Progress...I can't believe I'm just seeing it (PICS)

gurl your hair is beautiful. now im gonna have to go and track my progress by taking pics too! Honestly i never wanted to take pics but now I see the value in it. I wish I took a pic of my hair when I first took my weave out after wearing it non stop for two yrs. My hair was dry, dull, and thin and balding all around the edges. I was hurt because I thought my hair would have automatically been healthy cuz i kept in the weave. well i was wrong. But since I have found LHCF and have been putting into practice the things Ive learned from you lovely ladies my hair has made a complete turn-a-round. My edges are filling back in, my hair is longer, the color is shinier...I could go on and on about the improvements. And my old co worker and mother even commented on how it has gotten fuller and longer. So that why I really wish I took a starter pic. But I was embarrassed (sp) by how it looked.

There is a huge difference between the 2 pics. Length, shine, fullness...just purty!!

I said all that to say this: thank you EnExitStageLeft, and all the other ladies on this forum who share their pics, progress, and regimes. Its because of you all that I really believe for the first time in my life that I could possibly reach BSL or even WL hair by loving and caring for my hair! THANK YOU!! <<<insert hearts and smiles here>>>

ps. Im 4b/mostly c, all natural, creeping towards SL

I cut about 2 to 2 1/2, maybe even three inches December 30st, 2012. I've since then dusted twice (1/4th inch the first time: Feb. 18th and 1/8th to a 1/4th of a inch the second time: Dec. 30th) and thats about it. I'm really gentle on the ends and baby them like a newborn :lol:.....Heavy sealing has really changed my ends life lol.

My Hair Before my cut in December 2012:

My Hair after the cut in December 2012:

How much I trimmed during my last dusting session (April 2013):

I cut about 2 to 2 1/2, maybe even three inches December 30st, 2012. I've since then dusted twice (1/4th inch the first time: Feb. 18th and 1/8th to a 1/4th of a inch the second time: Dec. 30th) and thats about it. I'm really gentle on the ends and baby them like a newborn :lol:.....Heavy sealing has really changed my ends life lol.

My Hair Before my cut in December 2012:
View attachment 209229

My Hair after the cut in December 2012:
View attachment 209231

How much I trimmed during my last dusting session (April 2013):
View attachment 209233

You sure are doing an excellent job with your regi.
Great progress!! Post your regimen :-)


During the winter and early spring:

I prepoo w/ oil
Shampoo (Chelate/clarify once a month)
Reconstructive Treatment (2x a month or every other week)
Moisturizing DC w/ Steam
Air Dry using the banding method(I'm texlaxed and my hair still shrinks to nothin :rolleyes: lol)

I use a modfied LOC method, <LCOB(Butter)or P(Pomade)> on my hair to moisturize daily.

During Late Spring and All of summer: I go Curly Girl exclusively (I start this regimen in 2 weeks :) excited)

Once a week I....

I prepoo w/ oil
Cleanse with a cleansing conditioner
Reconstructive treatment (2x a month)
Moisturizing DC w/ Steam
Air dry using the banding method

1x-2x a week I'll........

Insert a quickie moisturizing DC w/ steam and then cowash it out with my personal slippy condish mix

In between my wash session I continue to LCOB/P my hair to moisturize.

Hope this was detailed enough :) and thanks so much for your kind words!
My Friend

What it contains:

1 cup of Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating Calming Conditioner
1 1/2 cups of V05 Moisture Milks Strawberries and Cream Conditioner
1 cup of Tresseme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner
1 tablespoons of all of the following: Olive oil, Coconut oil, Rice Bran oil, Castor Oil and Vitamin E oil (Preservative)
10 drops of rosemary essential oil (Another Preservative)
2 tablespoons of Honey (Agave Nectar is also good)
4 tablespoons of steeped and strained Slippery Elm Bark
4 tablespoons of steeped and strained Marshmallow Root

HTH's :)
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Congrats!!!! You inspired me in the "thicker hair" challenge! Can't wait to see your hair in the Fall.
Beautiful hair! KUTGW chica! Yep, hairnorexia is def. Real. I have to take a look at pics too, otherwise it can seem like nothing is happening!
I'm still a big believer in taking hair photos and have been for the past 5 years of my LHCF journey. It really gives perspective. My one piece of advice is to continue taking them when you reach your goal. It's just a good practice that's helpful for you and can be encouraging for others who are pursuing a healthy haircare journey.
I'm still a big believer in taking hair photos and have been for the past 5 years of my LHCF journey. It really gives perspective. My one piece of advice is to continue taking them when you reach your goal. It's just a good practice that's helpful for you and can be encouraging for others who are pursuing a healthy haircare journey.

Will do :)