Recognizing the signs of a would-be abuser


Well-Known Member
So a couple of recent threads have gotten me thinking. People say there are signs from a man (or woman) who is more likely to abuse their partner. There are even people who say they have been abused and attacked and should have recognized the signs or that there were signs that they recognize now that they look back on it. So what are these signs? General and specific. Actions or personality traits.
I think if they are insecure, controlling, and jealous (BIG RED FLAG)...and throw in short temper or that they are veryy aggressive (in a negative way) big red flag....

ummm (thinks of all the lifetime movies I have seen lmao)....stay away from them alcoholics!
One big red flag is controlling behavior. I had a friend back in high school who met a guy that gradually wanted her to STOP hanging out with her friends. Completely. Then, he got mad when she told us about them going out. He had to know where she was every hour of the day and left "nasty" voicemail messages if he called her and she wasn't available.
Sociopathic behaviour. I've been in more than one abusive relationship and the one thing they both had in common was they both hurt animals in their past and somehow found a joke in it. There is nothing funny about harm. To anyone or anything.
Abusers pay mind games and convince t you that you are worthless and he or she is the only one you are meant to be with. They play on your insecurities and they try to control you.
I had a relative who was involve with an abuser, she could not have a moments peace from this man, he had to know the exact time she was coming home from church, school, and work, he did not even want her to attend our family dinners. Enough was enough when she came over with bruises on her body. My Cousins and Uncle went to talk to home boy and we never heard from him again.
I just had a convo with my mom about this the other day. She said that when she used to date, that was one of the first questions she asked them "do you hit women". A man that doesn't would generally give replies like "never in a million years" or just "I would NEVER lay my hands on a woman". Men that typically hit women would give responses like "Not if she didn't make me" and things along that line
Their parents did it. My hubs learned from his dad, and never went to therapy about it.

They start by restricting you, socially. He wanted approval on who my friends would be, and where I went.

Verbally abusive. Before he ever raised his hand, I remember this male neighbor was always knocking on our door to see if I was OK. We were always having screaming fights. This is very unlike me.

Stalker behavior when you break up - it's not a compliment to you - it says something about him.

Once I locked him out of the apartment and he broke the door down, again, all the while claiming he would never be abusive.

***Once we had a "pillow fight" and he hit me so hard that I was knocked over. I never knew a pillow could hit so hard. I couldn't see for a few seconds.
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Here are some old threads that was about signs of abuse. There are quite a few. I'll add or bump them when I find them.
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Abusers pay mind games and convince you that you are worthless and he or she is the only one you are meant to be with.

Definitely agree with the bolded. They'll set you up to look like the fool and bring what little self-esteem you have down to zero. Even if he hasn't raised his hand to you, when you see this, pack your sh*t up and get the heck out. It gets worse after this, way worse.
One big red flag is controlling behavior. I had a friend back in high school who met a guy that gradually wanted her to STOP hanging out with her friends. Completely. Then, he got mad when she told us about them going out. He had to know where she was every hour of the day and left "nasty" voicemail messages if he called her and she wasn't available.

ditto to that. my dad was an abuser and that was all in him.for his woman he had to know everything and he was a BIG DRINKER.He use to follow my mom around and throw her into alley, he had to have the last word. and he thought he was Right about everything...just a total big baby:nono: those are the abusers.
I am coming to believe that most if not all forms of abuse are about CONTROL.

-he wants to buy your clothes (so he can control what you wear)
-calls incessantly (you think "he's so into me" naw, it's about control)
-1000 times yes to the mind games (abusers are VERY smart and manipulative)
-Has to go with you EVERYWHERE (again you think it's "cute" till your man is sitting up in the hair salon with you...wth...)
-makes you choose between him and friends/family (doesn't want you to have an "outlet" who will tell you that the behavior he's exhibiting isn't healthy)
-Makes you think you can't do better (major emotional abuse tactic)
-is VERY attached to you really early in the relationship (you and him date once or twice and he's "your man")
-he can do whatever he wants but you have "rules" (a grown woman shouldn't have a bunch of rules she has to adhere to)

And yes, I know too much about abuse..:wallbash:
I am coming to believe that most if not all forms of abuse are about CONTROL.

-he wants to buy your clothes (so he can control what you wear)
-calls incessantly (you think "he's so into me" naw, it's about control)
-1000 times yes to the mind games (abusers are VERY smart and manipulative)
-Has to go with you EVERYWHERE (again you think it's "cute" till your man is sitting up in the hair salon with you...wth...)
-makes you choose between him and friends/family (doesn't want you to have an "outlet" who will tell you that the behavior he's exhibiting isn't healthy)
-Makes you think you can't do better (major emotional abuse tactic)
-is VERY attached to you really early in the relationship (you and him date once or twice and he's "your man")
-he can do whatever he wants but you have "rules" (a grown woman shouldn't have a bunch of rules she has to adhere to)

And yes, I know too much about abuse..:wallbash:

This is a great list and I agree with all of it.

Women need to be especially weary of those "oh he's so into me' behaviors you mentioned. If you pay attention to those in the beginning, you might save yourself a lot of time and drama later.
This is a great list and I agree with all of it.

Women need to be especially weary of those "oh he's so into me' behaviors you mentioned. If you pay attention to those in the beginning, you might save yourself a lot of time and drama later.
Girl you ain't neva lied. Red flags all over, but the women are like this...:reddancer: :ohwell:
thank you for the replies, ladies.

Their parents did it. My hubs learned from his dad, and never went to therapy about it.

They start by restricting you, socially. He wanted approval on who my friends would be, and where I went.

Verbally abusive. Before he ever raised his hand, I remember this male neighbor was always knocking on our door to see if I was OK. We were always having screaming fights. This is very unlike me.

Stalker behavior when you break up - it's not a compliment to you - it says something about him.

Once I locked him out of the apartment and he broke the door down, again, all the while claiming he would never be abusive.

***Once we had a "pillow fight" and he hit me so hard that I was knocked over. I never knew a pillow could hit so hard. I couldn't see for a few seconds.

omg, that sounds so scary. i'm sorry. i can't believe that "pillow fight".

I am coming to believe that most if not all forms of abuse are about CONTROL.

-he wants to buy your clothes (so he can control what you wear)
-calls incessantly (you think "he's so into me" naw, it's about control)
-1000 times yes to the mind games (abusers are VERY smart and manipulative)
-Has to go with you EVERYWHERE (again you think it's "cute" till your man is sitting up in the hair salon with you...wth...)
-makes you choose between him and friends/family (doesn't want you to have an "outlet" who will tell you that the behavior he's exhibiting isn't healthy)
-Makes you think you can't do better (major emotional abuse tactic)
-is VERY attached to you really early in the relationship (you and him date once or twice and he's "your man")
-he can do whatever he wants but you have "rules" (a grown woman shouldn't have a bunch of rules she has to adhere to)

And yes, I know too much about abuse..:wallbash:

thank you for this list. this all makes a lot of sense. the rules, no outlets. i've seen that "gotta go with you everywhere" thing before.
So a couple of recent threads have gotten me thinking. People say there are signs from a man (or woman) who is more likely to abuse their partner. There are even people who say they have been abused and attacked and should have recognized the signs or that there were signs that they recognize now that they look back on it. So what are these signs? General and specific. Actions or personality traits.

I disagree about these "signs". Men who are abusive will usually keep this side of them underwraps during the courting stage.

It's only after you two become "comfortable" will he let out certain things. To me, after the first slap, punch, etc., you should leave. He's not completely in love with you yet, so there's still time to get away.

You will NOT be able to change him and the "marker" isn't worth it. Women usually put up with this crap initially cause the sex is good. It's usually hard to find a lover that you click with, so you put up with crap that you wouldn't from a whack lover.

I'm not going to get into my personal history here, but I can honestly say that good "markers" aren't that hard to find. Many times, you NEED TO TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT in order to make it happen. Men aren't mind readers. What works for one woman doesn't always work for another and vice versa.

To recap: the "signs" aren't immediately apparent in the beginning. Hopefully, his f'd up side will manifest before you "fall in love" with him.
I went go with a guy (in the entertainment business) who told me most performers have "issues" and laater started screaming at me over the phone because he thought I was taking this DEAD mother's side in a conversation!

I dropppppped him wiith quickness! One of my girlfriend kept saying that I should forgive him (that *itch was crazy too) but I trusted my instincts!

Whenever he sees me, he starts that you're the ONE that got away yada yada.......what went wrong bull?
I am coming to believe that most if not all forms of abuse are about CONTROL.

-he wants to buy your clothes (so he can control what you wear)
-calls incessantly (you think "he's so into me" naw, it's about control)
-1000 times yes to the mind games (abusers are VERY smart and manipulative)
-Has to go with you EVERYWHERE (again you think it's "cute" till your man is sitting up in the hair salon with you...wth...)
-makes you choose between him and friends/family (doesn't want you to have an "outlet" who will tell you that the behavior he's exhibiting isn't healthy)
-Makes you think you can't do better (major emotional abuse tactic)
-is VERY attached to you really early in the relationship (you and him date once or twice and he's "your man")
-he can do whatever he wants but you have "rules" (a grown woman shouldn't have a bunch of rules she has to adhere to)

And yes, I know too much about abuse..:wallbash:

The sad thing is that many misguded women think that this behavior means HE MUST REALLY LOVE ME!
i agree with all of this.
Originally Posted by crlsweetie912 View Post
I am coming to believe that most if not all forms of abuse are about CONTROL.

-he wants to buy your clothes (so he can control what you wear)
-calls incessantly (you think "he's so into me" naw, it's about control)
-1000 times yes to the mind games (abusers are VERY smart and manipulative)
-Has to go with you EVERYWHERE (again you think it's "cute" till your man is sitting up in the hair salon with you...wth...)
-makes you choose between him and friends/family (doesn't want you to have an "outlet" who will tell you that the behavior he's exhibiting isn't healthy)
-Makes you think you can't do better (major emotional abuse tactic)
-is VERY attached to you really early in the relationship (you and him date once or twice and he's "your man")
-he can do whatever he wants but you have "rules" (a grown woman shouldn't have a bunch of rules she has to adhere to)

...ALSO your right not all of them show that in the beginning some are much much later on or when under extreme stress.

That's why you gotta love yourself more than anybody else. If you don't they will play on your self esteem and then you feel like you can't do better. Thats why when I feel sad i lay in bed for a while then I pick myself up and cowash, mani & pedi. Something that makes me feel good.

Discounts your feelings

Belittles You

Makes Alarming Comments: "most women fantasize about or want to be raped.” “while you’re sleeping, I’m awake things (he’s not pondering Nietzsche either), tells you he’ll kill himself if you leave it (if he makes this threat make sure the insurance policy list you as the beneficiary and then leave … lol )

Tries to isolate you from your friends and says your friends are stupid and you do not need them

If the person watches "certain kinds of "porn … BEWARE

Lack of impulse control that puts himself and or you in danger, emotionally (psychologically), physically and/or sexually

Goes through your journals/diary and mail

Constant calling and showing up …always has to be up under you

Did he grow up in a home where he saw abuse on a regular basis.

Was he abused and has yet to work through it

EXTREMELY insecure

Sexually overbearing … if you can’t even snuggle with the person without them wanting to have sex, no matter how many time a that day you may have had sex, they still are not pleased … they constantly need more

starts talking about committment/MARRIAGE VERY early in the relationship... maybe even the first week or 2 or month... I mean very early!

Uses your car, but AOAS something is wrong with it after he's used it. Destroy or "injure" your mode of transpotation makes it easier for him to control you and keep an eye on you.

They push you and try to justify it

… this is just to name a few
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Controlling behavior- you have rules to follow, etc, you have to report to him about what you have done, who you talked to, what was said and where you are going. etc.

Anger management problems- They might have a prior criminal record, no friends, quick to temper. If their ex girlfriend had a restraining order against them please do not think that you will be the one to change their behavior cause that probably will not happen.

Isolation- They try to cut off your ties with your family, friends, or coworkers. They don't "allow" you to go places.

Blame- You are responsible for everything that goes wrong and they are always right.

Manipulative- As in they try to manipulate, your thoughts and alway get you to see things "their" way.

Sex- Making you do sex acts that you don't want to do.

Random other things:

When they ask you how many people you have slept and are expecting specific details and recounts.

Calling you incessantly throughout the day

Poor relationship with their mom



I can't think of anything else right now.
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Controlling behavior- you have rules to follow, etc, you have to report to him about what you have done, who you talked to, what was said and where you are going. etc.

Anger management problems- They might have a prior criminal record, no friends, quick to temper. If their ex girlfriend had a restraining order against them please do not think that you will be the one to change their behavior cause that probably will not happen.

Isolation- They try to cut off your ties with your family, friends, or coworkers. They don't "allow" you to go places.

Blame- You are responsible for everything that goes wrong and they are always right.

Manipulative- As in they try to manipulate, your thoughts and alway get you to see things "their" way.

Sex- Making you do sex acts that you don't want to do.

Random other things:

When they ask you how many people you have slept and are expecting specific details and recounts.

Calling you incessantly throughout the day

Poor relationship with their mon



I can't think of anything else right now.
Your list is almost exactly like mine!!!!

Also, does things to get back at you.
You didn't do A, so I am going to do B to punish you.

Really childish, petty. The LITTLEST things set them off. You didn't do the laundry YET. You didn't call *** about something. You left xyz in the car. Just minor stuff that blows up into a huge argument.
competitive in the relationship always have to up you 1
they have to be smarter or better and try to make you
feel stupid even when you know your right

not only of they jealous of the people around they are also jealous of you
Your list is almost exactly like mine!!!!

Also, does things to get back at you.
You didn't do A, so I am going to do B to punish you.

Really childish, petty. The LITTLEST things set them off. You didn't do the laundry YET. You didn't call *** about something. You left xyz in the car. Just minor stuff that blows up into a huge argument.
Yes, Yes and Yes! It's almost like all the little petty arguments are to always keep you feeling distracted and confused.

competitive in the relationship always have to up you 1
they have to be smarter or better and try to make you
feel stupid even when you know your right

not only of they jealous of the people around they are also jealous of you

I hadn't thought about that trait, but I can see your point.

I thought of 1 other thing and that is around appearnce, saying things to you like, why do you need to wear mascara, eyeshadow whatever....All because they don't want you to look your best.
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The signs of abuse such has jealousy, controlling behavior, violent tempers etc.. will come out if the woman takes time to get to know her partner. I know what I'm about to say sounds "outdated" to most folks but STOP HAVING SEX WITH THESE MEN! Waiting is so beneficial to your mind, body and soul. There are diseases out there and the risk of pregnancy. Not to mention a broken heart. If you don't want to wait marriage then at least give yourself six months before sleeping with the guy. Sex tends to cloud the judgement and can cause unhealthy attachments/ soul ties. If the man really likes you he will wait. If he doens't then isn't it better that you didn't give your body to him in the first place? Abusers are experts in picking up pray. If you are a strong willed woman who has a strong support system with either family and/or friends then abusers will tend to stay away from you. When woman is loney, has low self esteem, and need validation from other people, she is more likely to become a victim of abuse.
The verbally abusive relationship and controlling people by patricia evans are two excellent book that explain abuse relationships.
listed below are 15 categories of verbal abuse taken from The verbally abusive relationship
  1. withholding
  2. countering
  3. discounting
  4. verbal abuse disguise as a joke
  5. blocking and diverting
  6. accusing and blaming
  7. judging and criticizing
  8. trivializing
  9. undermining
  10. threatening
  11. name calling
  12. forgetting
  13. ordering
  14. denial
  15. abusive anger
Hope this helps
1. Unexplained holes in the wall.

I remember seeing oddly placed pictures on my ex's wall. One day, about a year or two into the relationship, he told me how he had punched the wall when he was on the phone with a family member who was ill and he couldn't help. I later put 2 and 2 together and went downstairs and looked behind like 3 of these pics and say huge, punched in holes :perplexed

2. Very manipulative, will make you think they know you better than anyone.

I woke up one day when I realized he wasn't all that smart, he just had me believing he was.

3. They will give you hints.

In the beginning my ex would show me let me read his short stories, he was a writer. The stories had a theme of necrophilia and were basically about two people engaged in a volatile realtionship. The stories were very abstract and fell into the sci-fi category. I think he was trying to warn me.

4. Become very attached quickly (this was mentioned earlier).

In the beginning I went home (about 3 hours away) for Thanksgiving for the weekend (I was in college). He literally took my pillow, sprayed it with my vanilla perfume and walked around with it hugging it and crying begging me not to leave. What was more embarrassing was his sister was there and he didn't seem to care. It was very odd becuase he was always so cool and collected.

5. Don't always fall for the stereotypes.

This guy was soft-spoken, his best friend was a feminist/lesbian, had a set of progressive, feminist friends. He cooked for me, brought me nice presents, was very attentive.

Unfortunately, I attract these types of guys.

Never thought about the car issue, thanks. Good lookin out.

Ok, I should have explained the porn comment a bit more. If he is watching porn where women are abused or rape is being acted out ... BEWARE. If he likes porn that portrays women as teenagers or young girls or where the females look terribly under age, BEWARE. I can almost guarantee that he will mistreat you sexually in someway or has been involved in illegal sexual activity in the past.

Be aware of and listen carefully to how he justifies watching such things too. .. :nono:
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