I'll check in too.
-I worked out 4/5 days this week
-Drank more water (only one half cup of juice)
-Did not wash my hair Wednesday (that was torture), but am getting it done tomorrow for a dust/trim (last one done in June)
-Nearly no hair maitenance this week
Check in!! I decided to go back to bunning early. I've been bunning since last week and enjoying it. I'm excited to see how much I actually can grow in a month since I've never really measured it.
Checking in. I DC on Saturday and cowashed today. I can't believe I went 3 days without cowashing! It was HARD. Put hair in 5 large twists and will wear up until Friday.
checkin in girls!
DC'd and rollerset on Sunday, wore it in a bun yesterday. I'll probably co-wash and DC, airdry and twist tomorrow night, like I usually do. Only difference in my regimen is I'm doing consistent cardio (at least a mile of running a day) and massaging my scalp at night with a dab of coconut oil. Can't wait til I get some half-wigs next week, I'll be PS-ing thru the new year!!
update: I straightened my hair on the first so I wanna update my starting pic.


I decided to do a henna/indigo treatment last night. Since I just got my jbco I used that and some other organic conditioners to make my mix. It was a little watery compared to how I usually make it but it went on really easily. I still have it in my hair but I cant wait to see how it comes out
Checking in!

This past week, I did NOT keep to my no direct heat thing though, because I definitely flat ironed my roots. It's the power of the Sedu. :covereyes On the upside, I was able to take a real length picture, so I'll have one that's actually comparable.
And I drank like...40 ounces of water every two days. No bueno. :nono:

But besides that, I've been doing well with my reggie.
I moisturize and seal my hair in the morning before I put it up in a bun, and I baggy my ends with flexi-rods at night. I've also been oiling my scalp with JBCO..I only did it once this week, though.
And I've been taking all my vitamins erryday! :yay:

I'm going to be relaxing on the 21st (I made up my mind), and I'll be posting my final pictures on around the 30th. Hopefully, I'll see something.
I've been good this week - only DC 1x and co-washed 1x. I haven't used direct heat for 2 weeks, but I may flatiron for Christmas (if I'm not too lazy). I don't know if I'll get an inch this month, but we'll see!