Relaxed ladies that grew their hair!

Relaxed head checking in...I chopped it all off went natural, and came back to relaxing. The difference this time around is that due to this site I KNOW what to do! Research, try products to find out the right regimen for your hairs' needs. Tons of info here to help anyone interested in healthy hair! Good luck, and happy hair growing(HHG):spinning:
Hi there ladies,
I'm Ree from London and I discovered this site a little while ago but I only just subscribed today. I have relaxed hair which is a grade 4 (I think) and I would be really thrilled if it were able to grow longer. It is currently just below my chin but I'd like it just past my shoulders. It is very thick which I'm happy about but it just never seems to grow!!! Could anyone please advise???
OP, I'm relaxed, lots of people here have long relaxed hair, using all kinds of different regimens.

Ree, people have so many different ways of doing things. I like to wash my hair several times a week, some people wash their hair two or three times a month. Some people add oils and leave ins, I don't add anything to my hair. So, it really is about reading the threads and trying out the techniques and seeing what you like.
Wow...... I am new to this site also and I have been debating if I should go natural or texlaxed. Right now I am 12 weeks post and this site is really helping me out. My only dilemma is my (type 4)hair is ear length and I want to bag but I do not have enough to even put in a ponytail.
All of the information is this thread is really useful
Hi! Thought I'd stop by to give my two-cents,

My hair isn't long (yet) but when I started on this forum, my hair was a train wreck from wearing relaxers improperly and i thought going natural would be my lifesaver, It wasn't!!! It did give me time to give my hair a break and learn about what my hair needs. But being natural with 4b/4c hair takes a lot of effort! After one year of transitioning and one year of being natural, I decided to go back to relaxers. Since that time, my hair has went from right above the ear (thin & fragile) to neck length, thick full hair. I love it and I love this forum because of it.

What i've learned is this:

1) no matter what you are whether it be relaxed or natural- you have to know and be educated on the care of your hair, choose which option works best for you and learn everything you can about your choice.

2)either choice is work and I can say that because I've been on both sides of the fence and the grass is no greener on the other side, :rolleyes:naturals have a lot to deal with and so do relaxed heads.

3) Be selective in what you try.:look: Because on here, you will find just about every product, technique and whatever else to try.:nono:Take the time to really study and think about anything you decide to try on your hair. If you find something that works- stick with it and don't jump on every single bandwagon that comes along. Most people on here with long hair have regimens that don't change up too much from what I've noticed. Since joining I tried some things that seemed to work for everybody else but didn't do jack for my hair, I learned the hard way (without any setbacks ,thank the Lord) to be veeerry choosy in what I do to my hair.

I like my hair to be full,thick, straight and with body. I can do that with relaxed hair, this time around I know what I'm doing. There are threads here that can tell you everything you need to know about technique when it comes to relaxing, like adding protein to the perm or doing a reconstructive treatment between application & neutralizing - all things that I believe help to have healthy, long relaxed hair. All of it is important even down to the type of tools you use, it pays to have a good hooded dryer if you rollerset or do deep dc's. The home grown steam treatment is also the truth!:yep: I took the time to study all of this out and made the conscious decision to return back to relaxed hair - only this time, I'm educated about it and I'm sooo excited. By this time next year I'm hoping to be APL.


I am texlaxed (prior to lhcf I was bone straight) and I have been growing my hair out the healthy way for the last 20 months. Switching to texlaxed has greatly reduced my breakage.
Can you share your texlax method, please? What relaxer do you use?
:) had to stop back by this thread for a bit of encouragement...gotta say I feel really good.. All these lovely heads of hair!!!:yep:
You have got to look up Adrienne0914 and then check out her album. She had shoulder length hair and grew it to waist length relaxed. She too used braids. I think you're on the right track. I don't know how to do a search in the FOTM archives to find a particular star but she was on there a few years ago IIRC.
My hair isn't long by any stretch but this is what my hair looked like during late summer last year. One hot mess. :nono:


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I've been relaxed and now texlaxed forever. It is definitely possible for you to grow your hair long and strong with or without a relaxer. It just takes patience and listening to what you hair likes. You've come to the right place for advice, motivation and honesty. And remember it's not about whether or not your relaxing your hair it's about what you do befor, after and during the process that will help you to achieve length. I know you will achieve your desired goal and we're all here to cheer you on as you hit those marks :) Welcome To LHCF!!!!!!
Hi! Just peeking in and wanted to say welcome to the board! I am natural, but started off texlaxed. the longer hair in my siggy (yellow shirt & bottom right pic) is on texlaxed hair. And I ain't mad at relaxers, either. All my fam is and I am constantly seeking tips on their behalf. I went natural for personal reasons, and this goes to show that your hair CAN grow whether relaxed, texlaxed or natural. My hair thrives either way. Just learn your hair and how to take care of it. Be patient and ask the ladies here- they give excellent advice and are very knowledgeable. o yea, *Like your haircut in your avator- real fly, chica!*
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Texlaxed head, checking in... Good luck OP... I have no doubt you'll grow your hair very long with the help of all the beautiful ladies here :)
I think the main thing to understand about relaxed hair is that it MUST be Deep Conditioned weekly with a high-quality protein conditioner. "Deep" conditioning implies using WITH HEAT. This is the first basic of relaxed hair care.
Welcome to LHCF!
I will be the first to tell you that I never thought I could have hair this long. I am a proud daily condition washing relaxed haired woman. I never would have believed that I could have relaxed hair that is this healthy and this long by DAILY WASHING. I condition wash, use no heat--except for when I get my roller sets weekly at the hair salon, and I relax every 7 weeks. I used to be a bone straight relaxed head, now I'm not bone straight. I guess you could say I'm texlaxed. That along with condition washing, protective styling (bun everyday), and weekly shampoo and roller sets at the salon, I have managed to grow my hair from perpetually shoulder length to just approaching BSL. I never would have believed it, but it can happen. I will be the first to tell you that I have learned so much from being on this board I cannot begin to tell you.
Everything that the ladies on here have said so far about PATIENCE, and LEARNING WHAT YOUR HAIR NEEDS is essential. If you stick with that, and find the products that work for you, you can have long healthy hair even if it is relaxed. As much as I think natural would be better because I do have moments when I'm concerned about the chemicals, natural hair would be a problem for me because I would have to use a lot of heat on a regular basis to make my hair half way manageable and that would do more harm than good since my hair has never been able to handle heat.
Be patient Sistah', handle your hair with care and you will get the result you want. Women of color can have long, healthy, beautiful hair
im transitioning only because im tired of having to relax all the time.
but as previously stated. no matter what type of hair u have or what you do to it, hair is hair as long as u take care of it you will be fine, keep us update on your journey! :)
and welcome to the forum!
Relaxed head here! I was natural for a LONG time. I joined LHCF and relaxed. I got some fantastic advice from the ladies here and my hair is growing strong!

You can have long, relaxed hair :yep:
Im relaxed, hair is about BSL and Im hoping to make it waist length next year. When I came here my hair was breaking badly from highlights and looked a mess. This site gave me a lot of tips on growing my hair and actually styling it. Im not an expert yet but Im no longer afraid to do my own hair (a chore!) and love flipping it over the shoulder.
This is when I began Sept. 08

This is a pic I took yesterday Dec.09
You have got to look up Adrienne0914 and then check out her album. She had shoulder length hair and grew it to waist length relaxed. She too used braids. I think you're on the right track. I don't know how to do a search in the FOTM archives to find a particular star but she was on there a few years ago IIRC.

Thanks so much! will look for her now:)
Hi! Just peeking in and wanted to say welcome to the board! I am natural, but started off texlaxed. the longer hair in my siggy (yellow shirt & bottom right pic) is on texlaxed hair. And I ain't mad at relaxers, either. All my fam is and I am constantly seeking tips on their behalf. I went natural for personal reasons, and this goes to show that your hair CAN grow whether relaxed, texlaxed or natural. My hair thrives either way. Just learn your hair and how to take care of it. Be patient and ask the ladies here- they give excellent advice and are very knowledgeable. o yea, *Like your haircut in your avator- real fly, chica!*

hi! and thanks. its not that short anymore but i like it too.