I have to agree with you about this, but our hair is fragile and different.
but this has nothing to do with growth.
We are the only race that fight against our hair in general, if 75% of white were to chemically treat their hair , use heat daily to get into tight curls to look like our hair. We will see a lot of jacked up white hair IMO.
infact with the popularity of flat irons, I now see more white people with splits and dry hair than 10yrs ago. I live in a predominantly white country and I know this for sure.
Okay, but why do AA little girls have hair that is dry, breaking, and difficult to manage, even before getting chemical treatments or using heat?
I agree that parents should not relax their children's hair at an early age, but people forget to acknowledge WHY parents do that - they do it because their child's natural hair is already tough to manage or broken. My niece is a prime example - her hair is thinning & it grows sooo slowly, even though she is natural, her mom DCs and moisturizes constantly, and she wears protective styles all the time.
As far as other races, they DO use chemicals and heat. Every non-black woman I knows dyes her hair and uses heat appliances. They may get splits and dry hair, but it doesn't stop retaining and visibly getting longer.