Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

Ladies, one of my favorite professors' son had a really bad accident. He is only seven and was at day camp. Somehow one of the other children got hold of a hammer and hit Ryan's hand, causing his middle finger on the left hand to be completely severed :nono:

He has since had surgery to have the finger reattached, (this all happened over the weekend). The doctors are concerned that they might have to amputate the finger as the skin has started to turn black. They have scheduled another surgery to see what else can be done.

Please pray for little Ryan that he heals and that he is able to avoid infection. Even if it is the Lord's will that he lose the finger, please pray that he is able to come through a second surgery with no additional harm, as his mom told me that he had a very hard time coming out of the anesthesia after the first surgery. Thank you all for any prayers you can send for Ryan.

Oh Dear Heavenly Father, I bow before you in humble prayer and thanksgiving that you are healing Ryan totally and completely in Jesus' Name.

Father save his finger, kill the infection, yet save his finger upon his little hand. We pray for the little boy who hit Ryan. We pray for him and we forgive. Allow your Healing power to flow into the hand and the even in and unto the bone and marrow and arteries and veins and capillaries and all that it takes to save and heal this little boys hand.

Father it is unto you we come with love and boldness upon your Holy Throne and thank that you have not left this little boy alone. Let them see your glory in this and let there be nothing that goes amiss. In Jesus' Name, the honor and the power and the Victory is unto you. We love you Father God and we thank you with all of our hearts for saving all of Ryan's parts which you designed to function in perfection. Let there be no rejection of your healing power taking place. In Jesus' Name, again, we pray and praise and thank you for all that you've done and for all that you're going to do. Amen and Amen. :Rose:

'We love you 'Ryan' and we are praying for you. Hold on Little Fella', hold on Baby, just hold on. We got you, sweetie, we got you and we and Jesus are not letting you go. Baby just hold on. :love2: In Jesus' Name.... Amen.
This forum is reminding me that there is so much more that is needed in the body of Christ.....:nono:

Lord...help us.
Jesus paid it all. :yep: Jesus paid it all. I thank God for the hearts who bleed as His did upon the Cross.

Remember when Jesus wept? I still see a 'tear'....
Lord teach us to pray...

Our Father Who Art in Heaven...

O' Righteous Father....


O' Lord My God...

Hear My Prayer O' God, attend until my prayer

O' Mighty God of all Heaven and Earth...

Lord Jesus Christ...

Thou art God...

It's called 'Worship... not "Lingo" neither 'Tradition"...:nono: :nono: :nono:

It's all in your Word prayed by those who honored you and by those who still do.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen... :Rose:

Father, I sincerely compare the lives of those who pray to you with honor; to the ones who 'mock' them. Father God, I truly compare. Hear my heart, Dear Father for I truly look at the life and words of the one who mocks and the prayers you've never failed to answer from the precious Saints who have faithfully fallen upon their faces and to love honor and to cherish you, for their prayers are sincere and they mock no one. Instead, they still remain faithful and pray for those who live in darkness.

Thou art God... as it says in your word, if I had a thousand tongues, I still could not praise you enough. Yet with what I have, I do with all of my heart.

Bless your Holy Name, Jesus. Amen.
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If we say we follow Christ, then we have to forgive. If we say we follow Christ, then we have to love. I am asking you to be my friend again. Do you love me like you love Christ? Because I love you. He compels me to.

They act as if my mouse can't click on this thread...


the comments about the thread I started should be put in there so we can all discuss them... Why not?

You are right....the Holy Spirit has given me the spirit of laughter today :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I mean, tears are pouring down my eyes....LOL!!!

Hallelujah....thank you Jesus!!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm happy when you're happy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. :yep:
I'm happy when you're happy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. :yep:
:bighug: thanks, sis!

ETA: God will always remain our strength and our shield, our protection and the lifter of our heads, sis! I thank the Lord for the angels that surround us and protect us from the outside invasions of the enemy and his plans.

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!

Glory to the Lord Most High!
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Shalom aleichem...peace be with you...complete peace, "shalom," in body, mind and spirit...from He who holds the keys to heaven.
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My mother called me a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night in a panic. She said she's worried about my brother and can't shake the feeling. We called and called and got no answer. We both knew something was wrong. His commander said that he was out to sea. That's right, he was going on tour. We calm down. 2 weeks later we get a call. My brother was released from the hospital. He had been flown off of the ship to a hospital nearby. He had swine flu. For 2 weeks he lie in a hospital room all alone. The military did not contact us. Nobody cared. But God did. They thought he was going to die, but little did they know, my mother and I prayed night and day for him because we knew something was not right. He's still recovering, but he has been released from the hospital. Glory be to God.
Psalm 91...

9 Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

Thank you for sharing this it made me want to get up and jump around that you and your mother did not stop praying for him and God healed him through your prayers. This is just confirmation for me that God hears our prayers and he answers us even though we don't even know what is really going on. But your brother really needed you then and you had no ideal what he was going through. I will continue to pray for people and my family who knows what they might be struggling with at the moment I bow down to pray.
:bighug: thanks, sis!

ETA: God will always remain our strength and our shield, our protection and the lifter of our heads, sis! I thank the Lord for the angels that surround us and protect us from the outside invasions of the enemy and his plans.

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!

Glory to the Lord Most High!

He's God and in Him we live and breathe and move and have our being. Amen.

Thanks Precious Wavy... :giveheart:
Just wanted to let those of you who prayed for Ryan know. He has since had his second surgery and they were able to repair some damaged blood vessels, apparently that's why his finger was turning black. The doctors are now confident that he will be able to regain full use of the finger and the only surgery he will 'need' in the future is cosmetic/reconstructive.

Thank you all for your prayers!!!

GOD is good all the time, and all the time GOD is good :yep:

You are right....the Holy Spirit has given me the spirit of laughter today :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I mean, tears are pouring down my eyes....LOL!!!

Hallelujah....thank you Jesus!!!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your hair looks very pretty in your siggy :yep: You know you're going to have to post your regimen in the hair forum now right? :look:
To all who lurk in the CF and are not members here:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace!

Just wanted to let those of you who prayed for Ryan know. He has since had his second surgery and they were able to repair some damaged blood vessels, apparently that's why his finger was turning black. The doctors are now confident that he will be able to regain full use of the finger and the only surgery he will 'need' in the future is cosmetic/reconstructive.

Thank you all for your prayers!!!

GOD is good all the time, and all the time GOD is good :yep:

Praise God!!!
Jesus Take the Rims.....the wheels can roll away. With you I choose to stay. :love3:

That of which I hold so dear, the 'Rims' so shiny and so clear; I surrender it all to you. I surrender 'all...' In Your Precious Name, I Pray...Amen.

Today has been a GREAT day. Everyday is a good day!!
God is good and so faithful.
The Lord brought clarification for me to an issue today that I've wondered about for years; and I thought that perhaps the level of understanding that I had with regard to the issue was where it was going to stay. I had even stopped asking.

Well today, I sensed that I was beginning to fall into doubt and self pity and so I began to re-read exerpts from Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza. She is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide and has written on of the most powerful stories of faith and forgiveness that I've ever read or heard. I wanted to re-read her story to remind myself of what faith in the midst of true suffering and heartache looks like.

As I was reading her story, I felt myself being drawn closer to the Lord, and I was given a specific scripture to pray with and for my sister; which I promptly did. In the midst of praying for my sister, BOOM, total clarification to a question that I'd had for years came! It was beautiful to me beyond words; I just couldn't stop praising Him along with my sister!

This is just another way of God reminding me that He does care and that He is ALWAYS listening to us and even in the midst of incomplete understanding, as long as we're totally focused on Him, we'll have everything we need for that moment. The lesson I learned today was that we can always ask, but the answer will come only when He's ready to give it, in the meantime we must always simply trust Him and trust that he loves us and will always act on our behalf and do what is best for us even if we don't fully understand (and most often we won't)

I know it's long, but God did something wonderful for me today, and I wanted to share it with each of you.:love2:
To You, O L-rd, I owe my life, my soul, everything. You consume me. Show me Your ways and draw me near. Do not let me fall. Always help me return to You for You meet me first.

Today has been a GREAT day. Everyday is a good day!!
God is good and so faithful.
:yep: Pursue! God has it all there all ready for you.

I can see Him performing the removal of a "Vashti" so that He can make you 'Queen' instead. There's only one 'Esther' for your King. Only one. Only one. Only One. :yep:

Don't be concerned about competition. For there is none. You are the only one. :yep: No matter the 'position' be it Y&R or some other you've considered; most assuredly, your new husband; you are the only Esther for each one.

Therefore, Pursue! God has it there all ready for you. :Rose: