Envybeauty Progress Pics :)

Ummm... you look BSL to me. usually, alot of peoples bra strap are where the top of your cami is. Plus you look like you have a shorter torso (not saying it's a good or bad thing) but you actually look almost MBL to me :yep: Your hair is beautiful BTW!
Great Progress! :clap: ITA with the others who say you must be sportin' a low ridin' bra. How far is your brastrap from the cinch in your waist?

my bras must hang helllllllllllllllla low on my back because every pic i took showed me needing another 1/2 inch to an inch :perplexed. not one strand touched it. i thought i was until i was snapping away pic after pic last week.

Enybeauty, our hair is the same length. It's taking me a long time to reach BSL because my bras fit the same as yours do. So I measure my progress by wearing cami's :) You are not alone :laugh:
Very Nice~ I agree with everyone else that to me you are BSL already. You wear your Bra Strap around your waist?? :look:
Your hair is beautiful. So lush! You are so close to brastrap that it looks like you are. You sure you are not there yet??
if anyone cares......:look: I don't know why these pics are so darn big. I haven't posted pics in ages so I forgot how to resize them :(

I HAVE MADE PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost three years worth. :grin:

Still not BSL. I didn't want to post pics in just my bra from behind so I threw on the pink cami to show that my hair is still not BSL. YETTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Yes, my hair grows hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllla slow.

Thank you Lord!!!

Pic January 16, 2006

Pic Sept. 18, 2008


You may not be bra strap but your hair looks so much better. Good job, chickie.
Beautiful. I think you are on your way to MBL. Good luck. What products do you use. If you posted this earlier I'm sorry didn't go through the whole thread.