are numbered. . .

ITA. It's possible to relax to the grave. My mother has had a relaxer as long as I've been alive and she makes it quite clear she has no interest in going natural. I don't think I will be relaxed forever though. Right now I have some relaxed hair goals to meet. But once they are met and I've enjoyed it for a while-b/c I really like my hair relaxed, there is the possibility that I will go back to natural. And being on here has definitely opened my eyes to how to take great care of natural hair and get better results with it growing and remaining healthy. I have strongly contemplated gettin my hair sister locked when I decide to go natural. Seeing all the beautiful natural coifs on here really tempts a sista!:D
vivacious1083 said:
ITA. It's possible to relax to the grave. My mother has had a relaxer as long as I've been alive and she makes it quite clear she has no interest in going natural. I don't think I will be relaxed forever though. Right now I have some relaxed hair goals to meet. But once they are met and I've enjoyed it for a while-b/c I really like my hair relaxed, there is the possibility that I will go back to natural. And being on here has definitely opened my eyes to how to take great care of natural hair and get better results with it growing and remaining healthy. I have strongly contemplated gettin my hair sister locked when I decide to go natural. Seeing all the beautiful natural coifs on here really tempts a sista!:D

Since seeing all the options on LHCF I'm tempted to try it again myself! It's just that transitioning is so intimidating. :(
I think if you take really good care of your hair, it can be healthy and relaxed forever. However, if you prefer or if you can stand it:lol: I think at least taking breaks from relaxers is a good idea (every few years or so). It allows new, healthy hair to grow in. There are a lot of naturals with unhealthy hair, so I think how you care for your hair has as much to do with what you do to it!