Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

I wonder if the dear Lord will see fit to bless me with a child one day :scratchch
Sometimes I think I would rather not ever have any, but whenever I see a mother with her little one my heart craves that so bad...
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I wonder if the dear Lord will see fit to bless me with a child one day :scratchch
Sometimes I think I would rather not ever have any, but whenever I see a mother with her little one my heart craves that so bad...

As caring as you are i know you would be a wonderful mother. There is so much joy in the little ones. When ever im down i see my baby smiling and it brings joy to my heart. Its work and sacrafice but it is so worth it to me, i would not change a thing. Peace and blessings to you lamara.

God is good all day everyday, Even when we change he remains the same.
How deep the Father's love is for us.. so deep that He is willing to change our hearts so that we have the capacity to love him back. We love Him because He first loved us ... He is love and the point of this life is to receive His love, be continually transformed by His love, and walk in His love more and more.

Everything He commands and takes us through comes from a place love...
Thank you god for waking me up this morning and for letting me see another day. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Thank you for letting me be able to go to work today. In the name of jesus i pray amen.
Psalm 8:4
'What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?'

Father thank you so much for loving and caring for little old me.
Good Morning All,

I've been reading through a few threads lately and I'm seeing some serious problems among some of us. I refuse to take "sides" because there is no point in such a position. I lurked the LHCF for almost a year before joining and the CF was a large reason I joined.

After thinking and reading and thinking some more, I was lead to post my personal scriptural motto.

Psalms 34:14- "Turn from evil, do good, seek peace and pursue it"

This scripture has keep me from so many pointless arguments and disagreements through the years. Most arguments have very little to do with the other person. Once we are secure in our own beliefs, who care what others think? There have been plenty of threads I don't respond to because it's not worth loosing my peace over.

There are plenty of things I believe are right and true about being a Christian that most of you wouldn't agree with. I don't discuss them much on the forum because I know that some responses would upset the peace I have so I just let it be. God knows my heart and when He see fit for me to change, then I will.

Seeking and pursuing peace isn't posting sarcastic messages back and forth or making snide remarks in "coded" language. :nono:

It's agreeing to disagree and letting God do the rest. :yep:

Seeking His face should be our only concern ladies. I honestly think we've lost that focus.:look:

PEACE and blessings...

Amen, thank you for this wonderful post
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I wonder if the dear Lord will see fit to bless me with a child one day :scratchch
Sometimes I think I would rather not ever have any, but whenever I see a mother with her little one my heart craves that so bad...
Thanks Lamara... :yep:

Also, a baby would love having you for a 'Mommie'... :giveheart:
Thanks... I never even notice that! :yep:
Neither did I... :lol:

Check your PM.. In a few moments I'm sending you a special message of thanks. I truly appreciate your loving words of encouragement. :Rose:
God please grant me the strength to be patient i can't do it alone.

Precious Sister Colocha... :kiss:

You don't have to be the 'strong' one in this situation anymore. God has heard your cry and you can look up and stare this issue in the eye and say...

"Who art thou, O' great Mountain?" Who art thou? My God has trampled you under His foot. He has made you, His footstool and mine. You have been leveled to the ground. Leveled into 'fine dust'. Dust to fill the voids and the cracks in the path upon which I walk into the Plan, Purpose and Destiny that God has for me.

As I walk, I arise to new levels and new heights which God has placed me upon. I endure no shame nor blame for God is the 'Lifter of My Head.' He assures me that I have no fear, nothing to dread.

Who art thou, O' Great Mountain? Who art thou? It's no longer you that I see, when I look up, for now I'm standing and walking upon you. While looking up, all I can see is the Glory of God My Father completely around me, forever more.

Who art thou O' Great Mountain? No longer able to put fear in me.

Thank you Jesus, for when I have no strength of my own, you are always here, on the inside of me, keeping me strong, all along. Jesus Christ, My Lord. :Rose:

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

........Who art thou, O great mountain?

(Zachariah 4:6-7)

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Psalm 8:4
'What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?'

Father thank you so much for loving and caring for little old me.

Amen! Sis, this is exactly how I feel today! Thank you Jesus for loving me.
When no one else cares about my inner stuggles O lord you were there to wipe away my tears and tell me it is all going to be okay. Thank you for delivering me through my tribulations No one will ever love me like you do. Temptations will still come but I will never turn away from you because you were there...always you were there.
It's a POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something'

Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set free!
Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health

I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised Against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I declare:
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
**our Households are blessed;
** our health is blessed;
** our marriages are blessed;
** our finances are blessed;
** our relationships are blessed;
** our businesses are blessed;
** our jobs are blessed;
** our children are blessed;
** our grandchildren are blessed;
** our parents are blessed;
** our siblings are blessed;
** our ministries are blessed;
** our decisions are blessed;
** our friends are blessed.
** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.


Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW.Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God.

A kid asked Jesus... how much do u love me? Jesus replied, 'I love! you this much.' and he stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.
Hmmm, does anyone know where Nice and Wavy has been? I get concerned when I don't see someone who is a regular post...
Praying all is well with her.
My heart can't stop singing to the Lord! :). I'm deep in love with You Lord!

Deep in Love - Michael W. Smith

Sitting at Your feet is where I want to be
I'm home when I am here with You
Ruined by Your grace, enamored by Your gaze
I can't resist the tenderness in You

I'm deep in love with You, Abba Father
I'm deep in love with You, Lord
My heart, it beats for You, precious Jesus
I'm deep in love with You Lord

Humbled and amazed that You would call my name
I never have to search again
There's a deep desire that's burning like a fire
To know You as my closest friend

Lord, my redeemer, Your blood runs through my veins
My love for You is deeper than it was yesterday
I enter through the curtain, parted by Your grace
Oh, Your the lover of my soul

Hmmm, does anyone know where Nice and Wavy has been? I get concerned when I don't see someone who is a regular post...
Praying all is well with her.
She's doing fine. :yep: Taking a break for Ministry and spending precious time with family. I know she will love and receive your prayers. :Rose:
These songs are such a beautiful testimony, I'll let them do the talking for me today:

All my help, comes from the LORD
All my help, comes from the LORD
All my needs, He will supply
All my help, all of my help, comes from the LORD


Lord I love you, yes I love you
How I love you, I really love you
Just for who you are, in all of your glory
My heart sings, holy holy

You are everything, I need you to be
You are the great... I AM!

Be blessed CF sisters!
You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your care you watched over my life.

Job 10:12 NCV

My God, My God, My God.... How many times have you saved me over and over and over again from all of life's troubles and cares. How many, can never be counted, for it out numbers the stars and the grains of sand. There is no estimation in the minds of man.

My God, how much I do love you. With all of my heart. My God.

The Lord Jesus Christ.... Amen.... :Rose:
Psalm 32

1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit.

3 When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah
5 I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah

6 For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You
In a time when You may be found;
Surely in a flood of great waters
They shall not come near him.
7 You are my hiding place;
You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah

Lord, I had a wonderful day today!!! Thank You Lord for giving me life, family, good friends, and a good loving fiance!!!

Thank You Father for the opportunities You allow to be presented to me, and thank You for the doors You keep opening for me.

Without You Dear Lord, I would be nothing, I would have nothing, and I would accomplish nothing.

Dear Lord, because of You I cry tears of joy and relief. Because of You Dear Father I know that everything will eventually be alright. Actually no, not simply alright, things will be great!!!

I love you Dear Lord and I am so grateful to know you.
Ladies, one of my favorite professors' son had a really bad accident. He is only seven and was at day camp. Somehow one of the other children got hold of a hammer and hit Ryan's hand, causing his middle finger on the left hand to be completely severed :nono:

He has since had surgery to have the finger reattached, (this all happened over the weekend). The doctors are concerned that they might have to amputate the finger as the skin has started to turn black. They have scheduled another surgery to see what else can be done.

Please pray for little Ryan that he heals and that he is able to avoid infection. Even if it is the Lord's will that he lose the finger, please pray that he is able to come through a second surgery with no additional harm, as his mom told me that he had a very hard time coming out of the anesthesia after the first surgery. Thank you all for any prayers you can send for Ryan.
Ladies, one of my favorite professors' son had a really bad accident. He is only seven and was at day camp. Somehow one of the other children got hold of a hammer and hit Ryan's hand, causing his middle finger on the left hand to be completely severed :nono:

He has since had surgery to have the finger reattached, (this all happened over the weekend). The doctors are concerned that they might have to amputate the finger as the skin has started to turn black. They have scheduled another surgery to see what else can be done.

Please pray for little Ryan that he heals and that he is able to avoid infection. Even if it is the Lord's will that he lose the finger, please pray that he is able to come through a second surgery with no additional harm, as his mom told me that he had a very hard time coming out of the anesthesia after the first surgery. Thank you all for any prayers you can send for Ryan.

Dear lord there is no one above you, i pray for the healing of ryan. You are a wonderful and merciful god, you are a healing god lord, please grant him your strength and peace, and wrap him in your arms father. In the name of jesus i pray amen.
My mother called me a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night in a panic. She said she's worried about my brother and can't shake the feeling. We called and called and got no answer. We both knew something was wrong. His commander said that he was out to sea. That's right, he was going on tour. We calm down. 2 weeks later we get a call. My brother was released from the hospital. He had been flown off of the ship to a hospital nearby. He had swine flu. For 2 weeks he lie in a hospital room all alone. The military did not contact us. Nobody cared. But God did. They thought he was going to die, but little did they know, my mother and I prayed night and day for him because we knew something was not right. He's still recovering, but he has been released from the hospital. Glory be to God.
Psalm 91...

9 Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
1 Timothy 1:5
The goal of this command is Love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
