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[B said:
How do you deal with invasive in-laws (let me precise and say that I'm talking about female cousins) who constantly try to manipulate/control your SO/DH? [/B]

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Gently, tell them to back off and to go to their own SO's or other family members for support/assistance.

Would you break up with someone you had a significantly lower libido than you?
Yes (if it couldn't be fixed) because sex is important and I would eventually feel undesired.

Would you date a straight man with a lot of feminine mannerisms who treats you like a queen (and he's not gay nor has he ever been with a man)?
Yes (if it couldn't be fixed) because sex is important and I would eventually feel undesired.

Would you date a straight man with a lot of feminine mannerisms who treats you like a queen (and he's not gay nor has he ever been with a man)?

That's tough- I like my men to be manly- probably not.

Would you date a (straight) man with high appetite for anal sex ?
Yes. I believe that the relationship I would have with my DH/ SO would have to be based on us and our feelings. Although his mother would have some influence over him, HE has to be a man and follow HIS heart! At some point it's up to the man to decide which lady he's going to let influence him the most! (Lucky, though, my SO's stepmother and mom both like me!:grin:)[/FONT

How long would you be willing to be in a long distance relationship with your SO?
Yes. I believe that the relationship I would have with my DH/ SO would have to be based on us and our feelings. Although his mother would have some influence over him, HE has to be a man and follow HIS heart! At some point it's up to the man to decide which lady he's going to let influence him the most! (Lucky, though, my SO's stepmother and mom both like me!:grin:)[/FONT

How long would you be willing to be in a long distance relationship with your SO?

mmm Yes and No. The last time I was in a long distant relationship...long story short... my ex had another chick on the side and got her ( and 2 other women) pregnant all at the same time. One of them has twins for him so in total he has about 4 kids. ( Thank God it wasn't me!!)

Now with my current SO, I may have to stick it out since he is apart of the military and they station him places form time to time.

Does your SO/DH ever tell you what he finds attractive/unattractive??
Does your SO/DH ever tell you what he finds attractive/unattractive??

Yes he does. He thinks my my phoney ponies are unnatractive and sometimes comments on my wardrobe (occasionally too avant garde for his taste). However, unless I am entertaining him in the bedroom, I dress for me so I don't really pay him any mind.

He says he finds my intelligence, looks and pum pum attractive.

What constitutes settling (for less) in a relationship?
What constitutes settling (for less) in a relationship? [/QUOTE]

Settling to me would be accepting someone who really isn't compatible with you period.I dated a dude who worked at a warehouse,didnt have any fashion taste,didnt have a desire or drive to make things happen no intelligence and he knew I was above his level of satisfactions in all areas.

People will have flaws thats a given but some things are needed to make things work.

How far are you willing to go to be found or put yourself out there to marry.
I'm willing to go far to get married with to the right person. If I needed to make a sacrifice for my husband or family I would not have a problem doing so.

My Question: I can be very shy/quiet and reserved and I usually learn a lot about people by spending time with them and observing how they interact with people/friends/family. Someone said to me that I ask questons about facts but I don't delve deeper to really get to know who the person is. How do you REALLY get to know someone? What do you ask? How do you delve deeper? and If two people care about each other but there is a disconnect how do you fix that?
I think you just did that. You asked deep questions. It is a matter of showing interest and really asking people what is important to them in their life, what means alot to them, what are their passions, their disappoints. Also if they like a certain hobby, you can get to know what led them to that hobby, what about that hobby makes them enjoy it alot. It really is about truly wanting to know more about a person. If two people care about each other and there is a disconnect it could be that their is a lack of intimacy, not sex, but a lack of showing one another's vulnerabilities and joys. There doesn't seem to be a give and take if there is a disconnect. It could also be a lack of chemistry and compatibility.

When was the last time you had an instant connection with someone? How did it feel? Why didn't it go far? Do you believe in love at first sight?
Last instant connection I was with my husband. It went far, all the way to the altar lol.

I believe in lust at first sight; I think you must really know someone to really know him.

Would you relocate for love?
I did relocate for love. I left home, family, lifelong friends and a good job...all for a man. (dramatic pause)
Best decision I ever made, we're celebrating our wedding anniversary next week. The best years of my life so far, have been those married to my hubby.

What are your plans with your SO/DH this weekend?
We plan to watch the playoffs this weekend.

If your DH/SO wanted to have a threesome with another woman, how would you respond?
Question: To the single ladies, are u happily single and doing your own thing(work,college,etc.) or are u dying to be in a relationship because u don't like being single?

I'm genuinely happy--so much so that I'm worried that I'm so caught up in living my life that I'm going to miss the marriage/kids boat (I'm about to be 26). I feel happier and more blessed every year, and I'm nowhere near the wedding altar.

Do you think that dating/marrying someone 15-20 years older than you is automatically weird and unadvisable, or do you consider it a case by case thing?

Say that Your First ended up being Your Last, as in he was your one true love and you married him for you think you would regret never have been with another man? Never to know what it is like to be with another man? Would you feel like only being with man your whole life means that only one man was ever attracted to you?

I have no desire to be with multiple men. I think the only way I'd regret my first being my last is if that person didn't love me or treat me well. I don't think being with one man means no one else found me attractive, only that no one else got that lucky! :lol:

Do you believe in keeping in touch with old flames and exes, or are you a move on and don't look back kind of person?
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I am a move on kind of person, I don't keep in touch with exes.

Why do guys like to think that every woman wants them?
I am a move on kind of person, I don't keep in touch with exes.

Why do guys like to think that every woman wants them?

Some men have pretty BIG egos and think highly of themselves. And they probably think they're God's gift to women.:perplexed

What does falling in love feel like?
Bumping this thread because I find it very fun. :grin:

For me, its like the old cliche saying of "Butterfly's in your Stomach". As I became older I realized it takes more than falling in love for a relationship to work.

Ever been stalked by an ex?
Kind of... we worked for the same company..he kind if stalked my desj...and would wait for me in the lobby.. it became creepy..He since moved to another location.

Has anyone met their soulmate..but is not currently with him?

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I met mine and we’re currently together… knew each other as neighbors back when we were 11/12…reconnected by chance when we were 30/31…

If your husband got laid off from work would you support the family? For how long?
I met mine and we’re currently together… knew each other as neighbors back when we were 11/12…reconnected by chance when we were 30/31…

If your husband got laid off from work would you support the family? For how long?

Yes. Until he found another job as long as he was actively trying to find another job and not just sitting around the house playing PS3 all day. If he were not being proactive in seeking new employment, I would first encourage him to do so and then I would set a timeline.

If after 10 years of marriage, you find out that your husband cheated on you the night before your wedding and conceived a child that your husband also is just now finding out about via a court hearing for child support , would you stay with him?