Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son.

I was wondering why the Lord was not granting me what I was praying for but I realised it is cause I was asking for the wrong thing. Now He has led me to what my heart truly desires even though i didnt know it. I knew He would never forsake me.
I am very grateful to the body of Christ and I have been learning so much through my pastor lately the power that we have access to as a collective - more than we have as individuals, and how God intended the body to act in unity to further the kingdom and strengthen believers. The mystery of the church is one that the enemy seeks to hide from believers through cynicism about churches, past negative experiences, isolation, and pride.

I also gotta say that the CF often blesses me in surprising ways. I've been struggling with a lot of heaviness and oppression in my mind lately and today while meditating and praying while reading over a thread I felt that thing break up off me. My mind is now clear and I have a light and joyful heart :clap:

So when you have something on your heart from the Lord, share it, even if you feel awkward or that it's not important - you never know who's reading and needed that word. Believers are to minister to each other and in our fellowship the Spirit's anointing is multiplied to break the yoke of bondage. Praise the Lord!
I'm really getting tired of these threads about evil/illuminati/mind controlled artists...

Seriously, I don't post in the CF all that much (especially because I've gotten called a spirit or the devil and whatnot) but I do find encouragement in many of the threads. I don't find any encouragement in this preoccupation with the illuminati. None at all.
I'm really getting tired of these threads about evil/illuminati/mind controlled artists...

Seriously, I don't post in the CF all that much (especially because I've gotten called a spirit or the devil and whatnot) but I do find encouragement in many of the threads. I don't find any encouragement in this preoccupation with the illuminati. None at all.

i agree with this wholeheartedly. :yep:
not to call anyone out, but i feel like these threads serve little purpose.
Raspberry,,,, my heart was so blessed to read this post!!

God is here ...and always will be. Thank you Jesus! :clap:


I am very grateful to the body of Christ and I have been learning so much through my pastor lately the power that we have access to as a collective - more than we have as individuals, and how God intended the body to act in unity to further the kingdom and strengthen believers. The mystery of the church is one that the enemy seeks to hide from believers through cynicism about churches, past negative experiences, isolation, and pride.

I also gotta say that the CF often blesses me in surprising ways. I've been struggling with a lot of heaviness and oppression in my mind lately and today while meditating and praying while reading over a thread I felt that thing break up off me. My mind is now clear and I have a light and joyful heart :clap:

So when you have something on your heart from the Lord, share it, even if you feel awkward or that it's not important - you never know who's reading and needed that word. Believers are to minister to each other and in our fellowship the Spirit's anointing is multiplied to break the yoke of bondage. Praise the Lord!
Allow me to add my well wishes to you, too! :)

I pray that you and your soon-to-be hubby are blessed and satisfied with long life and that the peace of God, the Shalom of God abide and remain with you both.

This is my prayer to you, today.


:lachen::lachen::lachen: You're so silly!! And thank you for your well wishes, I cannot wait to be married :yep:
For what it's worth, I appreciate the occult threads. I like to know what the enemy looks like so I may protect myself and the one's I love from the influence. I'll be spending time over in the A&E forum so I can continue to learn more.

I teach preteens at Sunday school and being able to point out these symbols in pop culture to them has been a great help. My 14 yo baby sister has an email waiting for her to look at so she can stop being brainwashed by this mess. The information another tool I can use to persuade these babies to believe in God. Some may not see the value, but thanks to those who posted.
For what it's worth, I appreciate the occult threads. I like to know what the enemy looks like so I may protect myself and the one's I love from the influence. I'll be spending time over in the A&E forum so I can continue to learn more.

I teach preteens at Sunday school and being able to point out these symbols in pop culture to them has been a great help. My 14 yo baby sister has an email waiting for her to look at so she can stop being brainwashed by this mess. The information another tool I can use to persuade these babies to believe in God. Some may not see the value, but thanks to those who posted.

Hi goldie!

What is the A&E forum? Thanks!
Just before the threads were moved, someone posted a link to another forum where the topic was discussed on a regular basis. She said that those topics were usually in the A&E forum. She posted a link, but they were moved before I got a chance to use it... :sad:

I'm about to look around for it before I log off. If I find it, I'll post a link to it on this thread. Happy hunting.
Just before the threads were moved, someone posted a link to another forum where the topic was discussed on a regular basis. She said that those topics were usually in the A&E forum. She posted a link, but they were moved before I got a chance to use it... :sad:

I'm about to look around for it before I log off. If I find it, I'll post a link to it on this thread. Happy hunting.

hmmm let me know what you find...

I posted www.lenonhonorfilms.com b/c much of the video content is over there...

his thinking is interesting though.... but there is a lot of info to pick through and chew on...

He has a forum..the people are varied...interesting topics too...
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I learned a lot in the symbolism thread something that I had no idea was actually going on and therefore I am grateful for this forum for presenting it to me. its times like this when i wish I had a church because I miss the fellowship I had in my old one :(
I think I'm going to have to take a break from the Christian Forum, I just feel that it is loosing its purpose.

I will tell you sister what my grandmother taught me, take what you need and leave the rest alone. :hug3:When i come here i come for peace and to be with my sisters in christ and i leave the rest alone. May god bless and keep you always.
Recent locked thread made me go home and meditate on James 3 - the Holy Spirit is so wonderful...
How do you deal with something horrible that happened in the past which made you get off track... something that the devil uses against you each time you get close to God? Im sick and tired of it being the barrier between us everytime... I get close to my Father the devil tries to draw me back
Be magnified oh Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing you can't do
Oh Lord our eyes are on you
Be magnified...
Oh Lord, be magnified
How do the 'Thread Envelope' icons (located beside each thread subject line) know when to turn from the color 'blue' to the color 'red'?

I've always wondered about that. :yep: Hmmmm, :scratchch:
How do the 'Thread Envelope' icons (located beside each thread subject line) know when to turn from the color 'blue' to the color 'red'?

I've always wondered about that. :yep: Hmmmm, :scratchch:

According to the legend at the bottom it's when the thread has more than 75 replies or more than 400 views :yep: