Question about ladies trying to speak to your SO or BF but not you


New Member
We downsized and live in a bldg surrounded by bums and the crazy lol!!!! We know the owners so that's why we took the apt, and because the apt is nice shockingly and extremely cheap we took it to save up.

There is this busted chick next door with a fake terrier (looks more like a mutt that had 1% terrier in it) the old people in here don't like her and the guy spilled all her b.i. to us......we don't care but people run their mouths anyway. and told us she's a bum and can't pay her bills and that her lights are out all the time, then the landlord chick talks about her too said she doesn't pay the rent and are constantly taking her to housing court and that her mutt messed up their carpet.

the owner told my mom (mom goes to owners laundry) that she had a baby and the mother took it because she wasn't fit or something and other crap of course complaints about her not paying the rent again.

Well to get to the point, i've noticed this chick trying to speak to my husband when she either thinks i'm not around or i'm not around. but then when she see's me she keeps it moving. Now when i've lived around married folks if i don't talk to one i don't talk to either, but with me and my mom other womens husbands were always trying to talk to us but we don't play into that crap and show respect.

Now I told my punk arse hubby if he doesn't say something the next time, if it happens again she's gonna feel my strong right fist. Now i've blackened someones eye in the past at the post office out here last summer (she pushed me and next thing I knew her eye was swollen it was reaction from her trying to push me) and I found out that the cops don't arrest folks out here for fist fights.

I don't want the harlem/bronx/hood to come out of me I try to be a decent chick and work good jobs (when their available) and keep myself together.

Have any of you ladies out here experienced this with bum chicks or chicks in general with your man? I know i'm not over reacting but my moms is like she'd ignore it because she's a freaking bum anyway, i don't care if she was a professor. When we together she doesn't speak, when she tried to speak to him the last time i was at the front door it's kind of hidden so she thought he was alone and he ignored her anyway but still why do it. I saw her looking at him like y your ignoring me and his body language was like yup he had his back turned our doors are a bit too close to each other.

then when she saw me standing a distance away she had this dumb look on her face.

I'm just asking ya'll opinion.......and before i end up in central booking.
What did your husband say when you told him to say something to her, and what did you tell him to say?? Does he talk to her when you are not around and only acts rigid and ignorant when you are around??

If you guys have a tight relationship and this female is no real threat it would be really silly to get into a fight with her over it, that just gives her a reason to know or think you are threatened by her even if you whoop all off in that *** given her busted eyes....she will know she's under your skin, and even still just you giving her the evil eye and attitude can very likely give her the impression that she knows you have a problem, and that can easily stroke the ego of a female who would love to have the attention of your man....

You guys are neighbors, you are going to run into each other at some point ya'll together, each of ya'll by yourselves can easily let her know the deal without sorting to fighting, even if its bluntly addressing the situation in a grown woman manner where you aren't coming off all crazy and mad, but at the same time calling her on her actions

When you are with him

In your situation above, if it was me and my husband was all at the door and she was being "friendly' I would make my presence known and join in the convo, him acting all scary will also be checked, dont let this chick think she can cause uncomfortability in my man with me

"We haven't been properly speak to my husband all the time I see...I must look mean or something since you never have anything to say to me or say to him when Im around or with him.......Do I...I can't think of any other reason why you feel the need to only speak to him and not me so maybe you can help me out and let me know why that is....."

People aren't used to being called out and put on the spot in a diplomatic way....they can easily resort to dumbness when they are came at in a angry sort of way and also put it in their heads that yea Im in their heads which makes them feel like they are doing something....

Call her out, let it be known that you are not worried about her without expressing any sort of emotion that may give her the impression you are(if you are really not), let it be known that her game isn't that tight
I'd fight the urge to chin check her as well. She seems to be preying on your man as a means of possible support, assuming she can get up in him and be a discreet side piece.

I would tell my husband to handle the situation and I would make it a point to be FRIENDLY as hell to her until she gives me a reason.
Girl i know how you feel. I'm goin through a similar situation with my hun and his ex. When she's in town (she lives waaay outta state) visiting her family she comes to visit his mother and if I'm around she completely ignores me. She's all in his face talking to him, but acts as if I dont exist. Its so disrespectful. She has openely expressed to his family that she doesnt like me.

I'm not the violent type, but I have been known to black a few eyes back in college....
ITA with be very friendly. I would speak to her and smile and KIM.

But maybe calling her out would work, too. I'm not that confrontational. But next time she speaks, we might BOTH go and start a convo all up in her face, staring in her face and smiling SO PLEASANTLY! HI!! I'm LHL adn this is hubby! We're new in the neighborhood. Your dog is SO CUTE!!! (that will get dog people talking, LOL)
you are right, I just have a really bad temper and I try to ignore things. But the next time i'm gonna do what you said and try to keep my hands in my pockets.

she is a bum, we are only living their to save money and once I find a steady job we are moving. that's not the only thing that pisses me off about her she will go and leave her dog for days and the dog one time was howling for 3 days I should have called animal control on her a##.

then she slams her damn door everytime she goes in or out, she's loud, sometimes i can hear her convo through my walls. she has a late night dude that's also a bum and when he leaves he doesn't close the front door (a decent families house was broken into the house next to mine).

I would really like to put her in the trunk of my car and take her for a looooooong drive to an undisclosed location.

And then it's like she has the nerve to try to speak to him? when she thinks he's alone, he's a punk and he hates confrontation, so whenever something pops off he gets all scared and ish. Most black guys i've dated would have cursed her out because they were smart enough to see what she's doing, but not this fool :wallbash:.

My moms said she wouldn't even waste her time with the bum, my mom knows more about her from the owner than i do and she's really triflent.

I have been asking him if he talks to her, and he's like no. When we moved here last Sept. from that time up until 2 months ago she would leave a minute or 2 after him to go to the bus stop. So of course during that time I have asked him do ya'll speak, because she doesn't have a car and I don't drive him to the train, so he takes the bus down the block.

What did your husband say when you told him to say something to her, and what did you tell him to say?? Does he talk to her when you are not around and only acts rigid and ignorant when you are around??

If you guys have a tight relationship and this female is no real threat it would be really silly to get into a fight with her over it, that just gives her a reason to know or think you are threatened by her even if you whoop all off in that *** given her busted eyes....she will know she's under your skin, and even still just you giving her the evil eye and attitude can very likely give her the impression that she knows you have a problem, and that can easily stroke the ego of a female who would love to have the attention of your man....

You guys are neighbors, you are going to run into each other at some point ya'll together, each of ya'll by yourselves can easily let her know the deal without sorting to fighting, even if its bluntly addressing the situation in a grown woman manner where you aren't coming off all crazy and mad, but at the same time calling her on her actions

When you are with him

In your situation above, if it was me and my husband was all at the door and she was being "friendly' I would make my presence known and join in the convo, him acting all scary will also be checked, dont let this chick think she can cause uncomfortability in my man with me

"We haven't been properly speak to my husband all the time I see...I must look mean or something since you never have anything to say to me or say to him when Im around or with him.......Do I...I can't think of any other reason why you feel the need to only speak to him and not me so maybe you can help me out and let me know why that is....."

People aren't used to being called out and put on the spot in a diplomatic way....they can easily resort to dumbness when they are came at in a angry sort of way and also put it in their heads that yea Im in their heads which makes them feel like they are doing something....

Call her out, let it be known that you are not worried about her without expressing any sort of emotion that may give her the impression you are(if you are really not), let it be known that her game isn't that tight
We downsized and live in a bldg surrounded by bums and the crazy lol!!!! We know the owners so that's why we took the apt, and because the apt is nice shockingly and extremely cheap we took it to save up.

There is this busted chick next door with a fake terrier (looks more like a mutt that had 1% terrier in it) the old people in here don't like her and the guy spilled all her b.i. to us......we don't care but people run their mouths anyway. and told us she's a bum and can't pay her bills and that her lights are out all the time, then the landlord chick talks about her too said she doesn't pay the rent and are constantly taking her to housing court and that her mutt messed up their carpet.

the owner told my mom (mom goes to owners laundry) that she had a baby and the mother took it because she wasn't fit or something and other crap of course complaints about her not paying the rent again.

Well to get to the point, i've noticed this chick trying to speak to my husband when she either thinks i'm not around or i'm not around. but then when she see's me she keeps it moving. Now when i've lived around married folks if i don't talk to one i don't talk to either, but with me and my mom other womens husbands were always trying to talk to us but we don't play into that crap and show respect.

Now I told my punk arse hubby if he doesn't say something the next time, if it happens again she's gonna feel my strong right fist. Now i've blackened someones eye in the past at the post office out here last summer (she pushed me and next thing I knew her eye was swollen it was reaction from her trying to push me) and I found out that the cops don't arrest folks out here for fist fights.

I don't want the harlem/bronx/hood to come out of me I try to be a decent chick and work good jobs (when their available) and keep myself together.

Have any of you ladies out here experienced this with bum chicks or chicks in general with your man? I know i'm not over reacting but my moms is like she'd ignore it because she's a freaking bum anyway, i don't care if she was a professor. When we together she doesn't speak, when she tried to speak to him the last time i was at the front door it's kind of hidden so she thought he was alone and he ignored her anyway but still why do it. I saw her looking at him like y your ignoring me and his body language was like yup he had his back turned our doors are a bit too close to each other.

then when she saw me standing a distance away she had this dumb look on her face.

I'm just asking ya'll opinion.......and before i end up in central booking.

Why are you trippin' over a crazy bum *itch?

Your husband does NOT want her. I don't even know him, but from what you've described of homegirl he would be disgusted at the thought of even going there.

I'm sorry, but she's just too close to home. Add to the fact that she's off her rocker, it would not be a smart decision. I'm assuming your husband is smart, isn't he?

Is she pretty?
ummm hmmm what i was thinking, since they use to be at the same bus stop i know she sees him dressed all nice to go work, and he does look like he has a really good job he does but it's with AIG so i may have to flirt with her man soon :lachen:. We obviously stick out in that bldg have a new car vs the people in the bldg either not having a car or their car is from the shaft collection lol!!!!

and no i'm not bashing those who don't have a car, when i was living in nyc i had a car too but then lost it (young and stupid) but even then i was still on the trains. I just have one now because it makes it easier to get around NJ :(

I noticed when we moved her the owner said oh some chick lives next door but she's barely there, and that she has a dog that we told her not to get because there's a no dog rule. the owner also was like don't let no women near your man. And I was wondering why she would say that, I don't have female friends anyway, one but she found her a copy of my guy (she normally dates real thugs, met my hubby and tries to compare her guy to mine:).

I was told that the person here before us lived with their man, so i'm wondering if she was trying to talk to that womans man, i just found it weird for the owner to say that.

I'd fight the urge to chin check her as well. She seems to be preying on your man as a means of possible support, assuming she can get up in him and be a discreet side piece.

I would tell my husband to handle the situation and I would make it a point to be FRIENDLY as hell to her until she gives me a reason.
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lol!!!! yeah i'm trying to leave my hidden ghetto ways behind me lol!!!! but every time i let it go someone pulls me back in :lachen:

Girl i know how you feel. I'm goin through a similar situation with my hun and his ex. When she's in town (she lives waaay outta state) visiting her family she comes to visit his mother and if I'm around she completely ignores me. She's all in his face talking to him, but acts as if I dont exist. Its so disrespectful. She has openely expressed to his family that she doesnt like me.

I'm not the violent type, but I have been known to black a few eyes back in college....
yeah i'm more confrontational lol!!!! I try not to be but the bad blood in me pushes me to explode and swing on folks. I have mainly hit people for a reason and when provoked, I'm a really nice chick but people in this world have no respect for people and are always crossing the line, F around and I may start putting stuff on her busted door mat.

Ladies, when I say she's busted I mean she is busted, along with the other trolls in here. This downgrade wasnt' worth it because after paying for heat we are right back spending alot for rental stuff.

I can't be friendly to her or her mutt (i love animals even mutts lol but.....not hers:) I just can't that's not my makeup. If it happens again in which i'm purposely gonna hide in the cut and give her rope to get smacked, I will try the nice route first, if she tries to be froggy then that's when Mrs right hands gonna intercept :lachen:

ITA with be very friendly. I would speak to her and smile and KIM.

But maybe calling her out would work, too. I'm not that confrontational. But next time she speaks, we might BOTH go and start a convo all up in her face, staring in her face and smiling SO PLEASANTLY! HI!! I'm LHL adn this is hubby! We're new in the neighborhood. Your dog is SO CUTE!!! (that will get dog people talking, LOL)
I can't I just can't :lachen:, maybe throw him a laxative biscuit lol!!!! oh wait she doesn't even take the dog out.

during the holidays we went to my moms and she was there alone the whole time, guess her jump off is married.

the owner told my moms anyway she is triflent, yes the owner is two faced and gossipy, and no she knows nothing about us except were trying to save but were not busted lol!!

Comment on how cute her dog is :) Prob Solved :)
If she's busted and lowdown looking then again, WHY are trippin'?

If by chance your man DOES sleep with her (which I seriously doubt), then that's when you need to give her any thought.

She's a desperate chickenhead, hoodrat ho. These women are EVERYWHERE in all socio-economic backgrounds, but moreso in the ghetto. They don't know how to keep or get a good, decent man of their own. You're probably right in the fact that she DOES want your husband, because he's everything she's dreamed of.

Let's face it, what are the odds that someone like HIM ever would have moved next door to her?

I have ugly, oogly, ghettofied men trying to talk to me all the time and I'm constantly like (in my head) "You know you have NEVER been with someone like ME in your life, so what makes you think that I would even "think" about giving you the time of day?" These men barely have command of the english language and actually believe they might have a chance with me. Not that I think I'm all that foine or anything, but everybody got a "fantasy" they want fulfilled.

I'd let it go if I were you. Just save up your money to move into a decent building.
your right and this is just what my moms said, she said she's doesn't even exist, so who cares. my moms was like women think they can get the attention of any man even if they are a hood rat. I feel bad everyday that we live here, it was another bad decision i made. and he hates hoodrats, he said she's never talked to him before so he said he was wondering why she was yapping. he ignored her guess that's that, he is real good at being a jerk, he's not confrontational but he can be rude.

I have to feel better about myself but with the bad job market, my hubby working for a company that will no longer exist soon it i guess i feel low, so even with a pookie talking to him i feel low :sad:.

But i'm going back to work this week seasonal tax stuff but at least my self esteem will be back where it should be.

thanks for laying it down honestly, i will now dust it off my shoulders.

If she's busted and lowdown looking then again, WHY are trippin'?

If by chance your man DOES sleep with her (which I seriously doubt), then that's when you need to give her any thought.

She's a desperate chickenhead, hoodrat ho. These women are EVERYWHERE in all socio-economic backgrounds, but moreso in the ghetto. They don't know how to keep or get a good, decent man of their own. You're probably right in the fact that she DOES want your husband, because he's everything she's dreamed of.

Let's face it, what are the odds that someone like HIM ever would have moved next door to her?

I have ugly, oogly, ghettofied men trying to talk to me all the time and I'm constantly like (in my head) "You know you have NEVER been with someone like ME in your life, so what makes you think that I would even "think" about giving you the time of day?" These men barely have command of the english language and actually believe they might have a chance with me. Not that I think I'm all that foine or anything, but everybody got a "fantasy" they want fulfilled.

I'd let it go if I were you. Just save up your money to move into a decent building.
your right and this is just what my moms said, she said she's doesn't even exist, so who cares. my moms was like women think they can get the attention of any man even if they are a hood rat. I feel bad everyday that we live here, it was another bad decision i made. and he hates hoodrats, he said she's never talked to him before so he said he was wondering why she was yapping. he ignored her guess that's that, he is real good at being a jerk, he's not confrontational but he can be rude.

I have to feel better about myself but with the bad job market, my hubby working for a company that will no longer exist soon it i guess i feel low, so even with a pookie talking to him i feel low :sad:.

But i'm going back to work this week seasonal tax stuff but at least my self esteem will be back where it should be.

thanks for laying it down honestly, i will now dust it off my shoulders.

Aw sweetie! :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:

Sadly, I know how you feel. :sad:

At least you have someone to help with the bills, I don't have anyone. I have to make some quick decisions on things as I type this. In fact, I shouldn't even be talking to you, I should be working on my resume. I just don't want to. I'm like how many times do I need to tweek this *ish for a b.s. job. I guess I'm depressed, but I don't have time to wallow in it. Sigh.

It'll get better longhairlover. Pookie's not the problem, just your self-esteem.

Now that you've said this, your husband needs to rectify this situation quick-fast by telling her to not talk to him anymore. That it's disrespectful to his WIFE and that he's NOT interested in being "friends". I would tell a man this in an instant if it was in reverse.

Cause if YOU do it, then she's gonna think your jealous and lord knows we can't have her thinking that in anyway, shape or form. :nono: No need to elevate HER self-esteem.
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yeah it's hard out there job wise, i don't tweak for my resume with key words for each job, it's annoying and even with the keywords and tweaking the calls aint' coming in like they use to. The job i'm starting is a temp job and they did a background check worse than when i worked with the irs seasonal. and then tomorrow I have to go for orientation, ummm it's a tax season temp job just ridiculous. jobs nowadays are taking advantage of the shortage and their processes are becoming unbearable.

don't get stressed it's really difficult out there right now and the jobs are scarce, it doesn't matter if a person has a GED or a freaking Graduate degree, there's too much competition and by the time we may send our resumes out hundreds of folks may have beat us to the punch.

thank you for the hugs,

i will just ignore her, i told his silly butt what to do, I don't care if he doesn't like confrontation if she normally doesn't speak then lets keep it that way. I don't talk to no womans man, and when i worked with the irs and a couple would come up i would address both of them just out of respect.

Aw sweetie! :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:

Sadly, I know how you feel. :sad:

At least you have someone to help with the bills, I don't have anyone. I have to make some quick decisions on things as I type this. In fact, I shouldn't even be talking to you, I should be working on my resume. I just don't want to. I'm like how many times do I need to tweek this *ish for a b.s. job. I guess I'm depressed, but I don't have time to wallow in it. Sigh.

It'll get better longhairlover. Pookie's not the problem, just your self-esteem.

Now that you've said this, your husband needs to rectify this situation quick-fast by telling her to not talk to him anymore. That it's disrespectful to his WIFE and that he's NOT interested in being "friends". I would tell a man this in an instant if it was in reverse.

Cause if YOU do it, then she's gonna think your jealous and lord knows we can't have her thinking that in anyway, shape or form. :nono: No need to elevate HER self-esteem.
it is triflent and they do it to get at us, just catty. she won't win because if it happens again i'll let him do things the nice way and if not Tati Holyfield will have to step in :lachen:. I have had my moments when i was single lots of times i remained patient and i didn't turn treacherous and start hollering at other womens chicks.

How does your Man handle it? Or does he just ignore them?

I know how you feel OP, I got neighbor "ladies" that do the same thing. Some broads are triffling.
i will just ignore her, i told his silly butt what to do, I don't care if he doesn't like confrontation if she normally doesn't speak then lets keep it that way. I don't talk to no womans man, and when i worked with the irs and a couple would come up i would address both of them just out of respect.

When I worked retail, even if it was the guy that was talking I always made sure to acknowledge the woman he was with. ALWAYS. Just to keep HER at ease and comfortable. If I didn't do that, then she would be glued to his hip the entire time in the store while I was showing him things. LOL!

Ahhh, women.
it is triflent and they do it to get at us, just catty. she won't win because if it happens again i'll let him do things the nice way and if not Tati Holyfield will have to step in :lachen:. I have had my moments when i was single lots of times i remained patient and i didn't turn treacherous and start hollering at other womens chicks.

How does your Man handle it? Or does he just ignore them?

Its always usually better when the man makes the stance and lets another woman know whats really up

I wasn't in your situation, but my ex had a friend from college who he used to mess with coming into town and told her he would pick her up and bring her to the house...he told her i was there and was like she's cool, she knows...but I could tell from how she was talking that she really thought she was gonna walk up in there and basically do what she felt like doing....I told him this before she even came but he was still like...nah its not like that....I was like, okay
looking forward to meeting her

long story short....she was at the house no more than an hour before I was giving him the look, not the Im salty look, the I know you see it look and smiled at him.....he had his friend come get her and told her if she needed to get around anywhere or what not he wasn't one to just leave her high and dry, but his friend would be available to do whatever or take her whereever and that he didnt appreciate her coming in his house and disrespecting me and he gave her the benefit of the doubt to act right and she didn't....I didn't have to say or do anything except wave good bye and was nothing to get upset over or come to blows, females will get in where they fit in

especially if the man doesn't step up and let her know at the present time there is no room for where you are trying to fit in at right now
your right. I try not to be like that, but he has to stand up, i'm the man in the relationship and he's mr. peace keeper. I told him what to do so we'll see if it happens again, he ignored her and I guess that's what's best to do but if she happens to be stupid next time he has to say something, if she gets smart then that's when mr. right hand will jump!!!!

i feel bad because i was out of work for so long and it makes everything piss me off. but i don't want to appear insecure to her, because that's not how it is, i have money to pay my bills and do other things (for some reason everyone in here knows her b.i. and spreads the word, she constantly has her lights cut off and they have had to take her to tenant court for rent). so i'm gonna keep telling him you have to step it up man,

my aunts' husband is white and he would've cursed her out by now, he takes no prisioners, i'm with mr. softee.....:wallbash:, and my husband grew up in the hood, i'm like what happened he has no aggressiveness in him crazy.

Its always usually better when the man makes the stance and lets another woman know whats really up

I wasn't in your situation, but my ex had a friend from college who he used to mess with coming into town and told her he would pick her up and bring her to the house...he told her i was there and was like she's cool, she knows...but I could tell from how she was talking that she really thought she was gonna walk up in there and basically do what she felt like doing....I told him this before she even came but he was still like...nah its not like that....I was like, okay
looking forward to meeting her

long story short....she was at the house no more than an hour before I was giving him the look, not the Im salty look, the I know you see it look and smiled at him.....he had his friend come get her and told her if she needed to get around anywhere or what not he wasn't one to just leave her high and dry, but his friend would be available to do whatever or take her whereever and that he didnt appreciate her coming in his house and disrespecting me and he gave her the benefit of the doubt to act right and she didn't....I didn't have to say or do anything except wave good bye and was nothing to get upset over or come to blows, females will get in where they fit in

especially if the man doesn't step up and let her know at the present time there is no room for where you are trying to fit in at right now
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i'm not like that because i know he's mine and the way we are personally. and I try not to be one of those chicks.
this weekend we went to kenneth cole and he was in the mens shoe section again i was somewhere hidden, so this sales girl comes out all helpful with him until she saw me and i gave her a look, i gave her a look because all of the women that were in the womens shoe section some of them looked like they needed help and i didn't see her over there trying to help them. soon as she thought a good man was around there she went.

and I mean my husband is attractive but i've dated waaaay more attractive men than him and this never happened. not until we got married, i know there's a shortage of men but come on we trying to take other sisters men? goodness!

another time a few weeks ago we were at this lounge on wall st. he said something to me about the giants somehow this chick with radar hearing heard him over the loud music and banter of the other people in there :lachen: and was like oh you like the giants i'm sooo sorry, so with sports he will argue and elderly woman down, so he battled her made her look stupid, but my thing was y u talking to my husband, even her co-workers were looking at her like y u talking to them and he's with his wife, ummmmmm my ring blings :lachen:especially in those settings, guess i have to get a larger ring. i have had my single moments and i never got that desperate to get attention from some other woman's man.

thing i hate about him is that he's too nice, if it was another guy i was with he would've rolled his eyes at her and we would've laughed at her, but no not with johnny nice :nono:

at least men do it on the low and they won't start a dang convo with a mans woman in front of the man.

When I worked retail, even if it was the guy that was talking I always made sure to acknowledge the woman he was with. ALWAYS. Just to keep HER at ease and comfortable. If I didn't do that, then she would be glued to his hip the entire time in the store while I was showing him things. LOL!

Ahhh, women.
Okay, I'm usually pretty PC on this board, but I cannot hold my tongue (or fingers, whatev). You really need to get over yourself. How can you expect people to respect you when you don't show respect. You are up here calling your husband a fool, punk and silly; and this woman is a bum?? You actually expect for your husband to cuss a woman out?? Are you for real?!

If you are a real woman, act like it. Confront these issues like a grown up. Use your words not your fists. Show respect, get respect...I'm out.
Did I say for him to curse her out? I said for him to say something, my husband is very respectful to women and I have respect for him, the girl is a bum i'm not assuming this people talk about her, no i didn't ask them but some in here and the dang owner likes to talk about her even if your just asking them a simple question unrelated.


learn the difference in posting a comment and starting ish.

There is nothing to get over, I am me and that's that! You must be seeing this post blurry because where did any part of this read or say he should curse her out? and that I don't respect people?

I hate when folks post a comment that is way off and based off of an assumption.

If you don't like the dang thread DON'T READ IT!!!!!

Maybe you should remain PC and back out of my post!

I am a real woman, maybe your the one trying to holla at other chicks husbands and boyfriends and that's why your taking offense.

I use my words, and if it comes to the hands I don't mind taking it there either. People respect me because I do respect others, I don't tolerate crap and that has nothing to do with respect, if someone is disrespecting me by trying to have a convo with my HUSBAND and they looked shocked when they saw I was a few steps away (she had her back turned to where i was standing) then they are crossing the line.

This thread was based on my situation and for other women that have experienced this in their relationships.

your out?....good dont come back!

one ya self!

Okay, I'm usually pretty PC on this board, but I cannot hold my tongue (or fingers, whatev). You really need to get over yourself. How can you expect people to respect you when you don't show respect. You are up here calling your husband a fool, punk and silly; and this woman is a bum?? You actually expect for your husband to cuss a woman out?? Are you for real?!

If you are a real woman, act like it. Confront these issues like a grown up. Use your words not your fists. Show respect, get respect...I'm out.
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Did I say for him to curse her out? I said for him to say something, my husband is very respectful to women and I have respect for him, the girl is a bum i'm not assuming this people talk about her, no i didn't ask them but some in here and the dang owner likes to talk about her even if your just asking them a simple question unrelated.


learn the difference in posting a comment and starting ish.

There is nothing to get over, I am me and that's that! You must be seeing this post blurry because where did any part of this read or say he should curse her out? and that I don't respect people?

my aunts' husband is white and he would've cursed her out by now, he takes no prisioners, i'm with mr. softee.....:wallbash:, and my husband grew up in the hood, i'm like what happened he has no aggressiveness in him crazy.

And then it's like she has the nerve to try to speak to him? when she thinks he's alone, he's a punk and he hates confrontation, so whenever something pops off he gets all scared and ish. Most black guys i've dated would have cursed her out because they were smart enough to see what she's doing, but not this fool:wallbash:.

lol!!!! yeah i'm trying to leave my hidden ghetto ways behind me lol!!!! but every time i let it go someone pulls me back in :lachen:
...Keep up the good work.

:clapping: :clap::yay::bouncy::cup::congrats:congrats! you win the prize of having nothing better to do!!!!

I would never allow any man of mine to literally curse at a women. My sentences were figuratively not literal.

It's funny how people always try to take a persons words and take them literally, I said curse a person out but not literally.

Thought you were leaving the post?

Please be gone out of my post. :wave: adios :wave:enemigo


Did I say for him to curse her out? I said for him to say something, my husband is very respectful to women and I have respect for him, the girl is a bum i'm not assuming this people talk about her, no i didn't ask them but some in here and the dang owner likes to talk about her even if your just asking them a simple question unrelated.


learn the difference in posting a comment and starting ish.

There is nothing to get over, I am me and that's that! You must be seeing this post blurry because where did any part of this read or say he should curse her out? and that I don't respect people?

...Keep up the good work.
