Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

The Lord brought clarification for me to an issue today that I've wondered about for years; and I thought that perhaps the level of understanding that I had with regard to the issue was where it was going to stay. I had even stopped asking.

Well today, I sensed that I was beginning to fall into doubt and self pity and so I began to re-read exerpts from Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza. She is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide and has written on of the most powerful stories of faith and forgiveness that I've ever read or heard. I wanted to re-read her story to remind myself of what faith in the midst of true suffering and heartache looks like.

As I was reading her story, I felt myself being drawn closer to the Lord, and I was given a specific scripture to pray with and for my sister; which I promptly did. In the midst of praying for my sister, BOOM, total clarification to a question that I'd had for years came! It was beautiful to me beyond words; I just couldn't stop praising Him along with my sister!

This is just another way of God reminding me that He does care and that He is ALWAYS listening to us and even in the midst of incomplete understanding, as long as we're totally focused on Him, we'll have everything we need for that moment. The lesson I learned today was that we can always ask, but the answer will come only when He's ready to give it, in the meantime we must always simply trust Him and trust that he loves us and will always act on our behalf and do what is best for us even if we don't fully understand (and most often we won't)

I know it's long, but God did something wonderful for me today, and I wanted to share it with each of you.:love2:
What a cherished blessing, "SouthernStyle". And God's blessings are never too long, but always just right. :Rose:

The story you shared made me feel as if I were there; it's a lesson well shared and well received. God's time, for everything has it's season. With a perfect God as our Father, perfect timing is a gift to be treasured. :Rose:
1 Peter 5:8

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Go find your place of worship
Look into your pain and find your praise
Every low place in your life
Prepared you for your hard place
Every tear you cried is water for
The garden of your victory

And even though you're in the valley,
Victory comes through your adversity
Go find your place of worship

Thank you Lord for inspiring the writer of this beautiful song (sung by Marvin Sapp). I need to absorb this into my spirit today.

My once friend does not comprehend me and thinks I do not see clearly... and looks for me elsewhere in others. But I am still right here and I see very clearly and do not have on blinders.
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My once friend does not comprehend me and thinks I do not see clearly... and looks for me elsewhere in others. But I am still right here and I see very clearly and do not have on blinders.
I don't understand anyway of you all half the time but I still care for you all and pray for all my LHCF sisters everyday.
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I want us all to forgive and forget past hurts, insults, and disrespect, whether it was real or imagined. I have no scripture to reference right now regarding forgiveness, as I was moved to post this right now. I can quote Nelson Mandela though, and he said 'holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die'.

Let it go and let it be ladies. The energy we are wasting on this animosity and backbiting can be spent on prayer and worship for our Dear Lord. I am not calling out anyone in specific, I am speaking to each and every last one of you. Let's not hurt each other anymore, rather let's spend that energy trying to uplift each other, even if you believe everyone isn't deserving of it because you never know what the next person is going through at any given time.

If I have have hurt or offended anyone on this forum, I take this time now to humble myself and apologize and seek your forgiveness. I implore each of you to do the same, whether privately or in here or however you please.

Be Blessed....

We had a Tornado in our area and surrounding Counties tonight.

In between the posts I took cover in my closet like this.... :peek: :look:

In truth, I never feared; I knew God's presence was with me. He spoke to my heart to be at peace, the storm was passing over us.

There was heavy rain and thunder; the winds were calm. Praise God. There are no reports of any harm to others. I'm praying as I'm listening to the news right now. I don't want anyone hurt. :nono:
We had a Tornado in our area and surrounding Counties tonight.

In between the posts I took cover in my closet like this.... :peek: :look:

In truth, I never feared; I knew God's presence was with me. He spoke to my heart to be at peace, the storm was passing over us.

There was heavy rain and thunder; the winds were calm. Praise God. There are no reports of any harm to others. I'm praying as I'm listening to the news right now. I don't want anyone hurt. :nono:

God always protects his lambs. Sleep well tonight knowing that He has blanketed you in protection and love.
Thank you Heavenly Father that it is You who has the final say, and the ultimate judge. It is You who holds the keys to Heaven.

Let the words of our mouth, and the meditation of our heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, our strength, and our redeemer. Psalm 19.14
We had a Tornado in our area and surrounding Counties tonight.

In between the posts I took cover in my closet like this.... :peek: :look:

In truth, I never feared; I knew God's presence was with me. He spoke to my heart to be at peace, the storm was passing over us.

There was heavy rain and thunder; the winds were calm. Praise God. There are no reports of any harm to others. I'm praying as I'm listening to the news right now. I don't want anyone hurt. :nono:

Ill be praying for you all shimmie you must be quite near me. We live by what we call here tornado alley, god is with us all the time. Please keep us updated.
God always protects his lambs. Sleep well tonight knowing that He has blanketed you in protection and love.

Thank you, Lamara :kiss: I have to be around to buy and use the Rice cooker you shared with me. :lol:

Ill be praying for you all shimmie you must be quite near me. We live by what we call here tornado alley, god is with us all the time. Please keep us updated.
Hi La Colocha :kiss: I'll be praying for you too, angel. I'm on the east coast; this weekend I'm in Maryland and it's really rare for a storm to be this close and to cover so much territory. Are you on the eastcoast as well or the midwest?

Wherever you are, my heart and prayers cover you and your loved ones. Your life and safety is precious beyond measure. God bless you sweetheart. :Rose:
Thank you, Lamara :kiss: I have to be around to buy and use the Rice cooker you shared with me. :lol:

Hi La Colocha :kiss: I'll be praying for you too, angel. I'm on the east coast; this weekend I'm in Maryland and it's really rare for a storm to be this close and to cover so much territory. Are you on the eastcoast as well or the midwest?

Wherever you are, my heart and prayers cover you and your loved ones. Your life and safety is precious beyond measure. God bless you sweetheart. :Rose:

Thank you dear shimmie im in the midwest. My prayers are with you and your loved ones also. May god bless you for being so kind:hug3:.
Thank you dear shimmie im in the midwest. My prayers are with you and your loved ones also. May god bless you for being so kind:hug3:.
For you Darlin'...

He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

(Psalm 107: 29)

For all of the storms of your life, they shall not prevail nor come nigh thee, for there is peace in the midst, surpassing all understanding.

Have a wonderful and blessed day...enjoy the sunshine. :kiss:
Dont be concerned about what other people do or think of you for you do not know their hearts, as long as you are right with the Lord then you will be forever blessed
Bizat HaShem, bizat HaShem.....always praying if G-d's will, then be done....

NES GADOL!!!!!! A big miracle baruch hu!!!!! G-d gave me a miracle of the full value which I wasn't expecting. Now I can take care of some things right at the right moment. Now help me with the next phase, L-rd. Sometimes when you just give up, not despairing, just throw all worries under the bus...G-d will give you peace about it. It might seem crazy to just let it go but just let it go...no worries. Abati, todah rabah
Facing the giants was a really good movie, I think i cried through the whole thing. In the good and bad times god is good.
You are protected by the Most High, Maker of the Mountains and the Sea... :yep:

I'm glad to see you have peace in the midst of a storm and are doing just fine!


For you Darlin'...

He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

(Psalm 107: 29)

For all of the storms of your life, they shall not prevail nor come nigh thee, for there is peace in the midst, surpassing all understanding.

Have a wonderful and blessed day...enjoy the sunshine. :kiss:
You are protected by the Most High, Maker of the Mountains and the Sea... :yep:

I'm glad to see you have peace in the midst of a storm and are doing just fine!


Thank you, Precious Laela. These prayers are for you as well.

For whosoever will. :giveheart:
I've become a stereotype. Joined a church and stopped going. I need to get back into the habit of attending and reading my Bible daily. Why is it so easy to slip back into old habits?
I've become a stereotype. Joined a church and stopped going. I need to get back into the habit of attending and reading my Bible daily. Why is it so easy to slip back into old habits?

We all go through 'Seasons of Change'. :kiss:

Your harvest and renewal is in effect. Just flow with the change as God takes you by the hand, loving you all the way through. He won't let you go.

He loves you; just as 'Daddy' holds the hand of his little girl while crossing the busy city streets, and picks her up to embrace her from the fear of the roaring traffic and sirens and whistles and trains gone awry; God is embracing you through the city streets of change. He covers your little ears from the screeching noise and He softly whispers, it's okay, Daddy has you, don't cry.

The light is still 'Red'. But in a minute, it will say, 'Walk' and you be crossing with Daddy for a special treat indeed, as only a Lady Duchesse should.

Love and blessings... :Rose:
Looking at another's faults one day, humbled the next when you stumble and bus' your head in the same area. Life is funny like that, you gotta take the test til you pass it! Help me Lord.
But if our state was "no-fault," how will they prove anything for an annulment? Hmmm. And I finally found those papers....
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We all go through 'Seasons of Change'. :kiss:

Your harvest and renewal is in effect. Just flow with the change as God takes you by the hand, loving you all the way through. He won't let you go.

He loves you; just as 'Daddy' holds the hand of his little girl while crossing the busy city streets, and picks her up to embrace her from the fear of the roaring traffic and sirens and whistles and trains gone awry; God is embracing you through the city streets of change. He covers your little ears from the screeching noise and He softly whispers, it's okay, Daddy has you, don't cry.

The light is still 'Red'. But in a minute, it will say, 'Walk' and you be crossing with Daddy for a special treat indeed, as only a Lady Duchesse should.

Love and blessings... :Rose:

Please write a book Shimmie! Pretty please?
:laugh: this was a bit amusing...but oh, so true :)

Lord help me to past the test!

It's funny I just read this because today's quote from my fave radio show was "The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice you give to others"

Looking at another's faults one day, humbled the next when you stumble and bus' your head in the same area. Life is funny like that, you gotta take the test til you pass it! Help me Lord.
I realize that when I love a church, I have no "need" for tv ministry. Nothing wrong with Joyce, Creflo or TD but I don't seek them out anymore. They helped me through some tough times but now I think I have a church home. I spend more time there than I have at any other church in the past and I am enjoying that -- to my surprise. Bible study. Sunday school. Service.

This is why I think churches need to have series and not just seminars. My old church had a serminar every now and then but no classes. No series. I need that. I was in school too long just to be satisfied with a session every now and then.

Praise God for directing my steps to my church home.
God puts His people in specific places for specific purposes at specific times, I feel so comforted by this. Thank you Father for the people you've placed around me for such a time as this.
Pookiwah, you sure do come up with some timely gems! :rosebud:

Please keep it up, and God bless!
