Please prayer for strength and healing for DH and our family and friends. His beloved aunt died after battling various illnesses in NYC and then being moved out of state for better care. We are leaving town tomorrow to travel to the funeral. I do take comfort in knowing that she probably lived longer by getting out of NYC and to better providers since DH spent a lot of time battling with doctors in NYC who seemed overworked and not as caring.

Dearest @naturalmanenyc

Praying for you, your husband and your family. Thanking God for your peace, your safe travels and I truly thank God for your heart of love and for you being such a faithful woman of love and prayer.

You truly are a 'jewel' that shines for your family and other loved ones. May your precious husband's aunt, 'rest in loving peace' with the Lord Jesus... Our Christ.

God bless each of you and know that we are with you in heart. :love3:
Please pray for my mom who lost the love of her life suddenly.

Please pray that I come out of this situation by finding a job that can fully support my life.

Please just pray for my family in general. We are all really going through it.


Hi there :wave:

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom's loss of someone she loves. I pray for God to heal her broken heart and to bring her through this in His loving peace and please know and be fully assured that God indeed loves your Mom. And with this Love for her, is His secure embrace of her, into His heart, to love the hurt and pain away; and to rebuild her heart and her life, anew.

Regarding your prayer to find a job, I pray that God does exceedingly, abundantly and far above your prayers and expectations and that you will see and experience the full love of God in your heart and in your life and have more than just a job, but total provision for all of your needs and a closeness between you and God that you have never known possible.

So matter what has occurred in your past, and even in your Mom's past...all is forgiven and God is bringing a brand new start for each of you and it will be safe in Him.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Please stay in touch. The prayers never expire for they come from God's heart which is forever.
Prayer for my hubby and myself. He's having a small outpatient surgery Monday that he's kinda nervous about but very optimistic. This Saturday before his surgery I take my school administration test. I find it hard to study though because I'm tiiiiired. I feel like I've been moving around too much this summer instead of resting up for a new school year.

Also pray that my mom figures out what to do. My Gma is losing her sight. It's really time for her to move with us. She's almost blind but lives alone and cooks/cleans for herself. It's dangerous to keep this up as her sight continues to decrease. My mom is afraid to push the issue because she feels older people value their independence over all and taking it away from her may kill her (she's like 93). I can see this whole thing is kind of stressful for my mom as she is the only child and there's only so much my sibling and I can do.
Prayer for my hubby and myself. He's having a small outpatient surgery Monday that he's kinda nervous about but very optimistic. This Saturday before his surgery I take my school administration test. I find it hard to study though because I'm tiiiiired. I feel like I've been moving around too much this summer instead of resting up for a new school year.

Also pray that my mom figures out what to do. My Gma is losing her sight. It's really time for her to move with us. She's almost blind but lives alone and cooks/cleans for herself. It's dangerous to keep this up as her sight continues to decrease. My mom is afraid to push the issue because she feels older people value their independence over all and taking it away from her may kill her (she's like 93). I can see this whole thing is kind of stressful for my mom as she is the only child and there's only so much my sibling and I can do.


Just wanted to let you know that many saw your post and have been holding you up in prayer and still are praying for you and your family :love2: Please stay encouraged and keep us posted. As for your Grandmom, she will be honored to live with you. She just doesn't want to be a burden. However, your love for her will assure her that she is not and that each of you welcome her with open hearts and arms. At 93 years 'YOUNG', your Grandmom is amazing. God bless her.

God's love is hovering over each of you in your family and He is perfecting every concern that you have in your heart.

Love and blessings to you.

can you say another prayer.

my test week or so ago revealed another spot on my liver.

i knew when the NP came in with the oncologist i was in for bad news.

now i have to have a complete bone scan, brain and head scan,chest scan. i have the scans on tuesday and wednesday i am having a biopsy of the liver.

i also see him this friday..before he goes away for vacation. he is working on course of action and i will start that next monday,

i know i am in for another battle, a fight for my life.

i can sure use prayers from you seems my prayers are not enough.

SO took me away for my bday and it felt good to get away..but now i am faced with this..trying to remain positive is so hard.
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can you say another prayer.

my test week or so ago revealed another spot on my liver.

i knew when the NP came in with the oncologist i was in for bad news.

now i have to have a complete bone scan, brain and head scan, bone scan. i have the scans on tuesday and wednesday i am having a biopsy of the liver.

i also see him this friday..before he goes away for vacation. he is working on course of action and i will start that next monday,

i know i am in for another battle, a fight for my life.

i can sure use prayers from you seems my prayers are not enough.

SO took me away for my bday and it felt good to get away..but now i am faced with this..trying to remain positive is so hard.

Dearest @fatimablush

:bighug: :grouphug2: :bighug:

Fear not, precious one, God will never leave you for forsake you. Please know as well, that He has heard the very heart of your prayers and will not abandon you. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
I really appreciate you for keeping this thread alive.
We discovered that more in-laws are going through medical issues while out of town for the funeral.
I hope we can make it through 2015 with no more funerals.

Dearest @naturalmanenyc

Praying for you, your husband and your family. Thanking God for your peace, your safe travels and I truly thank God for your heart of love and for you being such a faithful woman of love and prayer.

You truly are a 'jewel' that shines for your family and other loved ones. May your precious husband's aunt, 'rest in loving peace' with the Lord Jesus... Our Christ.

God bless each of you and know that we are with you in heart. :love3:
I really appreciate you for keeping this thread alive.
We discovered that more in-laws are going through medical issues while out of town for the funeral.
I hope we can make it through 2015 with no more funerals.

Hey Angel... :grouphug2: Praying with you :pray:

One thing I know, "for this cause, we have Jesus' who will always see us through.

I can't help but notice how you always come to Jesus no matter what. And He sees this, God sees your faith and how strong it continues to trust in Him. God is so blessed by your faith in Him throughout all of this and indeed He is blessing you and drawing you closer to Him in love.

Regarding your concerns for your family:

Psalm 112 -- "I will not fear evil tidings (bad news), for my heart is fixed (it is established), trusting in the Lord".
can you say a prayer for me...

i now have two spots on my liver and one on my lung.

my insurance is giving me problems again as usual...please say a prayer...i really feel like screaming.

Dear Father, in the name of Jesus, you are the God who heals us all and you are Jehovah Jireh who not only provides but whose provision SHALL be seen in your daughter's life.

Lord Jesus, thank you for covering this dear one with your peace, your soft and gentle presence that nothing and no one can ever steal away from her.

Lord, I thank you so much for this and more. In your precious name which is forever and always, Amen and Amen
Please keep DH and our family and friends in prayer. His favorite uncle died.
It has been a very difficult year with so many deaths among our family and friends.
Please keep DH and our family and friends in prayer. His favorite uncle died.
It has been a very difficult year with so many deaths among our family and friends.

Dear @naturalmanenyc

First, I just have to give you and your family a great big family hug ((((Hug)))) and it surpasses the Internet, it comes straight from my heart.

I ask God to bless you and your husband and family members with the peace that surpasses all understanding and that you are richly embodied with a strength that only God can give to keep each you tightly knit together as one.

Dearest Naturalmanenyc, you've watched your different family members go through so much and yet you still remain a rock for each and everyone of them. May God continue to bless you with more love than you've ever known and that you and your husband and family will always be health and strong and protected and with God's total provision in every area of your lives.

I pray God's loving protection over your marriage and your children. That the cares of this life and the evils of this world will never touch your bodies nor your hearts. You, your husband and children will always be of those, who trust and believe in the Lord and never, ever sway back from Him nor concede to the whims of this world. These prayers shall never expire for God is forever and so is His word.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

Be at peace, dear one, please be at peace, for God is with you, always.
Thank you to all of you that have asked for prayer or prayed for others. God is listening. He is able.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Thank you so much for being here with all of your love, prayers and support. It is appreciated far more than you know. Please keep posting for you are truly blessing many, many hearts who have need of prayers and yet have not posted.

God bless you beyond your prayers. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hi Everyone,
I am asking for prayer for my family right now. My children are having behavior issues and I can't seem to change it. My youngest was taken to his doc and was evaluated and doesn't have any mental disorders it's strictly behavior. I sent his to a preschool that was meant to help children with behavior issues and it has gotten worse because he was exposed to kids with mental disorders and truly bad problems and he took on heir behaviors. It hurts that I can't help him. Their father hasn't had contact in about 4 years and I know they both hurt from that. Both have a hard time dealing with rejection and have anger issues.

I am having financial troubles. I was doing well then the patient I care for daily went into the hospital for an extended period of time and I was unable to get enough work to cover bills. I am back to work now and am doing doubles alot to try and catch up but I am so far behind it isn't working. We haven't had proper food in our home in almost 3 weeks. Thank God my mom helps us out alot. Almost every bill is paid short right now and I an renting my bedroom set and they are coming to get it today because I don't have the $165 to pay the bill. I'm trying to not feel defeated right now because I know that God is my provider and he has seen us through some situations before. I am trying so hard to keep a roof on our head right now because a year ago we were living in a shelter and we refuse to go back. Please pray for us that things turn around very soon.
Hi Everyone,
I am asking for prayer for my family right now. My children are having behavior issues and I can't seem to change it. My youngest was taken to his doc and was evaluated and doesn't have any mental disorders it's strictly behavior. I sent his to a preschool that was meant to help children with behavior issues and it has gotten worse because he was exposed to kids with mental disorders and truly bad problems and he took on heir behaviors. It hurts that I can't help him. Their father hasn't had contact in about 4 years and I know they both hurt from that. Both have a hard time dealing with rejection and have anger issues.

I am having financial troubles. I was doing well then the patient I care for daily went into the hospital for an extended period of time and I was unable to get enough work to cover bills. I am back to work now and am doing doubles alot to try and catch up but I am so far behind it isn't working. We haven't had proper food in our home in almost 3 weeks. Thank God my mom helps us out alot. Almost every bill is paid short right now and I an renting my bedroom set and they are coming to get it today because I don't have the $165 to pay the bill. I'm trying to not feel defeated right now because I know that God is my provider and he has seen us through some situations before. I am trying so hard to keep a roof on our head right now because a year ago we were living in a shelter and we refuse to go back. Please pray for us that things turn around very soon.

Dear @prettykinks

Don't give up on your faith in your children. I was in a similar situation with my son and what I learned was to dedicate my children unto the Lord. I have asked the Lord to help me with a prayer for you. This is it below. Be blessed for God is giving you His best... :yep: For He loves you so much and more. :love2: Here's the prayer for you:

'Lord, I commit unto you my children in Jesus' Name. You have a divine plan for each of them and because I am releasing them unto you, there is no weapon no evil plan that can remove them from out of your hand. Jesus said, that whatever has been given unto Him cannot be taken from His hand, therefore my children are indeed safe with you.

Dear Lord each day, I allow my heart to be open to your loving guidance as to what I should do for the care of my babies, for you will never, ever lead me astray. It is your wisdom that shall prevail in my heart and not fear nor doubt.

I allow you to repel the enemy from the paths of my children and that they will be embraced with your heart and your protection from any and all negative forces which are in this earth. No evil shall befall them, no harm shall come near them, for you are there and you truly care for the protection of their souls and well-being.

Lord, I thank you for the right teachers and the right teaching environment for my son and that no unclean spirits shall prevail over nor around them. Give them a sound mind, a peaceful spirit, a pure heart that is lead by and for you, for they have been dedicated for you to care for them fully.

I thank your for releasing my finances from the 'foxes which spoil the vine', meaning the deliberate overcharging from companies and excessive billings from vendors who take advantage of those in dire need. I thank you that the rental company can no longer take advantage of my finances for they are vultures who charge upwards of 200% or more for the rentals of furnishings and appliances that are not only overpriced but are also 'USED' merchandise that has been in other homes, used and contaminated by others, unknown and then re-rented to others uncleaned, therefore, you have blessed me with being released from this robbery and you shall surely provide me with new furnishings and paid in full, owing no one ever again.

In Jesus' Name, you are working all of this for my 'Good' and not bad. And for this I thank you over and over again; for you Dear God are forever faithful and I trust you to make all things new in my life and for my sons a brand new beginning with no end.

In Jesus' Name, I love you Dear God and I let everything go and let you show...'Up' in my life in all.

Amen and Amen.

Praying for you and your family cause you are being tag teamed by the evil one and his cronies but you and your family will prevail in Jesus name Amen.

Adding some suggestions and please don't take this the wrong way I'm just giving you options that may help.

Since your little ones are still very young read them biblical bedtime stories every night. It will sink in their brains subconscious (good for later on when thier older) and calm them before bedtime.

Also if you're not doing this already after story time pray with them at night before bedtime and before meals. Put God first and show your children that example and they will follow your example.

Jesus loves you. I know you do this but tell them that you love them more often than usual than you already do everyday multiple times a day. Also tell them that Jesus loves them everyday.that will counter act the negativity of not having Dad around.

If and when they ask about their father tell them it's not their fault or anyone's fault Dad is confused and just made some mistakes and that being angry or mad at everyone else in the world including themselves only making them and you unhappy and you all want to be happy.

Also once you get yourself caught up and can afford some furniture don't go back to those leeches at the rental place. Go to some good wills Salvation Army places some have use furniture in good condition some from stores that have gone out of business the price on the ticket is not the price you have to pay haggle the price down and get it for a bargain. You can also buy good quality clothes there for almost nothing just wash and iron and its new.

For food assistance there are government pantries but they will only help you so much if you qualify but I know that Catholic food pantries give food weekly without fail they also help pay bills just do a google search for your area under Catholic food pantry you can also ask at the local Catholic Church by phone or in person. There are other religious food pantries but I don't know there schedules if they're available everywhere.

Also if you stop by in person ask the Preist or Deacon to say a blessing and prayer for you and your children. Tell him about the behavioral problems beforehand so he can tailor his prayer. There's always a service every morning 7 days a week 7-8am you can always catch them right after and ask.

PS you don't have to be Catholic for them to help you.

Link to biblical bedtime stories
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Praying for you and your family cause you are being tag teamed by the evil one and his cronies but you and your family will prevail in Jesus name Amen.

Adding some suggestions and please don't take this the wrong way I'm just giving you options that may help.

Since your little ones are still very young read them biblical bedtime stories every night. It will sink in their brains subconscious (good for later on when thier older) and calm them before bedtime.

Also if you're not doing this already after story time pray with them at night before bedtime and before meals. Put God first and show your children that example and they will follow your example.

Jesus loves you. I know you do this but tell them that you love them more often than usual than you already do everyday multiple times a day. Also tell them that Jesus loves them everyday.that will counter act the negativity of not having Dad around.

If and when they ask about their father tell them it's not their fault or anyone's fault Dad is confused and just made some mistakes and that being angry or mad at everyone else in the world including themselves only making them and you unhappy and you all want to be happy.

Also once you get yourself caught up and can afford some furniture don't go back to those leeches at the rental place. Go to some good wills Salvation Army places some have use furniture in good condition some from stores that have gone out of business the price on the ticket is not the price you have to pay haggle the price down and get it for a bargain. You can also buy good quality clothes there for almost nothing just wash and iron and its new.

For food assistance there are government pantries but they will only help you so much if you qualify but I know that Catholic food pantries give food weekly without fail they also help pay bills just do a google search for your area under Catholic food pantry you can also ask at the local Catholic Church by phone or in person. There are other religious food pantries but I don't know there schedules if they're available everywhere.

Also if you stop by in person ask the Preist or Deacon to say a blessing and prayer for you and your children. Tell him about the behavioral problems beforehand so he can tailor his prayer. There's always a service every morning 7 days a week 7-8am you can always catch them right after and ask.

PS you don't have to be Catholic for them to help you.

Link to biblical bedtime stories

Thank you so much for being here. Your post is most helpful and you are right about the Catholic Church's outreach. They were a huge help to me when my children were very young and I was trying to get by on my own. I thank God for my family's support and the loving kindness from the Catholic Church who never asked questions, they just opened their hearts when I asked for their help.
Dear @prettykinks

Don't give up on your faith in your children. I was in a similar situation with my son and what I learned was to dedicate my children unto the Lord. I have asked the Lord to help me with a prayer for you. This is it below. Be blessed for God is giving you His best... :yep: For He loves you so much and more. :love2: Here's the prayer for you:

'Lord, I commit unto you my children in Jesus' Name. You have a divine plan for each of them and because I am releasing them unto you, there is no weapon no evil plan that can remove them from out of your hand. Jesus said, that whatever has been given unto Him cannot be taken from His hand, therefore my children are indeed safe with you.

Dear Lord each day, I allow my heart to be open to your loving guidance as to what I should do for the care of my babies, for you will never, ever lead me astray. It is your wisdom that shall prevail in my heart and not fear nor doubt.

I allow you to repel the enemy from the paths of my children and that they will be embraced with your heart and your protection from any and all negative forces which are in this earth. No evil shall befall them, no harm shall come near them, for you are there and you truly care for the protection of their souls and well-being.

Lord, I thank you for the right teachers and the right teaching environment for my son and that no unclean spirits shall prevail over nor around them. Give them a sound mind, a peaceful spirit, a pure heart that is lead by and for you, for they have been dedicated for you to care for them fully.

I thank your for releasing my finances from the 'foxes which spoil the vine', meaning the deliberate overcharging from companies and excessive billings from vendors who take advantage of those in dire need. I thank you that the rental company can no longer take advantage of my finances for they are vultures who charge upwards of 200% or more for the rentals of furnishings and appliances that are not only overpriced but are also 'USED' merchandise that has been in other homes, used and contaminated by others, unknown and then re-rented to others uncleaned, therefore, you have blessed me with being released from this robbery and you shall surely provide me with new furnishings and paid in full, owing no one ever again.

In Jesus' Name, you are working all of this for my 'Good' and not bad. And for this I thank you over and over again; for you Dear God are forever faithful and I trust you to make all things new in my life and for my sons a brand new beginning with no end.

In Jesus' Name, I love you Dear God and I let everything go and let you show...'Up' in my life in all.

Amen and Amen.

Thank you soooo much Shimmie!!!! I am so glad I posted my prayer request. I felt ashamed and embarrassed and didn't want to put my business out there. I'm so thankful for this prayer It really touched my heart.

Praying for you and your family cause you are being tag teamed by the evil one and his cronies but you and your family will prevail in Jesus name Amen.

Adding some suggestions and please don't take this the wrong way I'm just giving you options that may help.

Since your little ones are still very young read them biblical bedtime stories every night. It will sink in their brains subconscious (good for later on when thier older) and calm them before bedtime.

Also if you're not doing this already after story time pray with them at night before bedtime and before meals. Put God first and show your children that example and they will follow your example.

Jesus loves you. I know you do this but tell them that you love them more often than usual than you already do everyday multiple times a day. Also tell them that Jesus loves them everyday.that will counter act the negativity of not having Dad around.

If and when they ask about their father tell them it's not their fault or anyone's fault Dad is confused and just made some mistakes and that being angry or mad at everyone else in the world including themselves only making them and you unhappy and you all want to be happy.

Also once you get yourself caught up and can afford some furniture don't go back to those leeches at the rental place. Go to some good wills Salvation Army places some have use furniture in good condition some from stores that have gone out of business the price on the ticket is not the price you have to pay haggle the price down and get it for a bargain. You can also buy good quality clothes there for almost nothing just wash and iron and its new.

For food assistance there are government pantries but they will only help you so much if you qualify but I know that Catholic food pantries give food weekly without fail they also help pay bills just do a google search for your area under Catholic food pantry you can also ask at the local Catholic Church by phone or in person. There are other religious food pantries but I don't know there schedules if they're available everywhere.

Also if you stop by in person ask the Preist or Deacon to say a blessing and prayer for you and your children. Tell him about the behavioral problems beforehand so he can tailor his prayer. There's always a service every morning 7 days a week 7-8am you can always catch them right after and ask.

PS you don't have to be Catholic for them to help you.

Link to biblical bedtime stories

Thanks Lucia for the tips! I have gone to the Catholic Church for the food bank but I work during the hours they issue food. I think they may have one night session I have to check. I had forgotten about this resource. I will start the bible stories tomorrow night with my boys.
Thank you soooo much Shimmie!!!! I am so glad I posted my prayer request. I felt ashamed and embarrassed and didn't want to put my business out there. I'm so thankful for this prayer It really touched my heart.
You are so very welcome. You will not fail in this. God is going to show great and mighty things that you never knew existed nor thought possible. You are going to discover many strengths that you never knew you had and all with great peace and the love of God with you all the way. God's word says that you will never be ashamed nor will you be forsaken. You are more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who truly loves you beyond words and this temporary challenge.

Stay strong. You have already won this battle.

Ladies I tried to give the good news to someone today. I felt that I had to say something to this person. But I don't know if the message even got through please pray for this person (God knows who they are) that they're heart will be opened and they will receive Jesus as their Lord and savior Amen.
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please say a friend who has been with my for years....she just had a stroke. she is a true DIVA.a kind hearted one. Please.
Dear Father in Heaven and Earth... thank you for healing this dear one.

Thank you that the strength and loving warmth of your healing is felt by her and that you are strengthening every nerve, cell and function of her body and that she will rise above this and walk in beauty, you shall grant her the grace and elegance of being a woman that will never show the signs of a stroke...only your healing in her duly enhanced.

Dear Father, thou art God and none is above you; for thou art God forever and ever,

In Jesus' name, Amen.