High Protein 3 Month Challenge.....Any takers?

I wanna join. I'm not taking any pictures until April though. I'll just use my last set of pics as my starting point. I'll be eating an egg daily, maybe some tuna here and there, I always eat chicken, and I will be drinking Spirutein vanilla shakes daily.
Hey everyone heres a chart with the eaxct grams in each servin of protein foods thought it would help. Print it out and put it in your purse and on your fridge.

Description Weight

Also, I notice alot of people use whey protein which is understandable most do, but I use a protein powder that is from milk protein (micellar casein) which is actually more gentler on the stomach and digests more slowly up to 7 hours. It also is the BEST protein shake I have ever tasted and low carb. You can only get it from this bodybuilding website (my brother is a body builder) and there is added information about exercise too. Those are for you who were having stomach problems or for those who want something more natural. I don't know if it would be for those who are lactose intolerant but you can search the protein.

Quote from website:
Micellar casein has antibacterial action; leads to increased nutrient absorption and even increased HDL levels; and it even has immuno-modulatory effects and opioid-like peptides that might ease achy joints and muscles.

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I'm gonna join in on this challenge too!! Wow my 2nd challenge LOL. I've been drinking a protein shake for almost a month now. It has 23g of protein and my suggested intake is 68. I guess I'll just drink 2 shakes a day and eat some boiled eggs. HHG
I'm in also. I love eggs and fish so this should be a breeze, I really don't want to have to drink the shakes though, My stomach has a strong gag reflex to anything new particularly if it involves milk. I can't add pictures as I'm on the hide your hair challenge so I guess the picture in my avatar will be my starting point.
I'd like to join:D I have already been gradually uping my proiten for the last month or so eating lotsa fish,eggs and milk and taking Twinlabs Amino Fuel. My minimum intake is 63.
Ill show my beginning and ending pics at the end of this challenge, since i am currently in the hide your hair challenge. My starting pic from there is not accurate since I recently BC'd my hair.
jaded_faerie said:
So when is the first check-in day?

Tomorrow, Feb. 1st!!! I've been double and triple scooping for my shakes because sometimes I have stuff to do and don't have time to go back and make another shake.
I am so in. According to the calculator I'll need 66grams per day.

I have been on a high protein diet for nearly a month now, and I noticed that the hair growth is much thicker.

My diet consists of:

2-3 eggs per day at breakfast
Sardines 2x per week
Chicken everyday for lunch
Strawberries and kiwi for breakfast
Holland & Barratt Hair vitamins with 100 grams of protein per tablet.

I'm quite interested to see the long term effects of a high protein diet.
Im in! I already do the shakes 2x a day after i wkout and eat chicken daily so this should be easy... i'm also gonna decrease my carb intake. good challange!
I don't have a recent picture either since I'm hiding my hair. I'll just have to use the one I took the first week of December before getting a weave. I know I've gotten at least an inch of growth since then. I'm doing pretty good with my protein though. I'm excited. :D
WhipEffectz1 said:
Tomorrow, Feb. 1st!!! I've been double and triple scooping for my shakes because sometimes I have stuff to do and don't have time to go back and make another shake.

Do you drink this all at once or save some for later? I would think it would turn lumpy?
gn1g said:
Do you drink this all at once or save some for later? I would think it would turn lumpy?

I use the blender so the texture comes out smooth. I usually do it all at once and if I have some leftover (its usually not that much say less than 4-5 ozs) then I put it in the fridge for later.
I'm in! I just recently increased my protein intake and have been eating soy nuts, soy crisps, 2 pieces of fish, and some chicken each day. I also have the twinlab protein vits but haven't started them yet. Is a high protein diet alright for pregnancy or diabetics? I havent been overdoing it but I'm still increasing my intake. My b4 pic is below, it is from December about 2 weeks after my trim.


im in...dont know how i missed this thread so im 10 days late...will start tomorrow the 11th and end May 11th. better late than neva.
And thanks precious...u know ill be using jay robbs whey chocolate shake...how do u make double and triple servings?:) do u double/triple the amount of scoops with the same amount of water you would normally use for one scoop????
hope the question makes sense!:lol:
scarcity21 said:
im in...dont know how i missed this thread so im 10 days late...will start tomorrow the 11th and end May 11th. better late than neva.
And thanks precious...u know ill be using jay robbs whey chocolate shake...how do u make double and triple servings?:) do u double/triple the amount of scoops with the same amount of water you would normally use for one scoop????
hope the question makes sense!:lol:

I just use two or three scoops and double/triple the amount of water. For instance, 1 serving is 1 scoop JR whey protein + 6 oz. water. For a double serving, I use 2 scoops and 12 oz. of water. I think using 2 scoops and only 6 oz. of liquid would be impossible to dissolve!
im a little late too but I will start today. I am currently doing the special k diet so I will be having protein shakes in between the meals and for dinner I will have chicken or fish with veggies and finish off the night with a protein shake for a late night snack ;) Does anyone know of a good tasting high protein mix. I currently drink the tahiti 40 from the noni line which has 20 grams of protein
preciousjewel76 said:
I just use two or three scoops and double/triple the amount of water. For instance, 1 serving is 1 scoop JR whey protein + 6 oz. water. For a double serving, I use 2 scoops and 12 oz. of water. I think using 2 scoops and only 6 oz. of liquid would be impossible to dissolve!

Thank you...it does make sense...i musta been having a dumb blonde moment there:lol:
Do you drink double doses at one time or just mix it at once and drink some now and save some for later? I thought the body would eliminate the excess.
gn1g said:
Do you drink double doses at one time or just mix it at once and drink some now and save some for later? I thought the body would eliminate the excess.

I don't do double doses very often, but I do sometimes. I drink it in one sitting. Double dose = 48 g protein; I'm not sure how much the body can digest at once, but this doesn't sound like an excessive amount to me.
I am in. i hope I'm not too late. I recently tried Bolthouse Farms High Protein Mocha Cappuccino. It has 19g of Protein in a small bottle (16 oz, I think) and it is very delicious. It tastes like Starbucks mocha frappuccino.
I want to join this. My goal is eat at least my minimum requirement (50g) each day. I'm doing it mostly for health though, I'm a vegetarian (pesco) and I've recently noticed that I may not consuming enough quality protein.

Specifically I'm thinking

Rice, quinoa, and other grains -- preferable in combinations since those provide the most complete forms
Anything else that's vegetarian and healthy

I'm starting today and will continue for life really. I won't be able to post any pics before Dec. as I'm in the Bootcamp challenge.
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Hmm, well I might as well join I'm doing about 48grams of protein each morning with a protein shake. I just mix my protein mix in with about 12oz of water and drink up. It tastes okay. I probably get another 12grams throughtout the day by eating lunch and dinner. I'm sure I'm getting at least 60g starting today. Prior to this I wasn't getting enough protein in my diet. I know that for a fact.

I'll try to post my progress soon. So far I get a little less than one inch a month. We'll see if the protein boosts my hair growth. (I hope, I hope!)
I am still going strong! I've been at it for a month counting today. Its become a habit to remind myself of my protein shakes and anything that will give me extra protein. I had newgrowth before I got my weave done on Feb 14th and now my braids are already L-O-O-S-E. :eek: It usually takes a month or so before my braids start getting loose. I am also losing weight (not that I am trying). I have also caught off caffeine, soda, and all meat except for fish and tuna (this is really helping my hair) because I gave up some things for the season of lent. I think thats all I have to report. I am really looking forward to posting pics from this challenge at the end of April. You know the best proof of growth is in the pics!!!
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okay ladies.....how are we doing? i kinda slacked off for a min but im back on...i did notice much thicker hair though.............4 more days...right????
Dang this is going to coincide with the bootcamp challenge:)
scarcity21 said:
okay ladies.....how are we doing? i kinda slacked off for a min but im back on...i did notice much thicker hair though.............4 more days...right????
Dang this is going to coincide with the bootcamp challenge:)

I slacked off for a minute, too. I experimented with a different brand of whey protein powder - Designer Whey French Vanilla. I was looking for a variety of whey protein that didn't have artificial sweeteners. They're hard to find! It seems like most whey protein powders contain lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners:ohwell: . Anyway....

The Designer Whey kinda sucked, but I didn't want to waste it, so I wound up using most of the 2 lb. canister. Took me some time, since I didn't really care for it. Designer Whey didn't have as much protein per serving (or taste!) as my beloved Jay Robb whey powder, though.

I just restocked with my JR whey and I'm back on track.:)