Really BIG choppers (1 to 3 inches) support thread


Well-Known Member
I want to create a thread for all the big choppers here, new naturals, where we can help each other with some issues like styles, products, grow aids, and everything that is kind of new for all of us.

For example, yesterday i was trying to make some styles, but i think my hair is not ready to style yet, is too short, but maybe another lady actually did.
And two days ago, i read here a girl that experienced dryness when she made the big chop, as i could see we all had experience the same thing, so i think is cool to have a place in the board where we can either support or learn "secret stuffs" from others big chopers.

Thanks i saw that and the July Bcs too, but most of the girls on those threads transitioned for some months, and even is kind of the same needs for all of us, they can style their hair :( so, i guess i cool to have one thread for ladys with really short hair that never transitioned, Is like a big step from all the products we use when relaxed and new things/steps our hairs are asking us to use.

I BCed July 17th NO TRANSITION. Started out with a TWA about 1 inch and now its 2 1/3 inches. My hair started out ridiculously dry.... like almost unbareable. I still do have some scab hair but all my ayurvedic produts have helped a TON.:grin:
I do have those scab hair that don't want to be styled :( but i don't want cut them off as i'm in a no trim or snip my hair untill next year, My hair is not that dry now, but it was like in the first week after the BC
This is a wonderful thread! I did the big chop on August 21st and only transitioned for 12 weeks. I have about an inch and a half of hair on my head right now. I believe I am experiencing scab hair as well. It is just soaking up any type of moisture.
This is an awesome thread idea! I just chopped last night I have maybe an inch of hair. It is very dry I want it to be soft and shiny, Help!! What products are you guys using to create softness and shine. I have 3c,4a hair I have 3c in the very front and in the nape/kitchen, 4a in the remainder. This is the upteenth time I have bc.

I have had dryness issues every time I chop, my hair is coarse, my individual strands of hair are very thick my hair itself has normal density.

I have never used butters, it seems from the threads that I've read that , that may be the way to go. Any suggestions?
Wonderful Thread!

I did the BC in June, I didn't transition, and had like half an inch of hair, and my hair is now the length it is in my avitar, I am debating whether I should get my hair braided or just let it grow on out normally, I have enough hair to get braids so I might get them so I won't be frustrated at certain times. I understand about the dryness, I think we all go thru that at first, so the only thing that works for my dryness is Qhemet Biologics Heavy Cream, and I don't even have to apply it everyday.

I was using S-curl but after a while it gets my hair mushy and kind of have a greasy feeling to it, but for now I will put it on the back burner but it will be revisted at some point. I don't conditioner wash daily because for my hair it done nothing for it, I don't use shea butter because again my hair don't like it no matter how I use it or what it is mixed with, But once my hair gets longer I will revisit shea butter to see how it works.

I know that QB products are kind of expensive but it is a good quality of hair products that works wonders for my hair and it don't take much to apply to your hair, Plus I loved that she don't use shea butter in everything, Shea Butter don't work for every person that is Natural LOL!!!!
I bc'd in June after 3 months transition. I just recently have been trying to style my hair mess I think it may be to short but I'm going to try and twist it today anyway. I'm kind of bored with my lil twa....though I love it! I've been using headbands, scarfs and barrets to snazz it up a bit!
I am game! I like to see other people's progress who didnt transition long. I BCd in May. I wasnt planning on even going natural but the spirit hit and I went with it. I think I had maybe an inch or inch and a half. I havent measured since then though
For me what actually workes was a homemade mix. It had gliceryn, honey, pantene prov restauratives, EVOO and coconut oil. I put that in my hair for the whole night two nights in a row and my hair started to feel so soft. Now i'm suing tjis every two days for DC, mu hair loves it!!
Cool!!! I BC'd on June 05,09 then again on June 20th b/c my hair would not retain any moisture.. I transitioned for about 11 weeks (if you want to call that a transition) and after my "2nd BC" I was left with about 1/3- 1/2 inch of hair. It has been a little over 2 months and My longest strands are about 2 inches.. some areas are a little shorter.. This is def a learning process for me, because my natural hair is very picky..

I got cornrows last week so that I would not have to deal with my hair (I get single strand knots).. I still cowash on Tuesdays and plan on DC on Fridays (as usual)..

This is a great thread!! Thanks for starting it- I can't wait to see everyones progress~!
I'm still transitioning (9th month) but I did BC last Sept after transitioning for only 6 weeks so I know your troubles ladies!!! Congrats to all....

I just wanted to say that its important not to be too hard on your hair right now. When I did my BC, I was so frustrated b/c I couldn't get my hair to be soft and curly like I had seen so many others on Youtube and/or Fotki. Well, my hair never got that way and I tried to texturize to get it (FAIL). I learned my lesson and I hope no one else falls for that okey doke! Sometimes your hair will need to grow a little bit more before you’ll be able to see your true texture or recognize its strength; rather than focusing on its perceived faults. Also, I would research CNAPP texture b/c I didn’t know what this was and its my hair type. Had I known that, I wouldn’t have texturized ( I think). Everyone doesn’t have soft curly hair and that’s OK! I love my texture now and I’m learning everyday new things about my hair and how to nurture it. I hope you all stay strong and stay on the journey!! :)
Hey I big chopped on June 30th and now have about 2.4 inches on my head and I am loving my texture. I have found the solution for my dryness but I'm a thick corse 4b

I discovered that my hair does not like anything that is water based after I cowash (almost daily due to exercising) So I do shea butter, EVOO, and Vakita. If I tried something new and it gets crunchy or hard Wave Nouveu instantly makes it soft and managagle.

Doumenting the things used on my hair and how it feels makes a world of difference. I got the idea from Blessed Angel when she was creating a regimen for her daughters hair.
I was a "really big" chopper back in 07. I had about 2- 2.5" of hair. I just wanted to say congrats to all the newly naturals :)
I guees i will make my moisturize question here as well
I'm using a water spritz with Folicure + EVOO + Coconut Oil + Glycerin. Do you guys think that i also need to seal or is ok just with all the oil i'm putting in my hair?
I BC'd almost a year ago in December and I had about 1 inch (unstretched) of hair all over my head. Since I cut in the winter, I mainly kept my hair in braids till it got warmer. This helped me combat the dryness tremendously and let my hair rest and grow.

It will take some time to get to know your hair and what works and will not work for you. But have patience. Trial and error will help you finalize your routine, styles, and products so have fun trying new things! I know I did and still do.

Congrats to all the recent BCs!
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This is about my umptenth time BCing. I decided to chop my hair off in June again and cut all of this ugly hair color out of my hair because it made my hair go straight for some reason. I started out with about an inch of hair in the top and about 1/2 on the sides and back and now I have about 3 inches on the top and 2 to 2.5 inches on the sides and back. My hair around the sides were extremely dry. I just use Aveda Be Curly products (I know, I know they are expensive, but were effective for me) and it really helped. I also cowashed a lot. Right now I am in braids because I will get tempted to cut it with it being in the in between stages. I get a little scissor happy at times.
This is about my umptenth time BCing. I decided to chop my hair off in June again and cut all of this ugly hair color out of my hair because it made my hair go straight for some reason. I started out with about an inch of hair in the top and about 1/2 on the sides and back and now I have about 3 inches on the top and 2 to 2.5 inches on the sides and back. My hair around the sides were extremely dry. I just use Aveda Be Curly products (I know, I know they are expensive, but were effective for me) and it really helped. I also cowashed a lot. Right now I am in braids because I will get tempted to cut it with it being in the in between stages. I get a little scissor happy at times.
This is actually my dryer zone too in the front sides, i think the texture is even different in this area is coarser than the rest of my hair.
THANK YOU!!!! I'm a really BIG CHOPPER myself( 1/8 fade...SMH), and I'm still in research mode. I think I've got nothing but "scab hair" right now, but when my spriglets DO decide to grow, I'm going to keep checking in here to see what I can do with it...:yep:
It can be hard when you have to wear a Twa for so long, I think that is what discourages most of us after the excitedness wears off LOL!! Well for me it does and that is when I end us Texlaxing to get smooth hair to lay down and then I feel so bad for doing it, It is tough when you can't twist, or braid or cornrow etc. and sometimes I feel like a kid wearing headbands and get mad because here I am in my mid 30's wearing headbands the same as my neice and babies..(JUST A SMALL RANT)

But I quickly get over it LOL!!! I see it growing and the ease of care and less products I need to use make it all better LOL!! I am so glad this thread is here because this won't be my last Rant!! LOL!! I feel better already!!
Scab Hair is the hair directly underneath the scalp that has been affected by the harsh chemicals. Even though the hair is new growth, it isn't "trained" to behave in it's natural state. The hair is still sort of straight, very dry and brittle. It usually takes somewhere around 6 months to completely grow out. Not everyone experiences scab hair. The longer a person was relaxed, the more likely they will be affected.
I'm bored about my hair now. As SignatureBeauty said, i feel like a kid with headbangs, you know, like the baby girls when not have a lot of hair and mamas put a headband to let ppl know is a girl, and i can tell is growing, but is so frustrating can't get "another style" . I don't really like weaves or wigs, i don't know how to take propper care of my hair using them, so, just complaining here.

But i'm happy about my fotki account hahahaha
1-1.5 right cheer! i'm not really bored just yet but i am ready to put some braids in. i will have to since my dd's bday is thursday and our trip is coming up. i don't like to take trips w/o my hair being done. i am ready to have sl hair though.
Ok, so I had a break down this weekend. I feel so discouraged at times about my hair. The TWA is killing me. I don't like wigs or weaves and I'm not a hue fan of braids. Like many of you I also hate wearing the headbands that make me look like a 2 year old. I tried to define my curls and attempted to style my hair in some type of way, but since my hair in the back is wavy and the top and sides are loose curls I could not really do anything with it. the top looked cute, but the sides just stuck out in all kinds of ways. Also, since I went from .5 inches in the back to 2.5 inches my hair has gotten very thick and unruly. I almost wanted to cut it all off or put a texturizer in it. :wallbash:

Then I came on here and read this thread and I felt better again. I am not alone and I have to keep reminding myself that.