Real Talk: Hair Confessions

I think I'm going to braid this up and keep it that way for a few more months of growth before I do something rash.
Do that. I'll be two years post in July and my length is displeasing to me. So I wear updo's, crown braids, have fun hair candy. :shrug: Remember: It's just a phase and it will be over soon. And besides, it's spring, we should all be expecting a growth spurt.

Be strong! :afro:
@Honey Bee Thank you for talking me off the ledge.

The crazy thing is I was fussing over the way my twist out looked, went to run some errands and got a bunch of unsolicited compliments. I think once I get my new regime down I'll be ok. I'm not a product junkie and messing around with different brands trying to get it right is bugging me. I'm still gonna pick up some hair to wash so I can braid it up but the relaxer devil is off my shoulder.

17 months (75 weeks) and still counting!
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I used to have really bad hair envy. I would look at youtube and celebrities and wish that my hair was like that (claire from my wife and kids hair). I wear wash and gos a lot now and in doing that I have really gotten to understand the way my curls curl and what they need to be the best they can be. And when they are the best they can be, I could not care less about what suzie mae or bonqueshia is doing. I admire what they have, but I'm in love with what I've got :)
Bonqueshia...No, no, no!:lachen:
I need to hang out more in the hair section. My hairdresser bill is too high but my roller sets make me look like I am tell axed when I am.really 2 weeks post relaxer.
What are your deepest, darkest secrets about your hair, haircare, or beauty that you've never shared before?

Here's mine:

If my hair wasn't fine and curly, I would never have gone natural. :):sekret:

If my eyebrows were fuller, I'd truly feel beautiful. Until then.....

I feel the same way and so guilty about it. My hair is zero trouble and I feel bad when I read about the struggles that other naturals have. If I had to go through what they do, I would be relaxed.
I'm a perfectionist (not a very thorough one but a perfectionist none the less). I hate the fact that when I do everything right with my hair and have 50-11 steps in my hair regimen and the purest of pure oils my hair literally falls out of my scalp. But if I slap some curl activator on twist it up for a month and forget about it it thrives. Its like I dont just want my hair to grow, I want to be able to control how, when and in what manner it grows. Gotta just leave it with Jesus and focus my energy somewhere else or this hair thing will go from something I'm interested in to an unhealthy obsession.

Just realised I can apply the same thing to my BF, career, diet.
I sometimes sense there is a stigma associated with naturals who straighten 100% of the time vs rocking their natural curls. Does anyone else sense this or am I crazy?

Definitely not crazy. I have noticed that as well especially in a few natural hair groups on FB. Hair is all about being versatility and individuality. It seems that when naturals who decide to straighten, a few will come up and say that that the person doesn't like their natural ain't that serious. There is always some sort of divide in the natural hair community that will prevent us coming together as a whole.
I'm thinking of a smoothing treatment to get my curls not to tangle so much. Curl definition is not all its cracked up to be. Only reason I wear a washngo is so I dont have to detangle my hair. Its stressful at times.

If I was OCD, Id cut every snag I see and really be stuck at this length. It's ok, Im getting a crochet next week because I was SO close to cutting my hair the other day.

My almost fiance was staring at me with the meanest side eye -_-
oooh my hair feels so gross today. I got alot of nerve wearing it down.
Its going to be in a wash 'n go tomorrow.

I feel like I need a new conditoner that won't break the bank and smells really good. Any recommendations? Hopefully somebody will read this LOL
Definitely not crazy. I have noticed that as well especially in a few natural hair groups on FB. Hair is all about being versatility and individuality. It seems that when naturals who decide to straighten, a few will come up and say that that the person doesn't like their natural ain't that serious. There is always some sort of divide in the natural hair community that will prevent us coming together as a whole.

In real life I don't notice this, but on Facebook yes. This forum is probably the only place where I'd post pictures of my straightened natural hair without worrying about what others will say. I'm at the point now that I really don't care about other people's opinions. Its not that serious to me either. If I wear my hair hair curly or straight it just depends on my mood that day. I noticed that the people that are really militant about stuff like this end up going back to relaxers anyway. We need versatility.
I got sick of my natural hair, texlaxed it, got sick of that because the stylist destroyed my curl pattern when she straightened it, now I'm going to install Bradelocs. I have no idea what to do with my hair if I don't like it.
I love the way my hair looks when it's soaked in conditioner. My hair is very texlaxed and I'm fine with that but I'm not even remotely thinking about going natural...
@Honey Bee Thank you for talking me off the ledge.

The crazy thing is I was fussing over the way my twist out looked, went to run some errands and got a bunch of unsolicited compliments. I think once I get my new regime down I'll be ok. I'm not a product junkie and messing around with different brands trying to get it right is bugging me. I'm still gonna pick up some hair to wash so I can braid it up but the relaxer devil is off my shoulder.

17 months (75 weeks) and still counting!

So what had happened was....

I made it to 77 weeks 2 days. My two textures were not playing well at all and when I was debating not to do my hair cause it didn't smell that bad I threw in conditioner to pre poo. The curls started talking to me and I impulsively cut.

Shorter than I wanted but I'll survive. All the tangles disappeared. My relaxed ends were causing all sorts of issues. Maybe now I'll see some growth.

Now my confession. When I was on the relaxed and long term stretching side I used to silently judge product junkies.

I have now become what I used to look down on. I realized I was starting to pile up products as my natural hair became majority but my ends were still not cooperating. This is one of the reasons the devil: on my shoulder got those scissors in my hand. But now that I'm natural I have to physically avoid the beauty supply store, Duane Reade and Target. I bought more these last few days than I have for years. Had to hang my head when I bought a dupe of something I already had by mistake.

:giveup: My name is bklynbornNbred and I'm starting to have a priblem.

In any case I apologize to those I judged.:grouphug3:
I just got these seneglese twists May 2. I paid a grip. Why do I want to take them out already. I'm going to try to keep them in for a month.
I didn't heat style my hair for 3 weeks and have been either air-drying straight or doing braid outs. I know better but I was feeling really hair lazy and just did NOT want to take the time to do my usual roller sets.


I'm paying for it now. I finally sat down and did a thorough wash day and the tangles and knots in my NG were a mess!!:cry: I was so upset with myself. Because I freaking know better! My hair LOVES heat, does better with heat, and throws an absolute hissy fit if I deprive her from heat for too long. Heatless styles may be easier and healthier (for the most part) but my hair just does not like them for very long. And on top of that, I was looking at my ends and I've experienced some breakage where I'm gonna need a half inch cut or so. I was planning on doing this anyway but there's just something about being forced to cut your hair due to damage as opposed to choosing to do so because you want to.

It took me about 2 hours to detangle my whole head. Today's wash day was a good wake up call. No more heatless styles. Back to my dryer I must go!
I'm really obsessed with hair.

All my life I've had long thick hair (MBL), but when I started to do my own hair once I started community college - throughout my undergrad years I really abused my hair by using the hot comb daily to applying loads of olive oil on my hair and then flat ironing it because I loved the straight sleek look:pity: These baaaad techniques made my hair break off to SL and become thin :whip: So now I'm trying to get my hair back to thick hair. I WANT THICK HAIR SO BAD! My hair stretched is now HL, but on the thin side yet kinda thickening up.

When trying to grow out my hair I used protective styles including phony ponies, wigs, and made pony tail out of braid hair. Now that my hair has grown I no longer want to wear full wigs because the combs or friction of the wig has pulled out hair in the hairline and caused a little bald spot (has grown in).
Although, I still wear half-wigs when I go out. I'd rather not spend anymore money on extensions and instead wear my hair out, but I must admit my mother (her hair is a very thin BSL) is always encouraging me to buy more wigs or to wear the half-wigs for volume. I've told her she's making me feel insecure as if my hair isn't beautiful or enough by constantly telling me those things.:swearing:
I have hair that is beautiful and long...I just want to be free!
I'm glad I'm not the only one! I tried everything but I guess my hair just doesn't like them. :sad: Even steaming doesn't help it much. I thought I was just using the wrong masks but I've tried a lot of products so I think it's my hair.
Because it is so expensive, I gave DevaCurl's HeavenInHair another shot this weekend. Sunday I worked in a good amount of it and sat under the steamer (on low) for more than half an hour and can see and feel a difference (more defined fractals). Now it is the only DC I plan to buy/use.
My hair was so thirsty today! It soaked up my protein treatment and moisturizing conditioner quickly..I need to give it more love
I feel like I'm obsessed with my hair journey because it represents the an unattained goal of mine. I've been able to reach so many goals from academic to fitness to skin care, yet my hair has always been a challenge. And although my longest layer is BSB, the type A in me is not happy until I hit my goal length and thickness.