Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I have my reg. down pat...my hair is so loving me these days. Ponytail rollersetting is my heart. Giving up direct heat was the best thing I could've ever done for my hair.
@divachyk what is Dave Ramsey? I'm done buying products and I have to curb my spending as I'll have 2 kids in daycare soon and that's like a second mortgage payment:sad:

@AlliCat, here's where I am....I spent the last 2 years hitting Dave Ramsey really hard. I mean hardcore. Not buying much of anything, just paying off bills. During those times, I didn't have hobby. The dh always had a hobby (motorcycles) so he received an allowance for his items. Well, when I found LHCF, my perspective changed and I stopped being hardcore Dave Ramsey and started living a little. I kinda enjoyed myself a little TOO much. I started buying up this and that busting my allowance. Well, I'm tired of doing that. I have enough product to last me a long while so I'm gonna buckle down and use it up. If it's an absolute necessity such as Alter Ego Garlic or something of that, I will buy. All these other, oooooo I wanna try products will just have to wait. As Dave would say - you have to live like no one else (not buying unnecessary stuff) to live like no one else (being financially sound because you've not thrown your money away). I know that's a bore based on the LHCF PJism standard but we're on a mission to be debt free so I need to regain focus and discipline. I will only spend what my allowance allows. Otherwise, I'll fall back in the stupid/unnecessary spending cycle I've been in for the past 6 months or so. Buying cheapie products didn't hit the pocket as hard. But now that I'm buying salon grade quality, whew - that adds up quick. I'm just over it.
Couch to 5k program helps you go from being a couch potato to a jogger. I'll post a link for ya. It's basically a walk/jog program and over 9 weeks you increase your jogging interval.


Interesting. I have ruined my joints through gymnastics...but have been willing to get stronger to run a little bit. This sounds like something easier to do. I printed it out and will start it on my treadmill, then to the park. Thanks for the info.:yep:
Gave my wigs a rest and will be wearing two low buns for the week. At 1st I thought I would look a little childish, but I actually like this style and my coworker gave me a compliment so cool beans.
I usually rinse my celie twists with water or diluted acv or avj. Today I co-washed and was surprised to see that only a few in front unraveled. I wish this worked for oil rinses and ayurvedic pastes :lol:
I think I'm tired of my hair obsession. Maybe I'm only saying this because I'm having an off day but I don't like LHCF nearly as when I started getting addicting to posting. I remember never understanding the addiction people had with this site in the first place, it's too repetitive and censored — among other things. :giggle: Nothing personal but I'll be lurking unless something intriguing catches my eye or to see how everyone is doing. HHG, ladies. :grin:

I need to get here... I spend way too much time on this site... And on my hair lol.

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Man, that discontinued product thread actually has me a little sad :rolleyes: :lol: the old EQP butter and TWPMB used to be my killer moisture combo. Sigh...**Pours Likka**
I hate backhanded compliments "I like your hair BUT if it was combed/brushed/fixed it would look better"

1 it's windy as heck outside
2 I'm walking into MY house
3. I'm not going to "fix" my hair before coming into the house
4. It's windy
Wish I would've transitioned and stuck with it when I cut my hair in 07. Imagine how long and healthy it would be now! Ugh, 6 months in a year and a half to go . .
^^^ LOL. I was just coming in here to say something similar.

I'm almost 6 mos. post BC and loving it. I wish I would have BC'd in 2008 when I first joined this site. I can only imagine how great my hair would be right now :giggle:.
See I knew there was a reason why I didn't post vids on YT. Folks go out of their way to be extra critical or make it a point to state the obvious. I don't get it. Does it make people feel good about themselves?
See I knew there was a reason why I didn't post vids on YT. Folks go out of their way to be extra critical or make it a point to state the obvious. I don't get it. Does it make people feel good about themselves?

This is so sad but true. I think with people being behind a computer screen comes courage. Their inibitions are gone and it gets the best of them. I know there are probably people who go allll day holding in rude and snide comments and just unload on YT. Smh I deleted my videos after repeated insults and pointless arguments. :perplexed
This is so sad but true. I think with people being behind a computer screen comes courage. Their inibitions are gone and it gets the best of them. I know there are probably people who go allll day holding in rude and snide comments and just unload on YT. Smh I deleted my videos after repeated insults and pointless arguments. :perplexed

I agree. I can't even argue that what they are saying is constructive criticism. It's just them saying something just to be saying something. I'm gonna have to think long and hard before I even consider posting something else. smh.
finally gave my coif some TLC...and my hair is happy...i did a nex-emergency treatment..

and followed up with a free miss jessies DC from a swag gift bag I got… my hair loved it the smell is magnific!!!
Its so amazing how manageable new growth can be with the right products…
I need to trim. Been putting it off for too long

Moving to a hispanic neighborhood this weekend and very excited to get lots of Dominican products! I'll probably hit up the BSS the first day lol
I have come to the conclusion that wash n go's aren't going to work for me. With the different textures in my head and the front hardly clumping (wavy, frizzy, puffy looking), it looks a HAM. Not feeling it at all. :nono:. I'll stick with braidouts, updos and mini twists for the summer.
- Me and a friend passed by honeyfig today.

- I hate when I'm reading a new thread bumped up to the top, and start thinking of a reply but I realize it's from like 2005 lol

- The archives/dinosaur threads have the best info :sekret:

- I might flat iron or caruso set my hair tomorrow.

- I trimmed my bangs this morning...about 2 inches to make them even. Now they're blunt and side swept again :grin: I need to buy better scissors and trim the rest of my hair
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- Me and a friend passed by honeyfig today.

- I hate when I'm reading a new thread bumped up to the top, and start thinking of a reply but I realize it's from like 2005 lol

- The archives/dinosaur threads have the best info :sekret:

- I might flat iron or caruso set my hair tomorrow.

- I trimmed my bangs this morning...about 2 inches to make them even. Now they're blunt and side swept again :grin: I need to buy better scissors and trim the rest of my hair

yes they do thats where I learned most of my info
- Me and a friend passed by honeyfig today.

- I hate when I'm reading a new thread bumped up to the top, and start thinking of a reply but I realize it's from like 2005 lol

- The archives/dinosaur threads have the best info :sekret:

- I might flat iron or caruso set my hair tomorrow.

- I trimmed my bangs this morning...about 2 inches to make them even. Now they're blunt and side swept again :grin: I need to buy better scissors and trim the rest of my hair

I agree...I love reading old threads I always bump them lol.

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Need to put this hair away for a while, but I have a blunt cut, so I guess normal braids are out.
I might do another set of crochet braids...
Looks like I will be in this weave for another week.

Still getting as relaxer next weekend. Just means that I won't be looking busted for two weeks :lol:

Just one now...