High Protein 3 Month Challenge.....Any takers?

Hey everyone count me in too...
This will be my first challenge with LHCF but I'm trying to lose weight and actually started my diet (life plan) today. So this comes at a great time. Hope we all do well, actually I know we will. Will be incorporating fiber and grains by way of fruits, vegetables, and oats/bulgur. According to that site I need between 77-85. I just started the YOU diet so this will be in addition to that.
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Count me in too!!! My hair got a serious trim earlier this month, so I want to gain that back and MORE!!

Ditto, except I got a 2-3 inch cut. I am soooo IN.
Can I do this but eat protein bars daily instead of cooking food with high protein? I will cook food high in protein but I don't think I can cook all that protein in a day.

That calculator says I need a minimum of 62g of protein daily.
I'm in. I've been eating 2 egss a day for the past 2 weeks or so. I also eat yogurt, milk, nuts, beans, fish, etc. But how are you ladies getting to 100+ grams a day? That seems like a lot considering things I've been eating only have like 6 grams of protein per serving. :confused: I don't wanna do whey protein.
I am in. I just got my relaxer on 1/26 and I have pics. May 3rd is my 25th birthday so I cant wait to see what I will be rocking by then.
Can some one post a typical day for them what the eat to make up the protein grams. I would like to join but I want to get an idea of what you guys are eating now I am on atkins induction so no beans or nuts as of yet.
Keen said:
Can I do this but eat protein bars daily instead of cooking food with high protein? I will cook food high in protein but I don't think I can cook all that protein in a day.

That calculator says I need a minimum of 62g of protein daily.

Get it how you live dear! A long as you're consuming at least your minimum intake! :)
bmoreflyygirl said:
I'm in. I've been eating 2 egss a day for the past 2 weeks or so. I also eat yogurt, milk, nuts, beans, fish, etc. But how are you ladies getting to 100+ grams a day? That seems like a lot considering things I've been eating only have like 6 grams of protein per serving. :confused: I don't wanna do whey protein.

I drink a lot of protein shakes. I just double and sometimes triple on my scoops then I eat like 2-3 eggs or maybe some tuna. You get the picture. Find some protein powder that you can stomach and appeal to YOUR taste buds. Do a search for protein shakes and see what you might like. You can also drink Boost or umm I forgot the other one. Its by the Slim Fast and Boost in Wal-Mart.
cece22 said:
Can some one post a typical day for them what the eat to make up the protein grams. I would like to join but I want to get an idea of what you guys are eating now I am on atkins induction so no beans or nuts as of yet.

See my typical day in the above post.
I need 73gms I am going to do the Whey protein drinks, any thoughts on Whey protein? What is Whey?
WhipEffectz1 said:
I've acheived myriad success with eating eggs, drinking protein shakes, and occassional cans of tuna. I attribute it to the thickness of my hair, which I had been working on for some time. Imo, there's nothing like a healthy thick head of hair which has been one of my goals more than length. So.....now that I have the health I want, I am on a quest for length. I already take protein from time to time but I just want to make it an everyday thing. Any takers??????

I also think we should take before and after pictures as I strongly believe in documenting progress because a picture is worth a million words. My starting pic is in my siggy. I am aiming for 3-4 inches during a 3 month span. This is not for the faint at heart. I'm on a mission!!!!!!

The challenge will start on February 1st and commence on May 1. Also, you can post what you have consumed on a daily basis.

**** Here a link to calculate your daily minimum protein intake. www.healthcalculators.org/calculators/protein.asp***

Hey WhipEffectz i m down for the cause!!!:p you ll get the results!!! i wanna join lol i m already doing it and trust me the high protein and sulfur diet thickened my hair something fierrrrrrrrrrrce its never ever been that thick i consume a lot of eggs, protein shakes, fish very high protein and daily so the start day is february 1st hum 3months is good i m trying to achieve around 4-5inches hihi i m really on it im check the calculator chica thanks i m game lol:p ;) :D
ekomba said:
Hey WhipEffectz i m down for the cause!!!:p you ll get the results!!! i wanna join lol i m already doing it and trust me the high protein and sulfur diet thickened my hair something fierrrrrrrrrrrce its never ever been that thick i consume a lot of eggs, protein shakes, fish very high protein and daily so the start day is february 1st hum 3months is good i m trying to achieve around 4-5inches hihi i m really on it im check the calculator chica thanks i m game lol:p ;) :D

Ummm yesssssssiiirrrrrrr, I was thinking of you when I posted this thread. So in essence, you're the inspiration for this challenge!! Naw mean???!!!!
WhipEffectz1 said:
I've acheived myriad success with eating eggs, drinking protein shakes, and occassional cans of tuna. I attribute it to the thickness of my hair, which I had been working on for some time. Imo, there's nothing like a healthy thick head of hair which has been one of my goals more than length. So.....now that I have the health I want, I am on a quest for length. I already take protein from time to time but I just want to make it an everyday thing. Any takers??????

I also think we should take before and after pictures as I strongly believe in documenting progress because a picture is worth a million words. My starting pic is in my siggy. I am aiming for 3-4 inches during a 3 month span. This is not for the faint at heart. I'm on a mission!!!!!!

The challenge will start on February 1st and commence on May 1. Also, you can post what you have consumed on a daily basis.

**** Here a link to calculate your daily minimum protein intake. www.healthcalculators.org/calculators/protein.asp***

Please eloborate on the thickness, is it thickness as in growing new strands of hair or the diameter of each strand? How long did it take before you noticed?
I'm in! I've been on a carb-cycling diet (alternating high and low-carb days) since December, and it's worked wonders for me. I've also increased my protein uptake because of this diet. The link posted earlier recommends 83 grams of protein daily for me. I don't know exactly how much I currently consume, but I know that I do have some protein at each meal. I also have at least one whey protein drink (I :love: Jay Robb's whey protein!) per day - 1 scoop = 24 g protein.:)

Other protein sources in my diet:

Low fat cheese
Soybeans (I adore edamame!)
WhipEffectz1 said:
Ummm yesssssssiiirrrrrrr, I was thinking of you when I posted this thread. So in essence, you're the inspiration for this challenge!! Naw mean???!!!!

lollll thanks chica :p i want my hair silky and shiny like yours:eek: hehe oh i use the Designer whey french vanilla girl u double and triple your doses :eek: :lol: u remind me when i did that but just double 2 scoops daily !!!!!!!!!!!with 2% milk omg my hair sprouted to the roof:eek: but i got fatter:mad: and the eggs, spinach, tilapia, i eat pouches of salmon, cans of tuna i love to snack on those, arnold 7 grain bread with butter and smoked turkey....apples, citruses, almonds and the twinlab amino fuel lol i think my protein intake is very high lol:D the hair stays so puffy and thick no way to lay it:lachen:
gn1g said:
Please eloborate on the thickness, is it thickness as in growing new strands of hair or the diameter of each strand? How long did it take before you noticed?
Well, I saw an improvement in both. As to how long it took, I've been using forms of protein off and on for about a year, so I really began to notice it around the second half of the year.
I'm in!!!!! I need 73 grams daily but my aim is 100 - 120 a day!

Here something that may help us all out!

keluric said:

PrincessDiva graciously shared a delicious recipe to help us get to our recommended 100g of protein per day for healthy hair growth. I'm posting a more health-conscious version with MORE protein, less fat and less cholesterol.


1 15 oz. can Salmon (drained, flaked) - 85 grams Protein
1 can Tuna (drained, flaked) - 32.5 grams Protein
10 Jumbo Shrimp (thawed, chopped) - 10 grams Protein
8 oz. Barrilla Plus Multigrain Elbow Pasta - 40 grams Protein
4 tbsp. Hummus (or to desired consistency) - 6 grams Protein (or more)
6 Large Eggs (whites only) (boiled, chopped) - 21.6 grams Protein
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. black pepper
Fresh chives and fresh dill if you so desire


In a large bowl mix: Drained, cooked pasta; drained, flaked salmon; drained, flaked tuna; chopped shrimp and boiled, chopped egg whites

In another small bowl mix: 4 tbsp. hummus, chives, dill (if you wish), oregano and black pepper.

Gently fold hummus mixture with seafood mixture. Blend well. Refrigerate (overnight is best)

If you look at the label on real mayonnaise, you'll notice there's saturated fat and cholesterol but no protein. Hummus, on the other hand, is an useful substitute for recipes that call for something with a creamier consistency. Hummus has no saturated fat, no cholesterol and 3g of protein per serving.

This is a good meal to eat a few times a month as PrincessDiva mentioned but be careful with seafood and mercury levels. These are particularly high in tuna.

Another easy way to fit protein into your diet is to eat a handful of almonds once or twice a day. This can also curb your appetite. Plain yogurt (Fit & Active brand, for example) makes a great low-fat snack with 8 grams of protein per cup.

Thanks to PrincessDiva for sharing the original recipe.
i'm in, but how am i supposed to make these shakes edible? I wanna start Atkins on the first, which calls for 20 grams of Carbs or less for the first two weeks. I wanna actually try and stay on induction for a few more weeks than that. dont you have to add milk, fruits, yogurt etc to make these things edible? are there any protein shakes out there that would taste good with minimal stuff added to them?

ETA: i posted a thread about this in the Health forum so if anyone hasd an answer, please answer there so that it doesnt get lost in the shuffle if anyone else is wondering the same thing as I am :)
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toinette said:
i'm in, but how am i supposed to make these shakes edible? I wanna start Atkins on the first, which calls for 20 grams of Carbs or less for the first two weeks. I wanna actually try and stay on induction for a few more weeks than that. dont you have to add milk, fruits, yogurt etc to make these things edible? are there any protein shakes out there that would taste good with minimal stuff added to them?

I can't recommend Jay Robb's Whey Protein enough! It's low carb, high protein, no artificial sweetners or sugar, and it actually tastes good mixed with just water. For real. I've tried the chocolate and vanilla flavors, and both are delicious!

P.S.: You can order it online, or find it at some Vitamin Shoppe or Whole Foods stores.
I might get in on this. I need at least 67 grams of protein per day according to the calculator. I get the most at dinner because I always eat chicken or fish. Also, I've made the switch to whole grains as part of my head to toe challenge goals, so I'm getting more protein from whole grain pasta and stuff. I still don't think I make it to 67 every day, though. I think I need to eat more often and to plan what I'm going to eat instead of just going to the fridge and staring in for a minute :lol:

I looked through some older threads on protein and found this link that has the typical protein content of some common foods:


Edited to fix link
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preciousjewel76 said:
I can't recommend Jay Robb's Whey Protein enough! It's low carb, high protein, no artificial sweetners or sugar, and it actually tastes good mixed with just water. For real. I've tried the chocolate and vanilla flavors, and both are delicious!

P.S.: You can order it online, or find it at some Vitamin Shoppe or Whole Foods stores.

thank you sooo much. I'll stop my Whole Foods on Wednesday :)
preciousjewel76 said:
I can't recommend Jay Robb's Whey Protein enough! It's low carb, high protein, no artificial sweetners or sugar, and it actually tastes good mixed with just water. For real. I've tried the chocolate and vanilla flavors, and both are delicious!

P.S.: You can order it online, or find it at some Vitamin Shoppe or Whole Foods stores.
I purchased this last week, taste great but ummm it has me going to the ladies room alot:eek: