Real Talk: Hair Confessions

I have been reading LHCF locked threads the entire day. Some have been so hilarious that I accidentally laughed out loud at work

Oh and I feel very ghetto. I stole 2 pairs of latex gloves at my doctor's office today cuz I need to henna tonight and I didn't have any gloves LMAO :grin:

These are the best:lachen::lachen::yep:
People are crazy though:perplexed
I like to wear Celie braids, not just under my wig, but out of the house with no wig. I won't do it if I'm going to church or work, but if I'm just going to the store or to work out or the mall I'll do it. I love it.

Oh lawd child! Celie - from the color purple...while over the age of 5 and in public?? :nono:

:lachen: :lachen:
So what exactly do you type in to see these infamous locked threads? I type in "locked thread" and I don't get much. What else can I type in? I just want to learn the ropes around these here parts!!! LOL!
So what exactly do you type in to see these infamous locked threads? I type in "locked thread" and I don't get much. What else can I type in? I just want to learn the ropes around these here parts!!! LOL!
Well in the main page of the hair product review forum I sorted the view by most replies. Then I just went down the pages of locked threads. I did it this way because most locked threads are ones with many replies.
Today's locked thread about the mom's recipe was the best one. I was CRYING! :lachen::grin:

Man, wasn't it though!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:.. I can sit here and name quite a few things that was funny about that thread, but i'm not. Which is why it's closed now.
....Okay, yall can get back to the confessions. LOL:look:
I can't find it...:( I wanna read too.

I think it's been "poofed" because it's not in the list of threads started by the OP and I can't find it either even though I posted in it, but it was quite entertaining.

I confess that I am being lazy right now and need to get up and put this deep conditioner on my hair.
i get sad sometimes that my hair is so thin. its all my fault. if i had never gotten my hair bleach it would still be thick but nope i just had to do it. it doesnt seem like its ever going to thicken up again.
I think it's been "poofed" because it's not in the list of threads started by the OP and I can't find it either even though I posted in it, but it was quite entertaining.

I confess that I am being lazy right now and need to get up and put this deep conditioner on my hair.

Jinx! I am sitting here with a DT in too. :look:
my deepest secret is wishing there was some way to make my forehead can i get hairclub for men on about 2 inches of my forehead or maybe have a surgery that would pull my hairline down some???

OMG!!!! Me too!!! I have like the biggest 5head (not 4 head) ever!!! When I was little one of my brother's friends used to talk about how he grew facial hair by shaving his face every day even though he didn't have hair, and hair grew in. So you know I had to try shaving my head:ohwell:. It didn't work. So I wear bangs at all times, no matter what.
I'm always an inch away from relaxing my hair.. and even closer to texlaxing it

I make my hair out to be such a chore but i really don't do much with it since im either too lazy or busy
Today's locked thread about the mom's recipe was the best one. I was CRYING! :lachen::grin:

Me too.I was just looking from afar:grin:

back on topic:I just realized that i cannot moisturize my ends like i need to when i am in braids...This is huge for me,because i stay in braids,and it was like a light bulb was turned on when i realized this.

Now i dunno what to do:spinning::drunk::nono:

I don't want to bun,and my edges are a hot,fuzzy mess...How can i fix this?
Why did I use Motions spray leave in with my profectiv last night? That my hair does not like that.

:( So dry in spots today. *sigh* crap. Co wash tomorrow I guess to fix it.
I really don't like my hair - it's really difficult to style and hardly ever looks the way I want it to look. The best I can do is the big head of curls, which (1) makes my head look even bigger and (2) is somewhat damaging because I experience a good amount of breakage with my rollers :perplexed
I Wish i didn't have to try so hard to straighten my hair. sometimes i feel like i have the coarsest hair on the planet....but then i feel better when i get a fresh perm and my hair looks super thick ...

so, i guess my hair wish would be to have soft, manageable (without relaxers) hair that is thick AND dense.
I'm kinda rethinking my ultimate goal of full hipbone length. Right now, I'm about an inch from WL, not even full WL yet, and my texlaxed hair is a lot of work; my detangling and rollersetting sessions are getting longer and longer.:ohwell: But when I see someone with full, thick hipbone length hair, and how beautiful it is, I think it's worth the extra time and effort to maintain...Ho-hum...
I hate how slow my hair grows, it kinda makes me feel embarrassed in front of the doubters. I get so manyy comments like " oh for how much you take care of your hair , it should be down your back":ohwell: I started in Feb.08 at sl and here I am Oct.08 and still not APL.:perplexed
I relaxed again :look:

My "not holding a curl" problem is a little better but my hair still isn't %100. I am going to keep working on it though and hope for the best. It isn't breaking and I don't have any split ends so it isn't damaged. Maybe it is just PMSing or something
im afraid to use my color showers. i never used them before and i bought one in red copper and im afraid it may be too red rather than brown. i've had every color hair in the rainbow but now that i work where i do im not trying to look ghetto or unprofessional. i dont know what to do.
I'm not liking my hair at all anymore. I thought cutting the front this weekend would help, but I was satisfied for 1 day. Today, I got the urge to cut it to shoulder length. :eek:

But I haven't had short hair in so long, I'm afraid I'd freak out & hate myself if I cut it short.

*sigh* & I used to be a champion for short hair & making dramatic chops. :ohwell:
I relaxed on Nov 5 - and I LOVE IT! I never got compliments on my hair before, but now...whachoutna. :grin:

This is the first time in my life that my hair looks good/decent on most days.

I asked to be texlaxed, had a consult, told the stylist I want texlax, reminded her that if the directions say 20 mins, then I only need 10 and still ended up with relaxer on for 20 mins and I barely have waves. So I'll be transitioning to texlaxed (doing it myself from now on)...

I'm nervous about self relaxing.

I've already posted in this thread before.
I'm so glad I found this site.
If I'm not BSL by Dec 30, I'm truly going to believe in terminal length. It's just taking me too damn long to get there (8 months!)