RELATIONSHIP spin: ask a question?..... answer a question?

when i was twelve at my Halloween Party. he came to crash my party but when i opened the door and we locked eye's.
it was love at first sight.

Can a man's money make you like/love him more?
when i was twelve at my Halloween Party. he came to crash my party but when i opened the door and we locked eye's.
it was love at first sight.

Can money make you like/love a man more?

sho can! :lol::look:

If you found out right before your wedding that your so had a terminal illness, would you still marry him?
my best kiss was my first kiss, and my most romantic moment would probably be the first date with my ex it wasnt anything extra just the movies but it was the summer and after the movies we walked around and just talked a lot and connected on a real level i felt like i was floating.

how did you learn to overlook some of the superficial stuff like height/looks etc that was essential in your youth for the guy u envisioned yourself with to allow a truly great man to come into your life that was not your superficial ideal?
ever been STRONGLY attracted to your boyfriend's best or close friend???

YESSSSSS!!!! Twice....
When I was 19, I was very attracted to 2 of my SO's close friends. When I was 20 I was also very attracted to my SO close close friend. Obviously neither of these relationships lasted too long, neither knew of my attraction to their friends. Looking back in hindsight, I know it's b/c their friends were more of the 'type' that I was naturally more attracted to.... Ain't sh!t change and this was 8 years ago. I like what I like :lol:.
Do you think you just 'know' when you meet the one? Do you know early on that you've meet your future spouse?
you don't just takes time. You think you know but you really don't.

Would you marry the tall dark handsome man with billions that treated you really bad or the not so cute guy working at the gas station who adored you and made you feel real good about yourself? You have to marry one of the two.
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you don't just takes time. You think you know but you really don't.

Would you marry the tall dark handsome man with billions that treated you really bad or the not so cute guy working at the gas station who adored you and made you feel real good about yourself? You have to marry one of the two.

I would honestly marry the not so cute guy because in the long run it will be better for my mental health and well-being, but I would have tobe so deeply in love with him and attracted to him. He will also have to be ambitious and working his way up to owning a chain of gas stations or something like that. I could not do it if he were content with being stuck in the same poor situation for life. Hate to be clique, but money doesn't buy happiness. It just makes depression easier to deal with at times. However, rich people still commit suicide. So there. I rather be happy and poor than rich and miserable.

What's better a string of failed relationships/heartaches or never ever having any relationship *including being a virgin* at the age of 25 (going on 26)? Why?
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I think a string of failed relationships/heartaches is better than being a 26 year old virgin because you learn sooooo much from those failed relationships and heartaches. The negativity makes you stronger and wiser for the next relationship. However, by not having been in a relationship at all and being a virgin, thats kind of tough. You would really have to look hard to find a guy who wont try to take advantage of you and hurt just because you are inexperienced and "fresh meat" so to speak. Don't get me wrong, Im not a fan of heartache and pain but Im glad I went through it because it made me better.

Question: How many of you actually have been or are in LOVE? How many of you really know what love is? How do you know when its love and not just infatuation or lust? Can you love someone who doesn't necessarily love you and how do you deal with that?
Wow, I would have to pick the not so cute guy @ the service station. After all the service station job could just be a starting point he could be working on bigger plans. Reason being no amount of money is worth me being with someone who doesn't treat me as if I'm the only women in the world. I watch shows like basketball wives and they have all the material things money can buy but they're so unhappy.

Question: To the single ladies, are u happily single and doing your own thing(work,college,etc.) or are u dying to be in a relationship because u don't like being single?

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Question: How many of you actually have been or are in LOVE? How many of you really know what love is? How do you know when its love and not just infatuation or lust? Can you love someone who doesn't necessarily love you and how do you deal with that?

I'm in love... the feelings I hvae with him are so much different than those I've had for someone I was infatuated/in lust with.... they are deeper, much more meaningful, and based on something real.

Question: To the single ladies, are u happily single and doing your own thing(work,college,etc.) or are u dying to be in a relationship because u don't like being single?

I'm not single.... but when I was single, I was happy cuz I was dating around. I thought it was a lot of fun. I've always done the "date multiple guys" thing. I wasn't dying to be in a relationship at all. If it happened, it happened. I think relationship are a lot of work and can be a little boring sometimes :lol:

What are your non-negotiables in a relationship? The things that you absolutely, postively, cannot do without.
What are your non-negotiables in a relationship? The things that you absolutely, postively, cannot do without.

Besides having to be sexually compatible to me:
1: Must have humor
2: Must have a life
3: Must have ambitions
4: Must be able to support himself (at least)
5: Must have lived alone at some point (takin care of his own house without a woman/mother)

This is a true story that happened to a friend of mine.
Your sibling dies and leaves 3 kids (age 1,3,5). He's asked you to take care of/raise them. You have 2 childen already (age 5, 13)

It turns out he died of aids (as did his wife before him) and the children have HIV. When you and your husband find out your husband refuses.

Would you respect your husband and have them put in an orphanage (they live in Kenya) and go see them once a year? Or .....?
That's a really tough one, but I really dont think I would let my own flesh and blood live in a orphanage. My hubby would just have to deal with it. Besides, HIV is not contagious. I would do my research and sit down with my hubby and have a serious discussion.

Do you believe in the saying, if it is meant to be it will be? As in, if you love something and let it go, if it comes back, it is yours?
Yes, I can co-sign on this one. My husband and I were engaged in our early twenties. Things didn't work out so we both went our separate ways. We met up again 10 yrs later, started dating again and got married. I honestly believe that it was meant to be.

If your husband told you that he was not attracted to you anymore since going natural, what would you do? Would you relax your hair again or would talk to him about some other possibilities of natural hairstyles so the both of you can come to a medium?
That's a really tough one, but I really dont think I would let my own flesh and blood live in a orphanage. My hubby would just have to deal with it. Besides, HIV is not contagious. I would do my research and sit down with my hubby and have a serious discussion.

Do you believe in the saying, if it is meant to be it will be? As in, if you love something and let it go, if it comes back, it is yours?

Yes, I do believe in this saying very much so. I believe in freewill but I also believe in destiny. I think the choices we freely make can alter or affect our destiny...if that makes sense. I think love is akin to the prodigal son story in the bible, things that belong to you always find a way back in some form or fashion.

Do you think it's really better to have love & lost than to never have loved at all?
Yes, I can co-sign on this one. My husband and I were engaged in our early twenties. Things didn't work out so we both went our separate ways. We met up again 10 yrs later, started dating again and got married. I honestly believe that it was meant to be.

If your husband told you that he was not attracted to you anymore since going natural, what would you do? Would you relax your hair again or would talk to him about some other possibilities of natural hairstyles so the both of you can come to a medium?

I would not relax my hair even if he threatened to leave. That's a :nono: to me. This would mean he was more focused on my appearance than our overall marriage.
I would rather slap a wig on than damage my hair just to please him. Eventually he would see the beauty and appreciate it. I would do my best to make him see things from my perspective.

Have you ever dated a man because of his money or status?

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Do you think it's really better to have love & lost than to never have loved at all?

I have love and lost and I rather never have loved at all. Love is such an intense emotion and I feel that I could have learned about love through liking someone intensely without it crossing over to the love domain. Speaking as a single woman.

If u are single, are you willing to lessen your independent nature for your husband?
That's a really tough one, but I really dont think I would let my own flesh and blood live in a orphanage. My hubby would just have to deal with it. Besides, HIV is not contagious. I would do my research and sit down with my hubby and have a serious discussion.

Thank you. It was actually my friends husbands brother.
I guess she told me because she thought I would agree with her but, while she is one of my closest friends i still look differently at her to this day.

If your husband told you that he was not attracted to you anymore since going natural, what would you do? Would you relax your hair again or would talk to him about some other possibilities of natural hairstyles so the both of you can come to a medium?

Nope, my head, my choice. he would have to live with it or move on.

If u are single, are you willing to lessen your independent nature for your husband?

Hmm, what does that mean?
If it means to not go to clubs and flirt, sure.
if it means to account for ever penny I spend, no.
If it means to let hom know what i am doing at certain times, no problem.
if it means to be at his beck and call, no.

If you were a vegan and your husband is not, would you handle and cook his meat at dinner because he demanded it?
Thank you. It was actually my friends husbands brother.
I guess she told me because she thought I would agree with her but, while she is one of my closest friends i still look differently at her to this day.

Nope, my head, my choice. he would have to live with it or move on.

Hmm, what does that mean?
If it means to not go to clubs and flirt, sure.
if it means to account for ever penny I spend, no.
If it means to let hom know what i am doing at certain times, no problem.
if it means to be at his beck and call, no.

If you were a vegan and your husband is not, would you handle and cook his meat at dinner because he demanded it?

Eh...yeah because I am pretty picky when it comes to food so I don't mind. I expect him to do the same if I was a vegan.

Heres a kicker.......would you be upset with your spouse/husband if he asked you to do a DNA test subsequent to having his child/children?
Heres a kicker.......would you be upset with your spouse/husband if he asked you to do a DNA test subsequent to having his child/children?

HELL yeah!!!!!

But I have given brith to a child that looked nothing like me and had a different skincolor so.....

Yeah, I'd still be offended.

You've had your cats/dogs/animals for 10+ years and your SO demands they be removed before he moves in.
What would you do.
HELL yeah!!!!!

But I have given brith to a child that looked nothing like me and had a different skincolor so.....

Yeah, I'd still be offended.

You've had your cats/dogs/animals for 10+ years and your SO demands they be removed before he moves in.
What would you do

....hmmm... thats a tough one....... I think I would keep my pet(s). To just give up up pet(s) you love (like children) immediately is just extreme to me. I'd say no, I'd keep mine. Thats like me telling my boyfriend to remove his favorite old couch and it is ugly as hell!! LOL!! Now thats me asking for war lol

Would you rather marry a filthy rich ugly man who loved you for everything you are; or an attractive poor man who loved you for everything you are?
I would rather date the filthy rich ugly man if they both love me. I don't think I would see him as ugly if he loves me that much, plus if he's rich, we can get minor things like, dental issues and skin problems fixed. Other than that, how ugly could he be?

Would you take the chance to reveal your feelings for and to date a really close friend if you were attracted to him? Or would you just keep your feelings to yourself in order to keep a good buddy?
I would rather date the filthy rich ugly man if they both love me. I don't think I would see him as ugly if he loves me that much, plus if he's rich, we can get minor things like, dental issues and skin problems fixed. Other than that, how ugly could he be?

Would you take the chance to reveal your feelings for and to date a really close friend if you were attracted to him? Or would you just keep your feelings to yourself in order to keep a good buddy?

Take the chance and reveal my feelings. He could be the one.

Alright, Would you rather date someone cute with bad breath and messed up teeth or date someone unattractive with good breath and nice, white teeth? :grin:
Take the chance and reveal my feelings. He could be the one.

Alright, Would you rather date someone cute with bad breath and messed up teeth or date someone unattractive with good breath and nice, white teeth? :grin:

I would rather date the cute one with the snaggle tooth and halitosis. Get him to a good dentist, those teeth and maybe breath can be fixed. Like what Gabby Union did for Bobby Brown in that movie forget the name. Of course, I will help him save for it but I won't be paying for it myself. If I am not attracted to the unattractive person, a movie-star smile and vanilla-mint breath won't suddenly make him attractive to me.

Say that Your First ended up being Your Last, as in he was your one true love and you married him for you think you would regret never have been with another man? Never to know what it is like to be with another man? Would you feel like only being with man your whole life means that only one man was ever attracted to you?
Say that Your First ended up being Your Last, as in he was your one true love and you married him for you think you would regret never have been with another man? Never to know what it is like to be with another man? Would you feel like only being with man your whole life means that only one man was ever attracted to you?

I would not feel like he was the only man who was ever attracted to me because I'm sure I could have gotten another person to have sex with me. That's easy. But I would feel like I had missed out on something by just being with one person. I would always wonder what I'm missing.

Question: Your SO wants a rabbit-hunting dog. You want a pet rabbit. Who gets what they want? Or do neither get what they want? :drunk:
Say that Your First ended up being Your Last, as in he was your one true love and you married him for you think you would regret never have been with another man? Never to know what it is like to be with another man? Would you feel like only being with man your whole life means that only one man was ever attracted to you?
I've considered this question since I'm 23 and still a virgin and contemplating not having sex at all until I'm married which since I plan to remain married for life means I would only ever be with one man. I won't care about being with only one man if I was truly happy. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I certainly wouldn't feel like only one man was ever attracted to me because guys have liked me and wanted to date me. I just haven't found what I'm looking for yet.:look:

Say you met a guy and there was mutual attraction but circumstances (like time and distance) prevented you from exploring your feelings for each other. You remain long-distance friends but move on and end up dating someone else but suddenly the other guy appears in your life again and things like time and distance aren't issues anymore. Would you take end your current relationship to be with the man you've always wanted to be with? Would you stay with your current man? Would you be torn?
I've considered this question since I'm 23 and still a virgin and contemplating not having sex at all until I'm married which since I plan to remain married for life means I would only ever be with one man. I won't care about being with only one man if I was truly happy. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I certainly wouldn't feel like only one man was ever attracted to me because guys have liked me and wanted to date me. I just haven't found what I'm looking for yet.:look:

Say you met a guy and there was mutual attraction but circumstances (like time and distance) prevented you from exploring your feelings for each other. You remain long-distance friends but move on and end up dating someone else but suddenly the other guy appears in your life again and things like time and distance aren't issues anymore. Would you take end your current relationship to be with the man you've always wanted to be with? Would you stay with your current man? Would you be torn?

Umm, if you are thinking about the long distance guy while being with the current guy you date then that should tell you something right there. I guess one would have to ask the question of 'why am I REALLY with the current guy that I'm dating?' Do I reallly like him and see us having a future or is he just a substitute for the REAL man I want to be with

Married ladies: Does the relationship get better and better with time with your DH? Like to the point where you are appreciative more and more??
^^^ I was answering the long distance question and you beat me to the punch! LOL

I'm not married, Sorry!

I will repost question for you.

Married ladies: Does the relationship get better and better with time with your DH? Like to the point where you are appreciative more and more??
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For me it did get better. It was very hard for me to adjust in the beginning. It's a matter of women understanding men and vice versa. Things get better in time.

If you found a woman's # in your DH/SO wallet/pocket would you call the number or confront your husbnad first?
For me it did get better. It was very hard for me to adjust in the beginning. It's a matter of women understanding men and vice versa. Things get better in time.

If you found a woman's # in your DH/SO wallet/pocket would you call the number or confront your husbnad first?

I would save the number and keep an eye on things. I don't want to assume the worst from the beginning but I won't close my eyes either. Confronting anybody at this point would not reveal anything unless it's really bad...

How do you deal with invasive in-laws (let me precise and say that I'm talking about female cousins) who constantly try to manipulate/control your SO/DH?

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