Random Christian thought's thread continued ...


That was a beautiful testimony!

Thank you for sharing that, and Praise God you are "home". That's what matters most. Isn't that feeling great?!

Amen and
God bless

I realize that when I love a church, I have no "need" for tv ministry. Nothing wrong with Joyce, Creflo or TD but I don't seek them out anymore. They helped me through some tough times but now I think I have a church home. I spend more time there than I have at any other church in the past and I am enjoying that -- to my surprise. Bible study. Sunday school. Service.

This is why I think churches need to have series and not just seminars. My old church had a serminar every now and then but no classes. No series. I need that. I was in school too long just to be satisfied with a session every now and then.

Praise God for directing my steps to my church home.
This economy is not picking up and there are way too many "stimuli" that are not having the intended effect. Although I believe this recession/depression was largely manipulated by the uber 5% of the society, something needs to be done to put us all back on our feet. Trickle down doesn't work well and was never intended to work well. We've worked and gotten ripped off, majorly! G-d help us and do not allow us to despair. You know all, Father. Greed is the order of the day and so is thievery. But You, O L-rd, are perfect and h-ly. Help us to change our ways to reflect that You are our Father. Amein.
What ad is that? :laugh:

Are you referring to my thread? ... I didn't see any ads like that.. :nono:

I can understand what you're saying about the economy. But contrary to what the media is stimulating..the economy ISN'T getting any worse, it's fundamentally stable if not steadily growing. I'm no alarmist, but I've worked in media long enough to know when they start "stimulating" :laugh: I like that these "programs" are yielding from all this stimulating that are leveling the field for people who really could benefit. Not greedy people. Just people who have been praying for housing for their children, for food to feed their families, etc. Good stewards of their finances. I'm glad these "stimuli" are in place, to benefit them.

God bless

And what's up with these soft-porn ads with scantilly clad broads...and "Lord" in the message?
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And what's up with these soft-porn ads with scantilly clad broads...and "Lord" in the message?

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

How about the female speakers that show cleavage :lachen:
Those are my favorite... I love women's conferences but some of them need to put on a COAT just like the rest of the women!
Many wear coats, but some just have to bring out the girls! Come on guys I came here for u to set the example! :lachen:

Godly women should always wear a coat :lachen:
If our govt. had reformed under Clinton, and he begged over and over again, we wouldn't need govt.-sponsored stimulus. We are in a very serious economic condition and not just this country. They don't tell us it's crashed to a certain degree because they want to still the fears. I've got friends the world over and they all are suffering to some degree. Greed brought this on, from the French banks to Wall Street. I don't know about you, but several of us have lost thousands if not 10's of thousands of dollars in the stock market and it was due to greed of higher ups who had access. I am happy for people to get helped now and it should have happened years ago...to avoid this mess...but we are funding the greedy who stole from us to get us out of this mess.

The porno ads? In the CF, sometimes there's a lady in a brown shirt with major boobage hanging out and something about G-d in the message...then the lady in white, laying down, major cleavage hanging out. I also noticed that ad on Youtube...whenever I played a christian vid lol!

What ad is that? :laugh:

Are you referring to my thread? ... I didn't see any ads like that.. :nono:

I can understand what you're saying about the economy. But contrary to what the media is stimulating..the economy ISN'T getting any worse, it's fundamentally stable if not steadily growing. I'm no alarmist, but I've worked in media long enough to know when they start "stimulating" :laugh: I like that these "programs" are yielding from all this stimulating that are leveling the field for people who really could benefit. Not greedy people. Just people who have been praying for housing for their children, for food to feed their families, etc. Good stewards of their finances. I'm glad these "stimuli" are in place, to benefit them.

God bless
To the bolded: ITA, then they wouldn't have had the need to "create" stimuli :yep:

Hmm... that ad has been in a my face a while but I never thought to click on it.

This "Lord" has nothing to do with Jesus. wow.. is all I can say. :peek:

God bless

If our govt. had reformed under Clinton, and he begged over and over again, we wouldn't need govt.-sponsored stimulus. We are in a very serious economic condition and not just this country. They don't tell us it's crashed to a certain degree because they want to still the fears. I've got friends the world over and they all are suffering to some degree. Greed brought this on, from the French banks to Wall Street. I don't know about you, but several of us have lost thousands if not 10's of thousands of dollars in the stock market and it was due to greed of higher ups who had access. I am happy for people to get helped now and it should have happened years ago...to avoid this mess...but we are funding the greedy who stole from us to get us out of this mess.

The porno ads? In the CF, sometimes there's a lady in a brown shirt with major boobage hanging out and something about G-d in the message...then the lady in white, laying down, major cleavage hanging out. I also noticed that ad on Youtube...whenever I played a christian vid lol!
Please write a book Shimmie! Pretty please?
I don't think I can fill one up. I lack enough words.... :look:

Just kidding. :lachen:

In due season. I know the Lord is leading to do so. When I write, it's loving prayers flowing from His heart to mine.
The Viking-looking Evony dude is much better...sigh of relief...how long will that last?

But anyhoo....

To grow involves pain that seems unbearable at times. L-rd, help me not to give up when the pressures are literally crushing the life from me. It's just not fair that I bear the brunt of all this...
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Never have I posted so much in this Random comments... but my eyes were opened today and a question I had answered unexpectedly. Now I know why we even have to mandate ethics courses in college, because we do not comprehend "thou shalt not steal." We need specifics these days because we have become so very confused. This 7th generation...the most difficult time mankind has had spiritually. If we do not turn things around, we will lose the future. Those Native prophecies were right because scripture confirms these latter days. I'm glad that we are being awakened before it is too late...just hope mankind will act and soon. We are losing time.
More grace Lord, more grace...

Show me how to be patient, have longsuffering, kind and show me how to love through my pain. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
And the Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me ....

.... I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth!

("Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns)

Im having a rough day but im gonna say thank you jesus anyway. People have it alot worse than i do. Sometimes its hard to keep going but i know the lord is with me always. Thank you jesus, i will praise you through good and bad. Thank you.
Im having a rough day but im gonna say thank you jesus anyway. People have it alot worse than i do. Sometimes its hard to keep going but i know the lord is with me always. Thank you jesus, i will praise you through good and bad. Thank you.


God says, He heard you... and you made Him smile today. :Rose:

:yep: Yes, you did...

Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is WELL PLEASED.... :Rose:

Matthew 12:18

... thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee.

Isaiah 30:19
I know God has glorious plans for my love life, therefore I must be paitent although it sure is getting hard.

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
As I start to begin my walk with Jesus I hope to become more comfortable in trusting people to help me in this walk. For it is not a walk I can do on my own. I hope my feeble attempts to let others know the truth of my hearts desires do not get drowned out by the hustle and bustle of daily life or buried in a stack of Junk email. Jesus teach me how to pray and be still and have patience (esp this). All the glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pple always think that religion is constricting but what about human's rules: dont wear this after a certain age, dont do certain activities after a certain age, dont wear that cause its unfashionable, wait three days or something after a date to call the other person, a certain look is more desired at a certain time, you ought to be as thin as possible be a size 0 y'all!!, be a certain skin tone, have a certain hairstyle, have kids at a certain time, your butt should be a certain size, after a certain age you should be taken to the backyard and shot in the face because your life according to society is over.

So really what is more restrictive? why is it that pple dont mind jumping through all these hoops for humans but find all the excuses under the sun not to follows God's rules? food for thought
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wow! This is one of the wisest posts I've read yet! ITA

God bless

Pple always think that religion is constricting but what about human's rules: dont wear this after a certain age, dont do certain activities after a certain age, dont wear that cause its unfashionable, wait three days or something after a date to call the other person, a certain look is more desired at a certain time, you ought to be as thin as possible be a size 0 y'all!!, be a certain skin tone, have a certain hairstyle, have kids at a certain time, your butt should be a certain size, after a certain age you should be taken to the backyard and shot in the face because your life according to society is over.

So really what is more restrictive? why is it that pple dont mind jumping through all these hoops for humans but find all the excuses under the sun not to follows God's rules? food for thought
Hebrews 12:14-16 (New King James Version)

14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: 15 looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;

The 'root' of bitterness is unresolved anger.


Please heal your people of unresolved anger. It is destroying their lives and their witness. Start with me.

"Stay in line with God’s Word and all the waters troubling your life will have to part to allow you to pass through to VICTORY" --

Quoted by: Ever Increasing Faith Ministries -- Sept 3, 2009
My skin is crawling looking at those images...trypophobia....yikes! I'm scratching like crazy. L-rd, please remove all bad images from my mind so I can rest in perfect peace...in Your arms.
I'm falling in love with Jesus again :love5: I have been feeling His love so strongly lately. It's been YEARS since I felt this way :drunk:.
I'm falling in love with Jesus again :love5: I have been feeling His love so strongly lately. It's been YEARS since I felt this way :drunk:.

Isn't this the best feeling ever? Isn't it awesome when you can feel and sense HIS nearness, and HIS love so strong all around you and inside your heart? It is a feeling of overwhelming peace and joy.
