Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

yes, I wouldn't even feed into it. I seriously just noticed a lot of the people that used to be here are gone and seem to have been replaced by a younger cattier crowd.

Droid typing leads to typos for me

I noticed this. When I look at archived threads I see all these members that I don't see anymore. Even threads from late 2010. Either they no longer frequent LHCF or they changed their username. Idk.

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People disappeared after the forum change over issues. Then more people have disappeared after January. The board just seems to get quieter and quieter. I haven't been here a year yet, and it is much quieter than when I first joined.

I think some of that has to do with there being more natural-themed threads than relaxed-themed thread over the past year or so. I think folks are still here, they just lurk more. I find myself lurking more than posting, especially compared to when I first joined. It's just reflects, to a degree,how well people are doing on their journeys.

ETA: I think there ARE more BS-themed threads lately, and I try to avoid those like the freakin' plague...I ain't got time....
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ETA: I think there ARE more BS-themed threads lately, and I try to avoid those like the freakin' plague...I ain't got time....

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I know what you mean. I can't resist going in but I'm not even natural and sometimes the BS threads look a HOT MESS. Plus I'm all about the LOA so... come back when you're WL/HL. :grin:
Aireen I've been lurking since 06 and posters were having the same convo about the catty new members and the "good ole days". That's not the only reason I'm :giggle:

I'm laughing because I'm one of those catty, young, new members hahaha. :giggle: I was kind of waiting for someone to get offended and post but no one did. :look: :lol:

Nah but for real, I lurked before I joined and it was a lot more close than it is now. A lot of the posters I remember as being frequent or popular no longer post.
ELLEPIXIE! I'ma need you to stop lurking in RT, poppin' random times, saying "good day" or "lurking in, lurking out". :lachen:

LOL I can't help it, I'm subbed to the thread! There's always some sippin' in here...

People have been talking about the good ol' days since before I stopped lurking...so I guess they are long gone. At least we aren't still having threads about people threatening to not renew their sub if the site layout gets changed one more time and the site is down over the weekend.
I'm laughing because I'm one of those catty, young, new members hahaha. :giggle: I was kind of waiting for someone to get offended and post but no one did. :look: :lol:

Nah but for real, I lurked before I joined and it was a lot more close than it is now. A lot of the posters I remember as being frequent or popular no longer post.
You must not been around when RT was in the Off Topic section. Posters have always cut a fool but they never really cut one in the Hair Section.
You must not been around when RT was in the Off Topic section. Posters have always cut a fool but they never really cut one in the Hair Section.

Nah, I wasn't paying then and didn't know about OT so I don't know. I've heard stories though... A lot of clique behaviour.
It's just reflects, to a degree,how well people are doing on their journeys.

ETA: I think there ARE more BS-themed threads lately, and I try to avoid those like the freakin' plague...I ain't got time....

I agree, I lurk more (kind of like before I paid) nowadays.

The cattiness baffles me; I used yo try to be a voice of reason, but some people are catty for no reason. I just sit back now thinking, "Geez, Louise! That woman is old enough to be your mama!" It's just disrespectful. I happen to know my mother has friends on the forum; I can't mess around and get popped in real life!

Besides, we're all here for the very same reasons and should respect one another.

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LOL I can't help it, I'm subbed to the thread! There's always some sippin' in here...

People have been talking about the good ol' days since before I stopped lurking...so I guess they are long gone. At least we aren't still having threads about people threatening to not renew their sub if the site layout gets changed one more time and the site is down over the weekend.

LAWD THAT WAS ANNOYING! People complaining about thanks was annoying too. I mean I did say I didn't get mine back but it's not like I cared enough to go ON AND ONNNN.
LAWD THAT WAS ANNOYING! People complaining about thanks was annoying too. I mean I did say I didn't get mine back but it's not like I cared enough to go ON AND ONNNN.

Hahaha, you didn't know that virtual thanks are everything? I wonder how some people would like NC...one poster told another she was considering suing her the other week. :lachen:
@PPGbubbles that's really cute! Just be careful since your ends are the weakest part of your hair anyway. I can't wait until my red hair is just tips.

I have never had color before so I am going to frost to see how I like it. I dont think I can commit to a full head of color yet :nono: So if this turns out to be a disaster I wont be too sad about cutting my ends :lachen:

I need to enjoy my hair!
I have never had color before so I am going to frost to see how I like it. I dont think I can commit to a full head of color yet :nono: So if this turns out to be a disaster I wont be too sad about cutting my ends :lachen:

I need to enjoy my hair!

oh I definitely agree! Wasn't trying to convince you to not do it. Just don't use Feria, it made my hair sooo dry. Blech
Hahaha, you didn't know that virtual thanks are everything? I wonder how some people would like NC...one poster told another she was considering suing her the other week. :lachen:

Now with the phone app, which I use 98% of the time, we can't say 'thanks' b/c its not an option yet (at least not on my droid x and iphone. I have to go to the browser then to the website to 'thank' folks.

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EllePixie I am looking into Garnier frosting/highlighting kit

PPGbubbles I never used that but I liked the Herbashine a lot. Does the frosting kit use bleach? When I used Loreal Chunking, my hair turned into old rubberbands. I was relaxed but still, I was like good lord - I had always been able to do whatever to my hair (like color it then go to swim team practice the same day - yes I was a mess), but that mess to' it UP!
So I took the time to read what going on in here....yalll are mad funny!

I do miss the entertainment that RT provided. it was just waaayyyy too messy at times