Would you have a Serious Relationship with a younger man?

To me 2 1/2 years is not even enough of a difference to talk about.

Now if your 20 and he's 17 1/2 Ok, but if he's 23 and your 25 or your 30 and 28..what's the difference?

You're the same generation probably like the same music and everything else. He's been feeling you for over 2 years, he's a nice guy, goal oriented what else do we need?

You're thinking of dating him not getting married at least for now . Girl , go for it!!

Not talking about you OP cause I don't know you but that's why so many women don't have a man cause we exclude the good ones for petty reasons. My DH is younger than me by a few years more and if I had passed on that I would be a sorry something.

To the bolded I totally agree. When I was a sophomore in college I tried dating this guy that was 18 it just did not work (especially after he revealed to me that he was still in high school! I just assumed that he was a freshman, but I guess I was wrong. I felt like such a perve...).

But I was trying to keep my options open. Men do it all of the time. But it really does depend on the stages in life that you two are in. But this entire post is so true:yep: IMHO.
To the bolded I totally agree. When I was a sophomore in college I tried dating this guy that was 18 it just did not work (especially after he revealed to me that he was still in high school! I just assumed that he was a freshman, but I guess I was wrong. I felt like such a perve...).

But I was trying to keep my options open. Men do it all of the time. But it really does depend on the stages in life that you two are in. But this entire post is so true:yep: IMHO.

When I first met this guy he was 18 and still in HS, I was not even trying to hear him out at all at that point. But, he is now in college, and working, plus I have noticed he has matured a bit. IDK, I may give him a shot...
It depends on the man, as long as he is mature, stable, kind, teachable, a generally nice person and I was attracted to him. Yes...Go for it!
I always thought I should date someone older than me. But, as another poster mentioned, they are pretty much immature at all stages of life. I just want to be with the guy that makes me happy..makes me laugh :)
A few years ago I would have said no way, but now I definitely would. Like previous posters have said, you can find immature men at any age. Age ain't nothing but a number. I actually prefer younger men now. Being a single woman without any children, I'm free to do whatever I want and have minimum baggage. Most men my age and older really can't say the same thing and I'm not for un-necessary drama. :nono: Why limit myself by cutting out a young man?

I say go for it if that's what you want to do!